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Everything posted by hongkongatron

  1. Inferno hasn't been around long enough to get an actual idea of how its c/dc ratio should be.
  2. pssschk do u want 1 birger or 2 pppschk

  3. coffee ice cream is def on the top 3 of my all time favorite things
  4. lol surf members off the shits again ?
  5. oh yeah should prob tag people that have played it b4 @Healix @BonfireCentipede @Soulify @Lithium @virr (please show up dad im trying really hard for you) @Kypari @bagggel @Egossi @anyone else
  6. HEY As DL of OW an ordinary member, I'm now gonna occasionally host events on/off of TF2, one of them being Overwatch Community Night, which is happening as of the 26th during the evening (around 7 PM EST). Just letting people know. The gamemodes we'll run will be typical in terms of previous community nights (i.e., scrim game, paintball, etc.), but if you have any ideas, post them below and I'll probably do them.
  7. -1 Has noticeable flaws but overall extremely easy to kill enemy snipers without spy or sniper. Demoknight can retain all speed from charging in the water so long as he ends the charge before he hits the surface, which that alone is one of many braindead easy ways to get over to the enemy spawn in several seconds flat. Sticky jumper exists, and thats just for demo. Most of the snipers that play on our server aren’t good enough to consistently track you when making basic braindead dodging movements. A majority of the time, the map just serves as filler for a map we actually like to have its recently played cooldown to end, so it serves a pretty useful niche in that regard.
  8. Honestly this goodbye message touched me and i'm not even from csgo.. Farewell @Roy and you see you next time once you return hopefully.
  9. well on wario i found that he can f**t if he uses his down control stick and pressing b at the same time and i am probably the only person who knows this
  10. +1 ez admin lets go boys has proven himself responsible and carried tf2div several times