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  1. F!$k Off
    Dannypicacho reacted to Sodium in GMOD Mod Apps Are Now Open!   
    +1 danny sucks
  2. Like
    Dannypicacho reacted to Owlknight_ in what's your favorite candy?   
  3. Are You Insane
    Dannypicacho reacted to The_Unlit_Torch in Remove Random Crits on Surf   
    -1 no thanx
  4. Boring
    Dannypicacho reacted to Lynn in Remove Random Crits on Surf   
    @Dannypicacho check my edit history, nerd. I wasn't being serious
  5. Like
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Remove Random Crits on Surf   
  6. Like
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Remove Random Crits on Surf   
    Just remove them from the game honestly @valve         
  7. Bad Spelling
    Dannypicacho reacted to loftydrum in I want a "Wah!" That is all.   
    I would donate if one of the perks for donners was we get a custom intro when we join a xG server if we've donated X amount. Similar to the whole "Bumpy Bumpy" thing (but not nearly as intense.) 
    If this was an incentive, I would love to join the server and the server just go, "Waaaaahhhhh." 
  8. Are You Insane
    Dannypicacho reacted to Lynn in Remove Random Crits on Surf   
    why not just add rtd to surf so it balances out random crits
  9. Ding!
    Dannypicacho reacted to -Diphikult in Remove Random Crits on Surf   
    Whoa there, I almost didn't see this thread
    Random crits take away a huge skill factor from the game, and to die by one is incredibly annoying. It may be entertaining to get a random crits, but 90% of the time you no longer care about the crit moments later, when your focus moves on to something else.
    It also doesn't make sense to get punished for trying to kill enemies. Especially when you consider that enemies who are weak from winning a fight have a higher chance to crit you. Players that are getting kills in succession don't need the added chance to randomly do triple damage.
    The same goes for random bullet spread. Last I checked it's still enabled on surf, but not on tgh. These mechanics that only serve to induce randomness have no place in a game like tf2, even in a casual setting. The recipient of the crit feels cheated, and the sender of the crit shortly thereafter either forgets or stops caring in most situations. The only exception being when a group of people are hit with the crit, but in that situation there would be multiple affected meaning that one person is cheating multiple people out of a fun experience all because of rng.
    There's this arguement that random crits prevent stalemates and spawncamps. This is flawed by the fact that random crits are based on how well the player is doing and are, for lack of a better word, random. The team who's spawncamping is obviously going to be getting more kills, and relying on rng to end a spawncamp is a horrible plan when compared to a coordinated Uber push. And on almost every map there's not just one way to get into the jail. So there's always the option of surfing to a seperate jail
    I do understand that sometimes it's hard to coordinate a push with a bunch of people that you might not even know, but relying on a random mechanic is not a good solution. It only serves to make recipients feel cheated out of a fair fight
    Sorry for the horrible structuring
  10. Bad Spelling
    Dannypicacho reacted to Genocide in Remove Random Crits on Surf   
    As a Division Leader for TF2, I believe that these Random Crits add spice to the game, DENIED. 
    @SegFault@mrnutty12What are random crits? 
    edit: Genocides dumb. @Caleb956 ❤️ seg
  11. Like
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from Thorax_ in Remove Random Crits on Surf   
  12. Agree
    Dannypicacho reacted to ABlueSkittle123 in Remove Random Crits on Surf   
    I have made this before I will do it again, random crits are not a requirement on surf. They just ruin the fun of the server and should be disabled, if we have random crits removed on every other server, why not this server? If we remove random crits on this server I believe that it will make everyone who regularly plays on this server much more happy, my main point being the negativity bias. If you get a random crit, wow I got lucky and killed three guys out of luck, cool. That is a positive experience however that experience disappears in mere moments, however the negative experience, aka the three people on the other side of the crit got the negative experience, and those experiences last significantly longer and they sure as hell won't be forgotten, thus in conclusion it would be better to completely remove random crits from surf.
  13. F!$k Off
    Dannypicacho reacted to Thrillhouse in Last comment wins   
    Ban @Dannypicacho
  14. Eggplant
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from Thorax_ in xG Gamer Revival   
    CT_SL4Y3R ?
  15. Like
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from Lottamos in xG Gamer Revival   
    CT_SL4Y3R ?
  16. Like
    Dannypicacho reacted to jaygoki in xG Quote Collection   
    don't worry it was the soft a and not the hard r

  17. Funny
    Dannypicacho reacted to Thorax_ in xG Quote Collection   
  18. Like
    Dannypicacho reacted to yadingo in xG Quote Collection   
  19. Informative
    Dannypicacho reacted to Rabid in Smokes&Flashes, for ya bozos   
    A lot of you seem to have trouble retaining information on smokes, even basic smokes, So I'm going to create some clips that'll teach ya the basics, along with some that I've found my self.  A few of my mirage ones don't have my lovelllllllllllly voice, but I decided to do voice overs for explanations as well after a few videos in, so if you do need my audio aid I do not mind remaking it just lemme know.
    Anyways I hope this helps some of you retain some of the skill of smokes or flashes. They're pretty fundamental so please do take time to practice some of them, it won't just make you better in 10mans, but just in general.
    Mirage Smokes Inferno Smokes Train Overpass Nuke Dust2 Cache Probably won't do cache until they update it.
  20. Disagree
    Dannypicacho reacted to char in ★ Bloodhound Gloves | Bronzed   
    1 on 1 trade 

  21. Agree
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from Lynn in TTT Map Request   
    Steam Workshop :: ttt_rooftops_2016
    STEAMCOMMUNITY.COM Steam Workshop :: ttt_minecraft_b5
    STEAMCOMMUNITY.COM Steam Workshop :: ttt_minecraftcity_v4
    STEAMCOMMUNITY.COM Steam Workshop :: ttt_minecraft_b5
    STEAMCOMMUNITY.COM Steam Workshop :: ttt_lttp_kakariko
    STEAMCOMMUNITY.COM Steam Workshop :: TTT_Outset_Island ⚔️ The Legend of Zelda Windwaker HD Map for TTT
  22. Like
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from Lynn in TTT Map Request   
    Waterpark please it's the best one 
    Also you can't not have community bowling 
  23. Like
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from Tatost in TTT Map Request   
    Steam Workshop :: ttt_rooftops_2016
    STEAMCOMMUNITY.COM Steam Workshop :: ttt_minecraft_b5
    STEAMCOMMUNITY.COM Steam Workshop :: ttt_minecraftcity_v4
    STEAMCOMMUNITY.COM Steam Workshop :: ttt_minecraft_b5
    STEAMCOMMUNITY.COM Steam Workshop :: ttt_lttp_kakariko
    STEAMCOMMUNITY.COM Steam Workshop :: TTT_Outset_Island ⚔️ The Legend of Zelda Windwaker HD Map for TTT
  24. Useful
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from Tatost in custom player models?   
    I'm pretty sure I've talked about this to @Lithium in the past, and it doesn't sound like he has any interest or intent to add hats or playermodels.
  25. Agree
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from char in TTT Map Request   
    Steam Workshop :: ttt_rooftops_2016
    STEAMCOMMUNITY.COM Steam Workshop :: ttt_minecraft_b5
    STEAMCOMMUNITY.COM Steam Workshop :: ttt_minecraftcity_v4
    STEAMCOMMUNITY.COM Steam Workshop :: ttt_minecraft_b5
    STEAMCOMMUNITY.COM Steam Workshop :: ttt_lttp_kakariko
    STEAMCOMMUNITY.COM Steam Workshop :: TTT_Outset_Island ⚔️ The Legend of Zelda Windwaker HD Map for TTT