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Everything posted by Chrono

  1. Chrono


    vouches do matter, if someone sucks the higher ups dicks but then posts a staff application where everyone -1 because the person is a literal piece of shit when the higher up isn't there, it will come out. Also we don't do nothing, we remove things that are against rules or ToS for disc, as well as hand out mutes and gags to people spamming and trolling. and the occasional ban, it just depends who gets to it first, dm and dl also have similar powers on disc to do that sooo
  2. Chrono


    -1 steals my pokemon
  3. it was aight, work was a struggle. busy day.
  4. Chrono

    New plugins

    math credits can go on csgo too pls. i need some way to earn all the sponsor credits i have stashed somewhere on the forums "soon^tm" in csgo and or the mc refund that was supposed to come because the server was killed shortly after i got them
  5. +1 completely homosexual. no doubt about it. even a broken gaydar that doesn't pick up on the homosexuality in the movie Bruno was firing off the charts. a8 m9 is this even still a thing?
  6. When cell doors open, freekill everyones. @Bleed
  7. Chrono


  8. Chrono


    -1 his real name isn't Lee-Chan.
  9. Chrono


    +1 is a quality poster def deserves recognition.
  10. Chrono


    Division Discord In-Game Name Chrono Identity Chrono#3024 Position Other Time Active on Servers since it went live Information I feel like this is the division I am most in tune with seeing as I spend more time on the Discord division than I do the CS div since work and poop. Other than tf2 (muted because I don't ever play it) I read all of the poopposts. We need some real humans in charge of this division to counter balance the robots like @virr Also I'm the only one who is a CS staff member who can figure out what their discord identity is apparently. @Aidan put steam and should therefore be thrown out.
  11. Chrono


    I'll reality check you too, 3 kills is a mass and it's a perm ban for that.
  12. Chrono


    +1 he tagged me
  13. Chrono

    Preferred World

    the whole point of players being the titles of yonkou etc. is that it's basically the world without the majority of the written characters. imo One Piece world the country kings/queens etc. would be NPCs. but there would be no zoro, luffy etc. maybe there is a person who finds the gum gum fruit and chooses to wear a straw hat but that would be a player choice, anyone could wear a straw hat.
  14. Chrono

    Preferred World

    basically what i meant for the setting in naruto. as for picking your clan it would seem a little over saturated with edgelord uchiha and sharingan users.
  15. Chrono

    Preferred World

    If full dive VR was available similar to the way it is described in Sword Art Online (excluding the dead IRL part) What anime world would you want to partake in? For Naruto specifically, it would be set during the time of part 1 and early shippuden where there is still conflict between the villages, to create war etc. that you could partake in. as well as any upgrades you get (such as taking a sharingan or byakugan from a dead player would be lost on death.) when you respawn you return at whatever your rank is all the way up to chuunin. so jounin/kage get demoted down to chuunin. all kage etc. are player held roles. For One Piece, the devil fruit would be like in the story where when you die it goes somewhere random in the world to be eaten again, as for respawn you spawn at the town closest to entrance of grand line in your chosen starting ocean, unless you make it to new world. then you spawn sabaody. marines spawn at marineford always. same as with naruto. admirals, yonkou, schichibukai etc. are all player held. Please add any stipulations you would want for other worlds. Personally I would go with naruto because while I like OP dynamic I think for a VR game of that kind naruto would be more entertaining. especially with all the different things you could partake in.
  16. Chrono


    -1 is a walking talking meme in elo hell
  17. while it was only 1 time, he has been warned and banned for it before and his general toxicity when almost everyone is better at CS than him so they make the shots he doesn't and he gets salty over it.
  18. Chrono


    @Dannypicacho That's not somebody you usually want backing your corner. Right superior Ege, @Egossi?
  19. Chrono


    you dont get it. i know its a screenshot, we all can get that. of all of us agreeing.
  20. Chrono


    you dont need to MS Paint to get that, we've literally all said that or agreed to someone saying that in discord. you just have to scroll to it.
  21. did you literally just mash together a couple map sections? also can you put more pictures on the workshop to show the rest? and maybe credit the maps you took from. j/s
  22. Chrono


    -1 only robot we allow here is @virr Beep Boop.