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Everything posted by Caribou

  1. Although you died after dropping grape at preschool in ponyo you still live in our hearts Happy birthday and I'm not from new zealand cunt
  2. Caribou


    Don't worry dude it's not entirely you, I also acted immaturely so hey, it's all cool, still can't blame you though because I really wasn't the greatest person
  3. Changing my vote to neutral Imo what he has done by far shows a huge amount of maturity and actually shows that no false ego or vendetta is in the way, depending on my further interactions, if there is change, I'll gladly +1
  4. @NitNat I didn't say you guys +1'd her, I am talking on Discord and since you said "only one person reacted to a post I'll go ahead and name every rating you guys did, can't get screenshots I am not home. Tuna reacted agree to Jacklyn's ban protest (justified ban), Lemonvolt reacted boring to Kypari's reply, which had good points, just passive aggressive, reacted the same to the following post aswell, Tuna reacted Gross to Elcark's reply, Tuna reacted are you insane Goblin's post, and Bliz thinking, Tuna reacted losin it to my reply And just now I got a thinking, yeah, just 1 react, all justified, not passive aggressive at all And since you guys aren't starting fire presumably, why did Tuna pull that stunt from the FF2 thing, and why do you bundle everyone as "furries", your hate for furries is blatant, hating people for their interests is very much an act of instigation. And you're saying I haven't changed, if you knew me back then you'd know how different I am, and how I act in private with my best friends is different from how I act on the server to strangers, for a person who didn't know Tuna I wasn't going to judge him from what I hear, I saw what he was doing And I wouldn't make it seem you guys came from the dead to cause chaos if that wasn't what I saw, no drama was being caused, no one was salty or had a vendetta, no one complained about the rules as much, you guys came, created the problems, pinned it on everyone else, then act as massiahs coming to solve them, and things have only been getting worse
  5. I mean, so far the "Tuna group" are the ones stirring up the *drama, starting threads like these, claiming they're always in the right as "The furry group should chill tfo" and the "Tuna group" is "much better than the other" When a private chat between a friend of mine and I goes to you guys you instantly jump on the bandwagon and create this thread, other than that bandwagon, when I speak to someone in the xG Discord, for example that one time with Jackie, Tuna tries his hardest to get involved, then you guys expect no backlash. If anything, the "Furry" group are the ones trying to avoid drama, I'm pretty sure, most of the people in our Discord, (healix's) really don't care about you guys to put it boldly, we're literally just friends who play different games to have fun, if anything it's you guys who are always trying to cause a scene and ruin the fun, for example when Bagel slayed Tuna in the server, for a justified reason, and Tuna tried to cause a scene in the server, and failed, he took it instantly to the xG discord, another example is passive aggressiveness like this comment right here Another thing is the fact that the "Tuna" group never critcizes one another, for example the Jackie ban protest, although it was a clearly fair ban, you guys were still fine with the ban protest, as leaving positive rating on her and negative to anyone else's, friendship doesn't mean bandwagoning the wrong thing just because they're labelled friends; you can check my ban thread, my best friends -1'd me because I deserved it, something challenging to do for you guys, just don't forget, I cannot stress this enough that this is a gaming community, no one cares who you pooptalk in private or not, just remember that everyone's here to have fun, not sure about the "Tuna" group though
  6. That statement is hypocritical, I've seen you say the same thing in multiple threads, but you want to convince me that you don't look at my past whenever I come up, that's just ridiculous. So far I haven't seen but bad behavior and nothing has improved at all, at first I was hesitant thinking to change it, but after the thing on FF2 happened and how you reacted to it, trying to stir drama on Discord since you couldn't on the server, that's when I realized I shouldn't change my vouch.
  7. Is this a pooppost? Cause I'm pretty sure I'm not a furry and I'm not Tuna
  8. Caribou


    +1 Great guy, great friend, friendly to all people, no reason for him not to get member A : 7 M : 9
  9. -1 Only recently been seeing them on the servers, but they've been acting immaturely, and don't know the rules. Staff tell a person not to use !robot in combat as it's abuse, but they deny it and say that it's fine and they do not see how it poses a problem, unsuitable to become a member. Also I didn't emphasise on the activity as much as I should, I've only been seeing today, until I see improvement I'll glady change my vouch
  10. Caribou


    You've always been starting poop, abusing and being too toxic and you expect to last without a ban, seriously if it weren't for ban decay I am surprised I got permd before you, when you get on the server calling gays retarded and autistic, then getting gagged for it, and calling your circle jerk to do the same, and still not enough from being gagged, renaming yourself to aggravate Kypari, maybe you need to think before making a ban protest, and imo you shouldn't even have your donator powers, a month should be enough. -1
  11. Just because you got 2 -1's on a staff app doesn't mean people hate you and don't want you in the clan, everyone can be criticised for something or the other, and not everyone are fit for staff. I think you should stay and not be a drama queen, no one wants you to leave
  12. Caribou


    Becareful from a dude called ManlyDuck, heard that handsome hunk caused a mass demotion ? +1
  13. Caribou


    Oof dude you're so cool calling someone that with means to offend them then making a protest expecting to get a hint of respect you're way over your head I don't play on surf but people like this shouldn't be on any of our servers, learn manners
  14. In-Game Name ManlyDuck Division Team Fortress 2 Previous Member Yes Identity https://steamcommunity.com/id/Starboe/ Age 20 Previously Banned Yes Time Active on Servers 5 Years Reason for Joining I want to rejoin xG and I feel like I've improved myself, I hope you guys have seen that
  15. -1 Immature, causes a lot of controversy
  16. Caribou


    Kind of wanna go to Chicago now just to taste swoosh's "urgency stew"
  17. +1 I think him calling people degenerates and trying to justify it is more than enough, I also warned him he'd get into trouble if he keeps his attitude like that. plus he's assaulting a huge amount of xG's community as there are plenty of furries including my best friend @Kypari in that regard he went too far, and from what I've seen he's been very far for a pretty long time imo. May seem hypocritical coming from me but he's too toxic for his own good, I'm all for banning him for a month or so.
  18. Caribou


    Had to get up close since the pen wont appear as much from far away
  19. Caribou


    Division Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name Caribou Identity STEAM_1:0:54233698 Ban Type Server Ban Information I've donated 10$ in order to get unbanned, I've caused way too much problems that can be atoned for by just a ban protest without punishment; I still don't think donating 10$ is punishment, I'll be more than happy to pay the 10$ for xG as I really do love the community, there have been plenty of bumpy rides but still. I'll try my best to keep my temper at bay, and if my best isn't enough punishment again is the only action which is right, I'm done hiding around and being as toxic as I was. I grew rather than changed, I admit I still have some moments where I relive my character of "ManlyDuck" but regardless I'm more or less different. If a picture is necessary I'll gladly take one