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Everything posted by Caribou

  1. Caribou


    Dejavu, although I had more bans maybe about 6 but the ban is justified since the last ban is a month, this protest is a waste, you won't get unbanned without doing a challenge, I'll talk to you in private ?
  2. Oh you guys are finally waking up Remove it, you wont regret it ?
  3. Caribou


    @Tatost It's called Waifubot what do you expect me to think? Besides the poll doesn't look too well so I don't expect it to be added thank god I would mute it if it gets added but I prefer it not to, and you act as if people really aren't "I'm going to fuck this anime tiddy girl" lmao they are, you may not be but others probably are but regardless keep your hentai away virgins
  4. Caribou


    We already have Pokecord we don't need another game bot thing, I don't think we made the discord to have these stupid bots and shit rather to communicate, other than personal preference of not having the bot I think it's just pointless to have it and it'd attract people I don't want to have in the community, plus I doubt you're short of discords that have this bot. Also waifu trash lmao grow up
  5. Caribou


    Difference between watching good anime and being a weeb + waifu is fake gf for sad no life virgins we shouldn't advocate that in our Discord ?
  6. I'm the leader of W-Cartel, who tf you think you are joining xG claiming to "explore" the cartel gtfo noob ? You wont reach the level of the W-Cartel noob not in a million years you sad imbecile don't you dare speak of the w-cartel you mongol empire also -1 no imposters
  7. Caribou


    No please keep your cartoon garbo away from me
  8. Caribou

    Roblox Server

    Try again manchildren No MLP and no Roblox you already got your MC and TF2 mods ??
  9. Lmao don't be a pussy kid comeon But for real don't listen to anyone telling you to act like a bitch legit just have some confidence, you could start off by not asking for advice when going to highschool and growing a pair instead of looking for advice from others
  11. Caribou


    +1 You are lucky you put a sunglasses and thanks for reading noob ?
  12. Caribou


    +1 Muted Kamaal and I for doing southern accents miss me with that gay poop
  13. +1 I see him on Disc plenty and I doubt he wont be suitable to moderate as he's always helping with stuff and is 100% familiar with the rules and capable of enforcing them
  14. Football and be an epic gamer ?
  15. Referencing these quotes since I forgot to put them in on mobile :
  16. Either translating everything or using spellcheck to fix gibberish In regards to everything @ProjectXenome has said, I've been permabanned, got on an alt and got permabanned, not once but like 10 times, I've done things you wont imagine, but I am a member now, probably just a fluke I don't know dude. Stop being ignorant saying fix this, he did that, why not him, I donated. I don't see the goal of this post tbh you're just being ridiculous and I am assuming the server that you are on is Surf or not even TF2 because I've never seen you before
  17. I don't care what this guy does or doesn't, but if a donator/staff makes a vote to do whatever that doesn't include things like crashing it or harming it in anyway it would be done. I do agree for some things the vote should be higher than 70% as not everyone bothers to even vote
  18. Caribou


    +1 Very active and mature, knows the rules Albeit can sometimes be quiet about certain things, as he couldn't do much, but as a Mod I know without a doubt he'll enforce everything. Goodluck dude