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  1. Like
    virr got a reaction from james8470 in James8470   
    you're right @sick41057. You're right

    You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers!
    To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans!
    Want to get Moderator?
    There are a few ways to earn it!
    1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field.
    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers!
    3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan!
    For a server list, click here.
    Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click here or here.
    Thread closed. Welcome~

  2. Agree
    virr got a reaction from Lithium in Useless Fu Cking Dm Pepper - Minecraft   
    Not only was the ban for a second, it was 100% valid. Stop being a baby
    Thread closed~
  3. Funny
    virr got a reaction from Jadow in Useless Fu Cking Dm Pepper - Minecraft   
    Not only was the ban for a second, it was 100% valid. Stop being a baby
    Thread closed~
  4. Like
    virr got a reaction from Thorax_ in Hello   
    Sure thing.
    Thread closed~
  5. Creative
    virr reacted to Sora_ in I Can't Draw Humans, So Weapons. :v   
    Image links didn't work, but if you want to see the gallery, the link is here.

  6. Friendly
    virr reacted to Vector in Reiki   
    No need to be so rude bro, i don't see anything wrong really with what they said, they just wanted something clarrified that reiki said that's pretty hurtful. Does he have every right to make a member submission? Yes, but everyone else has the right to point out the problems this individual conveyed. Throwing insults at others because they have a point and want it explained is sad. Also
    with that said,
    I've had problems in the past with reiki past but i do agree he has improved. I wouldn't mind him being a member, but i want Reiki to understand that what he says has consequences.
  7. Like
    virr reacted to Vacindak in Selfie Sunday   
    update PLOP is not sunday!!! AND OPEN DOOOOOOOOOOOOR

  8. Informative
    virr reacted to Rhododendron in Test   
  9. Friendly
    virr reacted to lilbleed in Pyro Is Fucking Broken   
    that is a big resolution hello??? type 1600 x 900 in a calculator...thats a lot. Are you saying 1,440,000 stupid Jacob and peppers are not a lot? the only reason I'm getting negative rates here is because the people who rate me negatively are insecure about themselves...hmm
  10. Agree
    virr reacted to Forest in Staff Psa: Issuing Warnings   
    .. If they're mic spamming or spamming via text, then gag/mute them before/after providing the necessary warning (regardless of it being bumped to hell). Obviously there are case-by-case uses of commands; if someone is outright flooding chat (literally copy+pasting something stupid like the 'lenny face' pandemic) then that is means enough to gag immediately and then warn. Likewise when someone is holding down their mic and speaking incoherently or is otherwise displaying an obvious intent to troll.
    Otherwise I completely agree with what has already been said, being that Staff are there to maintain the Servers and to foster a healthy and fun environment for Players. If you aren't able to stop whatever it is you're doing in that particular Server during a round to settle a dispute because you want to keep a good score, or are having 'fun', then I'll put it bluntly and I'm not going to sugar-coat it: resign and do not be a Staff Member. I won't speak on behalf of the Higher-Ups, but ideally any gaming community will want Staff who take pride in what they do; those who are willing to put aside whatever it is they're doing to completely handle a situation in the correct manner. Staff Members represent Xeno Gamers more than the average Members do, and therefore should make an effort to maintain their integrity both in and out of the Servers when dealing with disputes.
    Your top priority [as a Staff Member] should and always will be to fulfill your duty as Staff. To put this into perspective, it wasn't uncommon in the CSS Division to pass Warden or to slay/kill oneself in the middle of something in order to provide complete attention to a situation and to moderate when necessary.
    - Text warnings are preferable (if not mandatory) to vocal warnings as no excuses can be made by Players stating that no warning was issued during a Ban Protest
    - Staff Priorities take precedence over anything in Servers. Take some pride in what you (Staff in general) do and perform your duties as a Staff Member, or step-down. You weren't promoted to have fun, but that doesn't mean you can't have any on the side.
  11. Useful
    virr reacted to Amymaniac in Staff Psa: Issuing Warnings   
    What I used to do is keep a file on all users I issue warnings/kicks to so I can follow up on the correct punishment if needed as well as have something to hand I can pass onto other staff so they can see past incidents and handle them accordingly It also helps in any ban appeals to have a record of rules broken with time and date stamps.
    It's more work but since there is only a record of bans listed on xenogamers, having a personal file containing warnings/kicks is always a plus.
    and yes a lot of people for various reasons do not have sound enabled so a warning in the chat is mandatory at all times followed by a verbal warning and that should be the correct protocol for dealing with all situations.
  12. Agree
    virr reacted to Goblins in Staff Psa: Issuing Warnings   
    Regardless, if you feel like they didn't see it. Then type it again. They have the ability to scroll up through chat if they're curious.
    1 - If you're staff and playing the role as warden, then the players should have their volume on to hear the warden give orders.
    2 - This one somewhat makes sense, but is it really a big deal?
    3 - The Saxton you're playing as has a large amount of HP. Taking a couple hundred off to type out a warning isn't really a big deal.
    You are a staff member. I understand that having fun is your goal, but when you willingly accept the responsibility to uphold rules on the servers, you don't always reach the goal of fun.
  13. Informative
    virr reacted to Vexx in Staff Psa: Issuing Warnings   
    So apparently staff doesn't know how warnings work on the servers based on recent incidents, so I'm going to go over how warnings should be issued.
    A normal warning: You tell the player through All Chat (which is just a single @ before your sentence in public chat) OR Voice what they are doing wrong. If the player does not acknowledge when using voice, give them another warning through All Chat, before punish them for their first punishment.
    Quoted from the staff manual: Warn, then slay/mute (sometimes optional), then kick, then ban [WSKB]
    Players should know why they were punished
    When you punish a player, make sure to let them know why they were punished so they can improve.
    Example: Person Y freekilled person X, you slay person Y and respawn person X. You need to tell person Y why they were slain. Something like "You were slain because you freekilled person X." works.
    How past warnings work: If you warn a player for something in the past and they do it, don't immediately jump to banning them. Depending on the amount of time it has been since their last warning for the incident, you may need to warn them again to remind them not to do it. 1 warning per week is good enough for someone who is repeating the same offense. If you feel the person has committed an offense too many times you can jump to a kick.
    Now keep in mind, you can skip warnings for certain things. An example of this would be: Hacking, micspamming music, exploiting, etc. Generally if you are unsure what to do about a situation, feel free to ask a fellow staff member. If you're still unsure, please look at the staff manual here: TF2 Staff Manual (Everything you need to know!)
    @Bello @Sesh @mrnutty12 @Rejects Feel free to add on to my post if you feel I left something out.
  14. Agree
    virr reacted to Aegean in Rhetorical (rejects) - Team Fortress 2   
    I've discussed with rejects quite extensively in the past about the issues, and he promised me issues like this won't happen again, and he knew he was on his last straw. We will discuss among the other higherups and make a decision asap.
  15. Funny
    virr got a reaction from Kypari in Rhetorical (rejects) - Team Fortress 2   
    I agree, lets get @Rejects side of the story before we sharpen the pitchforks.
  16. Agree
    virr reacted to realBelloWaldi in Rhetorical (rejects) - Team Fortress 2   
    Yikes, that should not have happened!
    I will be waiting for a response from Rejects first before commenting any further, though!
  17. Friendly
    virr got a reaction from Reptile in Tf2 Promo/demo Discussion Thread   
    Talking to him 1 on 1 is probably the best way to go about it. Him being snarky or bad mannered to our players is not ok and if he doesn't improve his behavior i think it could potentially be grounds for a demotion (in my opinion, it's ultimate up to you guys)
    On a completely unrelated side note; @Vexx and @Sesh, you guys have been on point so far. Keep it up <3.
  18. Creative
    virr reacted to NitNat in Vsh/ff2 Drawing   
    Something I did when I was bored over the last couple days.

    and progress sketches..

  19. Creative
    virr reacted to Cr0w64 in Xg Skin Pack [tf2] [updated Whenever]   
    Have you ever felt that the TF2 servers are losing their energy? Or that your beloved, precious inventory just wasn't cutting it one way or another? Everlasting boredom that just creeps up on you unannounced and makes you feel... Overall depressed to some extent...?
    Well say no more!
    Thanks to the lack of "sv_pure" in xG servers, I am proud to announce that I am now building an occasionally updated pack of skins and sound packs just to give your game a little more spice so you can have just a little more fun getting those dank ass head shots or just fooling around with friends on the daily. Since there weren't many weapon-based materials implemented in the servers' list of small whatsits and whatnot, I decided to do everyone a favor by making these skins I am using just a little easier accessible to the group.
    BUT, this pack is still in the works as I am testing these skins and sound packs out for any bugs and potential threats before adding them to a list which will be updated at least once a week with anything I can find by my leisure. Anyway, enough chit-chat. Here's this week's batch.
    1.Splatoon Soundpack V.2
    Splatoon Soundpack V.2 (Team Fortress 2 > Sounds > Packs) - GAMEBANANA
    2.Blundered Rifle
    Blundered Rifle (Team Fortress 2 > Skins > Sniper > Sniper Rifle) - GAMEBANANA

    3.The American Dream REDUX
    The American Dream REDUX (Team Fortress 2 > Skins > Multi Class > Pistol) - GAMEBANANA

    4.Stream Shooter
    Stream Shooter (Team Fortress 2 > Skins > Multi Class > Reserve Shooter) - GAMEBANANA
    5.Raging Bull
    Raging Bull (Team Fortress 2 > Skins > Spy > Enforcer) - GAMEBANANA

    6.The Compensator
    The Compensator (Team Fortress 2 > Skins > Sniper > Sniper Rifle) - GAMEBANANA

    7.The Jury Rig
    The Jury Rig (Team Fortress 2 > Skins > Packs) - GAMEBANANA

    8.The Splatterscope
    the Splatterscope (Team Fortress 2 > Skins > Sniper > Sydney Sleeper) - GAMEBANANA

    COCONUT GUN (Loose Cannon reskin + sound mod) (Team Fortress 2 > Skins > Demoman > Loose Cannon) - GAMEBANANA

    10.Current Event AWP V2
    Current Event AWP V2 (Team Fortress 2 > Skins > Sniper > AWPer Hand) - GAMEBANANA

    11.Assault Cannon FIX
    Assault Cannon FIX (Team Fortress 2 > Skins > Heavy Weapons Guy > Minigun) - GAMEBANANA

    Lancer (Team Fortress 2 > Skins > Medic > Crusaders Crossbow) - GAMEBANANA

    All of these are to be extracted into the custom folder of your TF2 game. I am probably going to keep adding 12 at a time unless I can find more OR someone sends me links to more. Have fun, guys. ;)


  20. Agree
    virr reacted to Aegean in The Cringe Thead!   
  21. Winner
    virr reacted to Egossi in The Cringe Thead!   
    xG-News - Haha Suhh Dude! An April Update!
  22. Informative
    virr reacted to realBelloWaldi in Tf2 Promo/demo Discussion Thread   
    @mrnutty12 @Rejects @Sesh @Vexx
    Yesterday YeEternalTuna and Kypari had an altercation about CPSaving and spawnkilling on surf. Rejects stepped in. I'd like to give my input on this.
    On the graphic that I have attached, which is very bad I know, I marked the spots that Tuna does not consider spawn (i.e basically everything above the essential spawn area).
    And I do think he is right, which may seem a bit abstract at first, but hear me out. Unless you are a scout or a soldier, you cannot get up there through spawn, you will have to use the teleporter which is on a completely different point on the map. But most importantly, we have never ever once treated these areas (i.e areas that are like right above the spawn) as spawns. Never. On no other maps, whenever I have played. We should at least discuss it.
    Not only that, but Tuna and some other surf people are claiming the same, and I think it's really unfair of Kypari to just make that up, speak to Tuna in a very condescending way, mock him and compare him to Floppy.
    I had multiple complaints about Kypari being condescending, but I think I never took them seriously enough.
    On a side note, I think we should allow people to cptele anywhere, simply because the rule about that we have is almost impossible to enforce, so that could be discussed as well.
  23. Ding!
    virr got a reaction from Forest in Quotes/mimicry Game   
    This is definitely something @Cristo would say lmao
    Lets start out easy
    "5 min"
  24. Agree
    virr got a reaction from Egossi in Thatdemo64 - Team Fortress 2   
    Lets wait for the final verdict before doing this, buuuuuuut since you asked.
    Want To Get Unbanned? mona pizza, mona pizza
  25. Agree
    virr reacted to Forest in Forum Updates - Suggestions   
    Quoting myself from a previous thread (source) because this is somewhat relevant to the whole "make a new board" concept. Also, I'm not sure how anyone could possibly be "off-topic" when posting in the General section of forums.
    As Silence so eloquently put it:
    As for the whole anonymous board, it's pretty well exactly as Silence put it back in the day; a 'Bad Idea'. The concept was that it would allow Players to speak out against abusive Staff without fear of being judged or scorned. That being said, it just turned into a place where people would fling insults, flame each other, and just spawn racist or offensive shit-storms that no gaming community would want to be associated with. I don't think it would be the best idea unless rules were to be put in place that rule against any derogatory, offensive or graphic content; however, even then I would still be hesitant because we're a Gaming community, not a discussion forum for Politics/Religion/etc. If anything, see if you can convince @Rhododendron to create a separate blog or something for that kind of content. The Xeno Gamers' forums should remain focused around gaming and other creative interests in my opinion :coffee: