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  1. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Scoot's One-stop Key Shop!   
    Hey you asinine ham-spergers. Scoots here with a metric FUCKLOAD of keys for sale! That's right, I have a lot of keys and they are going for hellaciously good prices. If you have a hankering to open crates on Team Fortress 2, but don't want to drain $2.50 per key from Valve, then this is the right place to be!

    If you are interested in getting a killer rate on keys, please get into contact with me. I'm looking to sell around 600 keys or so, so I have plenty in stock and will be more than happy to work with you!
    My going rate for keys is currently $1.80 Per Key! Interested yet? You should be! Because that is one SWEET-ASS DEAL.

    Should you decide that you want to purchase some cheap keys, please start by getting in contact with me, either here, through Steam, or some other way. Let me know that you plan on purchasing. After you contact me and let me know how many keys you wish to buy, I'll send you an invoice for the total amount and you can make a payment to me through PayPal. (I'll provide my PayPal address during the transaction.) Once the funds clear my account, I will send you a trade offer on Steam with the keys you purchased!
    For you hearty sons-a-bitches here at xG, the only stipulation I will set is that you must have the Mobile Authenticator active in order to make a purchase. If it isn't, your keys will be held for a week and it will cause all sorts of headaches for me on my end, so that's the only stipulation. Typically, there are a lot of other restrictions set in place for these kinds of transactions, such as a specific Backpack value, or a limit on the number of keys you can buy per purchase, but I trust you guys enough to look past all of that. And I'm sure that you guys can trust me enough to know that I WILL deliver to you guys. But if you insist, I will be more than happy to have a middle-man if the trust isn't all there. =)
    So, if you want some cheap keys, hit me up! I currently have 557 Keys In Stock!

    Also, feel free to check the first page of my backpack, as anything there is also for sale. I'll cut some good rates on any of the items you see for sale there. I'm accepting both pure and keys for anything on page 1 of my backpack!
    Mimikyu's Inventory
    Thanks a ton guys!
  2. Friendly
    Scootaloo reacted to kbraszzz in The Hardest Goodbye   
    Shit man this one is real?
    Hope to still see you around, I'm starting to feel the same way Valve has been really killing TF2.
  3. Friendly
    Scootaloo reacted to Rejects in The Hardest Goodbye   
    Well shit,
    Good luck I guess
  4. Friendly
    Scootaloo reacted to Bone in The Hardest Goodbye   
    I had to read this like 6 times to make sure I wasn't missing some kind of hidden message to say that you were kidding. Like the other 15 goodbye threads you've done.
    Really sad to find out that it's not a joke this time. I know You and I probably didn't know each other too well, but I know all the things you've done for xG, and someone as influential as yourself stepping down kinda sucks.
    Hope you have fun with all the free time you'll have since you won't have to deal with us kids in the TF2 Division ;)
  5. Friendly
    Scootaloo reacted to lilbleed in The Hardest Goodbye   
    I didn't really know you that well but I always enjoyed your promo demo memes...those were the best
  6. Sad
    Scootaloo got a reaction from kbraszzz in A Post Concerning Our Current Cm's   
    I've made the decision, and I hope everyone respects it. I thank you all for the opportunity you have given me to lead this clan, but for the time being, I feel it's best if I call it quits.
    I won't be gone. I'll still be around. Perhaps one day I may return, if and when xG needs it. <3
    The Hardest Goodbye
  7. Like
    Scootaloo reacted to Randy_Orton in The Hardest Goodbye   
  8. Sad
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Floppy in The Hardest Goodbye   
    I can't believe how difficult this is for me. I've written and rewritten this message at least ten times now, and I still don't like the way it's coming out. But fuck it, it needs to be said.
    My time here at XenoGamers has been amazing. I've made some very strong friendships, made some very fond memories, and helped build this clan into something astounding. If anything, pride is the strongest feeling I have for where xG is at today. I'm proud of our little community. I'm proud of the people who are leading it in the direction it is going. And I am proud of the growth we have made here in our tiny little corner of the internet.
    With all of that being said, it is time for me to hang up my coat. Ladies and gentleman, I am hereby announcing that, as of now, I am stepping down from the role of Clan Manager here in xG. No tricks. No memes. 100% pure honesty.
    Some may be wondering why. And to that, I can only say that I have accomplished everything I set out to do, specifically with the Team Fortress 2 division. There was once a time where my assistance was in dire need, and I provided it to my fullest abilities. There were many problems that needed solving, and someone such as myself was required to find the solutions. The time for my assistance has long since passed, so now it's time to turn in the badge.
    In all honesty, the higher ups are super crowded right now. With the return of @Aegean, our higher ups are in excellent hands, and I honestly feel like the responsibilities of our CMs is spread waaay too thin among us all. So it's with no remorse that I depart from this point, because deep down I know that after I leave, we will continue to operate under some great leadership.
    And to be quite frank, since we have gotten to where we are at, the desire to play Team Fortress 2 has dwindled heavily. In the day, I find myself wanting to play less and less. It's almost at the point where I am considering selling off my entire inventory, and when someone with a near $5k backpack is considering cashing out, that's a pretty strong indicator that the desire is depleted. Not only this, but with other distractions in life, such as new games to play, responsibilities to oversee, and people to connect with, Team Fortress 2 simply is not a priority at this time.
    I love you guys. I love this clan. And I honestly feel that it deserves much more than what I am giving it at this time. I have no desire to pursue the game any further. And as much as it hurts me to step down, I feel like it is something I have to do.
    Please don't think this is me abandoning the clan. I'll still be around. I'll check in occasionally, perhaps hop on a server every now and then, and I'll still be here. I just won't be the guy people turn to to ask questions or ask for help.
    Thanks for the memories xG. See you, space cowboy. =)
  9. Friendly
    Scootaloo reacted to DrLee in The Hardest Goodbye   
    Yeah, I know that feeling. Hope to see you around sometime :greyalien:
  10. Friendly
    Scootaloo reacted to Aegean in The Hardest Goodbye   
    Honestly don't be a stranger, voice your opinion or just hang out whenever you'd like. I wasn't here for majority of the your time in xG, but I know the TF2 division and Xeno Gamers in general owe you a lot. Have fun with any new games you try out, and hopefully we'll see you around (:
  11. Sad
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Aegean in A Post Concerning Our Current Cm's   
    I've made the decision, and I hope everyone respects it. I thank you all for the opportunity you have given me to lead this clan, but for the time being, I feel it's best if I call it quits.
    I won't be gone. I'll still be around. Perhaps one day I may return, if and when xG needs it. <3
    The Hardest Goodbye
  12. Funny
    Scootaloo reacted to Squid in The Hardest Goodbye   
    So R.I.P Wubwub Wednesday and event server?
  13. Friendly
    Scootaloo reacted to Tsuchikure in The Hardest Goodbye   
    Don't worry! You'll always be CM in our hearts. Just like @Forest.
  14. Friendly
    Scootaloo reacted to Owl in The Hardest Goodbye   
    much respect, sometimes life takes over but you really have been the most level headed and kind CL/CM whatever ive seen, thanks for your efforts
  15. Sad
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Vacindak in The Hardest Goodbye   
    I can't believe how difficult this is for me. I've written and rewritten this message at least ten times now, and I still don't like the way it's coming out. But fuck it, it needs to be said.
    My time here at XenoGamers has been amazing. I've made some very strong friendships, made some very fond memories, and helped build this clan into something astounding. If anything, pride is the strongest feeling I have for where xG is at today. I'm proud of our little community. I'm proud of the people who are leading it in the direction it is going. And I am proud of the growth we have made here in our tiny little corner of the internet.
    With all of that being said, it is time for me to hang up my coat. Ladies and gentleman, I am hereby announcing that, as of now, I am stepping down from the role of Clan Manager here in xG. No tricks. No memes. 100% pure honesty.
    Some may be wondering why. And to that, I can only say that I have accomplished everything I set out to do, specifically with the Team Fortress 2 division. There was once a time where my assistance was in dire need, and I provided it to my fullest abilities. There were many problems that needed solving, and someone such as myself was required to find the solutions. The time for my assistance has long since passed, so now it's time to turn in the badge.
    In all honesty, the higher ups are super crowded right now. With the return of @Aegean, our higher ups are in excellent hands, and I honestly feel like the responsibilities of our CMs is spread waaay too thin among us all. So it's with no remorse that I depart from this point, because deep down I know that after I leave, we will continue to operate under some great leadership.
    And to be quite frank, since we have gotten to where we are at, the desire to play Team Fortress 2 has dwindled heavily. In the day, I find myself wanting to play less and less. It's almost at the point where I am considering selling off my entire inventory, and when someone with a near $5k backpack is considering cashing out, that's a pretty strong indicator that the desire is depleted. Not only this, but with other distractions in life, such as new games to play, responsibilities to oversee, and people to connect with, Team Fortress 2 simply is not a priority at this time.
    I love you guys. I love this clan. And I honestly feel that it deserves much more than what I am giving it at this time. I have no desire to pursue the game any further. And as much as it hurts me to step down, I feel like it is something I have to do.
    Please don't think this is me abandoning the clan. I'll still be around. I'll check in occasionally, perhaps hop on a server every now and then, and I'll still be here. I just won't be the guy people turn to to ask questions or ask for help.
    Thanks for the memories xG. See you, space cowboy. =)
  16. Sad
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Thorax_ in A Post Concerning Our Current Cm's   
    I've made the decision, and I hope everyone respects it. I thank you all for the opportunity you have given me to lead this clan, but for the time being, I feel it's best if I call it quits.
    I won't be gone. I'll still be around. Perhaps one day I may return, if and when xG needs it. <3
    The Hardest Goodbye
  17. Sad
    Scootaloo got a reaction from lilbleed in The Hardest Goodbye   
    I can't believe how difficult this is for me. I've written and rewritten this message at least ten times now, and I still don't like the way it's coming out. But fuck it, it needs to be said.
    My time here at XenoGamers has been amazing. I've made some very strong friendships, made some very fond memories, and helped build this clan into something astounding. If anything, pride is the strongest feeling I have for where xG is at today. I'm proud of our little community. I'm proud of the people who are leading it in the direction it is going. And I am proud of the growth we have made here in our tiny little corner of the internet.
    With all of that being said, it is time for me to hang up my coat. Ladies and gentleman, I am hereby announcing that, as of now, I am stepping down from the role of Clan Manager here in xG. No tricks. No memes. 100% pure honesty.
    Some may be wondering why. And to that, I can only say that I have accomplished everything I set out to do, specifically with the Team Fortress 2 division. There was once a time where my assistance was in dire need, and I provided it to my fullest abilities. There were many problems that needed solving, and someone such as myself was required to find the solutions. The time for my assistance has long since passed, so now it's time to turn in the badge.
    In all honesty, the higher ups are super crowded right now. With the return of @Aegean, our higher ups are in excellent hands, and I honestly feel like the responsibilities of our CMs is spread waaay too thin among us all. So it's with no remorse that I depart from this point, because deep down I know that after I leave, we will continue to operate under some great leadership.
    And to be quite frank, since we have gotten to where we are at, the desire to play Team Fortress 2 has dwindled heavily. In the day, I find myself wanting to play less and less. It's almost at the point where I am considering selling off my entire inventory, and when someone with a near $5k backpack is considering cashing out, that's a pretty strong indicator that the desire is depleted. Not only this, but with other distractions in life, such as new games to play, responsibilities to oversee, and people to connect with, Team Fortress 2 simply is not a priority at this time.
    I love you guys. I love this clan. And I honestly feel that it deserves much more than what I am giving it at this time. I have no desire to pursue the game any further. And as much as it hurts me to step down, I feel like it is something I have to do.
    Please don't think this is me abandoning the clan. I'll still be around. I'll check in occasionally, perhaps hop on a server every now and then, and I'll still be here. I just won't be the guy people turn to to ask questions or ask for help.
    Thanks for the memories xG. See you, space cowboy. =)
  18. Sad
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kypari in The Hardest Goodbye   
    I can't believe how difficult this is for me. I've written and rewritten this message at least ten times now, and I still don't like the way it's coming out. But fuck it, it needs to be said.
    My time here at XenoGamers has been amazing. I've made some very strong friendships, made some very fond memories, and helped build this clan into something astounding. If anything, pride is the strongest feeling I have for where xG is at today. I'm proud of our little community. I'm proud of the people who are leading it in the direction it is going. And I am proud of the growth we have made here in our tiny little corner of the internet.
    With all of that being said, it is time for me to hang up my coat. Ladies and gentleman, I am hereby announcing that, as of now, I am stepping down from the role of Clan Manager here in xG. No tricks. No memes. 100% pure honesty.
    Some may be wondering why. And to that, I can only say that I have accomplished everything I set out to do, specifically with the Team Fortress 2 division. There was once a time where my assistance was in dire need, and I provided it to my fullest abilities. There were many problems that needed solving, and someone such as myself was required to find the solutions. The time for my assistance has long since passed, so now it's time to turn in the badge.
    In all honesty, the higher ups are super crowded right now. With the return of @Aegean, our higher ups are in excellent hands, and I honestly feel like the responsibilities of our CMs is spread waaay too thin among us all. So it's with no remorse that I depart from this point, because deep down I know that after I leave, we will continue to operate under some great leadership.
    And to be quite frank, since we have gotten to where we are at, the desire to play Team Fortress 2 has dwindled heavily. In the day, I find myself wanting to play less and less. It's almost at the point where I am considering selling off my entire inventory, and when someone with a near $5k backpack is considering cashing out, that's a pretty strong indicator that the desire is depleted. Not only this, but with other distractions in life, such as new games to play, responsibilities to oversee, and people to connect with, Team Fortress 2 simply is not a priority at this time.
    I love you guys. I love this clan. And I honestly feel that it deserves much more than what I am giving it at this time. I have no desire to pursue the game any further. And as much as it hurts me to step down, I feel like it is something I have to do.
    Please don't think this is me abandoning the clan. I'll still be around. I'll check in occasionally, perhaps hop on a server every now and then, and I'll still be here. I just won't be the guy people turn to to ask questions or ask for help.
    Thanks for the memories xG. See you, space cowboy. =)
  19. Friendly
    Scootaloo reacted to Goblins in The Hardest Goodbye   
    Well, that's a shame I suppose. At least you're not actually leaving (implying anyone truly leaves xG). You'll still be able to give us your great wisdom when we're puzzled over something.
    If you ever have the desire to play TF2 again, we'll be here.
  20. Friendly
    Scootaloo reacted to Vexx in The Hardest Goodbye   
    Well this was definitely not something I was expecting to happen so soon. I don't blame you for losing interest in Tf2 either, the game has been getting worse and worse with every update, I do actually believe this last Halloween update might've been one of the nails in the coffin. You were a great community leader, xG probably wouldn't be what it is if it weren't for you. I really hope that I'll see you around, friend.
  21. Sad
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Thorax_ in The Hardest Goodbye   
    I can't believe how difficult this is for me. I've written and rewritten this message at least ten times now, and I still don't like the way it's coming out. But fuck it, it needs to be said.
    My time here at XenoGamers has been amazing. I've made some very strong friendships, made some very fond memories, and helped build this clan into something astounding. If anything, pride is the strongest feeling I have for where xG is at today. I'm proud of our little community. I'm proud of the people who are leading it in the direction it is going. And I am proud of the growth we have made here in our tiny little corner of the internet.
    With all of that being said, it is time for me to hang up my coat. Ladies and gentleman, I am hereby announcing that, as of now, I am stepping down from the role of Clan Manager here in xG. No tricks. No memes. 100% pure honesty.
    Some may be wondering why. And to that, I can only say that I have accomplished everything I set out to do, specifically with the Team Fortress 2 division. There was once a time where my assistance was in dire need, and I provided it to my fullest abilities. There were many problems that needed solving, and someone such as myself was required to find the solutions. The time for my assistance has long since passed, so now it's time to turn in the badge.
    In all honesty, the higher ups are super crowded right now. With the return of @Aegean, our higher ups are in excellent hands, and I honestly feel like the responsibilities of our CMs is spread waaay too thin among us all. So it's with no remorse that I depart from this point, because deep down I know that after I leave, we will continue to operate under some great leadership.
    And to be quite frank, since we have gotten to where we are at, the desire to play Team Fortress 2 has dwindled heavily. In the day, I find myself wanting to play less and less. It's almost at the point where I am considering selling off my entire inventory, and when someone with a near $5k backpack is considering cashing out, that's a pretty strong indicator that the desire is depleted. Not only this, but with other distractions in life, such as new games to play, responsibilities to oversee, and people to connect with, Team Fortress 2 simply is not a priority at this time.
    I love you guys. I love this clan. And I honestly feel that it deserves much more than what I am giving it at this time. I have no desire to pursue the game any further. And as much as it hurts me to step down, I feel like it is something I have to do.
    Please don't think this is me abandoning the clan. I'll still be around. I'll check in occasionally, perhaps hop on a server every now and then, and I'll still be here. I just won't be the guy people turn to to ask questions or ask for help.
    Thanks for the memories xG. See you, space cowboy. =)
  22. Sad
    Scootaloo got a reaction from ArminArmout in The Hardest Goodbye   
    I can't believe how difficult this is for me. I've written and rewritten this message at least ten times now, and I still don't like the way it's coming out. But fuck it, it needs to be said.
    My time here at XenoGamers has been amazing. I've made some very strong friendships, made some very fond memories, and helped build this clan into something astounding. If anything, pride is the strongest feeling I have for where xG is at today. I'm proud of our little community. I'm proud of the people who are leading it in the direction it is going. And I am proud of the growth we have made here in our tiny little corner of the internet.
    With all of that being said, it is time for me to hang up my coat. Ladies and gentleman, I am hereby announcing that, as of now, I am stepping down from the role of Clan Manager here in xG. No tricks. No memes. 100% pure honesty.
    Some may be wondering why. And to that, I can only say that I have accomplished everything I set out to do, specifically with the Team Fortress 2 division. There was once a time where my assistance was in dire need, and I provided it to my fullest abilities. There were many problems that needed solving, and someone such as myself was required to find the solutions. The time for my assistance has long since passed, so now it's time to turn in the badge.
    In all honesty, the higher ups are super crowded right now. With the return of @Aegean, our higher ups are in excellent hands, and I honestly feel like the responsibilities of our CMs is spread waaay too thin among us all. So it's with no remorse that I depart from this point, because deep down I know that after I leave, we will continue to operate under some great leadership.
    And to be quite frank, since we have gotten to where we are at, the desire to play Team Fortress 2 has dwindled heavily. In the day, I find myself wanting to play less and less. It's almost at the point where I am considering selling off my entire inventory, and when someone with a near $5k backpack is considering cashing out, that's a pretty strong indicator that the desire is depleted. Not only this, but with other distractions in life, such as new games to play, responsibilities to oversee, and people to connect with, Team Fortress 2 simply is not a priority at this time.
    I love you guys. I love this clan. And I honestly feel that it deserves much more than what I am giving it at this time. I have no desire to pursue the game any further. And as much as it hurts me to step down, I feel like it is something I have to do.
    Please don't think this is me abandoning the clan. I'll still be around. I'll check in occasionally, perhaps hop on a server every now and then, and I'll still be here. I just won't be the guy people turn to to ask questions or ask for help.
    Thanks for the memories xG. See you, space cowboy. =)
  23. Friendly
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Goblins in The Hardest Goodbye   
    I can't believe how difficult this is for me. I've written and rewritten this message at least ten times now, and I still don't like the way it's coming out. But fuck it, it needs to be said.
    My time here at XenoGamers has been amazing. I've made some very strong friendships, made some very fond memories, and helped build this clan into something astounding. If anything, pride is the strongest feeling I have for where xG is at today. I'm proud of our little community. I'm proud of the people who are leading it in the direction it is going. And I am proud of the growth we have made here in our tiny little corner of the internet.
    With all of that being said, it is time for me to hang up my coat. Ladies and gentleman, I am hereby announcing that, as of now, I am stepping down from the role of Clan Manager here in xG. No tricks. No memes. 100% pure honesty.
    Some may be wondering why. And to that, I can only say that I have accomplished everything I set out to do, specifically with the Team Fortress 2 division. There was once a time where my assistance was in dire need, and I provided it to my fullest abilities. There were many problems that needed solving, and someone such as myself was required to find the solutions. The time for my assistance has long since passed, so now it's time to turn in the badge.
    In all honesty, the higher ups are super crowded right now. With the return of @Aegean, our higher ups are in excellent hands, and I honestly feel like the responsibilities of our CMs is spread waaay too thin among us all. So it's with no remorse that I depart from this point, because deep down I know that after I leave, we will continue to operate under some great leadership.
    And to be quite frank, since we have gotten to where we are at, the desire to play Team Fortress 2 has dwindled heavily. In the day, I find myself wanting to play less and less. It's almost at the point where I am considering selling off my entire inventory, and when someone with a near $5k backpack is considering cashing out, that's a pretty strong indicator that the desire is depleted. Not only this, but with other distractions in life, such as new games to play, responsibilities to oversee, and people to connect with, Team Fortress 2 simply is not a priority at this time.
    I love you guys. I love this clan. And I honestly feel that it deserves much more than what I am giving it at this time. I have no desire to pursue the game any further. And as much as it hurts me to step down, I feel like it is something I have to do.
    Please don't think this is me abandoning the clan. I'll still be around. I'll check in occasionally, perhaps hop on a server every now and then, and I'll still be here. I just won't be the guy people turn to to ask questions or ask for help.
    Thanks for the memories xG. See you, space cowboy. =)
  24. Friendly
    Scootaloo reacted to Reptile in The Hardest Goodbye   
    Aah, I figured this was coming around the time I saw your posts in the thread Vexx made, so I'll say now that you were certainly a very helpful and enjoyable person to be around during the time you did spend as CM, and the positions before that. Of course, you'll probably still be that way even after, but it's understandable that you would do this seeing as how you do have quite the full plate with being a father and so on too. Regardless of what you go and do now, hopefully you enjoy yourself with it as there's no point in trying to force yourself to play a game you're losing the desire to play. Will certainly miss some of the silly antics like the crazy maps we'd go to or things like the Scootahive and so forth, but what matters most is that you're happy with your decisions and what you've managed to do up to this point. See you around boyo, will look forward to when you come around here and there.
  25. Friendly
    Scootaloo reacted to Vector in The Hardest Goodbye   
    Well that's sad, you were always one of the nicest most understanding person in this place, we all have shit we need to do. Also i don't blame you quitting tf2, you could probably quick sell your backpack for 4 grand, however i know you're better than that. We should play overwatch sometime and get angry at how fucking bull shit the game can be.