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Posts posted by Rhododendron

  1. BungeeCord server setup successfully and using new control panel so FTP access and server control will be given out now.


    Back ups happening every hour and will setup backing up to S3 soon.


    Casino server is installed and will push all those relevant plugins to that server. Also need to push economy plugin to MySQL to stay shared across the servers.

  2. Alright there was a major glitch due to the perworldinventory not being on the latest version that fixed the bug.


    Once pvparena was loaded it wiped people's inventories so they have been reset for now.


    Also apparently backups stopped happening due to mcmyadmin saying the backup limit was reached. I'll be coding a crontab script to clean backups so this doesn't happen again.


    I'll go through and refund all credits from users who purchased vip keys.


    This is my fault and I hope I don't get crucified :( I'm so sorry!

  3. We should honestly re-enable ads for everyone and make a VIP/ xG Gold account type of thing where it costs around $5 and you have to renew it every month just to remove ads completely as well as censors

    (Tbh censors should just be removed completely as they actually drive people away because most people wouldn't wanna stay at a place where they can't use curse words cause the owner's mommy does not allow them to @Rhododendron )


    We can give them an automatically added/removed badge on the forums, an icon on TeamSpeak and a title on servers, maybe a few more basic perks like announcements on servers when they join etc etc. But we would also need to keep them separate from donator and sponsor ranks.


    Also CLs, CMs and possibly some DLs really need to get on fixing bugs and errors for ad removal on TF2, most people who aren't supposed to see ads are seeing ads regardless of their donation rank, that kinda shit really makes us look unprofessional, the forum and server crashes also need to stop entirely if we want people to bother using our services.


    I really never spoke up about this since I never really gave a shit, but it's honestly starting to piss me off, if we wanna get money into the bank of xG we gotta start by fixing all the simple issues we have and make ourselves look actually somewhat professional. this whole community is honestly a complete mess, visually to say the very least.

    And if silence can't do anything then get someone professional to help


    I like @virr's suggestion for sponsorship payments, as of right now paying with the message "sponsor" looks more like an inside joke than an actual functional donation system


    Here's a good idea, step it up higher ups, shit

    Forums have these issues since the architecture we've switched to is still new and I'm still learning a lot about it. Like for example it was just down because I had to move the session creation process to be created asynchronously since it was causing lag issues.


    I've upgraded the vpses though with more memory so they shouldn't be crashing anytime soon.

  4. MyCrush♥ hello, im Blair the kitty or ShaLEy :3 you can just call me shaLEy or blair though. private profiles are always suspisious ;) , i have my sensitivity at 2.0 with 800 DPI and my crosshair is My own , i have a reaction time of 0.04, do not add me unless you feel you will talk to me and take me in as your own, if you want to friend me tell me why in the comment section and do not friend me before reading my bio or else its an instant decline. to those who read this and friend me you will be pleased those of you who dont will not really be so happy, good luck , hope you make your choices wisely. im a shut-in for the most part, i dont have many friends but the ones i do i value with every single moment i can spend with them. i do not like being disturbed when im at work, unless i say its okay and i'd like to talk. I stay on my computer almost all the time, the times that i am offline i am most likely playing my piano, it is very rare for you to see me outside my house. I have the ability to do whatever i want, and so do you, dont let anyone take that away from you, even if it means giving up something you once loved, i was insipred by my one best friend to never give up hope and to only look to the furture, keep a good head on your shoulders. I was once told " you must sway yourself in your art, before you sway others". that is the quote i live off of, i have went through think and thin, hard and easy, cold and hot, but never have i experirenced affetion, for the first time i met somone who , in my opinion always knows what to say and i think cares about me as much as i care about them, a true friend is someone who will stick with you, through your toughest moments, and be there when you need them most. if your still reading this im impressed, but i will continue either way. When you think you think you have no one, and your left in the dark alone, look for the light of hope, it will be there to guide you to new experiences, and if you ever need to drop by and talk to me im free almost whenever.... that also doesnt mean bother me whenever you want either, you freeloader, life is short. so live it to the fullest. dont waste a second cause one day it will all disapear. if you ever try to scam me or to even think about taking my inventory, think again, or else you will be sorry. my trades will not be taken as a joke and please do not try to scam me, it wont work thank you for your time freeloaders.if you liked doing buisness with me leave a + good rep in the comment sections, if you had a problem with it please give me feedback so i can try to fix it, thank you. if your gonna ask me out save your breath im taken for now come back a diffrent centery lol.

  5. I'll give a brief history of my time with xG. One day I'll write a really long version of it.


    I got CS:S in 2010, and I decided to play on the community servers like my friend always did in high school where he surfed all the time. I had no understanding of how surf worked, so I roamed from Zombie Escape to Jailbreak servers. HG back then (dunno about now) made it so T's couldn't talk ever, so I joined xG where T's actually had time to talk.


    I met @Rabid @Rhododendron and a bunch of others who either left or got banned (shoutout to the 2010-2011 gang) and this was a server I would spend late nights on almost every single day. The server was always active late at night, and we played for so many hours non-stop. I must say, the community was so fun back then, and I got asked to be an admin level 2 when I signed up on the forums due to always messaging silence whenever rule breakers were on. I figure it was easier to just let me take care of the server since I spent so much time on the servers (back when we didn't have moderators and had 3 levels of admins instead). I was part of the reason @all chat wasn't enabled for lower level staff since I alongside other staff would use it for everything lol.


    Anyways things were going good, I got promoted to Division leader of CS:S at the time, and shortly after co-leader. We were in the process of integrating to CS:GO which is what brought the whole Cyanide Gaming swatting me. For context, we used a jailbreak map from gamebanana that was made from a Cyanide member, and as we were really popular, our servers were a hit compared to theirs. They asked me to take the map down as the map was for their server, and I told them I'm happy to take it down for them (As we had other maps in our rotation and their map wasn't dependent on our success.) Anyways, Silence + Starbuck (Co-leader and developer at the time) both agreed to not take it down as it is a public map, and there's nothing wrong with us taking it. They started threatening our members with threats of DDoS on teamspeak, and so I banned the user with the reason "Faggot". Big mistake.


    They called me on my cellphone, spoofed my mom's phone number and started threatening me, as they didn't believe that a co-leader wouldn't be able to remove a map (I didn't have any access to anything aside from forums, kinda similar to now but I have way more freedom and can get access to things I personally work on) so they gave me a time limit to swat me. I didn't know what swatting was back in 2012 (I was 17 at the time) so I just hung up on them. A little back and forth later, I eventually get police get called to my old location, and then they follow up to my mom's house, and then they call my dad's house and come to my dad's and ask me what's going on. Apparently these guys spoofed my number from Skype or a Google service and called my local police saying I have a hostage, made a gunshot noise and hung up on them.


    I left xG shortly after, returned for a bit under the alias Link before some conflict with the higherups at the time which led to my decision to leave and only rejoin recently after patching things up with Silence/Rhodo.


    I'm happy to be back as I've been with xG on and off since near its birth, and it's like my second home. I was always upset when I was gone to see xG going downhill from members not giving a shit but complaining with 0 resolutions, and with how good our staff are this time around, xG is only going to keep getting better and better.


    Random Tidbits:

    • Rabid got banned so many times, and whenever he got unbanned I got blamed for it (despite being one of the few to never vouch for him in the past)
    • We banned a child pedophile
    • A guy named Soiarn (aka soysauce) was awful
    • I hate duplolas
    • Arthman (ex minecraft div leader/french guy) got gangbanged in Minecraft PVP arena by Ruki, Rabid and myself, and claimed he never cheated. We eventually killed him after pinning him to a corner of a pond with 3 people just shooting him with arrows, and got his diamond armor with +5 enchants with 4-6 seperate enchants on each item.
    • He had an Enderman farm built in the End (this was a day into the server, and he had built it with oscar with Creative mode)
    • Klure used to be Hudson Jr.

    I'm so happy to have you back <3

  6. I was 14 and my english was garbage. I wanted to play some Team Fortress 2 and happened to join Jailbreak. It took a while for me to understand the gamemode but once I got how it works it was super fun and I started making friends like @Rejects @Gwoash and @kbraszzz. I remember telling Rejects privately that I was gonna apply for mod when I turned 16, but thanks to @kbraszzz I actually got it when I was 14, haha.

    Honestly pretty funny how things went, @Egossi and I went from worst enemies to best friends forever :kiss::kiss::kiss: and there were other really great times I had on the servers.

    Hows your english now?

  7. Alright more has been coded. Profile displaying as well as custom HTML now being able to be used for a badge for more advanced CSS configurations. You can also click a badge and see who has it.

  8. Badges :



    xG Facebook Manager


    Runner of the Facebook Page

    xG Twitter Manager


    Runner of the Twitter Page

    xG Youtube Manager


    Runner of the Youtube Channel



    The Badge of Generosity


    Provided items for Raffles and Competitions



    The Badge of Knowledge


    For those whom created 3 or more guides


    The Badge of Memes


    Simply for those people who are full of quality memes and are willing to share the dankness



    That is all I got right now.





    These aren't trophies but will be achieved through more personal actions like attending an event or likewise.

  9. @Rhododendron

    Could you create a link for the navigation section of the website, so I can put it into an object container? I would like to rewrite the Morbus in-game rules from starch in html for more control over styling and higher stability. But it would be nice to include the websites navigation at the top, so it's still technically part of the main website; however, never goes down when the main website or mysql does due to redundancy.

    What do you mean by link?

  10. these are the items i have traded and not received credit for according to my recent trade history:


    The Third Degree, The Razorback, The Sandman, The Scorch Shot, Jarate, Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #92, Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #103, Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #92, Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #92, Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #92, Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #92, Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #82, Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #82, Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #90, Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #91, Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #90, Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #91, Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #91, Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #90, Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #91, Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #92, Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #92, Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #92, Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #90, Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #90, Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #91, Refined Metal, Mayflower Cosmetic Case, Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #92, The Huntsman, The Spy-cicle, Mayflower Cosmetic Case, Mayflower Cosmetic Case, Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #92, Mayflower Cosmetic Case, Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #103, Mayflower Cosmetic Case, The Third Degree, The Tribalman's Shiv, The Boston Basher, The Dayjogger, The Holy Mackerel, The Huntsman, The Lollichop, Mayflower Cosmetic Case, The Tribalman's Shiv, The Scorch Shot, Natascha, Mayflower Cosmetic Case, Tour of Duty Ticket, Dueling Mini-Game, The Sandman, The Axtinguisher, The Classic, The Sun-on-a-Stick

    How many credits was it total?

  11. @Rhododendron

    The ad-block notification is flooding on the ingame motd for Garry's Mod. Could you please disable this for the awesomium web client?

    Steam Community :: Screenshot :: Rhodo!


    Also, more emphasis needs put on forum stability. Things like the server rules need to always be working and bug-free, when a client joins the server; regardless of what is happening with the mysql database or php stuff. Overall, it's a bad practice to have this dependency for something a client views in plain text.


    This has been such a big issue lately, that i'm contemplating moving the rules tab over to motd.xenogamers.com with a custom html script. It would also fix the auto-scroll feature that has been half broken for months.

    I've been working on stability for a while and it's improving all the time. It's just we are growing bigger and bigger and resources need to be added all the time which leads to some issues. Due to the cluster we need a large amount of ram and it's pricey. The forum software was also not built for a cluster so I have to constantly code in fixes or mitigations to get it working.


    I recently coded up a caching solution for wan clusters which I have implemented onto the forum to increase loading times and make it much faster, but there may be some bugs. I have not seen any errors for it in console but I'll keep on it. I want to centralize it all here since we pay for it and it's very fast.


    We could use CloudFlare which would keep an offline copy and display that to clients if something is down but due to us using AWS Route 53 I'm not sure it would work properly or may cause severe lag due to even more redirects going on.


    I have been also transferring our domains to a new registrant to centralize them so I'm working on that.


    I'll be adding more ram over the next few days to fix running out of ram due to extreme MySQL usages and to solve the crashing that has been going on.

  12. @Rhododendron

    I'm having trouble signing into the forums on Google Chrome Canary. With the latest bleeding edge improvements the chromium engine. Could you fix that issue? I would like to get off the slower version of chromium.

    I need more info than that. How are you signing in? Any errors at all? What is happening when you attempt to log-in?

  13. :emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken::emoji_rooster::emoji_chicken: