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Reputation Activity

  1. Bad Spelling
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from MinerTeddy in Dannypicacho   
    Garrys Mod (Segal) In-Game Name
    xG Pistachio Identity
    STEAM_0:0:142032013 Position
    Moderator Time Active on Servers
    a lot, probably Information
    I was hesistant to make this at first because I know it's going to be controversial, but I know that the Gmod higherups already know I've been interested in this server since it was announced.
    Firstly, I love TTT. I used to spam lithium all the time to add a TTT server to CSGO but now we have one on Gmod so I don't care too much about a CSGO one anymore. I'm ususally the one to get population on the servers and to round up a bunch of people to start playing so we can force population for a while until we can get a steady number of randoms to like the server and join it more. I was given temporary mod when Segal had to go get dinner and JohnGalt42 was joining, and not really much happened there anyways but I was able to quickly understand how the admin menu works. I usually stay on even when all the others leave and it's just randoms on or even if there are only like 3 players on.
    Secondly, I'm currently an admin on the CSGO division and have been in this position for close to a year now. I know that my position has been fairly controversial but honestly it seems more that people just hate me for the "danny bad" meme and because "haha badmin danny xd" (it's kind of like the ScottNi case where people constantly make fun of him for a mistake he made in the past and because it makes them feel like "good staff members" when compared to him). I am fully capable of moderating a server and I believe I could handle moderating the TTT server since I have the experience.
    also pls give us ttt squad role
    I have read the staff submission rules and meet the requirements for the division I'm applying for.
  2. Drunk
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from MinerTeddy in DepressedNeonNepp - Team Fortress 2   
    woah he's back dude who would've guessed
  3. Furry
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from Thunder in DepressedNeonNepp - Team Fortress 2   
    woah he's back dude who would've guessed
  4. Furry
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from bagggel in DepressedNeonNepp - Team Fortress 2   
    woah he's back dude who would've guessed
  5. Creative
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from DepressedNeonNepp in DepressedNeonNepp - Team Fortress 2   
    woah he's back dude who would've guessed
  6. Furry
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from Tekk in DepressedNeonNepp - Team Fortress 2   
    woah he's back dude who would've guessed
  7. Dislike
    Dannypicacho reacted to Tilt_Aspect in Tilt_Aspect   
    Counter-Strike In-Game Name
    [xG] Tilt_Aspect Identity
    http://steamcommunity.com/id/ Tilt_Aspect/ Position
    Moderator Time Active on Servers
    everyday Information
    I have been on the Jailbreak sever all the time and I would be able to watch when no other mods are on which is why I want to be mod so I can get rid of rdm from your sever and other rule breakers. thank you for reading my submission.
    I have read the staff submission rules and meet the requirements for the division I'm applying for.
  8. Smelly
    Dannypicacho reacted to Pepper in Pepper   
    Counter-Strike In-Game Name
    Jakel Identity
    https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198030327793/ Position
    Administrator Time Active on Servers
    uhhh Information
    I mean why not
    I have read the staff submission rules and meet the requirements for the division I'm applying for.
  9. Like
    Dannypicacho reacted to ABlueSkittle123 in DepressedNeonNepp - Team Fortress 2   
    Where to even start, Alright, well I have seen you on servers and you have been nicer and overall better in general. I just would like to see you on more often, and I would like to see your improvement, I am on your side and I am rooting for you but you got to prove to others that you are not here just to mess around and mess with the community, because do remember that being a member means you are representing the community and by presenting yourself to be an immature person makes the community overall not look so good, not saying that you are immature. I would like to see your improvement in action and I would like to see you try and fix the errors of your ways and patch up your past, for now I am staying neutral.
  10. Funny
    Dannypicacho reacted to hongkongatron in DepressedNeonNepp - Team Fortress 2   
    -1 uhhhh 
    no thank you
  11. Agree
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from nuen in PolarCoded   
    is this even english
  12. Agree
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from Sodium in PolarCoded   
    is this even english
  13. Smelly
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from ScottNi in PolarCoded   
    +1 we need another mexican in the staff team
  14. Agree
    Dannypicacho reacted to Tatost in PolarCoded   
    if I can get staff and still be toxic polar can still be a dirty fucking troll
    cool guy, knows the rules, and is pretty active +1
  15. Bad Spelling
    Dannypicacho reacted to PolarCoded in PolarCoded   
    by all means I’m not trying to be toxic but if it’s the maturity your -1’Ing about I get I do fuck it mods and admins quite a bit but other than that I do enforce rules when other don’t even when they are present.(you may message them privately but I let them know publicly so everyone will know that that’s a no no) my activity has dropped substantially but I’m still known throughout the community and a lot of people ask me questions as if I’m a staff member because I try to let EVERYONE know the rules not just the one in the wrong and I feel that should be the proper way a moderator or admin should do things rather than keep the call out on rule breakers a secret via admit pm. 
  16. Make xG Great Again
    Dannypicacho reacted to Tekk in SegFault   
    You must be 14+ to apply to become a Moderator. User will not receive moderator.
  17. RIP
    Dannypicacho reacted to hongkongatron in Dannypicacho   
    pretty easy +1 tbh, just be clear that this is in exchange for your demotion on csgo
  18. Dislike
    Dannypicacho reacted to Thrillhouse in Roosty - Counter-Strike   
    +1 doesnt annoy me ?
  19. Disagree
    Dannypicacho reacted to ScottNi in Darrth   
    Please give an actual reason for your vouches...
  20. Thinking
    Dannypicacho reacted to MinerTeddy in Darrth   
    >Didn't quote danny
    >Taking it seriously
  21. Make xG Great Again
    Dannypicacho reacted to Tatost in SegFault   
    for anyone who wants to come
  22. Make xG Great Again
    Dannypicacho reacted to Julian in PotatoDoc   
    +1 reasonable christian boy. He puts the faith in the GMOD division.
  23. Friendly
    Dannypicacho reacted to loftydrum in Dannypicacho   
    +1 this guy. I like him
  24. Are You Insane
    Dannypicacho reacted to Jadow in coolduck   
    After a extremely quick "talk" with @Bonk and @Lithium you will be unbanned. This is your final chance make sure to read and follow the rules.
  25. F!$k Off
    Dannypicacho reacted to SegFault in Roosty - Counter-Strike   
    Steam Community :: pickle chin ah boi
    STEAMCOMMUNITY.COM N words in my butthole Steam Community :: Roosty
    before @ScottNi bitches his hours are on surf (yes bud, you do have that server) and 10man