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  1. Ding!
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in Nintendo Switch Accessories   
    the dock for you to play on tv is made to easily pop the switch in and out, but the only part that actually connects is the ports on bottom of switch so while it wobbles around in there when you put in/take out the screen can grind up on the plastic dock in front of it. he is saying to place those inside the dock when switch isn't there to provide a foam support that helps stop the screen from scratching up on the plastic when you put in and pull out.
  2. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from Kypari in Forum Updates - Suggestions   
    Can we bring back that when you click on a post with new posts it brings you to the first new post that you have not read yet?
    Every time I open threads now I have to scroll down to where I last read to see new stuff, while not the end of the world that was a convenience I enjoyed.
  3. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Just checking in   
  4. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Squeezing in Goodbye xG.   
    Everyone knows I love putting in my post on controversial threads!
    I'm not quoting anything because then I will have a cancerous time editing down the pieces I want to respond to for everyone. Since clearly @Ms.Spooks will not be responding and or reading, I don't feel like this is directed at her more so at others who are saying "this is 100% true! omg xg sucks!"

    A piece of advice I was given was "Keep your supervisors accountable, especially when it comes to potential promotions to a position of leadership. But do not pester them with constant nagging about said promotions" Basically saying every once in a while (2 or more promotion cycles in the case of xg and being on the internet, longer in the case of real life), ask a few questions about it and see what kind of constructive feedback can be garnered. but if you are asking about it every other day or even 1 a week, the thoughts behind your application/request will gradually (or quickly) go from "this person wants to be promoted/do more" to "this person is needy/demanding/needs to get over themself.
    Don't be discouraged when you are not promoted as quickly as you think you should, there are a lot of factors that come into the minds of those responsible for the promotions, be it an internet community, or a workplace.

    [*]Staff are volunteers not lackeys, yes this is true, but as staff even on a volunteer basis, you are expected to do the job that you agreed to do. I can volunteer to rebuild my brother/sisters master bedroom shower for them, and they will expect that I complete the task of rebuilding their shower, and that it is completed correctly, all the pipes connected, all the water working, and that on the outside there is no discernible error that looks completely awful. they also would expect that on the inside I haven't done anything that will break under normal wear and tear conditions in a less than average timespan, as well as not do anything that makes a hassle for repair during special circumstances. If I were to not complete the rebuild, or do a pretty shitty job at rebuilding it, then they would be rightfully pissed. likewise, if I am asking them for food/beer/to dog-sit while I do it, they would rightfully expect that my standard is of a better job. (this sounds confusing but the point behind it is that if you volunteer to do something, expect to be held accountable to it, and if you want to be given a title for it, expect to be expected to do more.)
    [*]Transparency is necessary, however there are some limits. Promotions were something I used to think "oh why dont they just tell me what i need to do to be promoted" but that is a very backwards ideology, something I learned is that if you want the position of leadership then show some leadership, take the initiative to mentor newer mods or explain why something is against rules/what they are to newer players. for those that I would promote back in the day, I based it off of a few things: are they active (dont have to be the most active person, but not have noticeable gaps of inactivity), do they have any bans on record for major violations (banned a couple hours for spam is no big deal, contrary to the popular belief that staff have to be perfect and can never break a single rule, shit happens), does the community respect them

    more detail on that last one: Does the community respect you? I did not necessarily want staff the community liked, I wanted someone they respected. If the person is a people pleaser and sort of a push over, how can I trust them to maintain the servers/rules with integrity if they just want everyone to like them? People typically dont like being banned and they dont like the people who ban them. I wanted people who the community could trust and respect their word, that the community knew that this person knew what he was talking about when it came to the rules, and upkeep of the server.

    [*]Witnesses do matter, and a staff witness does also matter. but there are some issues with that which I have said previously. If the staff are witnessing something, why are they not dealing out the appropriate form of punishment for it? Witnesses come in and they can +1 or -1 all they want for ban req/protest etc. and that matters, they see this person doing x all the time. but unless there is evidence, it is a case of he said she said. again, the "staff witness" should have dealt with the issue at hand as it happened. (exception: staff witness observed x freekill, and appropriately slayed and warned. observed it again, teamswapped. nothing else happens. player again is caught doing this, and a ban request with proof is made by a non-staff player and they throw out their experience, typically this would lead to a more severe form of punishment than a slap on the wrist/1 day ban from that post. but remember this "staff witness" has followed the proper procedure of actually taking action on what they have seen as per their role, and it is documented in our bans)
    [*]Staff shouldn't be jumping over the other to show their e-penis. if someone is clearly handling it, let them handle it and go on and enjoy your time on the server or do some other staff tasks (like watching other things going on in the server). This is also an issue of staff communication, back in the old days, we were all on TS because that was expected that if staff were on server we were to be on a voice channel. (it didnt have to be the TF2 JB1 channel on TS, but some available channel of sorts) and we all talked to eachother, we typed in admin chat all the time (there were some days depending on who was on that you couldn't press Y and not see some form of admin chat). we let each other know "hey I'll take care of X" or "I'm giving X a ban for this" and nobody else jumped over them because they were informed of what was happening. nowadays, I haven't seen really any of the staff on Discord except for the DM/DLs (and this has been a problem for years now, especially in regards to the tf2 division unfortunately. no offense, but you guys dont make active efforts to communicate outside of the forums and your friends)
    [*]As for the +1 0 -1 and it means you dont get promoted, like @Aegean said, there are times where the response is "i'm not for this, but if you are all down with it, then go ahead." having a single negative remark doesn't mean that it immediately is trashed. it just means that the person has concerns for X Y Z and they want them to be known before a final choice is made. There are also times where there are several negative remarks but only 1 positive and that positive is very huge (and the negatives are over petty/misguided reasons) [example: Someone was previously promoted on my final decision as a DL, where my DMs had given reasons not to but after having a chat with them they came to the realization that their reasonings were driven by their own personal issues with something that was said/done previously and were willing to give it a shot, even though they both still did not think person x should be promoted they respected my thoughts, and gave it a chance.]
    [*]Nobody is entitled to a higher position because they have been here longer. There is no clear path to mod/admin/dm/dl other than be active and a positive role model. There will always be less and less positions the higher you go. and whether you have been there for 7 years, or 7 months, both people have equal opportunity at a position based on their skill, integrity, knowledge, and ability to communicate.

    Thanks for the sick read friendos. There is never going to be a TL;DR on anything like this. Take the time to read it and let it sink in, there is no short version of it.
  5. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Kypari in Goodbye xG.   
    Everyone knows I love putting in my post on controversial threads!
    I'm not quoting anything because then I will have a cancerous time editing down the pieces I want to respond to for everyone. Since clearly @Ms.Spooks will not be responding and or reading, I don't feel like this is directed at her more so at others who are saying "this is 100% true! omg xg sucks!"

    A piece of advice I was given was "Keep your supervisors accountable, especially when it comes to potential promotions to a position of leadership. But do not pester them with constant nagging about said promotions" Basically saying every once in a while (2 or more promotion cycles in the case of xg and being on the internet, longer in the case of real life), ask a few questions about it and see what kind of constructive feedback can be garnered. but if you are asking about it every other day or even 1 a week, the thoughts behind your application/request will gradually (or quickly) go from "this person wants to be promoted/do more" to "this person is needy/demanding/needs to get over themself.
    Don't be discouraged when you are not promoted as quickly as you think you should, there are a lot of factors that come into the minds of those responsible for the promotions, be it an internet community, or a workplace.

    [*]Staff are volunteers not lackeys, yes this is true, but as staff even on a volunteer basis, you are expected to do the job that you agreed to do. I can volunteer to rebuild my brother/sisters master bedroom shower for them, and they will expect that I complete the task of rebuilding their shower, and that it is completed correctly, all the pipes connected, all the water working, and that on the outside there is no discernible error that looks completely awful. they also would expect that on the inside I haven't done anything that will break under normal wear and tear conditions in a less than average timespan, as well as not do anything that makes a hassle for repair during special circumstances. If I were to not complete the rebuild, or do a pretty shitty job at rebuilding it, then they would be rightfully pissed. likewise, if I am asking them for food/beer/to dog-sit while I do it, they would rightfully expect that my standard is of a better job. (this sounds confusing but the point behind it is that if you volunteer to do something, expect to be held accountable to it, and if you want to be given a title for it, expect to be expected to do more.)
    [*]Transparency is necessary, however there are some limits. Promotions were something I used to think "oh why dont they just tell me what i need to do to be promoted" but that is a very backwards ideology, something I learned is that if you want the position of leadership then show some leadership, take the initiative to mentor newer mods or explain why something is against rules/what they are to newer players. for those that I would promote back in the day, I based it off of a few things: are they active (dont have to be the most active person, but not have noticeable gaps of inactivity), do they have any bans on record for major violations (banned a couple hours for spam is no big deal, contrary to the popular belief that staff have to be perfect and can never break a single rule, shit happens), does the community respect them

    more detail on that last one: Does the community respect you? I did not necessarily want staff the community liked, I wanted someone they respected. If the person is a people pleaser and sort of a push over, how can I trust them to maintain the servers/rules with integrity if they just want everyone to like them? People typically dont like being banned and they dont like the people who ban them. I wanted people who the community could trust and respect their word, that the community knew that this person knew what he was talking about when it came to the rules, and upkeep of the server.

    [*]Witnesses do matter, and a staff witness does also matter. but there are some issues with that which I have said previously. If the staff are witnessing something, why are they not dealing out the appropriate form of punishment for it? Witnesses come in and they can +1 or -1 all they want for ban req/protest etc. and that matters, they see this person doing x all the time. but unless there is evidence, it is a case of he said she said. again, the "staff witness" should have dealt with the issue at hand as it happened. (exception: staff witness observed x freekill, and appropriately slayed and warned. observed it again, teamswapped. nothing else happens. player again is caught doing this, and a ban request with proof is made by a non-staff player and they throw out their experience, typically this would lead to a more severe form of punishment than a slap on the wrist/1 day ban from that post. but remember this "staff witness" has followed the proper procedure of actually taking action on what they have seen as per their role, and it is documented in our bans)
    [*]Staff shouldn't be jumping over the other to show their e-penis. if someone is clearly handling it, let them handle it and go on and enjoy your time on the server or do some other staff tasks (like watching other things going on in the server). This is also an issue of staff communication, back in the old days, we were all on TS because that was expected that if staff were on server we were to be on a voice channel. (it didnt have to be the TF2 JB1 channel on TS, but some available channel of sorts) and we all talked to eachother, we typed in admin chat all the time (there were some days depending on who was on that you couldn't press Y and not see some form of admin chat). we let each other know "hey I'll take care of X" or "I'm giving X a ban for this" and nobody else jumped over them because they were informed of what was happening. nowadays, I haven't seen really any of the staff on Discord except for the DM/DLs (and this has been a problem for years now, especially in regards to the tf2 division unfortunately. no offense, but you guys dont make active efforts to communicate outside of the forums and your friends)
    [*]As for the +1 0 -1 and it means you dont get promoted, like @Aegean said, there are times where the response is "i'm not for this, but if you are all down with it, then go ahead." having a single negative remark doesn't mean that it immediately is trashed. it just means that the person has concerns for X Y Z and they want them to be known before a final choice is made. There are also times where there are several negative remarks but only 1 positive and that positive is very huge (and the negatives are over petty/misguided reasons) [example: Someone was previously promoted on my final decision as a DL, where my DMs had given reasons not to but after having a chat with them they came to the realization that their reasonings were driven by their own personal issues with something that was said/done previously and were willing to give it a shot, even though they both still did not think person x should be promoted they respected my thoughts, and gave it a chance.]
    [*]Nobody is entitled to a higher position because they have been here longer. There is no clear path to mod/admin/dm/dl other than be active and a positive role model. There will always be less and less positions the higher you go. and whether you have been there for 7 years, or 7 months, both people have equal opportunity at a position based on their skill, integrity, knowledge, and ability to communicate.

    Thanks for the sick read friendos. There is never going to be a TL;DR on anything like this. Take the time to read it and let it sink in, there is no short version of it.
  6. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Bone in Goodbye xG.   
    Everyone knows I love putting in my post on controversial threads!
    I'm not quoting anything because then I will have a cancerous time editing down the pieces I want to respond to for everyone. Since clearly @Ms.Spooks will not be responding and or reading, I don't feel like this is directed at her more so at others who are saying "this is 100% true! omg xg sucks!"

    A piece of advice I was given was "Keep your supervisors accountable, especially when it comes to potential promotions to a position of leadership. But do not pester them with constant nagging about said promotions" Basically saying every once in a while (2 or more promotion cycles in the case of xg and being on the internet, longer in the case of real life), ask a few questions about it and see what kind of constructive feedback can be garnered. but if you are asking about it every other day or even 1 a week, the thoughts behind your application/request will gradually (or quickly) go from "this person wants to be promoted/do more" to "this person is needy/demanding/needs to get over themself.
    Don't be discouraged when you are not promoted as quickly as you think you should, there are a lot of factors that come into the minds of those responsible for the promotions, be it an internet community, or a workplace.

    [*]Staff are volunteers not lackeys, yes this is true, but as staff even on a volunteer basis, you are expected to do the job that you agreed to do. I can volunteer to rebuild my brother/sisters master bedroom shower for them, and they will expect that I complete the task of rebuilding their shower, and that it is completed correctly, all the pipes connected, all the water working, and that on the outside there is no discernible error that looks completely awful. they also would expect that on the inside I haven't done anything that will break under normal wear and tear conditions in a less than average timespan, as well as not do anything that makes a hassle for repair during special circumstances. If I were to not complete the rebuild, or do a pretty shitty job at rebuilding it, then they would be rightfully pissed. likewise, if I am asking them for food/beer/to dog-sit while I do it, they would rightfully expect that my standard is of a better job. (this sounds confusing but the point behind it is that if you volunteer to do something, expect to be held accountable to it, and if you want to be given a title for it, expect to be expected to do more.)
    [*]Transparency is necessary, however there are some limits. Promotions were something I used to think "oh why dont they just tell me what i need to do to be promoted" but that is a very backwards ideology, something I learned is that if you want the position of leadership then show some leadership, take the initiative to mentor newer mods or explain why something is against rules/what they are to newer players. for those that I would promote back in the day, I based it off of a few things: are they active (dont have to be the most active person, but not have noticeable gaps of inactivity), do they have any bans on record for major violations (banned a couple hours for spam is no big deal, contrary to the popular belief that staff have to be perfect and can never break a single rule, shit happens), does the community respect them

    more detail on that last one: Does the community respect you? I did not necessarily want staff the community liked, I wanted someone they respected. If the person is a people pleaser and sort of a push over, how can I trust them to maintain the servers/rules with integrity if they just want everyone to like them? People typically dont like being banned and they dont like the people who ban them. I wanted people who the community could trust and respect their word, that the community knew that this person knew what he was talking about when it came to the rules, and upkeep of the server.

    [*]Witnesses do matter, and a staff witness does also matter. but there are some issues with that which I have said previously. If the staff are witnessing something, why are they not dealing out the appropriate form of punishment for it? Witnesses come in and they can +1 or -1 all they want for ban req/protest etc. and that matters, they see this person doing x all the time. but unless there is evidence, it is a case of he said she said. again, the "staff witness" should have dealt with the issue at hand as it happened. (exception: staff witness observed x freekill, and appropriately slayed and warned. observed it again, teamswapped. nothing else happens. player again is caught doing this, and a ban request with proof is made by a non-staff player and they throw out their experience, typically this would lead to a more severe form of punishment than a slap on the wrist/1 day ban from that post. but remember this "staff witness" has followed the proper procedure of actually taking action on what they have seen as per their role, and it is documented in our bans)
    [*]Staff shouldn't be jumping over the other to show their e-penis. if someone is clearly handling it, let them handle it and go on and enjoy your time on the server or do some other staff tasks (like watching other things going on in the server). This is also an issue of staff communication, back in the old days, we were all on TS because that was expected that if staff were on server we were to be on a voice channel. (it didnt have to be the TF2 JB1 channel on TS, but some available channel of sorts) and we all talked to eachother, we typed in admin chat all the time (there were some days depending on who was on that you couldn't press Y and not see some form of admin chat). we let each other know "hey I'll take care of X" or "I'm giving X a ban for this" and nobody else jumped over them because they were informed of what was happening. nowadays, I haven't seen really any of the staff on Discord except for the DM/DLs (and this has been a problem for years now, especially in regards to the tf2 division unfortunately. no offense, but you guys dont make active efforts to communicate outside of the forums and your friends)
    [*]As for the +1 0 -1 and it means you dont get promoted, like @Aegean said, there are times where the response is "i'm not for this, but if you are all down with it, then go ahead." having a single negative remark doesn't mean that it immediately is trashed. it just means that the person has concerns for X Y Z and they want them to be known before a final choice is made. There are also times where there are several negative remarks but only 1 positive and that positive is very huge (and the negatives are over petty/misguided reasons) [example: Someone was previously promoted on my final decision as a DL, where my DMs had given reasons not to but after having a chat with them they came to the realization that their reasonings were driven by their own personal issues with something that was said/done previously and were willing to give it a shot, even though they both still did not think person x should be promoted they respected my thoughts, and gave it a chance.]
    [*]Nobody is entitled to a higher position because they have been here longer. There is no clear path to mod/admin/dm/dl other than be active and a positive role model. There will always be less and less positions the higher you go. and whether you have been there for 7 years, or 7 months, both people have equal opportunity at a position based on their skill, integrity, knowledge, and ability to communicate.

    Thanks for the sick read friendos. There is never going to be a TL;DR on anything like this. Take the time to read it and let it sink in, there is no short version of it.
  7. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from Caleb956 in Goodbye xG.   
    Everyone knows I love putting in my post on controversial threads!
    I'm not quoting anything because then I will have a cancerous time editing down the pieces I want to respond to for everyone. Since clearly @Ms.Spooks will not be responding and or reading, I don't feel like this is directed at her more so at others who are saying "this is 100% true! omg xg sucks!"

    A piece of advice I was given was "Keep your supervisors accountable, especially when it comes to potential promotions to a position of leadership. But do not pester them with constant nagging about said promotions" Basically saying every once in a while (2 or more promotion cycles in the case of xg and being on the internet, longer in the case of real life), ask a few questions about it and see what kind of constructive feedback can be garnered. but if you are asking about it every other day or even 1 a week, the thoughts behind your application/request will gradually (or quickly) go from "this person wants to be promoted/do more" to "this person is needy/demanding/needs to get over themself.
    Don't be discouraged when you are not promoted as quickly as you think you should, there are a lot of factors that come into the minds of those responsible for the promotions, be it an internet community, or a workplace.

    [*]Staff are volunteers not lackeys, yes this is true, but as staff even on a volunteer basis, you are expected to do the job that you agreed to do. I can volunteer to rebuild my brother/sisters master bedroom shower for them, and they will expect that I complete the task of rebuilding their shower, and that it is completed correctly, all the pipes connected, all the water working, and that on the outside there is no discernible error that looks completely awful. they also would expect that on the inside I haven't done anything that will break under normal wear and tear conditions in a less than average timespan, as well as not do anything that makes a hassle for repair during special circumstances. If I were to not complete the rebuild, or do a pretty shitty job at rebuilding it, then they would be rightfully pissed. likewise, if I am asking them for food/beer/to dog-sit while I do it, they would rightfully expect that my standard is of a better job. (this sounds confusing but the point behind it is that if you volunteer to do something, expect to be held accountable to it, and if you want to be given a title for it, expect to be expected to do more.)
    [*]Transparency is necessary, however there are some limits. Promotions were something I used to think "oh why dont they just tell me what i need to do to be promoted" but that is a very backwards ideology, something I learned is that if you want the position of leadership then show some leadership, take the initiative to mentor newer mods or explain why something is against rules/what they are to newer players. for those that I would promote back in the day, I based it off of a few things: are they active (dont have to be the most active person, but not have noticeable gaps of inactivity), do they have any bans on record for major violations (banned a couple hours for spam is no big deal, contrary to the popular belief that staff have to be perfect and can never break a single rule, shit happens), does the community respect them

    more detail on that last one: Does the community respect you? I did not necessarily want staff the community liked, I wanted someone they respected. If the person is a people pleaser and sort of a push over, how can I trust them to maintain the servers/rules with integrity if they just want everyone to like them? People typically dont like being banned and they dont like the people who ban them. I wanted people who the community could trust and respect their word, that the community knew that this person knew what he was talking about when it came to the rules, and upkeep of the server.

    [*]Witnesses do matter, and a staff witness does also matter. but there are some issues with that which I have said previously. If the staff are witnessing something, why are they not dealing out the appropriate form of punishment for it? Witnesses come in and they can +1 or -1 all they want for ban req/protest etc. and that matters, they see this person doing x all the time. but unless there is evidence, it is a case of he said she said. again, the "staff witness" should have dealt with the issue at hand as it happened. (exception: staff witness observed x freekill, and appropriately slayed and warned. observed it again, teamswapped. nothing else happens. player again is caught doing this, and a ban request with proof is made by a non-staff player and they throw out their experience, typically this would lead to a more severe form of punishment than a slap on the wrist/1 day ban from that post. but remember this "staff witness" has followed the proper procedure of actually taking action on what they have seen as per their role, and it is documented in our bans)
    [*]Staff shouldn't be jumping over the other to show their e-penis. if someone is clearly handling it, let them handle it and go on and enjoy your time on the server or do some other staff tasks (like watching other things going on in the server). This is also an issue of staff communication, back in the old days, we were all on TS because that was expected that if staff were on server we were to be on a voice channel. (it didnt have to be the TF2 JB1 channel on TS, but some available channel of sorts) and we all talked to eachother, we typed in admin chat all the time (there were some days depending on who was on that you couldn't press Y and not see some form of admin chat). we let each other know "hey I'll take care of X" or "I'm giving X a ban for this" and nobody else jumped over them because they were informed of what was happening. nowadays, I haven't seen really any of the staff on Discord except for the DM/DLs (and this has been a problem for years now, especially in regards to the tf2 division unfortunately. no offense, but you guys dont make active efforts to communicate outside of the forums and your friends)
    [*]As for the +1 0 -1 and it means you dont get promoted, like @Aegean said, there are times where the response is "i'm not for this, but if you are all down with it, then go ahead." having a single negative remark doesn't mean that it immediately is trashed. it just means that the person has concerns for X Y Z and they want them to be known before a final choice is made. There are also times where there are several negative remarks but only 1 positive and that positive is very huge (and the negatives are over petty/misguided reasons) [example: Someone was previously promoted on my final decision as a DL, where my DMs had given reasons not to but after having a chat with them they came to the realization that their reasonings were driven by their own personal issues with something that was said/done previously and were willing to give it a shot, even though they both still did not think person x should be promoted they respected my thoughts, and gave it a chance.]
    [*]Nobody is entitled to a higher position because they have been here longer. There is no clear path to mod/admin/dm/dl other than be active and a positive role model. There will always be less and less positions the higher you go. and whether you have been there for 7 years, or 7 months, both people have equal opportunity at a position based on their skill, integrity, knowledge, and ability to communicate.

    Thanks for the sick read friendos. There is never going to be a TL;DR on anything like this. Take the time to read it and let it sink in, there is no short version of it.
  8. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Goodbye xG.   
    Everyone knows I love putting in my post on controversial threads!
    I'm not quoting anything because then I will have a cancerous time editing down the pieces I want to respond to for everyone. Since clearly @Ms.Spooks will not be responding and or reading, I don't feel like this is directed at her more so at others who are saying "this is 100% true! omg xg sucks!"

    A piece of advice I was given was "Keep your supervisors accountable, especially when it comes to potential promotions to a position of leadership. But do not pester them with constant nagging about said promotions" Basically saying every once in a while (2 or more promotion cycles in the case of xg and being on the internet, longer in the case of real life), ask a few questions about it and see what kind of constructive feedback can be garnered. but if you are asking about it every other day or even 1 a week, the thoughts behind your application/request will gradually (or quickly) go from "this person wants to be promoted/do more" to "this person is needy/demanding/needs to get over themself.
    Don't be discouraged when you are not promoted as quickly as you think you should, there are a lot of factors that come into the minds of those responsible for the promotions, be it an internet community, or a workplace.

    [*]Staff are volunteers not lackeys, yes this is true, but as staff even on a volunteer basis, you are expected to do the job that you agreed to do. I can volunteer to rebuild my brother/sisters master bedroom shower for them, and they will expect that I complete the task of rebuilding their shower, and that it is completed correctly, all the pipes connected, all the water working, and that on the outside there is no discernible error that looks completely awful. they also would expect that on the inside I haven't done anything that will break under normal wear and tear conditions in a less than average timespan, as well as not do anything that makes a hassle for repair during special circumstances. If I were to not complete the rebuild, or do a pretty shitty job at rebuilding it, then they would be rightfully pissed. likewise, if I am asking them for food/beer/to dog-sit while I do it, they would rightfully expect that my standard is of a better job. (this sounds confusing but the point behind it is that if you volunteer to do something, expect to be held accountable to it, and if you want to be given a title for it, expect to be expected to do more.)
    [*]Transparency is necessary, however there are some limits. Promotions were something I used to think "oh why dont they just tell me what i need to do to be promoted" but that is a very backwards ideology, something I learned is that if you want the position of leadership then show some leadership, take the initiative to mentor newer mods or explain why something is against rules/what they are to newer players. for those that I would promote back in the day, I based it off of a few things: are they active (dont have to be the most active person, but not have noticeable gaps of inactivity), do they have any bans on record for major violations (banned a couple hours for spam is no big deal, contrary to the popular belief that staff have to be perfect and can never break a single rule, shit happens), does the community respect them

    more detail on that last one: Does the community respect you? I did not necessarily want staff the community liked, I wanted someone they respected. If the person is a people pleaser and sort of a push over, how can I trust them to maintain the servers/rules with integrity if they just want everyone to like them? People typically dont like being banned and they dont like the people who ban them. I wanted people who the community could trust and respect their word, that the community knew that this person knew what he was talking about when it came to the rules, and upkeep of the server.

    [*]Witnesses do matter, and a staff witness does also matter. but there are some issues with that which I have said previously. If the staff are witnessing something, why are they not dealing out the appropriate form of punishment for it? Witnesses come in and they can +1 or -1 all they want for ban req/protest etc. and that matters, they see this person doing x all the time. but unless there is evidence, it is a case of he said she said. again, the "staff witness" should have dealt with the issue at hand as it happened. (exception: staff witness observed x freekill, and appropriately slayed and warned. observed it again, teamswapped. nothing else happens. player again is caught doing this, and a ban request with proof is made by a non-staff player and they throw out their experience, typically this would lead to a more severe form of punishment than a slap on the wrist/1 day ban from that post. but remember this "staff witness" has followed the proper procedure of actually taking action on what they have seen as per their role, and it is documented in our bans)
    [*]Staff shouldn't be jumping over the other to show their e-penis. if someone is clearly handling it, let them handle it and go on and enjoy your time on the server or do some other staff tasks (like watching other things going on in the server). This is also an issue of staff communication, back in the old days, we were all on TS because that was expected that if staff were on server we were to be on a voice channel. (it didnt have to be the TF2 JB1 channel on TS, but some available channel of sorts) and we all talked to eachother, we typed in admin chat all the time (there were some days depending on who was on that you couldn't press Y and not see some form of admin chat). we let each other know "hey I'll take care of X" or "I'm giving X a ban for this" and nobody else jumped over them because they were informed of what was happening. nowadays, I haven't seen really any of the staff on Discord except for the DM/DLs (and this has been a problem for years now, especially in regards to the tf2 division unfortunately. no offense, but you guys dont make active efforts to communicate outside of the forums and your friends)
    [*]As for the +1 0 -1 and it means you dont get promoted, like @Aegean said, there are times where the response is "i'm not for this, but if you are all down with it, then go ahead." having a single negative remark doesn't mean that it immediately is trashed. it just means that the person has concerns for X Y Z and they want them to be known before a final choice is made. There are also times where there are several negative remarks but only 1 positive and that positive is very huge (and the negatives are over petty/misguided reasons) [example: Someone was previously promoted on my final decision as a DL, where my DMs had given reasons not to but after having a chat with them they came to the realization that their reasonings were driven by their own personal issues with something that was said/done previously and were willing to give it a shot, even though they both still did not think person x should be promoted they respected my thoughts, and gave it a chance.]
    [*]Nobody is entitled to a higher position because they have been here longer. There is no clear path to mod/admin/dm/dl other than be active and a positive role model. There will always be less and less positions the higher you go. and whether you have been there for 7 years, or 7 months, both people have equal opportunity at a position based on their skill, integrity, knowledge, and ability to communicate.

    Thanks for the sick read friendos. There is never going to be a TL;DR on anything like this. Take the time to read it and let it sink in, there is no short version of it.
  9. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from Vargas in Goodbye xG.   
    Everyone knows I love putting in my post on controversial threads!
    I'm not quoting anything because then I will have a cancerous time editing down the pieces I want to respond to for everyone. Since clearly @Ms.Spooks will not be responding and or reading, I don't feel like this is directed at her more so at others who are saying "this is 100% true! omg xg sucks!"

    A piece of advice I was given was "Keep your supervisors accountable, especially when it comes to potential promotions to a position of leadership. But do not pester them with constant nagging about said promotions" Basically saying every once in a while (2 or more promotion cycles in the case of xg and being on the internet, longer in the case of real life), ask a few questions about it and see what kind of constructive feedback can be garnered. but if you are asking about it every other day or even 1 a week, the thoughts behind your application/request will gradually (or quickly) go from "this person wants to be promoted/do more" to "this person is needy/demanding/needs to get over themself.
    Don't be discouraged when you are not promoted as quickly as you think you should, there are a lot of factors that come into the minds of those responsible for the promotions, be it an internet community, or a workplace.

    [*]Staff are volunteers not lackeys, yes this is true, but as staff even on a volunteer basis, you are expected to do the job that you agreed to do. I can volunteer to rebuild my brother/sisters master bedroom shower for them, and they will expect that I complete the task of rebuilding their shower, and that it is completed correctly, all the pipes connected, all the water working, and that on the outside there is no discernible error that looks completely awful. they also would expect that on the inside I haven't done anything that will break under normal wear and tear conditions in a less than average timespan, as well as not do anything that makes a hassle for repair during special circumstances. If I were to not complete the rebuild, or do a pretty shitty job at rebuilding it, then they would be rightfully pissed. likewise, if I am asking them for food/beer/to dog-sit while I do it, they would rightfully expect that my standard is of a better job. (this sounds confusing but the point behind it is that if you volunteer to do something, expect to be held accountable to it, and if you want to be given a title for it, expect to be expected to do more.)
    [*]Transparency is necessary, however there are some limits. Promotions were something I used to think "oh why dont they just tell me what i need to do to be promoted" but that is a very backwards ideology, something I learned is that if you want the position of leadership then show some leadership, take the initiative to mentor newer mods or explain why something is against rules/what they are to newer players. for those that I would promote back in the day, I based it off of a few things: are they active (dont have to be the most active person, but not have noticeable gaps of inactivity), do they have any bans on record for major violations (banned a couple hours for spam is no big deal, contrary to the popular belief that staff have to be perfect and can never break a single rule, shit happens), does the community respect them

    more detail on that last one: Does the community respect you? I did not necessarily want staff the community liked, I wanted someone they respected. If the person is a people pleaser and sort of a push over, how can I trust them to maintain the servers/rules with integrity if they just want everyone to like them? People typically dont like being banned and they dont like the people who ban them. I wanted people who the community could trust and respect their word, that the community knew that this person knew what he was talking about when it came to the rules, and upkeep of the server.

    [*]Witnesses do matter, and a staff witness does also matter. but there are some issues with that which I have said previously. If the staff are witnessing something, why are they not dealing out the appropriate form of punishment for it? Witnesses come in and they can +1 or -1 all they want for ban req/protest etc. and that matters, they see this person doing x all the time. but unless there is evidence, it is a case of he said she said. again, the "staff witness" should have dealt with the issue at hand as it happened. (exception: staff witness observed x freekill, and appropriately slayed and warned. observed it again, teamswapped. nothing else happens. player again is caught doing this, and a ban request with proof is made by a non-staff player and they throw out their experience, typically this would lead to a more severe form of punishment than a slap on the wrist/1 day ban from that post. but remember this "staff witness" has followed the proper procedure of actually taking action on what they have seen as per their role, and it is documented in our bans)
    [*]Staff shouldn't be jumping over the other to show their e-penis. if someone is clearly handling it, let them handle it and go on and enjoy your time on the server or do some other staff tasks (like watching other things going on in the server). This is also an issue of staff communication, back in the old days, we were all on TS because that was expected that if staff were on server we were to be on a voice channel. (it didnt have to be the TF2 JB1 channel on TS, but some available channel of sorts) and we all talked to eachother, we typed in admin chat all the time (there were some days depending on who was on that you couldn't press Y and not see some form of admin chat). we let each other know "hey I'll take care of X" or "I'm giving X a ban for this" and nobody else jumped over them because they were informed of what was happening. nowadays, I haven't seen really any of the staff on Discord except for the DM/DLs (and this has been a problem for years now, especially in regards to the tf2 division unfortunately. no offense, but you guys dont make active efforts to communicate outside of the forums and your friends)
    [*]As for the +1 0 -1 and it means you dont get promoted, like @Aegean said, there are times where the response is "i'm not for this, but if you are all down with it, then go ahead." having a single negative remark doesn't mean that it immediately is trashed. it just means that the person has concerns for X Y Z and they want them to be known before a final choice is made. There are also times where there are several negative remarks but only 1 positive and that positive is very huge (and the negatives are over petty/misguided reasons) [example: Someone was previously promoted on my final decision as a DL, where my DMs had given reasons not to but after having a chat with them they came to the realization that their reasonings were driven by their own personal issues with something that was said/done previously and were willing to give it a shot, even though they both still did not think person x should be promoted they respected my thoughts, and gave it a chance.]
    [*]Nobody is entitled to a higher position because they have been here longer. There is no clear path to mod/admin/dm/dl other than be active and a positive role model. There will always be less and less positions the higher you go. and whether you have been there for 7 years, or 7 months, both people have equal opportunity at a position based on their skill, integrity, knowledge, and ability to communicate.

    Thanks for the sick read friendos. There is never going to be a TL;DR on anything like this. Take the time to read it and let it sink in, there is no short version of it.
  10. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from Elcark in Goodbye xG.   
    Everyone knows I love putting in my post on controversial threads!
    I'm not quoting anything because then I will have a cancerous time editing down the pieces I want to respond to for everyone. Since clearly @Ms.Spooks will not be responding and or reading, I don't feel like this is directed at her more so at others who are saying "this is 100% true! omg xg sucks!"

    A piece of advice I was given was "Keep your supervisors accountable, especially when it comes to potential promotions to a position of leadership. But do not pester them with constant nagging about said promotions" Basically saying every once in a while (2 or more promotion cycles in the case of xg and being on the internet, longer in the case of real life), ask a few questions about it and see what kind of constructive feedback can be garnered. but if you are asking about it every other day or even 1 a week, the thoughts behind your application/request will gradually (or quickly) go from "this person wants to be promoted/do more" to "this person is needy/demanding/needs to get over themself.
    Don't be discouraged when you are not promoted as quickly as you think you should, there are a lot of factors that come into the minds of those responsible for the promotions, be it an internet community, or a workplace.

    [*]Staff are volunteers not lackeys, yes this is true, but as staff even on a volunteer basis, you are expected to do the job that you agreed to do. I can volunteer to rebuild my brother/sisters master bedroom shower for them, and they will expect that I complete the task of rebuilding their shower, and that it is completed correctly, all the pipes connected, all the water working, and that on the outside there is no discernible error that looks completely awful. they also would expect that on the inside I haven't done anything that will break under normal wear and tear conditions in a less than average timespan, as well as not do anything that makes a hassle for repair during special circumstances. If I were to not complete the rebuild, or do a pretty shitty job at rebuilding it, then they would be rightfully pissed. likewise, if I am asking them for food/beer/to dog-sit while I do it, they would rightfully expect that my standard is of a better job. (this sounds confusing but the point behind it is that if you volunteer to do something, expect to be held accountable to it, and if you want to be given a title for it, expect to be expected to do more.)
    [*]Transparency is necessary, however there are some limits. Promotions were something I used to think "oh why dont they just tell me what i need to do to be promoted" but that is a very backwards ideology, something I learned is that if you want the position of leadership then show some leadership, take the initiative to mentor newer mods or explain why something is against rules/what they are to newer players. for those that I would promote back in the day, I based it off of a few things: are they active (dont have to be the most active person, but not have noticeable gaps of inactivity), do they have any bans on record for major violations (banned a couple hours for spam is no big deal, contrary to the popular belief that staff have to be perfect and can never break a single rule, shit happens), does the community respect them

    more detail on that last one: Does the community respect you? I did not necessarily want staff the community liked, I wanted someone they respected. If the person is a people pleaser and sort of a push over, how can I trust them to maintain the servers/rules with integrity if they just want everyone to like them? People typically dont like being banned and they dont like the people who ban them. I wanted people who the community could trust and respect their word, that the community knew that this person knew what he was talking about when it came to the rules, and upkeep of the server.

    [*]Witnesses do matter, and a staff witness does also matter. but there are some issues with that which I have said previously. If the staff are witnessing something, why are they not dealing out the appropriate form of punishment for it? Witnesses come in and they can +1 or -1 all they want for ban req/protest etc. and that matters, they see this person doing x all the time. but unless there is evidence, it is a case of he said she said. again, the "staff witness" should have dealt with the issue at hand as it happened. (exception: staff witness observed x freekill, and appropriately slayed and warned. observed it again, teamswapped. nothing else happens. player again is caught doing this, and a ban request with proof is made by a non-staff player and they throw out their experience, typically this would lead to a more severe form of punishment than a slap on the wrist/1 day ban from that post. but remember this "staff witness" has followed the proper procedure of actually taking action on what they have seen as per their role, and it is documented in our bans)
    [*]Staff shouldn't be jumping over the other to show their e-penis. if someone is clearly handling it, let them handle it and go on and enjoy your time on the server or do some other staff tasks (like watching other things going on in the server). This is also an issue of staff communication, back in the old days, we were all on TS because that was expected that if staff were on server we were to be on a voice channel. (it didnt have to be the TF2 JB1 channel on TS, but some available channel of sorts) and we all talked to eachother, we typed in admin chat all the time (there were some days depending on who was on that you couldn't press Y and not see some form of admin chat). we let each other know "hey I'll take care of X" or "I'm giving X a ban for this" and nobody else jumped over them because they were informed of what was happening. nowadays, I haven't seen really any of the staff on Discord except for the DM/DLs (and this has been a problem for years now, especially in regards to the tf2 division unfortunately. no offense, but you guys dont make active efforts to communicate outside of the forums and your friends)
    [*]As for the +1 0 -1 and it means you dont get promoted, like @Aegean said, there are times where the response is "i'm not for this, but if you are all down with it, then go ahead." having a single negative remark doesn't mean that it immediately is trashed. it just means that the person has concerns for X Y Z and they want them to be known before a final choice is made. There are also times where there are several negative remarks but only 1 positive and that positive is very huge (and the negatives are over petty/misguided reasons) [example: Someone was previously promoted on my final decision as a DL, where my DMs had given reasons not to but after having a chat with them they came to the realization that their reasonings were driven by their own personal issues with something that was said/done previously and were willing to give it a shot, even though they both still did not think person x should be promoted they respected my thoughts, and gave it a chance.]
    [*]Nobody is entitled to a higher position because they have been here longer. There is no clear path to mod/admin/dm/dl other than be active and a positive role model. There will always be less and less positions the higher you go. and whether you have been there for 7 years, or 7 months, both people have equal opportunity at a position based on their skill, integrity, knowledge, and ability to communicate.

    Thanks for the sick read friendos. There is never going to be a TL;DR on anything like this. Take the time to read it and let it sink in, there is no short version of it.
  11. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from TBOHB in Goodbye xG.   
    Everyone knows I love putting in my post on controversial threads!
    I'm not quoting anything because then I will have a cancerous time editing down the pieces I want to respond to for everyone. Since clearly @Ms.Spooks will not be responding and or reading, I don't feel like this is directed at her more so at others who are saying "this is 100% true! omg xg sucks!"

    A piece of advice I was given was "Keep your supervisors accountable, especially when it comes to potential promotions to a position of leadership. But do not pester them with constant nagging about said promotions" Basically saying every once in a while (2 or more promotion cycles in the case of xg and being on the internet, longer in the case of real life), ask a few questions about it and see what kind of constructive feedback can be garnered. but if you are asking about it every other day or even 1 a week, the thoughts behind your application/request will gradually (or quickly) go from "this person wants to be promoted/do more" to "this person is needy/demanding/needs to get over themself.
    Don't be discouraged when you are not promoted as quickly as you think you should, there are a lot of factors that come into the minds of those responsible for the promotions, be it an internet community, or a workplace.

    [*]Staff are volunteers not lackeys, yes this is true, but as staff even on a volunteer basis, you are expected to do the job that you agreed to do. I can volunteer to rebuild my brother/sisters master bedroom shower for them, and they will expect that I complete the task of rebuilding their shower, and that it is completed correctly, all the pipes connected, all the water working, and that on the outside there is no discernible error that looks completely awful. they also would expect that on the inside I haven't done anything that will break under normal wear and tear conditions in a less than average timespan, as well as not do anything that makes a hassle for repair during special circumstances. If I were to not complete the rebuild, or do a pretty shitty job at rebuilding it, then they would be rightfully pissed. likewise, if I am asking them for food/beer/to dog-sit while I do it, they would rightfully expect that my standard is of a better job. (this sounds confusing but the point behind it is that if you volunteer to do something, expect to be held accountable to it, and if you want to be given a title for it, expect to be expected to do more.)
    [*]Transparency is necessary, however there are some limits. Promotions were something I used to think "oh why dont they just tell me what i need to do to be promoted" but that is a very backwards ideology, something I learned is that if you want the position of leadership then show some leadership, take the initiative to mentor newer mods or explain why something is against rules/what they are to newer players. for those that I would promote back in the day, I based it off of a few things: are they active (dont have to be the most active person, but not have noticeable gaps of inactivity), do they have any bans on record for major violations (banned a couple hours for spam is no big deal, contrary to the popular belief that staff have to be perfect and can never break a single rule, shit happens), does the community respect them

    more detail on that last one: Does the community respect you? I did not necessarily want staff the community liked, I wanted someone they respected. If the person is a people pleaser and sort of a push over, how can I trust them to maintain the servers/rules with integrity if they just want everyone to like them? People typically dont like being banned and they dont like the people who ban them. I wanted people who the community could trust and respect their word, that the community knew that this person knew what he was talking about when it came to the rules, and upkeep of the server.

    [*]Witnesses do matter, and a staff witness does also matter. but there are some issues with that which I have said previously. If the staff are witnessing something, why are they not dealing out the appropriate form of punishment for it? Witnesses come in and they can +1 or -1 all they want for ban req/protest etc. and that matters, they see this person doing x all the time. but unless there is evidence, it is a case of he said she said. again, the "staff witness" should have dealt with the issue at hand as it happened. (exception: staff witness observed x freekill, and appropriately slayed and warned. observed it again, teamswapped. nothing else happens. player again is caught doing this, and a ban request with proof is made by a non-staff player and they throw out their experience, typically this would lead to a more severe form of punishment than a slap on the wrist/1 day ban from that post. but remember this "staff witness" has followed the proper procedure of actually taking action on what they have seen as per their role, and it is documented in our bans)
    [*]Staff shouldn't be jumping over the other to show their e-penis. if someone is clearly handling it, let them handle it and go on and enjoy your time on the server or do some other staff tasks (like watching other things going on in the server). This is also an issue of staff communication, back in the old days, we were all on TS because that was expected that if staff were on server we were to be on a voice channel. (it didnt have to be the TF2 JB1 channel on TS, but some available channel of sorts) and we all talked to eachother, we typed in admin chat all the time (there were some days depending on who was on that you couldn't press Y and not see some form of admin chat). we let each other know "hey I'll take care of X" or "I'm giving X a ban for this" and nobody else jumped over them because they were informed of what was happening. nowadays, I haven't seen really any of the staff on Discord except for the DM/DLs (and this has been a problem for years now, especially in regards to the tf2 division unfortunately. no offense, but you guys dont make active efforts to communicate outside of the forums and your friends)
    [*]As for the +1 0 -1 and it means you dont get promoted, like @Aegean said, there are times where the response is "i'm not for this, but if you are all down with it, then go ahead." having a single negative remark doesn't mean that it immediately is trashed. it just means that the person has concerns for X Y Z and they want them to be known before a final choice is made. There are also times where there are several negative remarks but only 1 positive and that positive is very huge (and the negatives are over petty/misguided reasons) [example: Someone was previously promoted on my final decision as a DL, where my DMs had given reasons not to but after having a chat with them they came to the realization that their reasonings were driven by their own personal issues with something that was said/done previously and were willing to give it a shot, even though they both still did not think person x should be promoted they respected my thoughts, and gave it a chance.]
    [*]Nobody is entitled to a higher position because they have been here longer. There is no clear path to mod/admin/dm/dl other than be active and a positive role model. There will always be less and less positions the higher you go. and whether you have been there for 7 years, or 7 months, both people have equal opportunity at a position based on their skill, integrity, knowledge, and ability to communicate.

    Thanks for the sick read friendos. There is never going to be a TL;DR on anything like this. Take the time to read it and let it sink in, there is no short version of it.
  12. Make xG Great Again
    Chrono got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Anyone remember the good ol' days?   
    You can't just label yourself as Old xG. That title will always and only be held by CS:S.
  13. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from jaygoki in XenoGamers History   
    Late 2011 early 2012 were the good ol days imo
    Various reasons that I have posted in all these kinds of threads before, but back then everyone was pretty chill and didn't get incredibly salty over nonsensical shit. We were not a safe space. We had legends among us.
  14. Feels Bad Man
    Chrono reacted to Thorax_ in Sea of thieves Division?   
    -1 I cant play :(
    Seriously though, +1 it looks neat
    I wouldn’t really make it a division though, maybe run it like Overwatch nights until and if it gets enough interest, only then should a division be considered.
  15. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in XenoGamers History   
    Late 2011 early 2012 were the good ol days imo
    Various reasons that I have posted in all these kinds of threads before, but back then everyone was pretty chill and didn't get incredibly salty over nonsensical shit. We were not a safe space. We had legends among us.
  16. Make xG Great Again
    Chrono got a reaction from orangejuice in Anyone remember the good ol' days?   
    You can't just label yourself as Old xG. That title will always and only be held by CS:S.
  17. Make xG Great Again
    Chrono got a reaction from Kypari in Anyone remember the good ol' days?   
    You can't just label yourself as Old xG. That title will always and only be held by CS:S.
  18. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in XenoGamers History   
    Late 2011 early 2012 were the good ol days imo
    Various reasons that I have posted in all these kinds of threads before, but back then everyone was pretty chill and didn't get incredibly salty over nonsensical shit. We were not a safe space. We had legends among us.
  19. RIP
    Chrono got a reaction from Tatost in XenoGamers History   
    Late 2011 early 2012 were the good ol days imo
    Various reasons that I have posted in all these kinds of threads before, but back then everyone was pretty chill and didn't get incredibly salty over nonsensical shit. We were not a safe space. We had legends among us.
  20. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in HAPPY HALLOWEEN~!   
    HAooy Haloweeeen. Had fun getting drunk and gunna hate tomorrow morning.
  21. Feels Bad Man
    Chrono got a reaction from Egossi in Gone for a while   
    May the lords have mercy on everyones souls. Our Thanksgiving dinner has left us.
  22. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in Discord NSFW Channel Discussion   
    How about you both stop talking about how egossi hurt your feelings, and @Egossi stops hurting your feelings, and you both move on and let this thread be about what the title is.
    IDK why people gotta turn "discussion" threads into my feelings got hurt threads and de-rail the discussion. If you don't like what someone is saying or it hurts your feelings, ignore it, or get over it. Everywhere you go something will hurt someones feelings, talk it out with the person in the proper place (not on a thread trying to discuss something else)
    NSFW Channels as said previously will help limit the cancer that gets put into other channels, that being said I hope that our DM+ staff can stay on top of their game and actually be reading through the remaining channels making sure that nobody is posting Scout x Pyro porn in the TF2 channel because they are TF2 channels, Creeper x Creeper x Zombie x Skeleton x Cow gangbang shit in MC etc. and keep those non NSFW channels pretty clean. (within reason, obviously someone talking shit about an update or a feature they don't like with vivid vocabulary wouldn't be NSFW per say).
    Removing NSFW is also an option that would be fine and just make it a global thing where it is "Safe" from porn/nudity etc. but still have to be on top of all the text channels making sure people don't put that shit in chat anyway.
  23. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Lithium in Discord NSFW Channel Discussion   
    As long as you keep the loli out we good
  24. Thinking
    Chrono got a reaction from Thorax_ in Discord NSFW Channel Discussion   
    As long as you keep the loli out we good
  25. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from LAN_Megalodon in Discord NSFW Channel Discussion   
    As long as you keep the loli out we good