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  1. Bad Spelling
    Lottamos got a reaction from XpertMeleee in 10 Man Rules/Clarifications   
    These are a few questions that I would like awnsered and a few more below that are better asked in a more open response format. Writing this on mobile so expect a few errors.
    If the teams are unbalanced, at what point should a repick be called/what guidelines must be met for a repick? (Never repick is a valid answer.)
    Are ten mans competitive, for fun, or more in the middle? Does the situation make your answer differ?What attitude or mindset should players going to scrim have? I think this question is more for me or to get everyone on the same page.
    Should legacy/non-rotation maps be played on a rotation basis or a certain day of the week? What should determine if these maps are played?
    (This is a more personal question) I understand guns like the negev and auto are points of tilt and other negative things but I feel like it would be better to allow all guns or at least the Zeus out of all the banned guns. What would have to happen to bring these guns into scrims? +1/-1
    I’m not sure if this has been a thing and i’ve missed it but what are punishments for leaving or throwing in ten mans or should nothing change?
  2. Got It
    Lottamos reacted to virr in 10 Man Rules/Clarifications   
    I personally believe that you should avoid repicks unless theres a super valid reason to. If teams are unbalanced (which shouldn't happen that often with experienced captains, but as a theoretical) the game should be over pretty quickly and its not worth the headache to try and balance teams mid game. (unless theres another reason to bring in other players, like if we need a sub)
    Probably team dependent, some people like to sweat out and do well while some are more casual. What i do want to make clear is that if you are going to meme or do deagle only or something, PLEASE make sure EVERYONE on your team is okay with it before doing so.
    I don't think we need a set day for it, but if majority agrees it should be fine to pull them out occasionally imo.
    Not sure what would happen. They're pretty controversial guns in general so i think its better if they stay banned, but i don't have strong feelings either way. People do freak out if you get killed by it though, which is pretty funny.
    EDIT: forgot this one oops
    If they have a legitimate reason for leaving, nothing. If someone leaves repeatedly i wouldn't be opposed a ban/blacklist.
  3. Bad Spelling
    Lottamos got a reaction from Dannypicacho in 10 Man Rules/Clarifications   
    These are a few questions that I would like awnsered and a few more below that are better asked in a more open response format. Writing this on mobile so expect a few errors.
    If the teams are unbalanced, at what point should a repick be called/what guidelines must be met for a repick? (Never repick is a valid answer.)
    Are ten mans competitive, for fun, or more in the middle? Does the situation make your answer differ?What attitude or mindset should players going to scrim have? I think this question is more for me or to get everyone on the same page.
    Should legacy/non-rotation maps be played on a rotation basis or a certain day of the week? What should determine if these maps are played?
    (This is a more personal question) I understand guns like the negev and auto are points of tilt and other negative things but I feel like it would be better to allow all guns or at least the Zeus out of all the banned guns. What would have to happen to bring these guns into scrims? +1/-1
    I’m not sure if this has been a thing and i’ve missed it but what are punishments for leaving or throwing in ten mans or should nothing change?
  4. Salty
    Lottamos got a reaction from Sodium in Lottamos   
    Member's Name
    Guest Information I don't know what i'm really trying to accomplish here but i'm kinda pissed at Bonk. The first thing thing that made me kinda mad was that he warned me for nothing and couldn't even attempt to filter the pack to make sure discord was fair. If you are not already aware of what happened, many people were spamming images and other things of the sort in the csgo channel. At a bit of an unfortunate time I posted a picture in csgo chat.
    No big deal. At this point it would be a good time to note that I did post this gif but when I asked bonk he did not bring it up.
    Anyway shortly after I received a warning for 
    This was because apparently he had already warned us.
    I didn't see this  but whatever. He said this at 9:11 my time and I posted the gif at 9:18 and the image at 9:22 (I know the timestamp isn't shown but you can check discord if you want to dispute this.) 2 images in 4 min, 7 min after a warning I didn't see. The funny thing is SCP posted 4 images in that time and didn't even get warned. When I got heated and mad at bonk he told me I was gonna be punished if I argued even though it was clearly abuse. Anyway then he said this.
    perfect so i started posting meme gifs
    This is the closest thing to spamming so far. 2 gifs within 1 min. Nothing happened and I assumed its whatever now.
    I post this (the image above) 3 min later  and again seems fine to me when I post it. 
    1 min later hit with a ban for "spamming" gifs. I guess you could call it spamming but you would have to be very picky for the lack of a better word to thing so. 
    I know it was 5 min and not a big deal, but bonk does stuff like this all the time to me and it really annoys me. Again I don't know what I want to come of this but hopefully something stopping bonk from continuing to abuse me. It's funny just to see how i'm consistently watched by bonk while he loosens the rules for others. One more thing is that Bonk said this to me when I told him to stop.
    1 Warning and then even a go ahead to post memes. "I warned you plenty of times"
  5. Furry
    Lottamos reacted to Tatost in Bumpy   
    This is a prime example of what people should act like on their own staff application in regards to negative vouches.
  6. Disagree
    Lottamos got a reaction from PolarCoded in Vote for GMOD servers!   
    A TTT server seems like a good safe bet for starting out. I’m not much of a fan of the other modes either. +1 to dark rp too if that’s possible.
  7. Like
    Lottamos got a reaction from ScottNi in Vote for GMOD servers!   
    A TTT server seems like a good safe bet for starting out. I’m not much of a fan of the other modes either. +1 to dark rp too if that’s possible.
  8. Thinking
    Lottamos got a reaction from Egossi in Vote for GMOD servers!   
    A TTT server seems like a good safe bet for starting out. I’m not much of a fan of the other modes either. +1 to dark rp too if that’s possible.
  9. Agree
    Lottamos got a reaction from ScottNi in Bumpy   
    +1 to discord mod then
  10. Disagree
    Lottamos reacted to ScottNi in Community Nights - Looking Forwards   
    Or you could just speak to hong in discord or comment on one of the newer community night threads
  11. Random
    Lottamos got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Community Nights - Looking Forwards   
    I know this is a older thread but I didn’t wanna create a new one. Ark survival pvp or CTF could be fun. You could also just do a mosh pit and see what happens. Anyway fun game, especially with a lot of people.
  12. Random
    Lottamos got a reaction from ScottNi in Community Nights - Looking Forwards   
    I know this is a older thread but I didn’t wanna create a new one. Ark survival pvp or CTF could be fun. You could also just do a mosh pit and see what happens. Anyway fun game, especially with a lot of people.
  13. Bad Spelling
    Lottamos got a reaction from MinerTeddy in Lottamos   
    I just kinda feel like since I posted a few pictures at the time I was singled out. I get that the channel was clogged but just cause it’s clogged doesn’t mean you should just pick a few people and make examples of them. Also you guys were warning others for spamming which I felt like I wasn’t doing and I felt like what I was doing was fine. I don’t wanna turn this into a spamming argument but I thought I’d elaborate a bit more. Edit: we weren’t in voice either so I’m not sure how I would get verbal warnings.
  14. Salty
    Lottamos got a reaction from lilbleed in Lottamos   
    Member's Name
    Guest Information I don't know what i'm really trying to accomplish here but i'm kinda pissed at Bonk. The first thing thing that made me kinda mad was that he warned me for nothing and couldn't even attempt to filter the pack to make sure discord was fair. If you are not already aware of what happened, many people were spamming images and other things of the sort in the csgo channel. At a bit of an unfortunate time I posted a picture in csgo chat.
    No big deal. At this point it would be a good time to note that I did post this gif but when I asked bonk he did not bring it up.
    Anyway shortly after I received a warning for 
    This was because apparently he had already warned us.
    I didn't see this  but whatever. He said this at 9:11 my time and I posted the gif at 9:18 and the image at 9:22 (I know the timestamp isn't shown but you can check discord if you want to dispute this.) 2 images in 4 min, 7 min after a warning I didn't see. The funny thing is SCP posted 4 images in that time and didn't even get warned. When I got heated and mad at bonk he told me I was gonna be punished if I argued even though it was clearly abuse. Anyway then he said this.
    perfect so i started posting meme gifs
    This is the closest thing to spamming so far. 2 gifs within 1 min. Nothing happened and I assumed its whatever now.
    I post this (the image above) 3 min later  and again seems fine to me when I post it. 
    1 min later hit with a ban for "spamming" gifs. I guess you could call it spamming but you would have to be very picky for the lack of a better word to thing so. 
    I know it was 5 min and not a big deal, but bonk does stuff like this all the time to me and it really annoys me. Again I don't know what I want to come of this but hopefully something stopping bonk from continuing to abuse me. It's funny just to see how i'm consistently watched by bonk while he loosens the rules for others. One more thing is that Bonk said this to me when I told him to stop.
    1 Warning and then even a go ahead to post memes. "I warned you plenty of times"
  15. Are You Insane
    Lottamos got a reaction from Dannypicacho in CS Setups   
    I use 6.6 sens with no dpi config. Basically moving my wrist to the side does almost 1 360
  16. Random
    Lottamos reacted to Roy in CS Setups   
    Never mind... I’m broke cuz I bought some color pencils the other day for some reason the I don’t want to mention ?
  17. Useful
    Lottamos reacted to jaygoki in Hello!   
    heya, welcome. for future reference last place in golf (or last few if we have enough people) are required to post pictures with a shoe on their head at the risk of being placed on the Golf It Fugitive List™
  18. Funny
    Lottamos got a reaction from Red in Bye (final goodbye)   
  19. Not Funny
    Lottamos got a reaction from SegFault in PrincessTrashcan - Counter-Strike   
    +1 causes meme vouches
  20. Ding!
    Lottamos got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Bye (final goodbye)   
  21. Ding!
    Lottamos got a reaction from ScottNi in Bye (final goodbye)   
  22. Funny
    Lottamos got a reaction from -Diphikult in Bye (final goodbye)   
  23. Like
    Lottamos reacted to Savage_Pear in Ernest   
    Ight mate lets get this started [SNK.SRV] ADMIN: Banned player "xG | Ernest" for 129600 minutes (reason: Scroll macro (highn)).[SNK.SRV] ADMIN: Banned player "xG | Ernest" for 129600 minutes (reason: Scroll macro (highn)).[SNK.SRV] ADMIN: Banned player "xG | Ernest" for 129600 minutes (reason: Scroll macro (highn)). NICE MEME^^^^^^^ also What the fuck do you think that a fucking macro is going to be any fucking different than a hyper scroll lemme just explain word for word what a macro literally does A MACRO FUCKING SPAMS YOUR JUMP INPUTS let's explain what a hyper scroll would do if you had mousewheelup bounded to jump IT WOULD FUCKING SPAM YOUR JUMP INPUT Lets put it also this way. I'ma assume you've played comp since everyone knows your supreme or some shit Macros are considered cheats in comp and you can be banned for them. What kind of a fucking retard actually believes that hyperscrolling and macros are legitimate it's LITERALLY GIVES YOU AN ADVANTAGE TO GET BETTER HOPS THAN OTHERS (P.S Please never fucking tell me you're better than me at bhopping when you fucking cheat retard) If i need to add more input i will
    (p.s i'm toxic from having this fuck trash talk me in bhop for a few hours fucking retard)
  24. Got It
    Lottamos reacted to Chrono in Good Bye mates   
    Since everyone and their mom is talking about it behind peoples backs and or just all over the place anywhere and everywhere, everybody already knows that pear is referencing me in this post/all the individuals he has messaged yesterday before he made this post.
    If for some reason you take our back and forth banter/shit talking each other to be anything other than what I just said it was then I apologize for that, and next time all you gotta do is let me know that you're not cool with the way every single one of both our interactions with eachother has been and that will stop. but that goes both ways, I have never once been offended or take any of your "insults" personally but if you are going to take them like that then you also need to realize that I am only dishing back what I consider to be friendly insults back to you because that's how I have been perceiving our internet friendship based solely on our interactions.
    That being said:
    I would never tell somebody to kill themselves or tell them they are worthless and nobody cares about them, especially having known numerous individuals in my life that have suffered with depression and thoughts of suicide and like they would never belong or be happy in the world. The extent of the "mean" or "harassing" things I have said to you would be phrases like "you're honestly the worst person rn" when talking about being in discord and using voice activity when we were chilling in a channel and you had come in or "you're a fucking monster who uses some non push to talk shit" of which I don't understand how you would construe it as me telling you that you're a waste of space and should kill yourself and it honestly has me baffled.
    If you ever feel like you want to kill yourself, there are help lines out there for that and they can be found here: 
    SUICIDEPREVENTIONLIFELINE.ORG   and I would gladly link you to help or provide means of contacting actual professional help for it, and recommend taking your own personal counseling from a trained profession psychologist/therapist on it. That being said though the internet is not the place for you to vent your depression and potentially suicidal thoughts, xG has always encouraged those feeling like that to seek help and we have always taken a stance that after encouraging you to seek help about it to permanently ban because of liability and that it's not something that should be put on our servers/forums.
    Lastly since certain individuals feel like they need to take what pear messages them and try to "call me out" that I'm harassing him or that I have a "history of being toxic and making people feel like shit" when they themselves are what they are describing rather than me. other than the typical trash talking and raging (which I don't normally do, 10manners and most other staff can attest to that) while in game, the extent of my interaction with pear can be found here because I don't typically talk to people in discord save for a select few that I'm not actually playing a game with: 
    IMGUR.COM Post with 0 views. Shared by Chrono42.  
  25. Like
    Lottamos got a reaction from hongkongatron in 2/16/19 GMod CN - Weighing In   
    Gmod was fun. Looking forward to whatever is next cause I’m sure you’ll knock it out of the park.