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Everything posted by Chrono

  1. Have you ever given teamspeak a try? Personally speaking, they are both very simple to use. pick a name, join a server, join a channel, talk. with discord you have a by default giant UI and your PMs stay open until you close them vs. teamspeak having a default small UI and PMs close when you close them or close teamspeak. As a DM you should be readily available for any staff discussions taking place on TS and any questions from new players/members who find their way on teamspeak. TS also has bots, that are available as created/allowed by the server owner same as discord, we just dont use them since they are pointless to have, the most notable features of the publicly hosted (free) discord bots are the same things as the twitch streamers, they announce when someone goes live etc. or put a song in chat, the same could be done by a regular person. You just have experience with discord bots because you "own the server" and invited a generic free use bot into it. You can invite your outside of xg members into teamspeak, it is a public server for anyone that likes games etc. There is no stipulation that says you have to be an xG member, we have had people we met on tinychat join TS and stay for months and others we met randomly join and stay (hanney is a TS member xdddd) The whole point of this thread is to understand why staff dont want to use teamspeak (aside from their circlejerking cliques about who their next target is to get demoted (see: vector step down) sp when you say "There's too many reasons to list" you do literally nothing to help this conversation and you make yourself as a staff member (especially a DM) seem like you just don't care about helping further the community or community discussions. If the staff used teamspeak in the first place, you would be doing the same single message on teamspeak as you were discord, and if it is something major that really needs to be addressed to all staff instead of a "i'm logging off now guys" that should be something you message the DM/DLs of the division and let them handle distributing the information. @Kypari you are basically saying you like discord because you have the owner power in your own server, sorry buddy, but that's life you wont have that power in teamspeak because you aren't silence. I think that is a joke of a reason not to use teamspeak for xG servers. you can spam a porn bot through PM in discord and break it just the same. @Vargas and anyone else saying it's "super ugly" there are skins available that are IMO much better than discord UI but the default is also pretty nice. @all most members and staff that step down or have issues state that there are fundamental issues within the community such as availability of discussing issues and availability of staff to talk to about concerns. Myself personally I have had some questions time and time again about what exactly goes on in the TF2 servers and would look to message (preferably a DL/DM) a staff member from TF2 but the last dozen or so times the only one available to talk to was @Egossi on teamspeak, and before that was @Bello several months ago. By using your own several discord servers you actually drive a bigger wedge through the community by not being open to discussion about what is going on, and you make it harder for new/existing members or other staff to seek information on current events or ways things differ (clarifications on difference in rules/style)
  2. Chrono


    @Aegean @Rhododendron
  3. jk it wasn't a few months ago, it was around last christmas. See: Winter Brawl! [brawlhalla Event] | Xeno Gamers
  4. there was a tournament a few months ago, you guys could have competed then. I'm sure there will be another one soon^tm
  5. his only legitimate ban is from 2 years ago and "he has received warnings from several of us" is not much of a reason to ban him, you guys never gave him warnings enough to kick/ban him yourselves and so far several mod/admins are here claiming he has been this toxic before (not counting the ban from 2 years ago)
  6. Chrono


    RIP the real niggaz My name is E-Z-Kill. I want to be an admin one day.
  7. Chrono

    Memory Lane

    I remember back when we were steam group banned by hells gamers, and at first they would not unban anyone regardless of if they were an actual member of xg or not it upset me because at the time they were the only good kz server
  8. peace be with my homies who are lost but not forgotten in the sole surviving xg server that isn't filled with badmins.
  9. hes in a big warehouse, and is assigned/picks a letter and in or out of state. he then sorts all of the packages within his letter by zip/postal code. (if it is for the out of state section, he sorts by state/province [if canada is included])
  10. Chrono

    Memory Lane

    I remember when darkwolf was banned. xddd
  11. Chrono

    Memory Lane

    I remember when @doublebuttass and @pspprogramer ran the MC division and it was 10x better than any other person has made an MC div since... (map and all on towny, multi box with factions etc.) Then Korea called double for army service. RIP Minsoo. and then Arthman tried to run it and he was a clown. I also remember when we got random girls in tinychat and they would hang out with us and became xG Tinychat Members @PiNoYPsYcHo @serbiansnaga (Daisy etc. RIP)
  12. Chrono

    What is your Job?

    tbh he only tests some plebian game like FIFA. and he doesn't even have friends anymore because of it... We never see him anymore. :(
  13. Chrono

    Memory Lane

    I remember when "Late night JB" wasn't some deemed time period of "relaxed rules" it was just the chill ass homies like @Forest @Duke @Cristo and myself would just chill and have fun around the hours of 12 midnight - 5 am PST
  14. Chrono

    Memory Lane

    I remember when Smoker was here.
  15. Chrono

    What is your Job?

    I'm right there with you friendo. almost 4 years now, in a kitcheroni. but i love it.
  16. While mince is just grasping at things to make a flaming pile of shit, this is the 2nd time in very recent where TF2 staff has banned someone/wanted to ban someone for a long duration of time over something so small and so little that it boggles my mind. Call me old but back in the day, this kind of name was common. It's literally a way of protesting that you don't like how staff are handling things. Does he ever specifically state "Kypari is a badmin because he sucks the poopy"? no, he just says "tired of the badmins". I literally don't even know where to start with this besides you all need to just chill out with your bans. There's no need to be a nazi over every single thing and hunt for reasons to give longer bans than remotely reasonable.
  17. Big Thumbs Up!
  18. Which side of the wall is this friend on?
  19. To be completely fair, his other ban is from a little over 2 years ago. unless you guys take it upon yourselves to go and search everyone you ban for their steamids against our bans to plan your bans with the maximum possible thought out sentence, I doubt that the previous ban had anything to do with it... as far as ban deserved that is the proper action taken, warn, kick, ban 1 day. I feel like perhaps the player just didn't see the warning? I know from previous threads in the days long past a lot of staff members thought "Well when I kicked him that was the warning" which should not be the case. not saying that is what happened, but please in the future try to make it a little more clear with the warnings so that players do see/hear them. (double check they got the message/repeat it.)
  20. I think it's safe to assume @Forest myself and several others think that this ban request should be a closed case seeing as the only real thing going for a perma ban as requested was "hacking on an alt" but there is no undeniable proof that it is the same person (just a fishy account, however I have had friends that have used hacks before and they don't even add their account they only add some close friends.) As for the other matter (The Loli spray) I personally believe regardless of the "discussed amongst higher ups before banning" that it is quite frankly BS, we have long standing statutes of ban lengths for this particular reason. It's very clear here that several staff members have their own personal belief on this matter, and that is why there was a blanket time that is meant to be used. It even says that if you ban above or below the posted time for it, that it is admin abuse. The user in question could very well post an abuse thread and you literally cannot deny it is abuse since that is a decree from rhodo himself. regardless of having "higher up discussion"
  21. https://i.gyazo.com/0e3a210b9e3b8549a9e83c7fb30b9390.png I didn't get that, with adblock off. If you want to argue that lolicon is child pornography, then you should do some of the research that I did, and you could see that on the federal level every case was thrown out pertaining to lolicon being child porn. (there are some cases that are kept, but that was because of legitimate child porn. the charges of child porn based on the lolicon images were thrown out.) and every state case with lolicon that did not include legitimate child pornography was either thrown out there and then, or was appealed to a higher court and then thrown out.
  22. " section 504 subsection 1466A of the PROTECT act of 2003 clarifies that “drawing” or “cartoon” visual representations of child sexual abuse must depict a minor involved in sexual activity, be obscene, and lack “serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value” in order to violate the law. Beside the fact that the US Supreme Court has already determined this section of the PROTECT act to be unconstitutional, imported Japanese lolicon art would still have to be legally proven “obscene” and lacking in “literary, artistic” value in order to be deemed illegal." "In November 2011, Joseph Audette, a 30-year-old computer network administrator from Surry, Maine, was arrested after his username was linked to child pornography sites. A search inside Audette's home did result in photographic child pornography in addition to "anime child pornography".[86] Much unlike previous cases (and likely due to the results of the Handley ruling), the charges for the cartoons specifically were quickly dismissed under Maine law and dropped under federal law" notice how the charges pertaining to "anime child pornography" are dropped in both of the most recent cases involving it, both on the states, and on the federal level in the US. Federally, loli is not child porn, and any case that is in states that gets put through on it will go to higher courts to prove themselves not guilty of child porn.
  23. The aimbot ban is fine, you have a demo and more than 1 admin to back it up. The problem here is there was a 1 month ban with no previous ban record for a pornography spray, and asking for him to be banned based on that loli spray as the only legitimately presented proof, there is no proof presented yet that this is infact the same person, (demo with him on voice, same voice etc.)
  24. Do you have proof that he was hacking? (Demo of it) Loli porn is not child porn, it is more akin to a weird anime porn fetish, but not child porn. Porn sprays are not something that is perm banned for, and not even banned for 1 month, they are banned for a day if that and asked to change/not use on the server (increasing amount the more times after as long as they were given a warning and told about it first) I highlighted the important parts, and I would quote them from forums instead but the old generic all access easy to read admin handbook post by @serbiansnaga doesn't exist anymore. Porn sprays were a warning and a removal of spray, kick, banned for a few hours - 1 day, and then 1 week, and then 1 month. Not instantly given a 1 month ban. This is my 2 cents as an old M/A/DL who has been around since the early days. Y'all need to chill the fuck out.