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  1. Like
    TBOHB reacted to mrnutty12 in The staff requirements are too much   
    umm it was 14 BI-weekly...
    It has already been 7 a week for years now.
    Also people don't usually respond to calladmins save the couple saints who do.
    It was 20 hours biweekly before the reduction friend.
  2. Agree
    TBOHB got a reaction from jaygoki in Rising epidemic of harassment   
    I think we should just stop being dicks to each others. Some people have different opinions and thats ok. Sadly, a lot of people don't understand that nowadays, but the amount of hate that gets thrown around because one likes strawberry over vanilla (exaggerated for effect. you get the point) is incredible.
  3. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to Lithium in johnGait42 - Counter-Strike   
    xeno gammers
    you been excepted and or now a ranch of xeno gammers
    you add [xg] to name
    be follow rules below or i ban
    you want admin 
    i watch you
    look in the my discord you 1v1 me go play sever  
    look sever here
    need admin here
    go read rule
    [team forrt] [csgo soure] [garry mod] [minecaft] [nuclar dan]
    is good play
  4. Like
    TBOHB got a reaction from Tekk in The staff requirements are too much   
    while I can see why you would write this, I am going to throw my own side down.
    People leave step down from staff not because of requirements, but because the game isn't fun or its for their own good.
    @Kypari originally stepped down for his own health
    @mrnutty12 stepped down because hes clocked in over 10k hours so yeah, the game would get boring for him
    @Caleb956 stepped down earlier because it wasn't fun
    Point is, everybody has their own reason for leaving.
    Also before it was 14 hours, it was something along the lines of 30 hours every 2 weeks or something crazy so lowering it for 14 to something else would be a poor idea as the staff would think that they aren't needed and will only go for the minimum requirements, leaving basically no staff on the servers when needed.
    I understand you said this, but staff are volunteers and have their own lives. So if the requirement were to be lowered, it would probably in turn lower the amount of staff available at one time as they would make plans for their own life.
    That is just my own take on the subject. I'm not saying I'm right in anyway, just my viewpoint.
  5. Sad
    TBOHB reacted to Red in stepping down :(   
    This has been quite a long time coming. I will be stepping down from the TF2 division. Got really bored of TF2 and kinda tired of forcing myself to play. Not really sure what else to say so I'll just keep this short. 
    i'm joking sorry.
  6. Disagree
    TBOHB reacted to james8470 in The staff requirements are too much   
    Something needs to be said about this.  Everyone in the TF2 division is quitting all at once and they all have the reason for it:
    The servers have gotten stale and 14 hours a week (2 hours a day) is too much
    Here's what should be done IMO: halve the requirement (7 hours a week). It's a matter of keeping good staff members for the long-term. I don't think the current model of cycling though staff members every few months is a good one. Also, with a 7 hour a week requirement, wouldn't the servers be understaffed? No, I don't think so. With the lower requirement, we can simply have more TF2 staff members for one thing, and !calladmin and discord and the forums exist for a reason (that reason being the servers can't be staffed 24/7 anyways.
  7. Friendly
    TBOHB got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Goodbye or something   
    Srsly tho ill miss u. thank for for sticking around for as long as you did and helping me in times of need ❤️

  8. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Semper in Rising epidemic of harassment   
    if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
  9. Salty
    TBOHB reacted to Lean in Rising epidemic of harassment   
    That’s too many words I’m not reading that
  10. Make xG Great Again
    TBOHB reacted to Tatost in Rising epidemic of harassment   
    Although harassment is not something unknown to the community prior to this post, I thought I would reflect on the state of the problem as it currently stands. This thread will make me seem even more like a high school counselor, which I really couldn't care less about.
    Harassment generally goes hand-in-hand with drama, which @Caleb956 explained perfectly in his recent thread. (See below)
    Quite recently I've seen certain players/members being harassed over complete bullshit. As someone who was previously kicked out of the community entirely, I find it infuriating that staff members haven't been cracking down on the people who do it on the daily. Some specific examples of harassment going on in both CS and TF2 would be the situations surrounding @DepressedNeonNepp and @Lottamos. People constantly throw their names around as insults or attempt to troll them to the point where they will get angry, leave the server/community for x amount of time. I won't call out specific names, but I've seen plenty of members and staff partaking in these sorts of activities. As I said previously, we're a gaming community, not an exclusive club. Make people feel welcome. Please stop trying to push people out of the community.
    You can never really get to know a person if you constantly harass them. For example, when people pick on Nep they portray him as this toxic little asshole when he really isn't. I've seen him a few times on the CS surf server (albeit he was under an alias at the time) and he was a genuinely enjoyable person. Now, I know school shooters are kind of a touchy subject on here, but I'd like to use a TEDx Talk to illustrate my point that being kind to someone can keep them from making bad decisions. If I cross some sort of line linking the video, I can understand and invite any forum staff to go ahead and cut out this section of my rant.
    Although I highly encourage everyone to both read the entirety of my post and watch the entire video, I'll insert a TL;DR.
    TL;DR - This community is plagued with members, staff and random players that can't seem to control themselves when it comes to harassing another person online. The argument that this is the internet and you shouldn't take anything seriously is complete horseshit, stop using it. Please be kind to other players instead of antagonizing them over nothing. Staff members need to start cracking down on this sort of behavior, be a part of the solution, not part of the problem.
  11. Sad
    TBOHB reacted to mrnutty12 in Goodbye or something   
    Hi it is me, mrnutty12, and I'm finally stepping down.
    I have never really liked long winded blocks of text because they bore me to death, so I won't subject you guys to one listing off every little insignificant detail as to why I am stepping down. Suffice it to say I have neither the motivation nor the interest that I used to have for leading the tf2 division, especially not what I would personally consider acceptable from myself. (eg 10k+ hours in a game kinda makes it feel a bit stale yadda yadda not really a shocker there)
    I'll still pop in on the servers now and again when I feel like it, I am just done with higherup business and being staff in general.
    And a few personal notes... (sorry if I miss you but I am not going through every person I know to write something for)
    @PichuBoi ❤️
    @Kypari I can't apologize enough for some of the things I have said to you.
    @SegFault I probably won't delete my files and stuff so if you need to find them and I didn't leave such in the appropriate places feel free to ask
    @Tekk helo tekage
    @Caleb956 sand.
    @Dannypicacho A jug is superior to the bag and you should learn how to shotgun.
    @DiaperHyperWolf Awoo
    @Precious Also awoo
    @virr 01010100 01101000 01100001 01101110 01101011 01110011 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01100010 01100101 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01110101 01110011 00100000 01110100 01100110 00110010 00100000 01110000 01100101 01101111 01110000 01101100 01100101 00101110
    @Lithium Thanks for the help when we were being dinguses with code and such.
  12. Salty
    TBOHB got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in SEEE YAAAAAAA   
  13. Salty
    TBOHB got a reaction from Rainy in SEEE YAAAAAAA   
  14. Salty
    TBOHB got a reaction from Caribou in SEEE YAAAAAAA   
  15. Salty
    TBOHB got a reaction from Tatost in SEEE YAAAAAAA   
  16. Salty
    TBOHB got a reaction from hongkongatron in SEEE YAAAAAAA   
  17. Furry
    TBOHB reacted to Jadow in Update Thread   
    Locked XMAS Server cause it's not Christmas anymore. Come again next year! Limited edition store items no longer available. Jailbreak
    Made @Jadow a little fatter uwu. Haha I'm fat. lol you're fat Map Changes Added jb_fentex_fix,  jb_prison_architect_v1, jb_millennium_lega, jb_healon_v1, jb_dystopian_b5 Removed jb_tile_paradice_xg, jb_fairway_csgo, jb_nexzoid_xg, jb_cavern_v1
  18. Friendly
    TBOHB reacted to Kypari in SEEE YAAAAAAA   
    After talking to various people, family and friends, I have decided that I am actually going to stay as a Division Manager. This community means far too much to me and I know I can work all of this out with the right help, I just have to get back on track again. Truth be told, I actually started declining really bad all the way back in early October when I stopped going to counseling and I haven't had an appointment since. Instead of stepping down, I am going to schedule my counseling again, visit the doctors and perhaps a nutritionist. If I get put on anti-depressants I may have to take a break for a few weeks so I can get used to them but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Thank you for all of the support guys, I genuinely love you all so much
  19. Salty
    TBOHB got a reaction from hongkongatron in Its cold   
    Its cold
    (~-25 for the EU)

  20. Thinking
    TBOHB reacted to Tatost in On a Scale 1-10   
    I feel as though I've already been baited because prior to these incessant posts I never really thought you were an enjoyable person. Stop giving people reasons to hate you. I'm honestly surprised that you even got member in the first place, seeing that most of what people say about you is negative.
    You've reached the point to which you are even more annoying to have around than @ThunderLimes.
  21. Like
    TBOHB got a reaction from Roy in On a Scale 1-10   
    I mean I don't really know you. The only thing I know about you is that you make this stupid posts asking for hate from people and it honestly isn't good. Even as a joke, don't try to incite people to hate you. It isn't a healthy thing to do.
    As of right I'd say 6
  22. Like
    TBOHB reacted to BullseyeX in xG Dungeons & Dragons   
    Do you guys think it would be fun to have a day of D&D, This will be played on Tabletop Simulator, Take the whole day and just play with like 8 people it can be set up like a week in advance with the characters and story?
  23. Funny
    TBOHB reacted to Red in On a Scale 1-10   
    fucking crackhead
  24. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Dannypicacho in On a Scale 1-10   
  25. Boring
    TBOHB reacted to Roy in On a Scale 1-10   
    On a scale 1-10, how much do you hate me, 1 is least and 10 is most. Oh my I should get 3 or less cuz I been a good boy (maybe not if you know me well....).