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Everything posted by Lithium

  1. constantly tries to push the limits of the moderation +1
  2. Hub Updated Pulse and Pulse Fade auras Should no longer cause FPS drops Slightly altered appearance [*]Added Basic (1250c) and Basic Fade (1750c) auras Simple, 1 or 2 color aura trail [*]Added Helios (2250c) auras (Thanks, @virr!) 2 colors, particles spin around you and move upwards [*]CS:GO staff members now recieve a bonus credit for being active Note: Updated auras may take some time to be visible on all servers, and may require you to restart your game after downloading.
  3. Banned on 12/30/15 for "mass" by @orangejuice
  4. Jailbreak Priorityguard now only lasts for one map, and price has been reduced to 50 credits
  5. Minigames Added map mg_lt_glacier - An ice-skating race map - courses are randomly generated each time with different obstacles [spoiler=Image] Yes I know many textures are black, I'll fix that later if I can
  6. Changed it, you can no longer close cells on these maps
  7. That demo shows very clearly that he had done nothing wrong. He admitted that three dots was okay (after he talked to me), then you spam what I had sent you a few more times (after you had already sent it a few times before). He warns you to stop spamming, as would be expected for mild copy/paste spam like that. And then, you start threatening him and baiting him into banning you. It's a completely fair ban. While I will admit that sometimes Athrun's attitude as a mod isn't the best, nothing he did here was unusual or unacceptable in the slightest. And your own attitude in that situation isn't really great for someone with an open mod app. I'm going to close this, but @Bleed @Owl @Chrono if you have anything to add feel free to post anyways (or discuss in private) Chat log for reference
  8. these are good. Also we could do an actual cs:go 1v1 or 5v5 tourney since we already play those all the time, just not structured in any way
  9. CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn it! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click here or here. WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY!
  10. +1 played with him a few times, nice guy A:7 M:8
  11. I've never seen or heard of this happening.. if it happened then we could just fix the bug, there's no reason to add a command as a workaround for something that could be fixed.
  12. He needs a total of 5 +1's from xG members and a DM+ vouch, currently he has neither. Needs 4 more xG member vouches and a dm+ vouch.
  13. Hub Nadeskins no longer collide with world and use parent grenade's hitbox Chat tags no longer cause the users name to truncate to be unnecessarily short
  14. Lithium

    Ios 10 Discussion

    That has nothing to do with android. It's a Samsung phone.
  15. we don't count votes on mod apps, but your opinion is still fine to post
  16. Also, to everyone - if someone suggests something in this thread and you want to see it in-game, then vote their post Like/Agree, so we can judge if enough people want it.
  17. New update for CS:GO on a beta branch - This is a fairly major update, with a large number of important fixes for hitboxes, landing animations, and changes to crouch spam. I figured I'd post this here just to let everyone know how you can play this beta, since it's not automatically pushed to all clients. Patch Notes: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive To switch your CS:GO client to the beta branch (or back to release), go to your Steam library, right click on csgo and select properties: Then, click on the "Betas" tab and select to play the beta. (To switch back, simply select "NONE") Note: You will not be able to play on any servers not opted in to the beta (our servers are not), only play offline. Any discussion is welcome below.
  18. Hub Added Galaxy and Aurora auras to public (Prices are 4000 and 5000 respectively) Added ability to toggle whether you see others' auras, no auras, or just your own for people with potatoes. Use !settings or !auravisibility to change. Edited: Added Pulse and Pulse Fade auras (Prices are 3000 and 3500 respectively) Added auras for teams who participated in Cologne 2016 that weren't already added Added a few tags
  19. edit: nvm, there is a new way to transfer credits now. see here
  20. judging by the rest of the ban reason, seems like it. unbanned