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  1. Informative
    virr reacted to realBelloWaldi in Ban expiration?   
    This is a pretty important line from our staff manual. As the person who wrote it, I can say that the common sense part is there for a reason. I think it's common knowledge to know that a person who got banned two years ago for something completely different, doesn't need to get a month ban.
    Six months sounds okay to me.
  2. Thinking
    virr got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Donator Abuse Clarification and guide on donator powers   
    It's a sensitive topic as there is real money involved. Either one works imo, i just figured it would be easier for staff to be able to throw out a second warning before having to look into sourcebans and look for bans. Also, make sure you make it super clear that these bans are to be handled separately from normal punishments.
    While we're discussing this,i think we as higher ups should take it upon us to message the donator in question and tell them why their powers got removed and show them how to protest their ban/removal.
  3. Agree
    virr got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Ct_QuantumStar   
    You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers!
    To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans!
    Want to get Moderator?
    There are a few ways to earn it!
    1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field.
    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers!
    3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan!
    For a server list, click here.
    Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click here or here.
    Note: n/a

  4. Agree
    virr reacted to realBelloWaldi in Donator Abuse Clarification and guide on donator powers   
    Okay if no one else has an opinion on this, we should come to a conclusion on how to deal with Donator abuse.
    IMO it should be like this:
    Two warnings (only applies for purposely abusing, not if someone like accidentally bumps into someone with /kartme)
    First offense:
    Warn -> Kick -> Day ban
    Second offense: Week ban
    Kick -> Week ban
    I don't think you need another warning through chat if you've been banned before so I'd go straight to a kick.
    Also you shouldn't need to re-warn someone when it comes to this stuff, so if someone has been warned in the past, you could jump straight to a kick. Or if someone has already been kicked, you could jump straight to a ban.
    Third offense: Removal of powers
    What do you think @Sesh?
  5. Like
    virr reacted to PiNoYPsYcHo in Any hub item previews out there?   
    wtf I didn't know they were there. Thanks EU!
  6. Sad
    virr reacted to Vacindak in Me voy de Viaje Familiar   
    ESA GENTE!! :D ..hello everyone. i'm inform you, i'm going to go to churin , chuchin and Tumbes this week. so i'm going to be inactive for 9 days because is a family trip.. SOoOoOo don't worry
    i will be back in 20/08/2017 at night
  7. Feels Bad Man
    virr reacted to NitNat in See ya homeslice   
    I don't know how to word this any better, but I'm gonna take off once again. Sadly I can't give a better reason but I'm just disinterested and tired of most of the crap going around. I'm just going to deal with it now instead of later in the year. I've made my choice and I'm just stepping down to member for the final time. I had a lot of fun supporting xG though, thank you all for that.
  8. Thinking
    virr got a reaction from Tatost in Chaonic   
    You have been declined from becoming a member, but you may reapply in a month!
    Note: Sorry friend, i would suggest spending some more time on servers or forums before applying. Feel free to reapply in a month though!
  9. Like
    virr reacted to Forest in What is your Job?   
    Work indirectly for EA as a contractor (working for VMC). Long-story short, I'm a Game Tester (QA); though it is actually a lot more demanding than it sounds. Honestly, for an Entry level position, it has a lot of perks and is really worth all of the time and effort; not to mention you work full-time right off the bat (5 days a week, 9 AM to 5:30 PM). And with the experience you gain, it also greatly increases your chances of being hired directly under EA while fleshing out your resume. My only grievance is the pay, but I imagine I would be saying the same thing if I were working anywhere else.
    - Stable position depending on the team you are on
    - Access to an on-site outdoor Soccer pitch, Volleyball court (sand), Basketball/Hockey court
    - Access to an indoor Gym (work-out area)
    - Permitted to bring your dog into work to keep at your desk all day, every day
    - Access to several areas with free arcade game setups
    - Numerous areas to gain experience in to build up your resume
    - If you're egotistic, your name in the Credits of whatever title you are working on (Triple-A titles like Battlefront, FIFA, etc.)
    - Low income, comes with the Entry level position
    - Access to aforementioned areas requires a monthly subscription
    Been working there around 3 years now, and I can definitely see myself making a career out of this field of work. Hoping to work full-time directly under EA though!
  10. Useful
    virr got a reaction from TBOHB in Quick Question about VPNs   
    Nope, not sure why you would want to use a vpn though as it almost always makes your ping higher.
  11. Agree
    virr reacted to mrnutty12 in Garnifled - Team Fortress 2   
    Well I did a bit of looking with his steam ID, this is not his first chat punishment it is in fact the 10th on record. He also has 2 previous day bans, so given his history I would be in favor of a week ban.
    Also, afaik we still have the votemute/kick/ban functions if nobody is responding to calladmins. Alternatively you could client-side mute him.
  12. Thinking
    virr got a reaction from Rabid in What is your Job?   
    I picked up elderly care during the summer to keep myself occupied and to make some money, and honestly, it's probably the best decision I've made this year.
    Basically, you help people to enable them to function as normally as possible. It ranges from really simple things such as helping them get up in the mornings, showering, toilet visits, to dressing wounds and administrating medicine. It's stressful at times as you do have a schedule to follow, but it varies from day to day. Overall, it's an incredibly eye opening experience that has made me grown a lot as a person and taught me to appreciate the smaller things we take for granted.
    If i recommend it? Lets just say I'm currently doubting if me majoring in computer science is the right choice for me. :p
  13. Friendly
    virr got a reaction from Forest in What is your Job?   
    I picked up elderly care during the summer to keep myself occupied and to make some money, and honestly, it's probably the best decision I've made this year.
    Basically, you help people to enable them to function as normally as possible. It ranges from really simple things such as helping them get up in the mornings, showering, toilet visits, to dressing wounds and administrating medicine. It's stressful at times as you do have a schedule to follow, but it varies from day to day. Overall, it's an incredibly eye opening experience that has made me grown a lot as a person and taught me to appreciate the smaller things we take for granted.
    If i recommend it? Lets just say I'm currently doubting if me majoring in computer science is the right choice for me. :p
  14. Make xG Great Again
    virr reacted to S_bantf2badmins in Brian - Team Fortress 2   
    I will stand by my brother till the end
  15. Agree
    virr reacted to Reptile in Brian - Team Fortress 2   
    I'd like to remind people not to resort to petty insulting and flaming or it's just going to make a bigger mess of things.
    Try to keep it civil please.
  16. Like
    virr reacted to Thorax_ in What is your Job?   
    Have a job? What do you do? What do you like about it? How long have you worked? Would you recommend working there to anyone in xG?
    At the moment I am in the process of applying to work with Amazon Fulfillment.
    Details not available yet obviously xD
  17. Creative
    virr reacted to ZevoAnonReal in SSJ4 Gogeta Update.   
    Here is the finished version.

  18. Agree
    virr got a reaction from james8470 in Hey klure   
    Smh everyone knows that Christa is best girl closely followed by Sasha.
  19. Like
    virr reacted to LAN_Megalodon in So my town (bridgeland) seems to no longer be under my own control.   
    That solved it, thanks.
  20. Like
    virr got a reaction from Aegean in So my town (bridgeland) seems to no longer be under my own control.   
    I edited the file to only lowercase letters, see if that does anything. Let me know if it works!
  21. Like
    virr got a reaction from Thorax_ in Internet Explorer - Team Fortress 2   
    shut up
  22. Agree
    virr reacted to Blizzard in Nigga is not a slur.   
    the irony of this thread and your comment and the fact you rating bombed me proves youre not taking jokes lightly xd
    I'm not defending Jackie or anything but she should be allowed the human decency of a semi professional response without being heckled by passive aggressive comments. you dummy
  23. Agree
    virr reacted to Vexx in Bad Mother Fucker - Team Fortress 2   
    User has quite the toxic chat history, I suggest we do a week ban on him since that is the next step. @Sesh @Bello @mrnutty12
  24. Are You Insane
    virr got a reaction from Egossi in Nigga is not a slur.   
    Hey there Jackie! First of all, thank you for making a post and wanting to discuss this with us. It is by adressing issues like these we grow as a community and hopefully makes xg a better place for all of us! There are a couple of points in your post i would like to adress and discuss, hopefully that's ok.

    xG is privately owned which means that we are allowed to set our own rules and regulations that our users have to follow. We as a community has chosen to disallow the word in question, if you agree with it or not thats up to you.

    Right. I know urban dictonary isnt really a valid source but i figured it would be appropriate considerng what word we're talking about.

    This is mostly a meme and is no way anything we endorse or have officially stated.

    This was adressed fairly recently. You can read more here.

    This is actually a pretty valid point and i want to expand a bit of why you think this is. The problem is that we're all separate individuals with different views and morals. You're right that a lot of rules do leave a lot of stuff up to interpretation for staff which is when these opinions and views come into play and sometimes might create conflicts and inconsistency depending on which staff is online at the time. This is something we're working towards resolving but it might take us a little while as things like this does take a lot of discussion to make things as fair as possible. Feel free to check out this thread as an example of what we did not too long ago.
  25. Useful
    virr reacted to Bone in PSA: New rule regarding sprays, avatars and customizable items   
    Anything that would get you charged with Public Indecency here in the states.
    In seriousness, actual showing of genitals, either through clothing or not. A lot of players were talking about if whether or not "bulges" would be allowed, and honestly I feel like that's on the edge, since the character in the spray could be fully clothed at the time. As long as the clothes aren't see-through, then I guess it doesn't really count unless there's an extreme amount of detail put into it.
    Another addition to that could be anything considered "sexually explicit" or an image suggestion something sexually explicit. I've seen a lot of cliche "anime girl sucks on popsicle" type animated sprays.
    Although not technically anything explicit or involving nudity, it's suggesting something explicit, but I personally don't feel like it would break any rules (as long as there's no nudity or it's extremely suggestive...).
    Even then, would a spray like this be considered "extremely suggestive"?: (Click here for it since I don't want to run the risk of it being a no-no)
    As for what @Elcark brought up about bikinis or skimpy clothing. Most public beaches have rules to where bikinis cross a line to being not allowed. Pretty much anything that shows the genitals or areas around it, as long as it's technically a part of the genitals. So nothing like "Oh, the thighs are near the crotch so that's not allowed!". I feel like that could be used as well, since I've seen a lot of sprays like that.
    Someone else could add on to this, but I feel a good base is the "No nudity" rule and maybe a "No silhouettes/shapes resembling genitals or nudity". Since we get more sprays involving that than anything else.