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Posts posted by Lean

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      I want to be Un-CTBanned because I was CT Banned god knows how long ago and I feel it has been long enough. It is approaching 1 year ago if it hasn't been already. I also understand MFK'ing again will be a permanent team ban or worsetacos.jpg.2f0b475eb0f5c40a1159494407734d35.jpg

  1. On 2/11/2019 at 4:32 PM, Chrono said:

    looks like a lasagna cut into a triangle tbh. you can see where you had trouble with the dough squishing back into its thiccc shape, you have to be firm enough that it doesn't just crunch back into a ball immediately but gentle enough you wont "bruise" it bye making it rip/break or flatten out and lose its air. how long did you let the dough rise for? other than that it looks like you either didnt have enough cheese or you cut it while it was still fresh from the oven and the cheese oozed off. cuz all im seeing is sauce

    Thx bb. I let it cool off for a while just not enough cheese I think

  2. X is dead


    minecraft division is dead

    minecraft division

    arthman minecraft division


    gay arthman is mod on jb cus lithium felt bad for him

    lithium felt bad

    but lithium doesn’t have emotion?!?

    guys I think I’m on to something 

  3. I don’t consider it a mass but just a lot of repeated freekills (across rounds) that I probably should have looked into what I did wrong or why I was being swapped. I however didn’t and this happened. To be fair, one of the people I freekilled called me a libtard so I mean I’m not entirely in the wrong. 

  4. @Dannypicacho

    bruh I don’t deserve to be unbanned. Everyone who gets a permban deserves it from what they did. If they give you a reason as to why they changed the truth is they haven’t. I’m still the same person, just asking for a reduced ban and letting you know I am more familiar with the server, what bad CT’s do, and the rules of the server. 

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      I’m entirely in the wrong here. No way around that. I also know better than from when I did what I did. But this server is facing a problem!

      Retarded CT’s are free killing people for not answering a question on story day. This is ridiculous. The admins also just sit back and watch their server die while gladiator is just trying to tell a story on jb electric razor. I seriously cannot understand how they could let this happen. The best course of option is:

      1: reduce/ take away ban pls

      2. Make a new role for csgo staff management and promote glad

      I appreciate you guys reading to this part. Can y’all pls reduce my ban to like a month or some shit I have noticed a sharp increase in freekills (cough waffles cough) and I believe I know how to ct better now and I have made myself much more familiar with the rules since I did the thing. 

  5. I like this map it’s very nice. Has a shit ton of games and it’s very nice looking. Not like jb blank if you ever played that where the games are copy pasted from clouds. Overall very good and large map. 


    Also can y’all reconsider adding spyvspy it is a really fun map. 
