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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. Considering the ban is almost over anyway, I'd say we unban. @Bello, @mrnutty12, @Sesh thoughts?

    I mean I've encountered a whole bunch of problems in the past with this person. He micspams quite often and there were a few incidents where he was arguing with @BonfireCentipede and myself on the server. Should really wait out the rest of his ban in my opinion because of this. I don't dislike the guy at all but I do feel like he shouldn't be let off since he does cause issues.

  2. Well first off I want a staff rooster now. Second, i had been contemplating stepping down for about a month before that. The game had become a chore for me. dealing the little kids every single day had made coming on a miserable experience, I had to take a break to make the game fun for me again. I love this community, but i completely understand if i don't get staff back.

    I can confirm that Skeletal was considering stepping down a month before stepping down. He decided against it at the time but was not 100%.

  3. -1 Breaks their own servers rules. I remember playing on surf_telstar with the ubercharge and crit orb and you exploited by using medic's ubercharge to get rid of it.

    Another issue I've had is when I used to spray things and then you would respray it somewhere else despite me clearly being confused at what was going on and wanting it to stop. I went into /stealth and caught you in the act using /adminspray, so I had to tell you to stop otherwise I was going to talk to higherups about it. Though you were fairly new at this point this really taints my opinion of you getting admin.

    I like you as a person, but I've had a few incidents in the past that so I just don't see it.

  4. Xeno Gamers

    Once again, Player(s) being banned with excessive ban times when a day-ban for the same rules broken never previously occurred on the Player's record. Not going to provide a vouch, but Higher-Ups need to clarify on whether this is how ban times should be stacking or not.

    Would be nice to be re-clarified. I'm having doubts myself whether I'm doing things right sometimes. I personally feel that nearly all rules should be linked when it comes to ban times so that someone doesn't come on the server and break multiple different rules and being banned for an hour multiple times and to avoid confusion amongst staff.

    With that said, would also like to recommend a new set of punishments to deal with Chat and Mic spam for Servers that have this feature; ideally revoking the user's Chat/Mic privileges via Comms ban for a pre-determined amount of time depending on the severity of the case before escalating to a Server ban.

    I agree with this! If someone is micspamming it would make a lot more sense to do:

    Warn -> 30 mins mute -> 60 mins mute -> Day mute -> Week Mute -> Month Mute -> Perm mute

    Or something along the lines of that.

  5. Xeno Gamers Ban History


    You've been warned and muted a few times for similar things:

    Xeno Gamers


    There were no objections in admin chat so I just went through with it.

    The reason why I muted you first was because I didn't know if you had a ban history or not, so I decided to just go straight ahead and ban you unless other staff had any issues with it after I saw your ban history. I definitely warned you before and @TheSupremePatriot can definitely testify that too.

  6. -1


    30 minute ban; You can wait it out. I appreciate your honesty though.


    We have a rule that is "No Spawnkilling/Spawnhitting”

    This ranges from and is not limited to “Hitting, Shoving, Airblasting, Bonking, Jarate/Mad Milk, Tickling etc.”


    Please keep this in mind when your ban expires.

    -1 Couldn't have phrased it better.

  7. You did zero research and went based off of other people said, then used that information in your post. There's no telling how correct your information is on Brian.


    Rejects was cut a lot of slacks for blatantly lying and abusing his powers. I'm not going to hang on this too long to minimize the issues this thread is already causing people, but, the fact he was allowed to stay in this clan is definitely slack. This was probably a mixture of a lot of people liking him and slack for his work on the servers.


    Now, banning someone for the name "admins are badmins" is not fair. That's just shows certain staff members have thin skins. Staff should never have to use their powers for insults against them unless they are getting flat out personal attacks or are disrupting the server.

    He went off what admins said. 3 of them at least. Surely staff should be trusted enough or they wouldn't be staff in the first place?


    I banned him after asking a private discord server what they thought. Response was ban him.

    So I did.

  8. Since you have failed to read all of my short, but important, thread responses I'll have to reiterate this for you. When you base a ban on someone's prior bans, then the substance of those bans matter. Meaning, bogus bans should not be considered. The majority of his previous bans are permanent, and also bogus. If you're going to be a staff member and leave input on a ban appeal then you must put in careful scrutiny into your actions on the appeal. You have failed to do that.

    The most recent ban was a week. TF2 higherups are agreeing that a month was justified since he had already had a week ban. I get where you're coming from though.

  9. He was on yesterday for 6 hours with Egossi and other members on TGH, are you telling me he went through the server only to insult people? Also, this whole thread is based on your conversation to brian asking him to name change, which he didn't, to which you asked Vexx for a month ban after. So what you're saying is also false since no one apparently had an issue with him that entire day, but according to you, all he does is come on just to insult people.

    I'm pretty sure most TGH staff can back me up that he's toxic nearly every time he joins.

    @Vexx @Sesh @Elcark @BonfireCentipede @Vector @Natsu and more.