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Everything posted by Caribou

  1. y o e
  2. Sorry @Sylux @Kypari @bagel @Tatost @Thunder
  3. I'd go for plat straight away :)(y) Anyways good luck with that
  4. -1 People have been trolling purposefully using friendly alot, I personally got used to colorized friendly people as a lot of donators do that. If you see someone grabbing you without you being happy with it, talk to them about it, ask for justification on why they've done it. Doing so would require you to have voice turned on as you need to hear them, staff shouldn't be muted as a whole as they could say something directed to you that you have to hear. Tatost not using chat doesn't justify you having volume off and appealing about your ban, the ban is justified, and you should learn from this rather than appealing. In addition to that @Tatost stated that you've been trolling too. I also want to know why you colorize yourself in friendly mode to begin with.
  5. +1 Map isn't fun to play on, you can get bodyblocked so often when there's a good amount of players on. 2 Players fall and get teleported to that place you go to when you fall and you're stuck Platforming makes it not fun to play especially for the punishment of failure being potential bodyblock and being right next to the enemy/your spawn. The map isn't very spacious too, tight and narrow for the most part. There are places to get teleported to but mostly it's a small map and a pain to play on.
  6. I've seen Reject's minigun do more damage and shoot faster than a normal would, heard it spin up faster as well. I'm not doing this as an attack on Rejects but rather as a justification of what actions he's been convicted of from my POV Whenever @Kypari or @BonfireCentipede go in Spectator to spectate him he switches of Heavy and confronts them about it, further adding suspicion that he's doing something wrong. This is a issue regarding responsibility of power rather than personal attacks against Rejects, I feel that isn't the right way to use your powers. I've also seen Rejects use a Shotgun he's created to kill @BonfireCentipede alone which was extremely overpowered and unfair. I am glad he's come clean to all this but regardless that enough doesn't justify what he's done; from what I've read this isn't the first time so I trust action would be taken as it's the right thing to do. It's a +1 from me.
  7. -1 Extremely toxic when it comes to him being killed, immature, short temper. A : 9 M : 1
  8. Congrats @Sylux @Isabelle @BonfireCentipede Rip @Forge
  9. Ok :-) Active, knows the rules, fair and an overall great person!!! Wow he changed lmao :-))))
  10. +1 Do I really need to explain? A : 10 M : 10
  11. +1 crutch soldier? :thinking: A:9 M:8
  12. @Parasect @Tatost 1 Player vs. BLU team = Spawn Camp = Slay Caribou???
  13. The rule should be enforced only against nests. If you can't break a camp that has a combo and Sniper that means you're just not trying. The other team camping doesn't get spawncamped because they don't try; only stay friendly and want things handed to them. The no camping teleport spawns should be changed rather than removed. Alot of people stay by the spawns and complain about spawncamp, how are staff supposed to know he was out and stayed there or not. Besides spawn protection is there anyways, especially on TGH, Lasts long enough for you to kill 2 or 3 people.
  14. Tatost deserves Admin. Kypari and Vexx both deserve DM so no problem with that. But Tatost should've gotten it before Vector; nothing against them but Tatost does deserve it more than anyone in the current Moderator pool.
  15. To be honest @Kypari I think it should be all 3 teams against our team to make it easier for you guys rather than take 2 days because that's fair :^)
  16. Susan Boyle and Paul Blart would be so proud. (Shadow realm map next????) @BonfireCentipede @bagel
  17. +1 Plays on Pokemon often, nice guy, and overall a good person. Scout main though No offense Kyari A:8 M:8
  18. Caribou


    Some staff may not be able to get on TF2 at that moment making them unable to take action; I think it should be implemented, but for Admin+. Admins should have their own kind of bots to perform that action to ensure it is a call made by those who are more experienced. No offense to any Moderator but my thoughts are that Administrators are more suited to deal with these kind of occurences.