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  1. Friendly
    Tatost reacted to Spoopy in Tatost   
    Little kid finally finished his timeout corner. Hope you learned to not beat up dub with your belt again tatost.
    +1 cul dude that really friendly. Has some imiture times, but when he's a little kids it's normal. Other than that he's been a past mod and helpful to the community. Bring this lasagna lover back.
  2. Funny
    Tatost got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Anime Created By An Anime Loving Butt.   
    when you aren't tagged [attach=full]29191[/attach][attach=full]29194[/attach]
    EDIT: omfg they broke for me, have this one Snoopy GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
  3. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Thunder in Turn Mvm Into Uberupgrades   
    Well, MVM isnt really a server we can populate, the only times it is populated is when xG people decide they want to have fun playing MVM.
    If thats really the only reason we have the MVM server then we should probably turn it into uberupgrades, its basically mvm on steroids.
    In my opinion UberUpgrades is way more fun than MVM just because of how OP you can get.
    Also uberupgrades actually attracts players and I see a lot of uberupgrade servers full all of the time.
    I dont even know if this is possible but that would be nice.
    Is this possible to do?
    @Bello @Vexx
    Also for everyone that disagrees please state why you think so!
  4. Funny
    Tatost reacted to NitNat in Selfie Sunday   
  5. Like
    Tatost reacted to Spoopy in Anime Created By An Anime Loving Butt.   
    May 28th 5pm PST for those who missed it.
  6. Like
    Tatost reacted to LAN_Megalodon in [pkmn] Map Progression + Suggestions   
    Music Requests, Here's where I dump my suggestions -
    Good musics,
    I feel like BW gets no love from anyone, but it was one of my favorite regions in terms of sound and world design, and everyone else seems to have the standout music from other games covered.
    Other Games
    I'm probably going to put mostly Monster Hunter themes here to be honest.
    Monster Hunter
    - "Reincarnation of Light and Darkness", Gore Magala Theme -
    - "Wind of Departure", Ending Credits Theme -
    - "Life Burning in the Storm" Amatsumagatsuchi Theme -
    (As much as I like this, it would probably become the new "Metal Lance" theme.) - "Illusion of the Dense Forest" Chameleos Theme -
    - Any of the Gathering Hall Themes, as they're much more laid back and relaxing -
    Cave Story
    - Main Theme -
    - "Jenka" -
    - "Saftey" -
    Dank Memes
    Neil Cicierega - Daft Mouth -
    Neil Cicierega - Pokemon -
    I swear to f***ing god Sylux, if you don't freakin' hide "Pokemon" somewhere on the map I might kill a small puppy.
  7. Funny
    Tatost got a reaction from Forest in *NEW GAME* BANNED! (not a real ban lol)   
    banned for writing abnormally long posts that actually make sense if you aren't special.
  8. Ding!
    Tatost reacted to YeEternalTuna in Selfie Sunday   
    Jesus Christ duderino learn how to use chapstick :emoji_bulb::emoji_bulb::emoji_bulb::emoji_bulb:
  9. Informative
    Tatost got a reaction from TBOHB in Who Do You Main In Overwatch/tf2/paladins   
    Remind me to never play cs with you.
  10. Funny
    Tatost reacted to shwash in My Band's Gig (lady Darbyshire)   
    Kyparty, Teacage and the other guy on bass are really fucking good. The female singer sounded like she didn't want to be there on low volume, and the drummer needs to refrain from doing a line of cocaine before the show.
  11. Like
    Tatost reacted to Thunder in Which Do You Like Better?   
    Im not sure! I really like the blue team but the red team has cookies!
  12. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Sylux in Which Do You Like Better?   
    I mean loadout.tf is great but some of the colours and contrasts massively differ from in game, might be worth getting both if you can and check which you prefer in game
  13. Funny
    Tatost reacted to realBelloWaldi in Which Do You Like Better?   
    Second one, I gotta agree with @Vacindak.
  14. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Vacindak in Which Do You Like Better?   
    Second One. you Know,The surf maps are cold especially snow_arena so you should Wear heavy clothes to keeps your engineer warm
  15. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to yesstergi in Suhi   
    +1 not a asshole
    +1 has a mic
    +1 not a meme
    +1 is a meme
  16. Funny
    Tatost reacted to Thunder in A Little Game...?   
    banned for
    How does it... um... how does it work?
    I know not, my liege.
    Consult the Book of Armaments!
    Armaments, chapter two, verses nine through twenty-one.
    And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." And the Lord did grin. And the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths, and carp and anchovies, and orangutans and breakfast cereals, and fruit-bats and large chu...
    Skip a bit, brother...
    And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out! Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it.
  17. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Bone in Which Do You Like Better?   
    I like the second one better. It blends together more. But mostly because my OCD is getting triggered by the yellow line on the first one
  18. Funny
    Tatost reacted to Spoopy in What Whos Oneglove Lol   
    Srry who are you again?
    Pranked kek. Srry man, hope u find a nice waifu in the future.
  19. Funny
    Tatost got a reaction from OneGlove in What Whos Oneglove Lol   
    :( I will never forget my 20-0 on you in mge <3
  20. Like
    Tatost reacted to Thunder in The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth   
    Game Name: The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth (by Edmund McMillen)

    Platform: Windows, OS X, Linux, Playstation 4, Playstation Vita, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, New 3DS, iOS, and Wii U
    Time Spent: 1000+ Hours
    Do you recommend? Yes.
    What you rate the game: 10.1
    Initial Thoughts: This game came out on November 4, 2014. My first thoughts seeing this game was complete and utter excitement because I had loved the first game and the DLC Wrath of the Lamb, even looking at the reviews on it I saw that it was a great game with a lot of people giving it amazing reviews. Most game critics gave this game an 8 or a 9 with IGN giving it a 7.5. With the first game in the series thought to be the best indie game ever that made me wonder what Rebirth would be like.
    The game starts off with an intro that explains most of the backstory to this game so you can actually understand why your character is going through this hell to begin with.
    The game starts you off with a character select screen that looks like this

    You have 2 characters unlocked (Isaac, Magdalene) with every other one locked (Cain, Judas, ???, Eve, Samson, Azazel, Lazarus, Eden, The Lost)
    Most of these characters are easy to get with a bit of playing with the exception of The Lost.
    The game starts you off with 6 floors to go through that are the Basement 1 & 2, The Caves 1 & 2, and The Depths 1 & 2.
    There are bosses on the end of each floor that get harder as you go on.
    After you beat the game once or twice you get new floors to go through that are the Womb, The Cathedral, The Chest, Sheol, and The Dark Room.
    Once you beat the game even more and more it unlocks more floors and eventually gives you this achievement.

    This unlocks alternatives to the floors you have already gone through and they are The Cellar, The Catacombs, Necropolis, and Utero.
    This provides a lot of shit to do for a while as you can start getting used to these new floors and enemies in them.
    This game also tracks your progress on characters for what rooms you have beaten.

    This goes only on the character you beat it on so it provides an incentive to play every character just to get each and every one of these "notes" on that character.
    Now to talk about the DLC's for this game, Afterbirth and Afterbirth+
    Afterbirth came out in October 30, 2015. Everyone that played Rebirth and the little community behind it never expected this because we had been told it would keep being delayed for a long long time.
    Then Afterbirth+ came out on January 3rd, 2017 in which the same thing happened as Afterbirth.
    Combining both of these The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth got 183 new items added to the pool, 52 new trinkets, 7 new bosses, 3 new endings to the game, 12 new transformations, Greed Mode, seeds, 10 new challenges, daily challenges, and countless new monsters. There was much more added but I have gotten much too used to the new DLC's that I have forgotten those new changes.
    In Afterbirth a new mode was added that was called "Greed Mode" that really focuses on the concept of a shop based mode.
    Waves of enemies come at you on a timer after you hit a button in the middle of the room and if you hit the button again it will stop the waves of enemies coming at you at the cost of 1/2 of a heart.

    At most you have 11 waves on each floor in which there are 7 floors to go through.
    For each wave of enemies you fight you get money to spend on in the shop to get items, hearts, keys, bombs, etc.

    Once you go through 6 of the floors you get to fight Ultra Greed,
    In this fight you start off fighting one of the Basement bosses, Monstro.
    The cool thing about this fight is, however fast your DPS is, it scales Ultra Greeds health to go along with that so you can't just EZGG your way through the fight, it actually takes skill.

    Ultra Greed has an assortment of moves with all of them having some sort of connection to money.
    Yeah thats kinda it.
    Well anyway
    Now for the fun part, all of the items.
    In the original game there were 341 items, in Afterbirth there were 436 items, and in Afterbirth+ there is a grand total of 504 items.

    There are amazing items combinations that you can do with all of these items.
    My personal favorite is Brimstone + Rubber Cement + Spoonbender which can do this

    After you have EVERY SINGLE ITEM at least ONCE.
    You get this achievement.

    This game can be hard.
    There are enemies that are just gimmicky that I fucking hate

    Fuck these enemies.
    Also there is a hard mode which makes all "Champions" (colored enemies) do double damage to you.
    This game had a lot of luck involved, if you keep getting shitty items over and over again you arent going to be finishing that run unless you have a lot of time and skill.
    Another con is that this game is super religious
    The game is basically based around Religion and Christianity.
    Every single Character is someone from the Bible and if you look more into the lore of the game you will see that EVERYTHING IS INVOLVED WITH RELIGION. :(
    Final Thoughts:
    This is my favorite indie game of all time, nothing has ever come close to it. This game is so random and replayable people have played it for over 7k hours and even made youtube channels surrounding it. I have only had this game on console but I plan on paying another 30 dollars just to get it on PC and if I ever get a Switch im buying it on that as well. I started playing this game the second it came out and it has not disappointed me yet. The synergies of items you can get and all of the bosses/new DLC's just keep making me come back to this game over and over again. Its soundtrack is so nice and this game altogether is comparable to a triple A game. This game wont be worked on anymore as most of the bugs have been fixed and there are no more DLC's coming out for it. A new game that is based off of one of the items in this game is coming out called "The Legend of Bumbo."
    There is so much about this game I haven't covered in this review.
    This is my 3rd favorite game. It's a really good game.
  21. Sad
    Tatost reacted to WubbaLubbaDubDu in Bone's Bad Games Giveaway   
    Took this one :D
    Arigato Bone!~
    Op. Nvm it's taken 0w0
  22. Funny
    Tatost reacted to Spoopy in Zomi   
    You have no idea do you...
  23. Agree
    Tatost reacted to LAN_Megalodon in Which Do You Like Better?   
    Loadout.tf, for all of its glory, isn't very good at showing the lighting/glow on some eye effects. Nearly everything looks better with a pro ks effect in-game than on loadout. Also, some eye effects are definitely better than others, I'd say Fire Horns and Singularity look good on everything, everything else is somewhere in between, while Hypno-Beam isn't even worth the money (but obviously that's just my opinion).
    Here's two examples of why fire horns is the best.

  24. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Kypari in Which Do You Like Better?   
    I think they're too flashy. I'd go for effects that work better together personally like green energy and phosphorus or whatever
  25. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Frusty in Which Do You Like Better?   
    Personally I like to have minimal amount of effects since it can look ugly real fast if you have to many. The hat effects look nice together but the ks kinda ruins it. Just don't go overboard like some people I see who mix effects.