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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/16 in all areas

  1. 3 points

    I Did A Thing, Meh

    I drew this picture a while ago. It is from one I saw on Google Images, and I want to do another, but I don't know what to do. Suggestions? For those who don't know, this is Suu from Monster Musume.
  2. 2 points

    Stepping Down

    I dont know about TF2, but as much as people gave you shit(partially including myself) I still think you were a good staff member on CSS, because you didn't take shit from anybody, and you knew what you were doing. Anyways good luck(even though you arent leaving), not being staff is alot less stressful i assume.
  3. 1 point


    I think the game is in a good spot. The game balances itself around a rock-paper-scissors meta. Bastion, Genji, Winston for example. Bastion destroys Winston. Genji destroys Bastion. Winston destroys Genji. etc etc. Every hero is good at a thing or two, but some heroes are too strong, and are simply good at everything. Tracer and McCree are some examples. They fit into every single team comp and will always be good, which what makes me say they're overpowered. As a support player myself, I enjoyed Lucio and Mercy, but Mercy doesn't feel nearly as strong as Lucio. plus, wallriding is stupid fun. Tracer, Widowmaker, Junkrat, and Torb were a few I enjoyed more than I expected to. I'm excited to see where the game will go competitively. I hope they find some way to "fix" the heroes that are simply not fun to play against (bastion + mei.) the two heroes are fine balance wise, but they're so annoying to counter and fight against. Edit: Also not a fan of the map design, so far. Tons of choke points and no flanks that needed to be watched. That's something that Valve did perfectly: map design.
  4. 1 point

    I Did A Thing, Meh

    Nice :D
  5. 1 point

    Stepping Down

    I have no idea why more and more staff are either leaving, or stepping down. Unless they explain why in their thread. :|
  6. 1 point


    Was pretty fun, had a good time and mainly only played with others when I did. Some stuff in it feels a little wonky or perhaps OP but that's bound to happen when there's 20+ classes to play. Also hoping that they add new modes relatively quickly. Mostly played Mercy and Lucio with the occasional Reinhardt, Bastion, or Torbjorn if someone else was stealing the support role in the group.
  7. 1 point

    Confused And Slayed & Hogging Warden?!

    TL;DR: All LR's must be fair. This includes abusing the map to make players die instantly (like spawning them in lasers) or ordering one party to not shoot in shot4shot. This is not cheating; it is creating an unfair LR, making it against the rules and punishable. However, cheating would be something like healing in shot4shot or running on the ground in gun toss. Normally this would not be allowed (No cheating is implied on any games, including LRs. [in the motd]), but can be bypassed by the T with LR by saying that cheating is allowed. This is fair, as both parties have access to the "cheat". All of this applies to map games as well. I've found the lid. ~closed
  8. 1 point

    Syrjirk - Counter-strike

    Because orangejuice is actually active and knows the rules. In april, you were on the server 5 times with an average playtime of 20 minutes, usually 0 kills. You've been on twice in may, once for 10 minutes, another time for an hour.
  9. 1 point
    I love all of these commands! As people stated, they can be abused, but that's why we have staff in the first place. We will handle those who abuse the commands and keep everything in check. What I love most is how these commands make doing fun days easier. It will end those Hid n' Sic days where blues die 30 seconds after cells open. It will make Wardays a bit more functional (It's not like conducting a Warday was hard but the command makes it much easier and more efficient)
  10. 0 points

    Stepping Down

    I was going to type a whole thing here and then figured... fuck it, no one is going to care and it's not worth my time. To be clear this is leaving staff, not member.
  11. 0 points
  12. -1 points


    :rage:>:( :punch:
  13. -1 points

    The Cringe Thead!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRz6h9Ey9rE bringing this back to post this
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