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Reputation Activity

  1. Agree
    Tatost got a reaction from Sora_ in Trump Towers Deathrun (yes, This Is Real, No Clickbait)   
    I only want it if at least one trap screams "go back to mexico"
  2. Agree
    Tatost got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Septik - Team Fortress 2   
    Sorry, I couldn't contain myself :[ I must wash my mouth out with soap!
  3. Like
    Tatost reacted to gangsterheavy in Goodbye For A Bit   
    im going into console wars esports with my team and need to be active on training with them ( i created this team with 5 of my best friends) so i guess this is good by for a bit i may be on forums occasionally during this time but most of the time i will be with my team
  4. Smelly
    Tatost got a reaction from Hype in Reiki   
    Hello??? If he wants to become a member now he can you fricking buttwipes. People can change their minds at any given moment, stop being so quick to the draw there and POLITELY ask him why he applied again if he said he wasn't interested. Give him a chance before you start saying "oh he said this a long time ago xd -1 lol"
    +1 for me, hasn't been a butthole recently, his attitude is improving towards other players.
  5. Creative
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Trump Towers Deathrun (yes, This Is Real, No Clickbait)   
    I only want it if at least one trap screams "go back to mexico"
  6. Agree
    Tatost reacted to LAN_Megalodon in Let's Remove Cyberpunk 2_2   
    Please god, I could write an essay on all the reasons cyberpuke is an awful map. Besides, we have a better version now, one that's not just a singular hallway cluttered with clipping being looked upon by two sniper-towers. Also the spawns in that one aren't infuriating. +1 it needs to go. Trash that garbage.
  7. Boring
    Tatost reacted to Reptile in Let's Remove Cyberpunk 2_2   
    Going to throw a -1 here, don't have much to say other than I'd prefer not to have it removed.
  8. Funny
    Tatost reacted to Forest in The Xg Shadow Government (exposed)   
    Lets be honest, what could you possibly want from EA.
  9. Sad
    Tatost got a reaction from Caribou in Septik - Team Fortress 2   
    Sorry, I couldn't contain myself :[ I must wash my mouth out with soap!
  10. Sad
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Septik - Team Fortress 2   
    Sorry, I couldn't contain myself :[ I must wash my mouth out with soap!
  11. Like
    Tatost reacted to Moosty in Eyes   
    +1 because everytime I see your name this song plays in my head
    Also active and such
  12. Ding!
    Tatost got a reaction from Thunder in Septik - Team Fortress 2   
    He does as much as he can as a member, it's not like he can go around like a fucking vigilante saving the server. He, as @Spoopy states, helps populate the servers, I've seen him (when I was staff before) send out calladmins. And he tries his best to give an opinion on the topic of a thread.
  13. Bad Spelling
    Tatost got a reaction from dr.derpy in Septik - Team Fortress 2   
    He does as much as he can as a member, it's not like he can go around like a fucking vigilante saving the server. He, as @Spoopy states, helps populate the servers, I've seen him (when I was staff before) send out calladmins. And he tries his best to give an opinion on the topic of a thread.
  14. Bad Spelling
    Tatost got a reaction from ThunderLimes in Septik - Team Fortress 2   
    He does as much as he can as a member, it's not like he can go around like a fucking vigilante saving the server. He, as @Spoopy states, helps populate the servers, I've seen him (when I was staff before) send out calladmins. And he tries his best to give an opinion on the topic of a thread.
  15. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Egossi in Who Do You Main In Overwatch/tf2/paladins   
    TF2 : Scout/Soldier
    Overwatch: Reaper/Junkrat
    Paladins: Reaper/Junkrat..?
  16. Ding!
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Septik - Team Fortress 2   
    He does as much as he can as a member, it's not like he can go around like a fucking vigilante saving the server. He, as @Spoopy states, helps populate the servers, I've seen him (when I was staff before) send out calladmins. And he tries his best to give an opinion on the topic of a thread.
  17. Creative
    Tatost reacted to KSPlayer1337 in The Xg Shadow Government (exposed)   
    We the people, in order to establish a stable community, have created this Constitution of xenoGamers.
    ARTICLE I: Legislature

    Section I:
    All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in the Council of xenoGamers, which shall consist of the Community Moderators and Clan Leaders.
    Section II:
    The Community Moderators shall be composed of Moderators chosen anytime by the People of the several Divisions, and the Electors of each Division shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Divisions of the Community Legislature.
    Section III:
    The Clan Leaders of xenoGamers shall be composed of several Clan Leaders from each Division, chosen by the Divisions thereof, for a permanent time.
    ARTICLE II: Executive

    Section I:
    The executive Power shall be vested in a higher Council of xenoGamers.
    Section II:
    The higher Council shall be the Commanders in Chief of xenoGamers and the Moderator of several Divisions. They shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Community Moderators, to make Announcements.
    Section III:
    They shall from time to time give to the lower Council information of the Monthly Update.
    Section IV:
    The higher Council and all Moderators of xenoGamers shall be removed from Moderation on Demotions for, and Convictions of, admin abuse, game crashing, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
    ARTICLE III: Judiciary

    Section I:
    The judicial Power of xenoGamers, shall be vested in one Moderator Council.

    (I just slightly copied the American Constitution)

  18. Like
    Tatost got a reaction from Sylux in Septik - Team Fortress 2   
    He does as much as he can as a member, it's not like he can go around like a fucking vigilante saving the server. He, as @Spoopy states, helps populate the servers, I've seen him (when I was staff before) send out calladmins. And he tries his best to give an opinion on the topic of a thread.
  19. Like
    Tatost got a reaction from TBOHB in Septik - Team Fortress 2   
    He does as much as he can as a member, it's not like he can go around like a fucking vigilante saving the server. He, as @Spoopy states, helps populate the servers, I've seen him (when I was staff before) send out calladmins. And he tries his best to give an opinion on the topic of a thread.
  20. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Goblins in Septik - Team Fortress 2   
  21. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to dr.derpy in Septik - Team Fortress 2   
    -1 all you do is sit on tgh and spam fly engineer and you aren't much of a contribution to the servers in my opinion
  22. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Goblins in Septik - Team Fortress 2   
    No person is going to like every single damn person in the community. Don't say that it causes his maturity to fall down. Smack talk will happen everywhere. It's nothing new around here. It's been talked to before. If there is an issue between two parties, then they need to confront each other.
    But whether it's true or not having an issue with someone really isn't a good enough reason.
  23. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Goblins in Septik - Team Fortress 2   
    Honestly not really a reason to -1 him. Whether they click with someone else or not doesn't really matter. If Septik really did have an issue, then he should just ignore Vexx unless it's something related to business (i.e. server moderation reasons).
    When I was staff, there was a few people that I didn't really care for or agree with. Didn't mean my moderation was skewed. Just gotta moderate since that's why you are staff.
    Anyhow, I'm going to +1 this. Septik is a pretty decent guy. It seems like he really could give it a good shot if he became a staff member. I was worried about Parasect getting staff, but he got it and is doing a fine job. Everyone has hiccups and makes mistakes, but again. I'm sure Septik will do fine.
  24. Sad
    Tatost reacted to realBelloWaldi in Donakonda - Team Fortress 2   
    Closed due to OP's request. Donakonda wishes to re-apply in 30 days.
    - closed
  25. Like
    Tatost reacted to TBOHB in Septik - Team Fortress 2   
    Guys can we please not turn this into a thread based on is I dislike someone or not? If you want to talk about this somewhere else, that is fine. But I would prefer this discussion not happen on my thread. Thank you (y)(y)(y)