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I Just Don't Understand.

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I just don't understand this place any more. Is this even xG.

Literally nothing in this clan is structured like a clan. There is people always stiring up new problems, talking behind others backs, making rumors, spreading just cancerous things that spew from nothing.

I woke up today to see vector message me on steam simply saying "contact me asap somethings wrong" or something along those lines.


Basically he told me with screenshot proof or w/e that there is still people gunning for him and myself.

I'm not going to speak on vectors behalf. Mainly cause I think he is a dumbass that does not know how to lay low or not get into trouble.

But me? me?? I just recently got out of an incident VERY VERY close to my perm ban, I thought i f*cked up for the last time and I would not be seeing xG forums or possibly team speak again, but luckily I was (using this term loosley) "humbled" enough by hiding and a few others to get one last chance. "ONE" key word.

Since then I've basically done nothing on the forums, sure i'd make a few remarks towards matsi now and than, but out of good fun and he knows that as well, he's also an adult who knows how to handle things like an adult. Maybe others should learn too.

Anyways before i stray to far off topic.



Why am i being told that my name is being brought up in admin discussions behind my back, why are these things being brought up about me, I've honestly just been playing csgo 10mans, and sometimes jailbreak, and just hanging out on team speak.

IF you guys want to say something to me if any one wants to say something to me or discuss a problem with me don't let a non member / member "vector" whatever the hell you are. Be the one to tell me first.

@Hidingmaster @Dethman @any one else that may have a problem with how i've been playing csgo on xG servers and doing nothing since I got my last chance..............

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But seriously the problem is that there is no communication anymore. There are people doing things behind each others backs. Dethman in the chat i had with him was that he wanted me permed again but he also mentioned rabid and a few others. The problem is that now everyone is too damn sensitive (talking about myself). @diabeetus himself wrote in his goodbye thread that now there are higher ups that are gunning me down so i get permed for petty things. This also scares me that the moment because if @DrLee leaves i am going to be permed and have zero say in it. And the same goes to rabid and these "other people" dethman talked about. People hold grudges here that it's so bad people are being banned and permed for such small reasons. And what's worst? this clan is so fucked up that we just recently banned a guy for child pornography, and not shady ban but the guy actually posts child pornography. Don't just say "oh well if you don't like it, just leave" That's not the point. if you people keep going on like this, xG is gonna fucking die and at this point i wouldn't be surprised. the fact we have obvious bias and people speaking behind each other backs (see @Ohstopyou perming me again for no reason and not telling me or the other CLs.). I ask for an explanation for his actions but of course he doesn't acknowledge. HE said so himself in teamspeak. He even said to me that he doesn't read my comments and believes i won't change in my ban protest. The higher up situation is so bad that i don't see a recovery.

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What the actual fuck is up with all of these petty arguements? Trying to get a fellow member permed? Calling out CL's for immature and biased shit when you turn around and do the same thing that you are preaching against. I dont know where the fuck you get the idea that the CL's are biased from. Vectors punishment form before is being served. He is banned and you are trying to make it a perm??? It seems to me that Dethman is on a witchhunt personal vendetta to get rid of members he doesn't see fit for the community. Gyazo - 3b101efdc318490801c533b21b1769a1.png

Its pathetic that you all act this way and can hold a grudge for so long.

Now onto the case of rabid. Rabid has done his fare of shit and he has paid his price too, but since he was told it was his last chance, please show me something that in anyway is out of line on the forums. Rabid has really had a change of character that some people are unable to see because they are too busy looking into the past for old shit that is completely irrelevent to the now. The Rabid now has learned what is acceptable on the forums and who he can tease/troll without getting their damn panties in a bunch.

There needs to be some serious damn change in this community. I have been here in 2012 and I hate seeing it go to shit. I want to see some damn change and Im gonna be taking a more active role now in bringing it because this personal vendetta shit doesnt sit well with me. Now take a good long look at what you are trying to accomplish. Dethman and Vector need to bury the hatchet and move on because this fighting is utterly pointless

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There better be damn good proof if Rabid does end up getting banned. Worst thing I've seen him do is call Jubens a dirty slut on CSGO jb. This whole "WE DONT HAVE PROOF BUT WE'RE PERMING U ANYWAYS BYEEEE." has to seriously stop. I know some higher ups do have this mentality, and maybe their position should be rethought.

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Don't know anything about people trying to perm rabid so if it's happening its behind my back as well. I haven't seen him do anything bad since his last warning.


People definitely want Vector gone though. And seem fully prepared to perm you over the first petty thing you do. I don't even like you all that much but this shit is out of hand. I don't think people realize you're a legal adult and not a complete idiot. You understand when you need to buck up and be at least a bit more mature. And even though you haven't been on the servers I definitely see improvement on the forums. Why they don't see it IDK, they aren't even trying to look. I personally have no idea why people won't just let you wait out the rest of the original ban. Watching you closely afterwards was part of the original deal anyway. People have it out for you, I don't really know why. But you have my word I won't support anything other than waiting out the ban (unless you post CP or break major rules or something but you know better). I'm as confused about the whole thing as you are.

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But seriously the problem is that there is no communication anymore. There are people doing things behind each others backs. Dethman in the chat i had with him was that he wanted me permed again but he also mentioned rabid and a few others.

For starters, yes i did mention that after you called me immature for finding evidence to perm you which is what cl's told everyone in a conversation to do. I asked diabeetus a week ago that are there warnings still valid and he said yes they are so i started collecting after looking at you calling kypari a crybaby for no reason in a post that no one was even mentioned in. I mentioned rabid as a reference which i just talked to rabid and admitted to it and saying i should not have mentioned him. I used the wrong person when comparing 2 people and used rabid instead of brian. To answer the rest of this ohstop banned you with no remorse because of a misunderstanding that was ignored. CL's stated that if you did not mature on the forums then the ban shall be extended to its original agreement, ohstop and many others saw you did not change and it was extended PLUS the fact silence and nomulous gave him permission does not put him at 100% fault at all.


And what's worst? this clan is so fricked up that we just recently banned a guy for child pornography, and not shady ban but the guy actually posts child pornography. Don't just say "oh well if you don't like it, just leave" That's not the point. if you people keep going on like this, xG is gonna fricking die and at this point i wouldn't be surprised

Dont see a problem in perming a guy for such, i asked diabeetus and he said i did the right thing when following through.


Gyazo - 3b101efdc318490801c533b21b1769a1.png[/url]

Its pathetic that you all act this way and can hold a grudge for so long.

Now onto the case of rabid. Rabid has done his fare of fudge and he has paid his price too, but since he was told it was his last chance, please show me something that in anyway is out of line on the forums. Rabid has really had a change of character that some people are unable to see because they are too busy looking into the past for old fudge that is completely irrelevent to the now. The Rabid now has learned what is acceptable on the forums and who he can tease/troll without getting their damn panties in a bunch.

There needs to be some serious damn change in this community. I have been here in 2012 and I hate seeing it go to fudge. I want to see some damn change and Im gonna be taking a more active role now in bringing it because this personal vendetta fudge doesnt sit well with me. Now take a good long look at what you are trying to accomplish. Dethman and Vector need to bury the hatchet and move on because this fighting is utterly pointless


There was more then that little snipbit of conversation, i had a long discussion with rabid and i even apologized for even mentioning his name and saying i fucked up, i admitted to it, not going to sugar coat things. I at first did not recall but looking through the screenshots of our conversation with vector i saw where i mentioned him. Rabid was falsely placed there for the reason of mistakenly mentioning him for someone else. I never said to perm rabid recently, the last time i truly disliked rabid was when he was banned for a month. He has helped me with the MC server stuff and is fun to play with in CS:GO jb. People have been taking things out of context and it pisses me off. With the cls i have showed reasons with valid stuff proving certain CL's incapability to do there job fairly. I just gave evidence of vector doing something major and immature with before, middle, and after the conversation but of course will probably be thrown out or considered cherry picking again. With the comparing rabid and kitty it was supposed to be brian and kitty but i fucked up and said rabid. Sadly i and many others for some reason still say rabid as references to forum problems because of the past which was a long time ago. Was not right of me to say rabid but i did and i regret it and have since the conversation. I do not have a true vendetta against vector, i just saw things he should not just get away with and should be told to stop at the least.


I probably fucked up somewhere with typo or rambling but i am tired, if you think i am just trying to find small reasons to kick people out or ban them i am truly not, i just see things being left untouched or ignored. I wish my name had a better reputation then what it currently is but i guess i can understand why people think that i am some ban crazy nazi with no life.

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For starters, yes i did mention that after you called me immature for finding evidence to perm you which is what cl's told everyone in a conversation to do. I asked diabeetus a week ago that are there warnings still valid and he said yes they are so i started collecting after looking at you calling kypari a crybaby for no reason in a post that no one was even mentioned in.


Bruh calling Kypari a crybaby is literally the definition of a petty reason. I just don't see why you guys are so against him getting a second chance. He's an adult, I've seen him act like one. He got banned for half a year, he's serving the time. Why is him getting another chance to be mature on the servers after six months thinking about it so damn scary of an idea for everyone. Anyone else would get away with calling kypari, or any other member a crybaby, without even a warning. And I'm ready to prove it.


@Kypari is a crybaby.


Don't just be harder on vector because you don't like him, let him wait out the ban. It was agreed he'd be monitored after the ban anyway, why is that such an issue? Just be impartial.

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yes i did mention that after you called me immature for finding evidence

that's evidence that warrants a perm? How is that even disrespectful are kidding me?

yes they are so i started collecting after looking at you calling kypari a crybaby for no reason

you mean that's not shit posting by saying " XD I WON AN ARGUMENT EVEN THOUGH I GRAVE DUG" you guys grave dug the damn thread that's all i said but then you guys tried to justifying instead of making a new thread which would keep it update and make is less confusing. you guys still didn't do this. Also you said "kypari don't insult them, that makes it look like they are right" that shows that you didn't even consider your own side of the arguments problem. you are only saying that so that it justifies your reason of the argument on the age requirement which wasn't even the point of conversation.

i should not have mentioned him

you never told ME, i even called you out on your bullshit about rabid and proceeded to ignore me and remove me from your friends list on steam. which is rude (when you yourself say you want civil conversations in xG and talking something out).

used rabid instead of brian

@Brian? another person who hasn't even been here on the forums for a long ass time and hasn't even done anything wrong. What are you talking about??

CL's stated that if you did not mature on the forums then the ban shall be extended to its original agreement,

first of all, when i talked to you, you were against ohstopyou's extension and didn't understand why the ban was extended. now you're saying it's justified? That doesn't make a lick of sense, and again no one told me of this agreement. Also this extension is still not justified because i haven't done a single damn thing wrong when my ban was extended. He can speak for himself. He also said in my fucking ban protest that he doesn't read my comments and showed straight up bias that all my comments were nothing but shit posting malicious post etcetc



How can you possibly use this as a justification of extending my ban when the PERSON WHO EXTENDED MY BAN doesn't even give a shit about me.

it was extended PLUS the fact silence and nomulous gave him permission does not put him at 100% fault at all.

You mean 2 at the time of the extensions were CLs that means they are of equal rank of the other CLs who were not informed? Regardless you guys didn't even tell diabeetus, penguin, or Lee. I had to find out myself when i noticed the ban. If i didn't see that i would probably see my ban stand when my ban should be up at September 23rd.

People have been taking things out of context and it pisses me off.

taken out of context? in the same sentience you talk people who haven't changed and are not fit for the community. that is straight up talking about a perm, so out of context? no that's a lie.

I just gave evidence of vector doing something major and immature with before, middle, and after the conversation but of course will probably be thrown out or considered cherry picking again

Seriously? Blaming others again for making a logical decision that is different then your own? You talked about unbias opinions and fair treatment for all but you are infact doing the same exact thing you do not want. You are upset that there are people who do not see what's a big deal to you, isn't a big deal in reality. That's not cherry picking.

With the comparing rabid and kitty it was supposed to be brian and kitty but i fricked up and said rabid

Kitty? Dude she wasn't even here either she wasn't on the servers or forums. She is already forum banned. you were talking about people who haven't changed and aren't good for this community but you gave two people who don't even do anything on forums nor in game? what are the reasons for bringing these people up???

Dont see a problem in perming a guy for such, i asked diabeetus and he said i did the right thing when following through

when did i say that was a problem? i said that xG is so fucked that we have people who think showing members of Child pornography is funny and not a big deal when you show multiple people actual child pornography

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Don't know why the blame game is happening here, especially from you Vector. First off, there was not any discussion where people were going to get banned (that I was apart of recently). I've seen some things that could lead to bans, but I haven't gone further with it yet. Stop assuming who is out to get you. Y'all think CLs are biased? You're damn wrong. I ain't out to get anybody and stop dragging me into this bullshit. If you really still think I'm biased, I'd love to see evidence of it.

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The only reason I'm still here is because I spent way too much time with xG to leave(Been playing xG since late 2010, minus the past year since my PC was broken).


The actions of some people on xG make me cringe. I'm not even involved in teamspeak or the servers and it still looks horrible. Most of you just don't know when to stop. If xG was a high school, there would've been like 1,000 school shootings and countless fights. Looking at some of the ages people have listed for themselves make me highly doubt they're being truthful, that's how immature people are.

xG back around 2011 wasn't some sort of Utopia, but it wasn't nearly this bad. The most we had were some trolls and some hackers(plus some drama with HG). Now we have people who are out to get eachother, talking behind each others backs, and acting like they're girls in high school or something. If you put all of us in one place you could make a reality show out of it. I hope someone comes who can fix all of this(the person in xG with the most sense right now is @Forest and I don't even think he could fix this mess), because right now xG has no hope.

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that's evidence that warrants a perm? How is that even disrespectful are kidding me?


you mean that's not fudge posting by saying " XD I WON AN ARGUMENT EVEN THOUGH I GRAVE DUG" you guys grave dug the damn thread that's all i said but then you guys tried to justifying instead of making a new thread which would keep it update and make is less confusing. you guys still didn't do this. Also you said "kypari don't insult them, that makes it look like they are right" that shows that you didn't even consider your own side of the arguments problem. you are only saying that so that it justifies your reason of the argument on the age requirement which wasn't even the point of conversation.


you never told ME, i even called you out on your bullfudge about rabid and proceeded to ignore me and remove me from your friends list on steam. which is rude (when you yourself say you want civil conversations in xG and talking something out).


@Brian? another person who hasn't even been here on the forums for a long butt time and hasn't even done anything wrong. What are you talking about??


first of all, when i talked to you, you were against ohstopyou's extension and didn't understand why the ban was extended. now you're saying it's justified? That doesn't make a lick of sense, and again no one told me of this agreement. Also this extension is still not justified because i haven't done a single damn thing wrong when my ban was extended. He can speak for himself. He also said in my fricking ban protest that he doesn't read my comments and showed straight up bias that all my comments were nothing but fudge posting malicious post etcetc



How can you possibly use this as a justification of extending my ban when the PERSON WHO EXTENDED MY BAN doesn't even give a fudge about me.


You mean 2 at the time of the extensions were CLs that means they are of equal rank of the other CLs who were not informed? Regardless you guys didn't even tell diabeetus, penguin, or Lee. I had to find out myself when i noticed the ban. If i didn't see that i would probably see my ban stand when my ban should be up at September 23rd.


taken out of context? in the same sentience you talk people who haven't changed and are not fit for the community. that is straight up talking about a perm, so out of context? no that's a lie.


Seriously? Blaming others again for making a logical decision that is different then your own? You talked about unbias opinions and fair treatment for all but you are infact doing the same exact thing you do not want. You are upset that there are people who do not see what's a big deal to you, isn't a big deal in reality. That's not cherry picking.


Kitty? Dude she wasn't even here either she wasn't on the servers or forums. She is already forum banned. you were talking about people who haven't changed and aren't good for this community but you gave two people who don't even do anything on forums nor in game? what are the reasons for bringing these people up???


when did i say that was a problem? i said that xG is so fricked that we have people who think showing members of Child pornography is funny and not a big deal when you show multiple people actual child pornography

I will answer these in different sections


There was more but that was just something i wanted to bring up to the CL's attention, not really anything else besides that. Then i found something that was actually 100% you in the wrong and i said he does deserve it. I asked a cl and he took the evidence and will look at it when he has time to come to the conclusion it is valid or not. If it is not valid then oh well, never mentioning it again.


It was a serious conversation, people where looking at and responding to the thread. 2 cls looked at it before me and did not close it so why not tag them to close it yourself instead of waiting for others. Also i did not say "so they are right." I said "So it does make them look in the right" or something like that. Stating insulting them just makes it look like you insulting him makes you look in the right.


I removed you off my friends list because i did not really want to talk to you, had some shit going on plus i was tired. It was not a big deal since we still could have the conversation after. Also i was the person who responded to it last since it was going nowhere. Also with not telling you is because i did not really want to talk to you because i would say something even more ridiculous as my rabid comment.


Kitty was in november and brians shitposting was in december and yet brian was not permed from forums unlike kitty. I was not talking about recent in that, rabid was in the middle of a ban when this happened i think. Brian just started saying stuff that people know would piss off brits, then proceeded to insult them. Rabid was punished and did not do as much stuff as brian did.


If i said it was justified then i was clearly not thinking straight. I stated it was a misunderstanding since ohstop saw stuff others did not, ohstop was probably picky with your ban.


Out of context was because i thought pepper put something from mine and rabids conversation. Not yours, i clearly misread and do apologize.


I have given more evidence of stuff that you clearly mocked, this is not kyparis profile but something else. I just gave it to cls so they can see if it valid.


I took that as you sounded like it was a bad thing, i mistook that and again, i apologize. The guy was clearly no good but people still +1'd for some reason. Even when there was a 15 minute demo of him insulting people and telling people to kill themselves which showed he could not control himself.


I dont want to look like an out to get people kind of person, i just do what i am told and look like shit for it. I will right a formal apology later.

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Don't know why the blame game is happening here, especially from you Vector. First off, there was not any discussion where people were going to get banned (that I was apart of recently). I've seen some things that could lead to bans, but I haven't gone further with it yet. Stop buttuming who is out to get you. Y'all think CLs are biased? You're damn wrong. I ain't out to get anybody and stop dragging me into this bullfudge. If you really still think I'm biased, I'd love to see evidence of it.

blame game? we are just discussing the problems that arriving in xG. That's what you do, you realize what's going on and see how you can fix it. If you think that's trivial then go ahead and think that. However, the fact diabeetus told me, a CL who is apart of these discussions that there are people gunning me for perms of petty reasons, then yes i damn well see a problem in it. Also i never once said that the CLs are bias? That was dethman who said that the CLs were cherry picking and that diabeetus was a big part of that which is why he wanted him demoted. he also fingered both you and dethman who thought the baby pictured warrented a perm.

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The only reason I'm still here is because I spent way too much time with xG to leave(Been playing xG since late 2010, minus the past year since my PC was broken).


The actions of some people on xG make me cringe. I'm not even involved in teamspeak or the servers and it still looks horrible. Most of you just don't know when to stop. If xG was a high school, there would've been like 1,000 school shootings and countless fights. Looking at some of the ages people have listed for themselves make me highly doubt they're being truthful, that's how immature people are.

xG back around 2011 wasn't some sort of Utopia, but it wasn't nearly this bad. The most we had were some trolls and some hackers(plus some drama with HG). Now we have people who are out to get eachother, talking behind each others backs, and acting like they're girls in high school or something. If you put all of us in one place you could make a reality show out of it. I hope someone comes who can fix all of this(the person in xG with the most sense right now is @Forest and I don't even think he could fix this mess), because right now xG has no hope.

Im sick of seeing all of this drama. Its honestly really exhausting to read all this shit and see the immaturity that is spreading through the community like a wildfire. It needs to stop and somebody needs to do something about it. Forest fires dont go out by pissing on them. takes a group effort to stop one.

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