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  1. Sad
    james8470 got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Clash Royale   
    Nope. ?
  2. Got It
    james8470 got a reaction from ProjectXenome in Selling Spells   
    It's an old feature. Years ago during halloween events, you could find items on halloween maps. These items were spells that you could apply to weapons. Spells that were not applied to weapons/cosmetics were eventually removed by valve, so now only spelled items or cosmetics exist. 
    There are a few different kinds of spells, they only work during full moon or halloween event or on servers that have halloween mode on (like xG servers):
    1) Footprint spells (fire-looking footprints of various colors)
    2) "Paint" spells (will slowly cycle though a range of colors)
    4) Voice spells (change the pitch of your in-game voice to be deeper, things like "MEDIC!" or "Help me!")
    3) Weapon effect spells (only three kinds, Exorcism [ghosts appear on player you kill] and pumpkin bombs [explosives blow up like pumpkins and have purple smoke trails], Halloween Fire [Flamethrowers have green flames])
    Read more about them here: https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Halloween_Spells
  3. Like
    james8470 reacted to Caribou in Meetup?   
    Kind of wanna go to Chicago now just to taste swoosh's "urgency stew" 

  4. Friendly
    james8470 reacted to Nova in RIP to one of our first members   
    Hi guys, it's Synx/VWK/Nova. I was Syn/Trollface/d0x/Asa's fiance. He lived with me for the last 5 years.. Sadly he passed away on the 19th of May to an unknown cause. Currently we're still investigating what it could be. I've been devastated ever since, and I wanted to make sure all of you guys that were a part of his life knew of his passing. Thank you all so much for all the fond memories. 
  5. Sad
    james8470 reacted to Aegean in RIP to one of our first members   
    Unfortunately, we are here to say goodbye to one of our own, TrollFace aka Asa. Trollface was one of the original members of the community and one of the first higher ups alongside Silence. We found out of his death a few days ago from his girlfriend, and we'd like to formally give our condolences on the forums. XenoGamers would not be where it is today, if it wasn't for him. 
    I wish his family and loved ones all the best, and remember to always show your appreciation to your friends and family cuz you never know when they might be gone.
  6. Useful
    james8470 reacted to Bone in Bhop on Deathrun 2: Hop Again   
    So I made a short video demonstrating how the plugin could work in game: *Note: I know it's not a 100% accurate representation due to not having a Death to operate the traps 
    You may notice that it doesn't take much time at all to build up speed, which removes any concerns that not everyone can do it and that people will waste time building speed for 12 hours. If this is instead an issue, there's a cvar that causes speed only to be gained from more curved hops. The same cvar can be used to allow speed to be gained on straighter hops, but that would make it far too easy.
    I'd also like to point out that even at full acceleration, it still took 2 jumps to get across the spikes after the bridge. So building up speed to magically skip traps won't happen. Also, if speed is a concern, the cap can simply be set to 400. This allows Death's base speed to be unchanged and still give Runners an extra 100 Hammer units per second on successive hops.
    The plugin also makes air strafing easier (this can also be changed), so it makes juking much more accessible.  
  7. Dislike
    james8470 reacted to YeEternalTuna in Bhop on Deathrun 2: Hop Again   
    Heres the thing Kypari: not everyone has experience with deathrun/bhop. YOU might be able to catch a bhopper but what about the people who don't have that experience and are overwhelmed by this new element? What then? Tell them to ''get gud'' and thats it? Not everyones like you my guy.
  8. Like
    james8470 reacted to Ms.Spooks in Shittalking in TGH.   
    I feel like this is something that needs to be said because it's happening way too often.
    A joke is only funny if everyone is laughing. There is a lot of times when people are being quite rude or intentionally trying to make certain people angry. Unfortunately the jokes have gone from the occasional playful teasing to outright making fun of certain players.
    Now I'm not going to tell you that you can't shit talk each other all together. Sometimes it's in good intent as long as both parties are content about it. It's been getting out of hand recently though. It's gotten to the point where multiple people start bandwagoning against one person even though they don't like it. So to get to the point, I want to write this reminder that disrespect is NOT allowed on the servers. When someone asks you to stop or is clearly getting upset please do not continue to heckle them. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants a friendly environment for everyone. I would like it if you all would consider how you effect everyone else on the server so noone feels alienated. I'm not trying to say you need to be on good terms with everyone. All I ask is that the playful shittalking is consensual or at least acceptable.
    I hope we all can keep enjoying the server!
  9. Agree
    james8470 reacted to Elcark in Sucy the Mushroom   
    I'll say again what good is server population when it's full of people who make others uncomfortable and would lead to us actually losing population because people don't want to be near them.
    What good is silencing someone when it has clearly had no effect on them before. 
    Banning someone is the most clear way to outright avoid having someone like this on the server and to get the message across that we don't want people to behave like this around, both to them and anyone else. 
  10. Useful
    james8470 reacted to Kypari in Sucy the Mushroom   
    Here are his chatlogs: https://xenogamers.com/rank/player_histories/chat/890386
    Here's a link to his previous bans: https://bans.xenogamers.com/index.php?p=banlist&advSearch=STEAM_0:1:58051530&advType=steamid
    Here's a link to his mutes/gags: https://bans.xenogamers.com/index.php?p=commslist&advSearch=STEAM_0:1:58051530&advType=steamid
    Finally, his Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:58051530
    Sucy has been a pretty regular point of discussion and controversy for a long time now. His previous bans and mutes demonstrate what kind of a person Sucy is like: argumentative, disrespectful and inconsiderate. Many times has he been warned or punished about his actions and I feel like he has not changed since. There are times when I doubt how hostile he actually tends to come off across as, however it is evident at this point that he purposely brings up these conversation topics to get under people's skin. At this point, personally, I would honestly be looking to see some kind of extended ban, possibly even a permanent ban from the servers as he has clearly shown that he is not someone that intends to comply by the rules and always causes people to get upset, disgusted or overcome with anxiety-related emotions. I have had a few people message me privately about how they feel and it's really upsetting to see them feel in such a bad way. 
    +1 For perm ban
  11. Gross
    james8470 got a reaction from Rabid in Clash Royale   
    Game Name: Clash Royale
    Platform: Smartphone (Android, iOS)
    Time Spent: 500-1000 hours
    Do you recommend?
    What you rate the game:  9
    Initial Thoughts: I just randomly decided to get a phone game, picked off Clash Royale because it had amazing reviews on the app store and looked cool.
    Gameplay and Story: There's no real lore or story to it. However, the gameplay is amazing. It's simple, fun, fast-paced, engaging, and very addictive. When you battle someone (The main formats are 1v1 and 2v2), you deploy "cards" onto your side of the area. These cards include troop cards such as the Archers or Knight, spell cards such as Zap or Fireball, and building cards such as Goblin Hut or Inferno Tower. Each card costs a certain amount of elixer, which slowly builds up throughout battle. As they say, using your elixer efficiently is the key to victory. Here's what a battle deck might look like:

    Your goals are to defend your two princess towers and, more importantly king tower. You win by destroying the enemy king tower or one or two of their princess towers before the game timer is up. Here's what the gameplay looks like:
    The ultimate goal of the game is to rank up though the various arenas by defeating opponents in 1v1 battles and unlocking the new cards that come with each new arena you manage to get to. Things like clans and the shop can support you in this. You can use gold (earned from battle and a few other things) to buy cards from the shop, or request cards from a clan you may choose to join.
    Also, recently introduced, clan wars. You battle on behalf of you clan to rank up though a different set of arenas. Every week, you'll receive a chest full of cards with loot based on how well you clan did. It's pretty fun.
    Backstory: Clash Royale is pretty simple in many aspects, including backstory. There is none! There's no real lore or anything to it.
    Pros: (At least 2 reasons)
    - The game is kept well-updated
    - Fast, fun, addictive gameplay
    - Easy to learn, easy to play but a lot of strategies involved, too. 
    - Kid-friendly
    Cons: (At least 2 reasons)
    - The shop (for real-world money) is often a rip-off, refrain from buying anything. Most of the cards you can get with the stuff you buy will be just as easy to get as you rank up though the arenas.
    - Sometimes, you can just randomly get kicked by a abusive kid co-leader or elder (ranked players) in your clan.
    Final Thoughts:
    Clash Royale is an amazing, free, fun game for your phone. It's just a nice quick-play type of game, but it is still fun to play for longer durations, too.
  12. RIP
    james8470 got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Clash Royale   
    Nope. ?
  13. Sad
    james8470 reacted to Brian in Goodbye forever   
    Considering there's nothing left for me here, I'm out. I think I'm done with gaming communities and gaming in general. 
    Peace out to everyone. Go ahead and remove my member tag. 
  14. Friendly
    james8470 reacted to Aegean in Goodbye forever   
    See you in a few weeks in my DMs asking for the deepest dabs. 

    Take care man, a lot of people don't know how much you've done for TF2 at its infancy, but I appreciate all you've done despite some of the poopposting on discord you do lmao.
    Message me anytime on discord or steam whenever you want, take it easy man.
  15. Agree
    james8470 got a reaction from Tatost in Favoritism and Nepotism   
    Looking in the bigger picture, don't you think the issue of bias is because of how xG is structured?
    Small Clan --> Community-Based --> Relies on friendships* --> Those not in friendship circles take flack
    *also it's relatively easy to become staff
    It's a blessing and a curse. It means people work on the servers because they have passion, and not just for status or money, but it also means it's harder for the staff to hold themselves accountable.
    Just offering a somewhat different perspective.
  16. Like
    james8470 reacted to FrostyBoiGrim in Favoritism and Nepotism   
    Im just gunna leave this topic with this: xG is a very fun and consistent place imo. I try not to get into xG drama or start it. I just want to hang out on surf and make sure people are doing the right thing. If people are unsatisfied then I have no idea what to do about it. Seeing the community I really enjoy bitting its own leg makes me sad.
  17. Ding!
    james8470 got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Favoritism and Nepotism   
    Looking in the bigger picture, don't you think the issue of bias is because of how xG is structured?
    Small Clan --> Community-Based --> Relies on friendships* --> Those not in friendship circles take flack
    *also it's relatively easy to become staff
    It's a blessing and a curse. It means people work on the servers because they have passion, and not just for status or money, but it also means it's harder for the staff to hold themselves accountable.
    Just offering a somewhat different perspective.
  18. Informative
    james8470 got a reaction from LemonVolt in Favoritism and Nepotism   
    Looking in the bigger picture, don't you think the issue of bias is because of how xG is structured?
    Small Clan --> Community-Based --> Relies on friendships* --> Those not in friendship circles take flack
    *also it's relatively easy to become staff
    It's a blessing and a curse. It means people work on the servers because they have passion, and not just for status or money, but it also means it's harder for the staff to hold themselves accountable.
    Just offering a somewhat different perspective.
  19. Ding!
    james8470 got a reaction from Brian in Favoritism and Nepotism   
    Looking in the bigger picture, don't you think the issue of bias is because of how xG is structured?
    Small Clan --> Community-Based --> Relies on friendships* --> Those not in friendship circles take flack
    *also it's relatively easy to become staff
    It's a blessing and a curse. It means people work on the servers because they have passion, and not just for status or money, but it also means it's harder for the staff to hold themselves accountable.
    Just offering a somewhat different perspective.
  20. Thinking
    james8470 got a reaction from TBOHB in Septik - Team Fortress 2   
    This is still pending?!
    Well, I'll still +1 then! Yeah I remember I originally thought he was mod already! I've never even known him to be toxic, just friendly and helpful.
  21. Thinking
    james8470 got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Is Virr real?   
    He only exists in the twilight zone
  22. Creative
    james8470 got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Septik - Team Fortress 2   
    This is still pending?!
    Well, I'll still +1 then! Yeah I remember I originally thought he was mod already! I've never even known him to be toxic, just friendly and helpful.
  23. Thinking
    james8470 got a reaction from Kypari in Septik - Team Fortress 2   
    This is still pending?!
    Well, I'll still +1 then! Yeah I remember I originally thought he was mod already! I've never even known him to be toxic, just friendly and helpful.
  24. Random
    james8470 got a reaction from Caleb956 in Septik - Team Fortress 2   
    This is still pending?!
    Well, I'll still +1 then! Yeah I remember I originally thought he was mod already! I've never even known him to be toxic, just friendly and helpful.
  25. Are You Insane
    james8470 got a reaction from Elcark in Septik - Team Fortress 2   
    This is still pending?!
    Well, I'll still +1 then! Yeah I remember I originally thought he was mod already! I've never even known him to be toxic, just friendly and helpful.