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Everything posted by Chrono

  1. Why is there a new channel if it has the same cancerous type of video? :^)
  2. Chrono


    it was a 30 minute ban for trolling that has expired, you are clearly still trolling, +1 for extend ban ?
  3. you foreign scummers don't know what real home made, hand churned American ice cream tastes like. You have not lived.
  4. Free games coming soon^tm

  5. Chrono


    Division Counter-Strike In-Game Name Chrono / Childish Memebeno Identity Already have Position Administrator Time Active on Servers A long time Information I want my admino back, Lithium abuses on me. Been on mg helping populate recently and just in general being on more now that my schedule is relatively set I get on at regular times meaning I can actually be active. I'm also applying for CM but yolo
  6. If only there was more discord activity especially in the voice channels and the higher ups actually used them aside from the OG crew that used TS. I personally think the lack of official communication within discord among the higher ups and even just staff/members puts a strain on the community as a whole. (some people use their own discord with their own friend group which while not against rules of life or anything does put a strain on what they are communicating. it censors out things they dont want to hear that may not agree with them since they can pick and choose who they chat with even more so than just ignoring them) If there is that much of a lack of communication between you guys as higher ups on issues, that is something I would bring to Aegean and Virr because there is really no reason that a legitimate issue/conversation should go over a week with no response whatsoever. Perhaps just having them step in, talk about it with the other staff/higher ups and seeing what the issue is and why there is no solution/why there is no response to the issue. While I understand that life gets in the way and there is poop that people have to take care of over xG, I find it hard to believe (barring huge family/life-death/grieving/broken PC) that there goes a week with no answer. (I had full time college schedule, almost full time work hours, a girlfriend, real friends, and family poop I was doing all at the same time, but could still manage to come on and read forums/respond to PMs/message other higher ups if they were on not that everyone could or should be doing all of the above).
  7. Community night tonight/tomorrow? what forge maps/modes? infected/dodgeball/basketball? @virr @Aegean
  8. Chrono

    Im out

    riperoni and cheese my brotherino
  9. Chrono

    im old

    Hello my old friend of the cs:s days, welcome back to the forums of the xenogaming.
  10. I've been looking for my buddy Donna Meagle
  11. p. sure volvo doesn't allow in game weapon skins nowadays as a server feature, I could be mistaken in that it only doesn't allow for you to get skins of generic insert weapon here for CS:GO and TF2 may be fine but unclear.
  12. Can we bring back that when you click on a post with new posts it brings you to the first new post that you have not read yet? Every time I open threads now I have to scroll down to where I last read to see new stuff, while not the end of the world that was a convenience I enjoyed.
  13. the dock for you to play on tv is made to easily pop the switch in and out, but the only part that actually connects is the ports on bottom of switch so while it wobbles around in there when you put in/take out the screen can grind up on the plastic dock in front of it. he is saying to place those inside the dock when switch isn't there to provide a foam support that helps stop the screen from scratching up on the plastic when you put in and pull out.
  14. Story was fairly short and tbh a little bland. end game grinding out the gear level was strikes and "after story, quest missions" but were pretty bland just go here kill 20 of this and then go here and kill 10. raid was fairly fun the first time around but no reason to play through it multiple times or to try for the hardcore version of it since there was no gear difference/upgrade from it, all the gear was the same, no real choices when it came to gear in that all the stats were the same and not actually labeled well. Every step forward they took with the Destiny 1 "Re-launch" with the DLC (taken king, rise of iron) was scrapped and turned back around to OG destiny 1. all transmog (shaders you can apply to armor) were items that are single use and you lose them when you use it, instead of being able to paint all armor the same epic shader from raid you had to grind raid 6-7 times to get enough and then if you got a legendary item or different piece that was better you had to grind out another shader.
  15. Alliance master race. Dungeon finder 1-100 easy & mostly fast, 100-110 is relatively easy/fast