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  1. Thinking
    SegFault reacted to Blastopunch in Blastopunch   
    In-Game Name
    Mr.on fire trash can Division
    Team Fortress 2 Previous Member
    No Identity
    76561198835906679 Age
    14 Previously Banned
    Yes Time Active on Servers
    4 days Reason for Joining
    I want to be able to play a bigger part in this amazing community of people 
  2. Informative
    SegFault reacted to Tekk in Blastopunch   
    -1 clientside muted me and was trying to convince everyone else to do so. Was having to communicate through other people to warn him and it just resulted in a ban.
    In no way shape or form is the user mature enough to be a member. HARD -1
  3. Informative
    SegFault reacted to Spirit in DRAWING NEXT 5 COMMENTS TO DRAW   
    CSGO just isn't our forte lol
  4. Like
    SegFault reacted to Kypari in New server time!   
    The decided new server will be MGE!
    - Closed
  5. Losing It
    SegFault reacted to Topaz in DRAWING NEXT 5 COMMENTS TO DRAW   
    You should commemorate the time that @SegFault decided to run through a smoke directly at me while holding out the bomb like a damn suicide bomber.
  6. Winner
    SegFault reacted to onlyalittlegay in DRAWING NEXT 5 COMMENTS TO DRAW   
    Backstory: On Cache during a ten man someone on our team said "Guys get on site!" when A main was still smoked Seg decided to run through smoke with bomb and proceeded to ACE! no jk he died.

  7. Like
    SegFault reacted to jaygoki in Best mouse in a mid-low price range   
    +1 to everyone saying g502, i bought mine 2-3 years ago and it's still the best mouse i've ever used. might be a little above what you're looking for but it will last for a super long time
  8. Like
    SegFault reacted to Caleb956 in Best mouse in a mid-low price range   
    I use the logitech g502 proteus spectrum or whatever, its ridiculously customizable and very comfortable in your hand.  Highly recommend, I think I got mine for like $60 so price is not too bad either.
  9. Like
    SegFault reacted to -Diphikult in Best mouse in a mid-low price range   
    Logitech's G502 mouse is probably your best bet. If it's too pricey, the 403(?) might be better. It mostly depends on your price range. I always have preferred mice capable of rediculously high dpi, but overall I don't think that matters much. You should definitely get a Logitech mouse though. The software is easy to use and allows for a lot of customization.
  10. Like
    SegFault reacted to Lithium in Best mouse in a mid-low price range   
    G502, probably the best mouse I've ever had.
    also the g403 like he said is only like 43$
    but i'd still go with the g502 any day, its just so perfectly comfortable
  11. Like
    SegFault reacted to Julian in Best mouse in a mid-low price range   
    I'd recommend some steel-series. 
    Similer to the one I have (Rival 300), had it since 2015. This one is cheaper but pros and cons are from mine not 100% same.
    Its cheap I will find it likely to be better than the $20 one. It also has RGB which is nice can be painful to adjust it though with
    steelengine, the software can provide macros and adjust DPI also has some APIs for games but from my experience with it its
    not the best, it just gets the job done. The buttons on the side are nice and give a nice click and have yet to fail even as I have used
    them for push-to-talk for over 3 years. Not sure if the Rival 100 has the issue but my side rubber wore to the bottom in less then a year
    maybe I'm just a hardcore gamer or it is made fairly cheaply but nice to keep it in mind.
    Pros:                                    Cons:
    Fairly Cheap                       Rubber Wears Down Quickly
    RGB                                     Software Can Be Tedius
    Has Software                  
    Side Buttons
    Amazon.com: SteelSeries Rival 100, Optical Gaming Mouse - Black: Computers & Accessories
    WWW.AMAZON.COM Amazon.com: SteelSeries Rival 100, Optical Gaming Mouse - Black: Computers & Accessories  
  12. Creative
    SegFault got a reaction from Reiki in random art. sorry about the quality   
    the graffiti one is now kept pretty much all to sketch books because adult trouble is a lot worse than teenager trouble lol but everything else is done in spray paint by hand ^-^
  13. Creative
    SegFault got a reaction from Thorax_ in random art. sorry about the quality   
    the graffiti one is now kept pretty much all to sketch books because adult trouble is a lot worse than teenager trouble lol but everything else is done in spray paint by hand ^-^
  14. Like
    SegFault reacted to Spirit in Best mouse in a mid-low price range   
    I use the LG G403:
    Logitech G403 Wired Optical Gaming Mouse with 12000 DPI, 16.8 Million Colours for PC, MAC, USB - Black: Amazon.co.uk: Computers & Accessories
    WWW.AMAZON.CO.UK Logitech G403 Wired Optical Gaming Mouse with 12000 DPI, 16.8 Million Colours for PC, MAC, USB - Black: Amazon.co.uk: Computers... It has rgb logo and scroll wheel, side buttons, is wired, adjustable dpi.  It's prime eligible here in the UK, not sure about in the US.
  15. Informative
    SegFault reacted to Topaz in Topaz   
    Hey I did better than him this time and did not bottom frag so I assume that now it is:
  16. Like
    SegFault reacted to shwash in Bring back old rtd/friendly   
    I would rather bring back the old friendly plugin and just get rid of RTD altogether.
  17. Make xG Great Again
    SegFault reacted to Caleb956 in Bring back old rtd/friendly   
    If it's what the community wants then I personally have no problem making it how you guys and gals want it.  ?
    In my eyes what happens to the servers in terms of how everyone wants them is completely up to you (I'm bad at words xd).  I know I already said this, but that's why I like votes like this, if we made a questionable decision with changing something on the servers and people dont like it then by all means bring it to attention like this and we are more than willing to change it back to however you want it. ?
  18. Furry
    SegFault got a reaction from Red in Forest   
  19. Friendly
    SegFault reacted to Precious in Live And Learn.   
    Let me start off by saying that I am by no means trying to start drama or attack anyone by making this. I am simply making this to discuss something that has been bugging me for a while now. Buckle up boys, this is gonna be a long one.
    Now, with that out of the way, I'll get on with what I was going to say. In recent weeks on both the servers and forums, I've seen people making some hasty decisions in the moment out of pure anger, sorrow, or loneliness that they later on regret, and it lands them in hot water. And I'm not innocent of this. In the past, I've said and done terrible things to people I care about because I am driven in the moment by blind rage. It's how I nearly lost my friend Skelly, how I got demoted to Moderator, and how I almost got completely demoted down to Non-Member altogether. I admit that perhaps one of my greatest flaws is that I sometimes let my emotions cloud my judgement, and only realize the fault of my actions when the damage is already done. Not a day goes by when I wish I didn't take my anger out on Skelly. Not only can I never be trusted the same way again by the other staff and higherups, but I also nearly destroyed my friendship with a guy who didn't deserve what I said to him.
    But could've would've should've, the past is the past and nothing can change that. All you can do now is try to improve, so that your future may be brighter. When I first got demoted, I was once again almost driven by emotion, this time sorrow, to leave xG and never come back. But I slept on it, and gave myself some time to clear my mind before making a decision. I didn't end up leaving (obviously, or I wouldn't be here writing this), instead, I did my best to make things right, both with the higher ups and my friends. Now look where I am! I'm right back where I was, and I've learned lots of great things to help me improve.
    I guess what I'm trying to say is, I understand that in the moment, it's easy to let your emotions control you. Something might make you angry and you might take it out on others in xG. You might feel depressed or lonely, and feel like no one here on xG cares for you, so you leave. But believe me when I say you don't want to do that. Clear your mind, go for a walk, take a nap, get some food, listen to music, or do whatever you must to soothe yourself. It's easy to let your emotions get ahold of you, but it's difficult to come back to xG and get membership after you stomp out in blind rage. In my opinion, xG is one of the friendliest communities I've ever been a part of, and I've made so many good friends and had so much fun. Don't let your emotions ruin what you have here. If you feel lonely, I promise there is someone, somewhere on our servers that cares about you and will miss you if you go. Heck, I miss everyone who goes, even if I didn't particularly know/like them. I like to believe we have something here for everyone, and it sucks when someone leaves because they feel left out or unappreciated. 
    Hehe, look at me, trying to sound all deep and smart and stuff. But I mean it, don't let your emotions control what you do. Every mistake can be fixed, every bond can be mended, and every wrong can be set right. Don't let one tiny setback drive you to destroy everything you have here on xG, or in your life, for that matter. Because no matter what you believe, we care about you, and will miss you if you go. If no one else will, then I will. That's a promise.?
  20. Like
    SegFault got a reaction from Genocide in MOUSE   
    @Dannypicacho -1ing some one and telling them they have "no place" are totally different. One is voting, the other is just bullying. There was abosulely no reason for @Sodium to say it like that, no matter what the meaning behind it was. 
    Unless he is banned he is free to play and be a member of the community as far as I'm concerned, weather he is a member of the clan or not.
  21. Smelly
    SegFault reacted to Arnude in How do you say DannyPastacio   
    Other: Cunt.
    I like to call him that.
  22. Agree
    SegFault got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in MOUSE   
    I don't see why it's not
    Also, this is completely inappropriate. If you feel this is true provide evidence and make a ban request. We are a community that welcomes new players and accepts them into the clan if they fufill certain requirements. Absolutely DO NOT say that he has no place here without a valid proof and reason
  23. Winner
    SegFault reacted to Topaz in MOUSE   
    Perhaps it would be a bit more helpful, especially in this case, to tell him what he needs to improve on? If this is not just a meme app, anyway.

    At any rate, here is a more productive reply than I originally gave:

    On the note of toxicity, you leave a lot to be desired. You tend to harass and mock other players to a frustrating degree. Tone that down, no one enjoys it and it makes you look like an ass. On the note of warden spamming, the few times you do get CT you do it pretty consistently. Just calm down, let others take warden on occasion and no one will mind. Of course, a bigger issue I have is that I think you really need to read up more on the rules, and perhaps avoid playing CT altogether until you feel you are more confident in your ability to follow said rules. The arguing with staff is pretty obvious, just do not do it. What they say is the law of the land, and if you really have issue or believe they are incorrect you can report it to a higher up or preferably here on the forums.

    So if you are actually interested in being a bigger part of the community and joining the clan, then there is my feedback. I am still remaining at a resounding -1 until all of these issues are corrected, but figured it would not hurt to give something a bit more productive.
  24. Disagree
    SegFault reacted to Sodium in MOUSE   
    Immature, tarps before 7, doesn’t know the rules, and insists on being a guard, and has no place being a member on this server
    A:6 Not much to say about this
  25. Winner
    SegFault reacted to Genocide in MOUSE   
    Just BECAUSE you do not like him or he isn't a good warden/guard doesn't mean you can bully and say things we don't care to know ON HIS MEMBER APP, people tend to forget that this is a MEMBER app not a damned General post, We need to know -1 or +1, yes that includes a reason, but for people to say "has no place being a member on this server" is ABSURD. Mouse is a young guy and he will mature over time, DON'T -1 him because of his age or his freaking guard skills or just because you don't like him, -1 over his basic knowledge of jb and overall status on the server. I don't know what is wrong with some of the people who posted on this app, but that shit needs to stop. Anybody is welcomed to our server, so treat him like that, treat him like a person instead of a damn animal.