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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/15 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    I've been adding a few tweaks into the golden rod city map as some of you know to make it less of a clusterfuck(at times) I would love some feedback before I submit it for potential testing on the server. *I will do this with ecureak when it's more stable (scumbag editing each tree hit box ;_:)* IF YOU HAVE ANY FEEDBACK PLEASE POST BELOW/MESSAGE ME ON HERE OR STEAM TYXOX Custom moving entity pokemon Basically in some areas(that are rarely ever walked in) have some entity models of pokemon which move in set paths, which can be destroyed from (~400 dmg) and will take 7 minutes to respawn, I just basically want opinions on this as maybe it was just a moment of madness/witchcraft by me. Building restrictions In each spawn I enabled teleporter entrances to be created, this could provide the option for some players to get out of spawn traps etc ~~~ still tiny implement that could be changed in a minute. Music So far i have changed many of the songs which are mainly from PokeRemixStudio - YouTube most of these are remixes from original pkmn songs, again If anyone wants to post a song to be added i will add those songs into it(as long as it's relevant). TLDR; Feel free to post feedback for a potential update to goldenrod city. **These updates are tiny the models are a roughly 2mb all together with paktak**
  2. 2 points

    Cr1tikal - Team Fortress 2

    The hell is that supposed to mean?
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points

    Cutest Roommate 2k15

    @Hachi @BananaShoes @Ohstopyou @kbraszzz @Bach @Whyte @ChickenPanda Who needs a working pc when you have a puppy.
  5. 1 point

    Xg Hearthstone Cards

    People who helped make the cards: @StarmiX @Insane People in the cards: @kbraszzz @ChickenPanda @Bach @Dethman @Hachi @StarmiX @ Waimalu @Marceline @Nomulous Website is called Hearthstone Card Generator | HearthCards . Feel free to post the ones you made here!
  6. 1 point
    In light of recent events, the DMs and DLs of our TF2 division have congregated and discussed at length how our Mods and Admins are to handle specific offenses, those of which are directly related to "Death Threats", "Encouraging Suicide", and "Disrespect" as a whole. @Vector created a thread on the forums last night that directly addressed these issues. If you haven't seen said thread, it can be read here: Death Threats | Xeno Gamers In this thread, many good points have been made about the validity of individuals being banned for using such harsh terms as "Go Kill Yourself" and whether or not these kinds of insults should be tied into the "Death Threat" category. On one side, many of our members are of the mindset that this is the kind of language and treatment we want to avoid on our servers at all costs. The other side feels that we are making too many leaps and bounds to ensure that people aren't being offended. Both are valid concerns, and I can say a decision has been made. Henceforth, the way we handle these kinds of offenses is to change. Before this, we were permanently banning individuals for using such harsh language towards others on our servers, but now, we are going to be a tad bit more lenient. To all the Mods and Admins reading this thread, you are expected to follow the same measures as we have always expected of you when dealing with said issues: Warn, then Mute/Gag, then Kick, then Ban if the offenses continue. No longer are we expecting immediate bans of any sort. Instead, you are to follow the same procedure as with any other disrespecting individual. ANY MODS OR ADMINS NOT FOLLOWING PROCEDURE AS WE EXPECT WILL FACE IMMEDIATE DEMOTION. You are all expected to follow procedure with a level head, to the tee. Absolutely no exceptions. The DMs have all unanimously decided that members telling others to kill themselves is NOT as severe as telling someone that they are going to be murdered. That being said, this offense will still be met with a matter of severity. If you encounter any individuals who continue to tell others that they need to kill themselves, even after the warnings, then the offense will be met with no lower than a week ban at minimum. This is ONLY to be dealt out if said individual continues to ignore warnings and persist with their behavior. As I stated above, any Mods or Admins who are NOT following the given procedure to deal with offenders will be met with immediate demotion. PLEASE ensure you are following correct procedure and giving warnings, using the mute and gag systems, and using the kick function before issuing bans. This should be the norm with ANY issue you face, and bans should only be used in the most extreme cases. As always, when bans are administered, please also do your best to collect the proper evidence if you feel it necessary to possibly seek a permanent ban down the line. We do not want ill-spoken users making anyone's experience negative, but at the same time, we don't want to turn into Nazi's trying to censor everyone and cater to the smallest hurt feelings. No longer will we treat "Go Kill Yourself" offenses as permanent bans, but will handle them as any other form of disrespect. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to post in this thread. Thank you. @Moosty @Rejects @Ohstopyou @kbraszzz
  7. 1 point

    Xg Hearthstone Cards

  8. 1 point

    Xg Hearthstone Cards

  9. 1 point
    I honestly couldn't care about the other two, but frantic is hell on earth, so yeah. Bad map Buggy map Tons of exploits. A mic to annoy the crap out of everyone.
  10. 1 point

    Vaycay - Finally :]

    Finally? Whatcha running from bub? Kidding, hope you have a grand ole time.
  11. 1 point

    Vaycay - Finally :]

    good luck on you VACation ;)
  12. 1 point
    If possible can you restrict the construction of buildings in areas where door teleports you into an area and not just opens up. This will eliminate 60% of the rules broken no pokemon (body blocking with buildings.) If not then oh well, i like the other stuff implemented from reading it, especially teleporters in spawn.
  13. 1 point
    Can't spys use teleporters? I know it probably took a lot of work, but I think people won't mind them too much if they cannot collide with them. Nobody likes to be held up by running into another player, let alone a dynamic part of the map :) Oh just read it's in areas not really used by players. Still think you shouldn't be able to collide with it. That's good. I had to use an entity filter to strip out lavender town from the map. People were just complaining too much about it, and it's not really a pleasant song to listen too haha! Also a request. The building places with the alley ways, some you can walk through and others you can't. Would you feel it would ruin the experience if you widened some of them for consistency sake? Just my opinions!
  14. 1 point

    Xg Hearthstone Cards

    @Colorparty @Bach @Muzzle @Forest @Ghosty
  15. 1 point

    Vaycay - Finally :]

    Bai bae, don't get killed by those fucking whales
  16. 1 point

    Cutest Roommate 2k15

    Moosty confirmed has cutest puppy. My dogs are weird because one is lazy af and the other one stop running. And when you try to sleep the fat one lays next to you and the puppy trys to fit in in between. Used my brother as demonstration. Oh i also forgot to say that my puppy hates shoes. both are confirmed beagles and i love them to fucking death.
  17. 1 point

    Vaycay - Finally :]

    Bye OhStopYou! Be sure not to go to florida on the coldest week of summer like i did. <3 #HorrificFlashbacks
  18. 1 point

    Vaycay - Finally :]

  19. 1 point

    Egossi's Mona Pizza Challange

    +1 @diabeetus
  20. 1 point

    Vaycay - Finally :]

    Bye ohstopyou - here some good old sad music :^(. UNO DOS TRES QUATRO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6_mfv4qems
  21. 1 point

    Vaycay - Finally :]

    We're sorry to inform you but we were unable to approve your request for vacation. Any questions can be directed to HR regarding this matter. Thanks, Management.
  22. 1 point

    Xg Hearthstone Cards

    @Bleed @Tsuchikure
  23. 1 point

    Xg Hearthstone Cards

  24. 1 point

    Xg Hearthstone Cards

    Waims xXxXxXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx Beel. #Beelmalu --------------------------------------------------- YOU GUISE ARE TRIGGERING MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xF0cGt5-69k
  25. 1 point

    Vaycay - Finally :]

    If kb doesn't know how to fix plugins, spam me and ignore how annoyed I might sound. I'll still fix the issue.
  26. 1 point

    Swedish - Team Fortress 2

    +1 he's active a bunch and helps enforce rules and reports problems... Pluus he's a furry :P need more of those around!
  27. 1 point
    As far as I could tell he was banned for disrespect and trolling, and then it was increased for the "death threats" after that... I don't think the disrespect warranted a week ban but meh.... better than a perm I would think.... he was never warned or anything about death threats until in his ban protest, so I think he should be cleared of them, he know not to do it now. As for the "evasion" I am unclear whether he actually evaded or if he just said he was going to, if he ACTUALLY used his other account to evade, it should only be banned for as long as his main one.... evading bans does not increase the ban length as far as I know.
  28. 0 points
    attachFull22063 for taking away delfino attachFull22064 for taking away frantic factory Delfino is an enjoyable map and i've seen a lot of people enjoy it, whilst frantic is only ever consisted of rage...
  29. 0 points
    Gonna get hate for this, but . . . -1. Frantic Factory is aptly named, and I get that it's quite a pain in the rear when it comes to moderating the boxing arena, etc. However, it's one of the only maps I've come across that is nearly impossible to "try-hard" on. It's quite literally a party map, and while somewhat susceptible to rulebreakers, it's a welcome relief for people who'd rather not fight and just want to chill and have fun with everyone else on the server. It keeps things interesting. I'll assume you're talking about Delfino Airstrip. Delfino Plaza is an entirely separate map, and while it's fun for some people it frustrates many others (plus it's totally broken, you can clip through walls and stuff. It's cool, but still broken). However, the Airstrip simply feels different from most maps, since it lacks significant cover and it's almost 50% water. This map appears to favor certain classes like the Sniper, Spy or Pyroshark, but (in my opinion) every map has qualities that make things easier or harder for certain classes. In that respect, this map is no less frustrating for some people than the popular Nimbus Land map is for others, where the tight corners and choke points favor tank classes like the Engineer, Heavy and Demoman at the expense of Spies, Scouts and other 125-hp lightweights. On the other hand, I +1 the removal of all the Minecraft maps. They're fun to play in some respects, but overall I dread going there over Clock Town or something else. Honestly, I usually just switch to Pokémon Trade or Saxton Hale whenever a Minecraft map comes up.
  30. -1 points
    When I said "try-harding", I meant playing with intent to be competitive (like you would on 2Fort, for instance). Frantic is not a competitive map by any stretch. I agree that fighting occurs on every map, I wasn't denying that. It's a first-person shooter, after all. You don't have to be "friendly", but you can have just as much fun doing just that. I've seen people playing on both teams have fun fighting the featured bosses together, or just chilling and building Engi stuff in DK's house, to give a couple examples. Frantic can't be completely awful -- some people actually enjoy it, so there must be some good qualities in there! :) I never said my will was absolute. Flareon asked the xG community if certain maps should be removed, and I gave my personal views on the matter. I didn't impose my will upon others, I simply stated my opinion. I didn't think it necessary to enumerate the reasons that I dislike Minecraft maps, but if you still insist on an explanation, I'll give it. I'm not so self-centered as to think that they'll be removed just because I dislike them! :LOL: Oh, and while you are correct in saying that broken maps are usually slated for removal, public perception of a map should also be taken into account. That's what this thread is about, after all. ;) It's funny, your statements seem to contradict one another. On the one hand you say that Frantic should be removed because it's "not a fun map", implying your opinion is absolute; on the other hand you say that the Minecraft maps shouldn't be removed because of others' opinions, and declare my opinion invalid. Kind of ironic, (dare I say, hypocritical?) don't you think? I suggest you think before you speak next time.
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