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  1. I thought it'd be interesting to have a CS:GO map for the TF2 Division, so I decided to make this thread and see what people think. The map works well (but objectives have to be enabled), featuring a nicely done defusal system as well as a reskinned flag/sd_doomsday pickup. Link for the map can be found here.
  2. Rejects and Nutty were testing the range of the pyro's flamethrower. Nutty on the right side, as the red pyro, has a ping of 20. Reject on the left side, as a blue pyro, has a ping of 120. This is not okay.
  3. Here's another announcement! But don't worry, it's actually good news for once! Rejects and I figured out how to make certain titles accesable to certain flags. As of today, staff has the option to wear titles according to their ranks. How to claim your title: Type !store. Select "Titles". Buy the according title, it's gonna look like this: These titles are obviously only visible and buyable for staff members. Server Mod looks like this: Server Admin looks like this: Titles will not replace tags for now, we'll have a discussion about that in the future and update you guys on this subject. Enjoy your titles, lads.
  4. 1. Surf_Avatar 2. Surf_Fantastic 3. Surf_Insanity 4. Surf_thrill3r
  5. Many people already know, but me and @WubbaLubbaDubDub piled in some money to get a $100 ring in TF2 and named it "Blue Raspberry Ring Pop." Yeah, I had zero idea of how I had to gift the ring but it was pretty cool. [MEDIA=imgur]a/JaK8f[/MEDIA] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYglVsx5wFs
  6. Hey all, thanks for clicking on the thread. I was playing on DeathRun today, and strangely enough I started thinking of JailBreak DeathRun, which got me thinking of Obstacle Course. Which then led to the idea: What if we had a server COMPLETELY dedicated to Obstacle Courses, like with DeathRun? Of course, there comes the issues, such as "What maps? This is completely new." and "What plug-ins will we need, if any?" As for the task of making maps for this game mode, I will step forward and attempt going through the process of making an Obstacle Course map, if need be. If not, we can hopefully always find community peoples who are willing to do so. Also, I do not think that plug-ins would be neccisary, since ususually the only problem would be class speeds. I am really interested to hear the opinions of everyone here, so if you are 100% sure that this is a yes (+1) or no (-1) decision, put a vouch in your comment along with a vote in the poll and an adequate reason. Happy discussing! ~OneGlove
  7. 1 Règles Liées au Surf Ne pas attaquer de joueurs depuis votre Spawn ou le Spawn ennemi. Note : Si un ennemi vous tue dans son Spawn alors que vous y êtes aussi, cela ne s’applique pas. Cela inclut n’importe quel type de dommage, ainsi que l’airblasting. Il est simplement, catégoriquement interdit de tuer qui que ce soit depuis votre Spawn. Sur les cartes Linéaires: Il est interdit d’empêcher la progression de joueurs passants. Ne pas construire de Constructions d’Engineer depuis votre Spawn ou sur la piste de surf. Ne pas utiliser les objectifs du jeu (points de contrôle, etc.) pour terminer prématurément le round. 2 Règles Générales Toute décision finale revient toujours aux membres du Staff. Ne parler qu’en Anglais, que ce soit sur le microphone ou dans le chat. Ne pas spammer, que ce soit sur le microphone ou dans le chat. Seuls les membres xG ont droit d’utiliser le tag [xG]. Pas de racisme. Ne pas utiliser de bugs de la carte ou du jeu (exploits). Soyez respectueux envers les autres. Pas de publicités. Interdiction catégorique de tricher ou de hacker (aimbots ou LMAOBox) Ne pas prendre l’identité d’un membre du Staff. Evitez de troller. Sont considérés comme spam les programmes de masquage ou changement de voix, ainsi que les programmes de text-to-speech (TTS). Ne pas lancer de demande d’échange avec n’importe-qui. Merci d’au moins en discuter préalablement avec cette personne dans le chat. L’irrespect n’est pas toléré et résultera en une punition. Assurez-vous d’avoir des Sprays appropries (pas de pornographie ou autre contenu choquant.) 3 Règles pour !friendly Si vous ne souhaitez pas combattre et être tués, merci d’utiliser la commande !friendly. Ne pas se plaindre d’avoir été tué si vous n’utilisez pas la commande !friendly. Ne pas utiliser de boutons (accédés par exemple en finissant une piste) si vous utilisez la commande !friendly. 4 Règles pour !cptele Ne pas utiliser la commande !cptele pour accéder au Spawn ennemi ou aux secrets de la carte. La commande !cptele ne devrait être utilisée que pour progresser dans une piste de surf, et non pas pour gagner un avantage dans les zones de combat ! N’utilisez pas la commande !cptele pour échapper de combats ! 5 Informations utiles Il existe deux types de cartes: Cartes Linéaires Si vous finissez la carte ou tombez, vous vous retrouverez en Prison ; cependant finir la carte vous donnera aussi accès à des pouvoirs spéciaux ou à des endroits cachés dans la Prison. Cartes Arènes Il n’y a ni Prison ni fin à la carte ; il vous faut surfer pour survivre ! Comment retourner à votre Spawn Nous vous conseillons de créer un Bind pour « kill » ou « explode » dans la console développeur (bind <TOUCHE> "explode", par exemple) pour retourner rapidement à votre Spawn. Vous pouvez aussi utiliser votre !cpsave pour vous téléporter à votre Spawn, s’il ne vous est pas plus utile à un autre endroit de la carte. Merci de suivre les règles de !cptele !
  8. Tatost

    Tf2 Config

    For those who want to use a config for a tiny bit of FPS gain, check mine out here: [MEDIA=pastebin]pMAGgFRK[/MEDIA] To use the config, follow the directory: computer/E (E: ) (may vary)/Games/Steam/SteamApps/Common/Team Fortress 2/tf/cfg. In this page, there may or may not be a notepad(++) file labeled "autoexec." Open the file and copy paste the contents from the pastebin. Have your own config or some extra commands? Give a pastebin link so others can use it! Message me if any of the commands don't work or you need help understanding one of the commands.
  9. Alright guys, we've been thinking for a bit on doing a sort of a competitive event for our TF2 division. Both teams will consist with members and regulars to include everyone who'd be interested! First things first, if you don't know what Highlander is, it's a 9v9 format where there is one player for each class. One scout, one soldier, one pyro, etc., etc... We'll be trying to make teams as balanced as possible so don't go thinking you can stack teams with the kings of the servers. If we get a big enough of a turnout, we could do more than two teams and have a bracket, so invite your friends that are regulars or members on the server. Alright, if you want to join in on the fun please post down below with this template- Name: SteamID64: Class Roles: Times are to be decided as of yet, but will most surely be over the weekend and past our exam study times and such. We'll try and make the time open to everyone who enters the event, good luck guys! JUST REMEMBER: this is all for fun and not to be taken seriously.
  10. So I've been noticing that when people join they type in !rtd and it makes me feel bad to say that we don't have the plugin. I feel like this makes people leave since they probably don't find surf fun; most of the people who join the surf sometimes can't even surf so I want them to be able to have fun without needing to surf aka having fun the jail. I would like to request that we get the !rtd plugin with obvious adjustments to it (noclip,toxic,etc.) and if we do add it I feel like we'll get players to stay on it. I'm not saying we have a low pop on the server right now I'm just saying that we might get more people to stay or just get more people in general. Please consider adding this plugin into the surf server. @Bello @Rejects
  11. okay so my idea is we add a timer to the surf server and we have a scoreboard for the fastest times. The scores would get wiped at the end of the week or something like that. maybe an overall high score. people submit their highscore with a screenshot on steam or something like that. I think it would create compitition for the more experienced surfers.
  12. I was trying to remind myself several times to suggest the recreated Overwatch map of Watchpoint: Gibraltar, but kept forgetting, so here the thread is. Somebody recreated Watchpoint: Gibraltar on the steam workshop, and since it's a map relating to a popular video game, and a shooter at that, I thought I'd suggest it.
  13. Hey what's poppin' guys. Recently we've been getting a lot of complaints about staff abusing their powers. And by a lot I mean a humongous amount of complaints. By putting this PSA up I just wanna make some things clear: Selling services for credits is not allowed. Services like: gagging/muting, launching players in the air via rocket, setting gravity for credits. This is honestly awful and represents the servers/clan really badly overall. We were never really strict on abuse, as a result there's been a lot of complaints. For example: Staff giving themselves like 50k HP to block the opposing team's spawn. Like, really? Mods+ have the ability to start votes, if you wanna have some fun with commands like sm_gravity you can always make a vote and see how it goes. Actual abuse will no longer be tolerated, this does also include using commands on everyone for no reason when the round ends etc. Staff members must show respect when dealing with players. We get it, although some people are incredibly hard to deal with, as a staff member you must treat others with respect. Starting to disrespect rule-breakers or even harassing them will most likely result in a removal of your powers and possibly a ban. Staff members are also not excluded from breaking rules such as micspamming etc. Make sure to read this guide: TF2 Staff Manual (Everything you need to know!) ==> @Bagel <<= @Bello (me!) @Goblins @mrnutty12 @Vexx @lik202 @BlankuChan @Egossi @Vixen @Rejects @ArminArmout @Osiris @Shwoos @Dethman @Shadower @Floppy @Vacindak @Kypari @Tatost @Flareon @Parasect @TheSupremePatriot @ThunderLimes @YeEternalTuna
  14. Hello, this is a thread that is supposed to introduce new players to our servers, rules and much more! Servers: Server list! - Updated list of servers and IPs Server Maps - Downloads for all the maps on the tf2 servers Rules: Tf2 Surf Rules - Surf Freak Fortress Rules - Saxton Hale Tf2 Jailbreak Rules - Jailbreak Tf2 Death Run Rules - Death Run Trade Gaming History Rules - Trade Gaming History Pokemon Trade Rules - Pokemon Trading Center Uber Upgrades Rules - Uber Upgrades Staff: Admin Handbook - Anything Staff Related! XenoGamers Staff Roster - Current Staff Roster!
  15. Hi! So, as you all know, xG has some bit of dead TF2 servers. Lately I've been playing on 24/7 hightower maps. Now, these maps are quite popular. So perhaps we could replace one of the dead servers with a 24/7 hightower server?
  16. King_Zog


    Let's put this into context : I have to go somewhere during 5 minutes, right? So I godmode because the spawn throws you out of it, (I mostly play on the surf server) and I don't especially like being loopkilled. When I come back, I forget that I have godmode on until a pyro tries to set me on fire. I ain't the only victim of this though, and if you have the godmode command, it probably happened to you more than once. Don't lie. Anyways my idea was that when you have godmode toggled, there's text at the bottom that says something like "Hey, you're still in godmode!". I dunno it's just an idea.
  17. Hello all of you! You all probably know the !shop command, unless you've just joined. Anyways, I have an idea for a trail. You know how you have the German flag, the Canadian flag, the US flag? Well, you could implement the Albanian flag! Brand new! Red! Redder! Black double-headed eagle! BUY NOW!! Okay, sorry for this terrible joke, I deeply apologize if I have made anyone cry.
  18. Hi guys, I have been a member for a while now on and off but I decided I should really start working for the XG title in my name. So I thought I would come back and say hi! I usually play on the Pokémon server where you can find me. If anyone ever uses the team speak for TF2 I will gladly be on that one too! I will also use the forum a little more and help out if and when I can! -Menda
  19. Good Morning TF2 Staff, your designated Führer here with a special announcement regarding recent events. As we promote people, we advise you read the admin handbook to understand what your responsibilities are. I just want to remind you all of the standard protocol. [spoiler=An explanation of the WKB-System]How to make a proper punishment Some staff members sometimes ask themselves "Should I kick this guy?" or "Should I ban this guy?" or maybe even "How long should I ban this guy for?" These are very good questions to ask yourself before you actually do the slaying, kicking, banning or whatever it is that you are doing. The process usually goes like this for someone breaking a minor rule: Warn, then slay (sometimes optional), then kick, then ban. When you get to the point where you have to ban them, make sure to use your common sense for how long the ban should last. Don't permanently ban a guy for mic spamming. Ban him for about an hour to week depending on how badly they did it, if people told him to stop multiple times, etc. However, using the WSKB approach isn't always required. For certain situations you can instantly ban for situations like: -Majorly intending to troll the entire server. (A day ban) -Hacking (Permanent) -Mass freekilling (Permanent CT ban) -Mass freekilling then leaving the game (Permanent) -Taken from the admin handbook: Everything You Need To Know [admins, Servers, Handbook, Etc.] Additionally we added two new exceptions in order to make moderating easier: Important: Following protocol for punishments are important (Standard: Warn > Mute/Gag > Kick > Ban)! You should follow these steps as it is the best way to handle issues. However there is times that you can skip a few steps. For example: If a player is breaking multiple rules (ex: exploting and spamming), then you are able to jump to kicking the player from the server. If the user returns to the server and resumes doing what he was doing to get kicked for, then you should follow up with a ban. Majorly intending to troll the entire server will result in an immediate day ban. Your hosts @BelloWaldi and @Goblins signing out. Tagging all staff members: @Rejects @Goblins @BelloWaldi @Caleb956 @Fiery8022 @Diamonde @XHina_sanX @lik202 @mrnutty12 @TacoSmasher47 @ArminArmout @BlankThePervert @Bone @Jon_N64 @Moosty @NitNat @SnowyMinion @TheSupremePatriot @PyroBunny @Vexx @BananaShoes @Tomahawk
  20. For things I am not going into. I had my old post of the post deleted but now after editing the map some more,I am glad to tell you... The post poll vote update thingy is back (I've set the poll to 7 days) and now I can mess up alot less on this one now then TIME TO GET TO WHAT I HAVE CHANGED! *Made boxes and stuff so that The Heavy and Tank can get to the survivors *Fixed bugs like the tank getting stuck in the unopened basement and survivors jumping on the trees *Added things around the map like ammo spawns and updated some rooms that are never used for survivors to hold out in *Added more easter eggs (FIND THEM YOUR SELF) *Added some props to the map a bit more life like * Made it day time you can blame Nutty for that *And other things as well DROP BOX LINK
  21. We have decided to bring the gamemode TF2Ware back! TF2Ware is a gamemode where everyone plays about 15 mini games and 1 boss game per round and the person with the highest points at the end wins! The current IP is: Feel free to join, it's hella fun :D! Credits to @kbraszzz for setting it back up! This is gonna be stickied for about a week or so. :D
  22. GLOSSARY (CAMP001) CAMPING (CAMP002) ESCAPING CAMPS (CAMP003) CLASS INFORMATION (CAMP004) IF YOU ARE HERE FROM GETTING LINKED THIS THREAD IN TF2, LET ME BE THE FIRST ONE TO SAY; READING IS GOOD. Spawncamping. This has been an aspect of Xenogamers for over five years now. It's not going to go away, unless the higher ups pull a few strings. So you, dear player, have three major choices. A. Bear with it. It's not going to go away. Get with the times, and learn how to camp! (and how to AVOID being camped!) B. Use !friendly. This plug in turns you into a spooky, non-solid (in practice) ghost, that can't be hurt! At the same time, you cannot interact with the world. Some classes technically can, but shouldn't. Some of the more egregious examples will follow. DO NOT DO THESE THINGS. YOU RISK BEING KICKED, BANNED, OR OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE PUNISHMENT. Building a sentry/dispenser to block buildings/doorways. Friendly players still block bullets, and buildings are no exception. Normally, this is a useful technique in maps with multiple entrances for controlling chokepoints, such as the front door of Goldenrod Tower, the outside of Clocktown's BLU hall or the Astral Observatory, securing a doorway in Goldeneye, etc. The building still functions as cover, and absorbs bullets seemingly at random. Blocking people/shots while in !friendly. Not only is this highly annoying, it isn't friendly at all. Yes, we appreciate huggy heavies. Yes, we love the sweet embrace of fuzzy mittens and a warm sandwich on a cold winter's evening. NO, we don't want to have to shoot through you. We can't be expected to pull a Lee Harvey Oswald every time we try to kill somebody. This is especially dangerous with explosives. Watch from a safe distance, or use spectator to watch the fun without interrupting it! This also applies to administrators and donors using buddha-style invulnerability, with the addendum that SENTRIES WILL SHOOT YOU, TOO. So be careful! SAPPING ANYTHING AS SPY WHILE FRIENDLY. SAPPING ANYTHING AS SPY WHILE FRIENDLY. SAPPING ANYTHING AS SPY WHILE FRIENDLY. GET IT? GOOD. C. Join in on the camping! Seriously, it's a lot of fun! So! Now that we've gotten past that bit of hubbub, time for the meat and potatoes of this thread..guide, thing. The actual camping. Fun fun for everyone! BEING THE CAMPER (CAMPOO2) The spawncamping crew, 2014. Left to right; Kart, Vector, Kitsune, Vixen on the shoulders, Running_Death, Maymalays/Ponyboy. You may be asking; Why did you post this picture? It's irrelevant! Well, bucko, the first rule of a successful spawncamp is to HAVE A FRIEND. It depends on the map, but you're gonna want at least one plucky helper who's in the know. Be it a friend on your steam list, or a player who actually realizes; Oh my GOD, a spawncamp is happening! Use the Team Text Chat to communicate plans and ideas. Otherwise, your enemy will know exactly what you are up to! Once you've got two, maybe three players in touch..it's time for the first step of spawncamping! STEP 1: THE SET UP To successfully keep a camp trained on a spawn, you and your plucky little band of helpers need to organize one of three common methods of spawncamping; The Big Charge, The Supply Line, or The Door Whore. THE BIG CHARGE The Big Charge is the most common and hated method of spawncamping. You know it. The teams are stacked, all of the good players are on RED, you're being dominated by scouts using the winger and medics spamming the overdose. When a team has a group of organized players, they tend to take back territory and control the map without using sentries, dispensers, or other buildings. That's not to say that nobody will use them; With enough time, engineers will get the right idea and set up buildings to hold your delicious spawncamp claim. Normal setups you see during a big charge are as follows; Soldier/Demo/Heavy + Medic Explosives are extremely deadly on most Xenogamers maps. This is because most of them aren't very wide-open, allowing few opportunities for Snipers, Scouts, and other classes to pick you off. The three classes all specialize in close-quarters combat (notably the heavy, with well over 300 DPS if you keep your minigun trained on somebody at point blank) and do an excellent job at controlling areas, denying turf, and just soaking up damage with their beefy overheals. Sniper + Sniper + Sniper ad infinitum On the contrary, there are some maps where you can train a rifle onto the spawn door and just spam them to death. This is more of a Door Whore technique,(To put that into perspective, Nimbus is the best Door Whore map!) but on maps like Hyrule, Rusty Bucket Bay, and other wide, open areas, sniper support is extremely useful for securing turf. THE SUPPLY LINE The Supply Line is my favored way of spawncamping. This is when you want to waste your day on TF2, and plan on camping a map for hours. It's also very difficult to prepare. All you have to do is deploy a sentry outside of the enemy spawn. Your team will gravitate towards it naturally and keep it camped. Easy? Not so much. Engineer + Pyro/Engineer/Any aggressor (sometimes) Because this is the only feasible way to prepare said camp. You HAVE to have a Pyro covering your nest...Usually! Spies will go for you, soldiers will shoot you. As a good example, Vexx tends to airblast targets away from the nest while I work on it. Vixen blows them up with missiles. Vector upgrades my stuff while I collect metal...There are plenty of options, but you need somebody to hug you while you work. Otherwise, a soldier will just blow it up from a safe distance. THE DOOR WHORE On certain maps, such as Rusty Bucket Bay, the spawns use gigantic doors to open and close. The Door Whore is a camp that specializes on that fact. Unlike the previous camping methods, I can't list a specific set of classes, because the maps wildly vary. Nimbus land is an exception. SNIPER + ENGINEER Engineer defends hall. Sniper shoots down it. Make BLU cry. It's really that simple. STEP 2: SUSTAINING A CAMP Keeping a camp up and running isn't easy. You have to make sure that you have enough bodies, your nests are okay, ammo is full, etc. No matter which method you use, you're going to want to have an engineer set up a nest to keep the area secure. A meaty example. Once your sentry is up, follow with a dispenser. After that, you're going to want a teleporter. MAX OUT THE TELEPORTER BEFORE THE DISPENSER. PEOPLE > AMMO/METAL. You don't want more than three engineers, unless it's a teleport-out spawn..and that only applies if the rule is lifted. In case you didn't read the rules, you can't camp this pipe. This is an old picture from the Golden Age of xG. STEP 3: ENDURANCE To keep a camp sustainable and functional, you can't grow bored. It's..pretty simple. See (CAMP003) for more details on how they'll try to break out! ESCAPING A SPAWNCAMP (CAMP003) Welcome to hell! Most of you will be reading this section. Since you're likely on the server right now, and have no time to religiously study this thread, I'll keep it simple. ARE THEY AIRBLASTING/SENTRYCAMPING? RTD. ARE THEY SENTRYCAMPING WITHOUT PYROS? UBERCHARGE. IS THERE ONLY ONE SENTRY? SOLDIER. IS THERE MORE THAN ONE? HEAVY. ARE THE PYROS DOING THEIR JOB? DEMOMAN. ARE THEY USING SNIPERS? UBERCHARGE. ARE YOU WHINING AND NAGGING FOR A RTV BECAUSE YOU CAN'T ESCAPE THE SPAWNCAMP? DON'T HARASS THE ADMINS/PLAYERS. USE !FRIENDLY AND WE CANNOT STOP YOU. This is simple stuff, people! Spawncamping is NOT against the rules, unless you are camping a teleport-out spawn with a single exit. I'm going to be updating this thread over time, so keep in mind that some sections may be a bit empty. WEAPONS AND CLASSES(CAMP004) SOLDIER OPTIONS Beggar's Bazooka - The gun that started it all. On maps that are indoors, along with any map with close-range sentries, this badass-ballistic-boomer will melt and destroy anything short of a Heavy. Unfortunately, it has seen nerfs in the recent past. You need finesse to aim it properly now, or else it deals less than 40 damage a rocket. Ouch. Stock/Original - Good for anything, especially critical rockets. The Original is a bit better because you can actually see the right side of your FoV. Liberty Launcher/Air Strike - Both of these launchers are EXTREMELY situational. That situation is CRITS. With critical hits from a medic or a lucky RTD, nothing tops them, with the exception of the Beggar's Bazooka. Cow Mangler - No. Ammo isn't a concern, the alt-fire is highly situational..UNLESS you bring a shotgun. But that means no aura, and the auras are really nice. Righteous Bison - This gun is amazing! The Vaccinator and other forms of critical resistance don't apply to lasers from it, and every shot deals 45-450 damage, depending on how cowardly your target is. Use it if you've got a kritz medic, or if you're on Nimbus Land. Auras - Any aura buff will do your team great. Batallion's Backup is arguably the best due to critical hit immunity and the ability to overheal a ton of health. Use whatever melee you prefer. Boot upgrades are a bad choice if you don't intend on letting them leave spawn. DEMOMAN OPTIONS FURTHER RESEARCH REQUIRED MEDIC OPTIONS TO BE WRITTEN THREAD WILL BE UPDATED OVER TIME, I'M JUST BORED OF WRITING FOR NOW
  23. *screenshots shown are not 100% accurate to the current color scheme. Current Version : 3.0.0 Click here for the Classic Menu Version : http://toonhud.com/user/thesupremepatriot/theme/ZHQKSDCX/ Download with Server Bookmarks : (This File Version is [2.1.2B] [Legacy]) xGToonHud V 2.1.2B.zip Hud Compatibility
  24. Yesterday I posted on the chat that Lizard God Snek was abusing powers, spawning Monoculus and all. I re-read the chat earlier and @Vector told me to take screenshots next time. Well, I did take one screenshot that shows a bit. Steam Community :: Screenshot :: xg.1 Picture explains itself. Questions: Did he make a vote? He made a vote asking if we wanted to fight Monoculus during the rest of the round. He spawned 2, they despawned for some reason, then he went crazy. He even spawned one inside Red spawn only to camp. He used the excuse that in the vote he stated rest of the round which meant he could keep spawning till the end. Why didn't you call an admin? There were ~5 minutes left in the map, and I figured if I called one the time would run out before they got there. How many did he spawn; at one time? In total he spawned around 20 monoculus. The highest he spawned at once was ~6. Did people ask him to stop? A few people including me asked him, but he ignored us. If you have further questions, I'll be available for most of today to answer them. I'm Lunk, btw.
  25. I was on the server today just chatting with a few nice gentlemen. One thing we all seemed to have in common was the map selection. Not enough variety and the same 3 maps get played too often. So here are just a few new maps I found and recommend that aren't already on the server. These are VERY good and very well made maps! I wouldn't recommend anything cheaply made XD We really do need more well made maps for the server. All that gets played is cyberpunk, clocktown, and airstrip. Also the maps are like 90% Nintendo. There are other game companies too! XD Peach Castle 64http://tf2.gamebanana.com/maps/174288 Paper Mario - Dark Towerhttp://tf2.gamebanana.com/maps/182770 Aquatic Ruinshttp://tf2.gamebanana.com/maps/183180 CTR N.Gin Labshttp://tf2.gamebanana.com/maps/183605(SERIOUSLY RECOMMENDED) Metal Gear Solidhttp://tf2.gamebanana.com/maps/144474 Nuketownhttp://tf2.gamebanana.com/maps/187588 Pac-Manhttp://tf2.gamebanana.com/maps/70145 Whomp Fortresshttp://tf2.gamebanana.com/maps/176889 Portalhttp://tf2.gamebanana.com/maps/185293 Kokiri Foresthttp://tf2.gamebanana.com/maps/111639 Lavender Townhttp://tf2.gamebanana.com/maps/187547