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Everything posted by Chrono

  1. +1 demote danny and brady so that we can keep bot.
  2. Chrono

    Tell me jokes.

    xg lore right there. What do you call Genocide? Phoenix but dumber.
  3. Videos like this prove that they freekilled and were doing it for fun. In no way does a video of rule breakers in a ban request thread "prove" "tf2 side of xg is superior". I'm going to preface this with saying that there is no side of xg that is better: but using your "logic" the CS side is better. less ban protests meaning either less rule breakers or staff actually doing their duty as staff. In the history of xg even though tf2 has always been more populated (larger mass of players, it's F2P... need i say more?) a resounding majority of the "C" positions (Co leader, community manager, Community leader) have been from the CS:(S/GO) divs. Aegean, Virr, Forest, Hidingmaster, Trollface, Duckii, Bleed, Aegean again (I think at one point, we had brian as well but he was shared. he came from CS, but took over as DL for TF2). TF2 has had kbrassz and Scootaloo. It must mean something that CS div has had significantly more people higher than the "necessary" roles of DL/DM. Now that my rant on your completely un-necessary and flat out wrong comment. We are not 2 sides of xg, we are 1 xg. try to get along, keep the memeing and trolling down. I should know. I was and probably still in the meme post overlord. but have some decency and keep it to proper threads. It also seems that the users were already banned by Bleed. please closerino.
  4. Are pet images like your furry fetish or something?
  5. or you could accept that it's actually a good map and that's why people play them. it doesn't help that the current population is full of people who dont want to be warden, and those left that do are cancerous fucks who only do things like FR/LR or trivia or restricting x and having them run back and forth following warden waiting for them to jump/stand/not shift walk. Take warden on undertale/avalanche, quell the rebellion, and actually do map games. if people bitch about things like hard climb or even medium climb. do them and make them get better. eventually you will get to lr and you will have a fun game being played too.
  6. this is a good game. thats a fact.
  7. too many users would abuse redie and play the games that were actively being used by the living such as finishing climb/race/obstacle and taking a winner spot causing confusion when others popped out in loser spots. messing with soccer ball both during soccer and during an lr blocking shots from s4s etc. there were also glitches that could get players stuck inside a redie when it didnt phase you through properly and or block bullets/knife with damage itself and buttons.
  8. Chrono


    So here's a story, we're playing vipinthemix at 2322 pacific time on 8/18/18 and this pleb is rebelling in pool with the scout and i tell him "yo get the 1 tap right now, they're all still in cells otherwise -1" and he proceeds to launch a volley of 8 shots on the CTs who were barely moving and paying no attention to pool prior to his first shot. all of them whiff, not even a body shot. -1 staff have to be able to at least get 1 kill after they have successfully escaped cell area. ESPECIALLY on a map like vipinthemix where it is so easy to rebel. that's like a staff member following orders on electricrazor.
  9. User was already banned by @Jaydow Xeno Gamers BANS.XENOGAMERS.COM
  10. Panko Mix for Chicken Parmesan Ingredients: 1.5 lb Panko bread crumbs (or any other bread crumbs) 1 lb grated parmesan cheese 1 oz minced garlic 1 oz salt pinch pepper sprig oregano fine chopped sprig thyme fine chopped Mix all ingredients together in a bowl until thoroughly mixed and then use in a standard egg wash to bread chicken. yields 1 gallon of breading mix. Flour, egg wash, breading Egg wash: 2 part egg 1 part milk -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chunky Marinara Ingredients: 2 Oz Oil 1 Oz Garlic 1 Oz Shallots 0.5 oz salt pinch pepper 1 Pints, 4 Oz Chardonnay 10 Pounds Diced Tomatoes (canned) 4 Pounds Marinara Sauce (any generic store brand marinara sauce) 1 Cups, 3 Oz, Vegetable Stock 1 Ounces Basil Chopped Process: Heat a very large pan or soup pot Add oil, then when hot sweat garlic and shallots for a couple minutes until aromatic. Deglaze with wine and cook off alcohol for roughly 5 minutes. Add canned tomatoes salt and pepper and let simmer to cook out the acidity in tomatoes (roughly 20 minutes) Add marinara sauce to the pot/pan and let get warm. Add vegetable stock and cook for another 20 minutes to marry the flavors together then turn off. Cool down for later, or add basil and use for pasta/serving. Do not add basil to any sauce you will be cooling down. Yield: 1 gallon of sauce.
  11. why dont we use the empty servers we have and put kz or ttt on. preferably kz. This is its own post because it wont let me reply to the poll Darrrth made.
  12. as you said, he hasn't done anything ban worthy. The only issue with woopx is he spams for warden all the time and and gives the weirdest orders that are hard to understand if you dont play with him a lot. I wish you guys would be more open to using your staff powers to their fullest, you have the ability to pass warden when he spams every round for it, and can mute him when he tries to continue as "warner" like I do. -1 please close, there wont be able to be any evidence worthy of a ct ban for him. just that staff need to pass warden more when he spams. @Aegean
  13. also real post: -1 being on for a week or 2 and having good activity isn't much to go on, give it a month or so of you being back before applying preferably that way activity and how you are doing in the current community can be judged better. *couldn't edit old post*
  14. Chrono


    2 weeks of decent activity after vanishing off the face of the earth isn't super active. keep it constant over a month or so and plan on staying longer. same for you @roflmao61
  15. you live in canada and still go to elementary school, hes a big boy living in korea rn, and goes on past your bed time when its late at night but we still have 15+ people on for a few hours. also its the same time casper is on which is why you dont see him, he gets on then to avoid you.
  16. Chrono


    i tried looking for his account last night with him. via steam id, community profile link in the search box, and having a forum mod check same ip accts. couldn't find, unless you have some magic way. he said it was around mid 2016 but doesnt remember the forum name, email, or when he joined but "always used the same steam account"
  17. Chrono


    I am official. So official I had to tell you about forum mod things.
  18. Chrono


    What was your old account name?
  19. Chrono


    Was he actually a member before? Or perhaps thinking of someone else? Or did you think he was a member because he used to play a lot?
  20. Chrono


    The whole point of having mods is to take corrective avtion, for example if this were discord I would move it out of a chat titled "Tatost - Moderator Submission" and into a "Why do we have Discord Mods?" aka general. if you have an issue with people having discord mod and what they do, post about it, just in the proper section. Please refrain from derailing this further from tatost's mod submission real vouch: +1 dude is chill and knows his way around a meme
  21. Chrono


    -1 autistic 12 year old pretending to be 16 on the internet