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  1. RIP
    Red reacted to Arthman in CanWeMakeXenoGamersNotAidsAgain?   
    just going to point out @Semper that PurpleDrank died from an OD a few years ago. I don't want to be a nazi or anything, but I doubt it'd be wise to use his name like that.
  2. Funny
    Red reacted to hongkongatron in Rabidtoken - Counter-Strike   
    Gonna be neutral since I know jack shit about this guy, but really? “he occasionally breaks rules and screams” “i dont see why not”

  3. Like
    Red got a reaction from Precious in CanWeMakeXenoGamersNotAidsAgain?   
  4. Like
    Red reacted to Spirit in CanWeMakeXenoGamersNotAidsAgain?   
  5. Like
    Red got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in CanWeMakeXenoGamersNotAidsAgain?   
  6. Like
    Red reacted to hongkongatron in CanWeMakeXenoGamersNotAidsAgain?   
    one person being mean to you once does not mean the entire clan is aids but you’re nearly there on that hunch
  7. Dislike
    Red got a reaction from ProjectXenome in CanWeMakeXenoGamersNotAidsAgain?   
  8. Drunk
    Red reacted to ProjectXenome in CanWeMakeXenoGamersNotAidsAgain?   
    Can we?
  9. Boring
    Red reacted to Thorax_ in Xander   
    -1 You we’re banned a total of 6 times, all for pretty much the exact same thing. You say that you’ve changed after only one month of being permed but I find that extremely hard to believe considering you got banned for a month only to just come back and get yourself permed.
    I will however +1 if you do an unban challenge, otherwise that’s a hard no from me. Sorry.
  10. Not Funny
    Red got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Cats or Dogs   
    No animals, cause I don't want to transform into a furry. 

  11. Like
    Red got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Minecraft Server   
    og battle royale insta +1
  12. Gross
    Red reacted to Spirit in Plz tell me im not the only one..?   
    I have something like 4 days on surf and that's probably 95+% of the time I've spent playing on xG servers, so yeah, surf is addicting ?
  13. Losing It
    Red reacted to Queelsh in I’ll be back in a while   
    Having some issues at me house of wonders so I’m gonna be taking a break from XG (would join but mom cut the Ethernet cord Lmfao)
    i got grounded for “skipping class” even though I threw up in the bathroom and so I texted my mom and asked her if o could go home. She said no but by the time she responded it was twenty minutes into a French test and we all know how stinky French is (Spanish is better)
  14. Bad Spelling
    Red reacted to DepressedNeonNepp in Cats or Dogs   
    Cats always. I may be byist here.
  15. Like
    Red got a reaction from hongkongatron in Cats or Dogs   
    No animals, cause I don't want to transform into a furry. 

  16. Boring
    Red reacted to -Diphikult in Cats or Dogs   
    I love all animals, that being said, I hate cats.
    Dogs are much better.
    Unless you like cats, then they're better.
    It's all opinion.
    Dogs > Cats
  17. Gross
    Red reacted to Arnude in Cats or Dogs   
    Both have their pros and cons. 
    Dogs protect but also attack
    Cats protect but also attack
    Cats hate everyone and dogs lick everything.
    I prefer doggos.
  18. Thinking
    Red reacted to Caleb956 in General_Beret - Team Fortress 2   
    I think this is more than enough reason to be concerned, whether or not they are taken as a joke or not, if there's a member making racist, sexist, etc jokes then it's not going to leave a good mark for the clan at all. 
    This ties in with my above point, if you don't care about membership in the first place then how can we be sure that you won't abuse our trust if we did end up giving you member and spew out all sorts of defamatory comments just as an example.  This sentence that I quoted seals the deal for me personally, I just can't be confident enough giving you any sort of positive vouch until we see you actually care about membership.  I've seen a lot of people say membership doesn't matter, and it doesn't have any authority, well.  The fact of the matter, is that members are the ones that build this community, higherups may add things or remove things, or adjust as requested,  and the staff team as a whole enforces the rules put in place and tries their best to make the servers a fun and enjoyable place to be, but otherwise most of what is done is completely the communities decision as an entirety(votes, etc).  Members are also the biggest group that represents the clan as a whole, so when people wonder what xG is, you are the one that is really showing who and what we are, and poor behaviour, negativity can only lead one to believe that the entire clan is that way, even if it really isn't.
    I can agree that he holds his opinion even if people hate on him for it, however that could be avoided entirely if that opinion was voiced more calmly and less aggressively.
    This has already been elaborated on by several others, but it's worth noting that in a situation like this, when a word is clearly provoking someone and making them upset, there comes a point when it's time to stop using the word, especially when it's being used just to bug them.  You also note that Segger sounds nothing like the N word, and yet it's clearly the message you are trying to get across that it IS when it's used in such context.  To put it short, respect eachother and realize when you've gone too far, I would expect you especially to know this @FrostyBoiGrim .
    You're membership application has been denied, feel free to reapply in a month.
  19. Gross
    Red reacted to Queelsh in No Nut November   
    Inside joke UwU
    (no homo)
  20. Salty
    Red got a reaction from Krampus in No Nut November   
  21. Salty
    Red reacted to Lottamos in Lottamos   
    Your right, it’s not there job to babysit But a mod shouldn’t be taking unesasary measures to resolve conflict. I feel like there’s a disconnect between people responding here and what actually happened. I was muted for having music in the background. I missed the initial warning of no music in the background because it was casually typed in all chat without even using the all green staff color. After that of course I saw the warnings so I turned my music down and thought someone like bonk wasn’t so ban hungry to go ahead and kick me for having faint music in the background. I could barely even here my music at points. But no bonk is to much of a wuss to handle that so I was kicked. I literally thought he was trolling when I got back on but he wasn’t. Of course it was unnecessary the 2nd time so I argued my case for all of 3 min and so for arguing with a irrelevant bitch of a mod and with no warning I was banned for 24 hours for arguing with a mod and it was 24 hours because earlier Danny as a meme told me he was gonna ban me for micspamming again. That threat happened for a totally different argument too. Hopefully this makes it easier for people who were not there to know what happened.
  22. Salty
    Red got a reaction from Queelsh in No Nut November   
  23. Gross
    Red reacted to mrnutty12 in No Nut November   
    Think I am disqualified anyways given my name :3
  24. Salty
    Red got a reaction from mrnutty12 in No Nut November   
  25. Like
    Red got a reaction from hongkongatron in No Nut November