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  1. Agree
    SegFault reacted to Red in Final goodbye   
    You're sounding ignorant as hell. 
  2. Salty
    SegFault reacted to DepressedNeonNepp in Final goodbye   
    Just because you spent a long time on it doesn't mean it's good
    And I never said it was shitty I said people in it are shitty
  3. Like
    SegFault got a reaction from Aegean in Final goodbye   
    I think something to note is the timeline in which all these things have happened is extremely short. You have to give time to be forgiven and prove you've put in work.
    You're always welcome back here but I think you've put out quite a few people by saying over and over what a shitty community some of us have spent weeks, months, and even years to create. If I were you, I would just work on making amends with others and think before you say something on the forums, discord, or in game. 
    Best of luck wherever life takes you, wether that be in xG or not and let us know if there's anything we can do to help you.
  4. Like
    SegFault got a reaction from Thunder in Final goodbye   
    I think something to note is the timeline in which all these things have happened is extremely short. You have to give time to be forgiven and prove you've put in work.
    You're always welcome back here but I think you've put out quite a few people by saying over and over what a shitty community some of us have spent weeks, months, and even years to create. If I were you, I would just work on making amends with others and think before you say something on the forums, discord, or in game. 
    Best of luck wherever life takes you, wether that be in xG or not and let us know if there's anything we can do to help you.
  5. Funny
    SegFault got a reaction from Arnude in DepressedNeonNepp   
    You must wait at least a month before re applying for membership. Your last application was submitted October 2nd.
  6. Got It
    SegFault reacted to Tekk in Hello again.   
    Fantastic to see you officially back. Although I know you're already aware of this, if you have any issues please come straight to me or any higherup. Things will be sorted instantaneously. If you want staff again just let a higherup know. I know for a fact we would all welcome you back with open arms. ?
    Once again, welcome back!
  7. Friendly
    SegFault reacted to Ms.Spooks in Hello again.   
    Oh boy where do I start. 
    I guess I'll start off by talking about my leaving. To be honest I left in a storm. I feel like I hurt a lot of people in the crossfire of my anger. Im sorry to those people. I'd also like to apologize to the members I let down. I wanted to provide the support I could for you guys and because I felt hurt and betrayed so I put myself first. It wasnt fair for you guys.
    I also want to apologize for going dark for so long. In case you don't know I've been under the guise of myagic for a while. It's taken me a long time to not feel so sour. With the recent state of staff however I feel a lot more comfortble in my return. Those who I've *unintentionally* hurt I want to bury the hatchet, if I havent already. 
    I would like to be a part of the community again and hopefully most of you can forgive me in time. There was a lot of behind the scenes activities that left me hurt for a while. I was hoping to shed light in those issues when I left which for the most part I feel has been corrected. The state of xg *from what I've seen on the sidelines* has improved in a lot of ways.
    I'm hoping for a fresh start. I'm not looking for handouts. I dont know if I'm even considering staff in the near future. In time when I feel a bit more connected to the community again I may go for staff again. I just want to be clear my intentions are not set for staff again. I just want to feel involved with the community again. I hope we can move forward together. 
    Thanks for your time.
  8. Disagree
    SegFault reacted to FrostyBoiGrim in Remove #shitposting from discord   
    (adding to what was posted above)
    One compromise would be to simply split the channels again. Yes, the Porn channel was taken down for too much anti-TOS content, but by simply being more vigilant, there would be less problems. The racist or edgy memes could go in #shitposting and the pornographic content can go in its own channel. It would take work and dedication, but we have discord staff, and they should be willing to put in the effort if it improves the community, which I believe a porn channel can do.
    In my experiences through 50+ discord servers, the best ones had 3 or more NSFW channels (One for standard porn and hentai, one for fetishes [Furry, Pony, Feet, BDSM, Etc.] and one for stupid fun memes), or no Fetish material whatsoever. In the servers that allowed porn, often there would be another channel for gay porn or some other subcategory of porn, and this led to people being able to avoid and mute the channels they had no interest in to filter the content they as a member wished to view. In these servers people were happy and never felt forced to view content that they found disgusting while others could view all the content to their hearts content. 
    The reverse has happened too. I've been in servers that outright ban all fetish material (Furry, Pony, Feet, BDSM, Etc.) whether they are SFW or not. These communities are small but also happy and have been great places to hang out. I believe that this is not the right route for xG however due to the large population of fetishists. By restricting forcibly restricting the content one can view we shun a large portion of the community and tell them they are not welcome, or that their interests are not welcome, thus  this is counter productive for xG.
    To summarize, Just add some other NSFW channels and let people mute the ones they don't care about.
  9. Feels Bad Man
    SegFault reacted to FrostyBoiGrim in Remove #shitposting from discord   
    I personally believe it should stay as its one of the few places on the discord where people can express themselves in any way (that isn't against TOS), and I'm all for people having the freedom to express themselves and their opinions, even if they are "controversial" or "weird". Taking away this privilege limits people and what they can do, making the community feel more closed, or possibly more like a dictatorship ?
  10. Bad Spelling
    SegFault reacted to Geektopuss (the amazing team in Remove #shitposting from discord   
    Now buddy, both kind of people who like those things are 75 percent of this groups population, so thode were some risky groups to mention
  11. Funny
    SegFault got a reaction from Dannypicacho in DepressedNeonNepp   
    You must wait at least a month before re applying for membership. Your last application was submitted October 2nd.
  12. Optimistic
    SegFault reacted to Tekk in Going to try TF2 Tommarow   
    I'm still waiting for dm @Kypari ?
  13. Thinking
    SegFault reacted to Kypari in Going to try TF2 Tommarow   
    6/14 of the staff members are furries. While that's 6 too many, I think recent events are showing that you just have to suck some higherup dick to get staff instead of having to get a fursuit as well
  14. Bad Spelling
    SegFault got a reaction from Tatost in Going to try TF2 Tommarow   
    At this point all I can say is.... Oi vay
  15. Useful
    SegFault reacted to ABlueSkittle123 in Going to try TF2 Tommarow   
    Glad to see someone trying out the tf2 side, I was going to mention that there are weapon unlocks for all classes. If you figure out which classes you enjoy I can give you all the unlocks for those classes because I have a ton of duplicates. Also I teach rocket jumping with soldier and sticky jumping with demo so if you like either of those classes I would gladly help you learn how to be efficient with them.
  16. Agree
    SegFault reacted to Aegean in Goldfish/lottamos   
    This is becoming extremely petty, regardless of what you think of Goldfish, being annoying isn't enough of a contributing factor to remove his membership. I also have been in discord multiple times where you all egg on Goldfish and when he says something back in frustration, you all gang up on him. 

    @Lottamos I'm telling you right now, you seriously also need to improve your attitude. I know you're young but you should seriously consider improving your attitude and not trying to make everything into an argument.

    Unless Lithium thinks this has any validity, I'm closing this thread for now.
  17. Like
    SegFault reacted to ScottNi in Goldfish/lottamos   
    Umm yea except this is just an example of your arguing with moderators. Just the other day you killed someone who you thought was the rebeller. Tope said you were wrong and the damage logs showed it wasn't him. Yet you still argued for the next half hour over getting slain once.
  18. Informative
    SegFault reacted to Tatost in Lottamos   
    this isn't a steam profile from 2013
  19. Like
    SegFault got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Lottamos   
    -1 had to block because he spammed me on everything he could saying "spam" over and over again. Refuses to listen to logic or reason. There's alot I can say here but I'll keep it short and sweet. Arguably one of the most imature members I've ever met and that's after hundreds of hours on a tf2 surf server
  20. Like
    SegFault reacted to Owlknight_ in Lottamos   
    -1 I've seen this kid once on the TF2 surf server, he makes me want choke myself. I don't even know how he got member from how he acted there, he was trying to bait me and the other staff into thinking that he wasn't a member. I actually believed he wasn't a member due to how immature he acted by him constantly trolling us. I feel bad for the people on CS:GO who have to deal with him, especially the staff.
  21. Losing It
    SegFault reacted to Jadow in Lottamos   
    +1 "Silence is the person marrying Rhododendron right?" - Goldfish
  22. Thinking
    SegFault got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Brian   
    Brian has done a ton for this clan, and especially my division over the years and for that I'm thankful. However his interactions with staff, players, and the community in general, after multiple chances, don't speak in his favor. I wish I could help you out more Brian, but at this time I'm not sure I feel confident enough in your behavior to agree with the unban.
    -1 for unban at this time ?
  23. Feels Bad Man
    SegFault got a reaction from Thorax_ in Brian   
    Brian has done a ton for this clan, and especially my division over the years and for that I'm thankful. However his interactions with staff, players, and the community in general, after multiple chances, don't speak in his favor. I wish I could help you out more Brian, but at this time I'm not sure I feel confident enough in your behavior to agree with the unban.
    -1 for unban at this time ?
  24. Blaze It
    SegFault reacted to Red in Red   
    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name
    red Identity
    STEAM_0:1:52947739 Position
    Moderator Time Active on Servers
    check gameMe B) Information
    Totally not meme thread. ?
    I believe I can be an exceptional moderator for the xg servers. I'm deeply loyal to the rules and I stand against any human being who threatens the well being of it's foundation. I also adore pointing out and exploiting fraudulent players / abusers who want to pollute the TF2 atmosphere with greed and corruption.
    I'd like to thank @SegFault for recommending me for staff. My TF2 debut starts on the 25th of October so I'm a free man from the broken system.
    - red
  25. Informative
    SegFault got a reaction from tree_ in tree_   
    My friend, I love you to death. You are an absolutely awesome dude, a supportive friend, and a good player. That being said, I don't feel like you show those sides of yourself on the server. You need to open up to the community in game a bit more and greet people with a smile instead of a troll Lenny bind or going mute when others are around! Knowing you personally and knowing you on servers is what makes this hard, I believe you have potential to be a great mod, but i'm not sure if now is the best time until you can break out of your shell a bit on server. 
    For now i'm going to stay neutral.
    P.s. Tree, keep trying and you will get it, you've already come a crazy long way from 6 months ago :^)