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Brian - Team Fortress 2

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Now, what history do I have of major toxicity? I have received one mute in the past 6 months, and I still stand by that reasoning that the child was being immature and kept talking. Other than that, there are very few, if any, records of this behavior. Now, if there are records with all of my behavior incidents that was collected but I wasn't punished, shouldn't they have been handled then, instead of making one large folder in case an incident of this nature ever occurred?

I don't know much about the month ban but you have definitely been toxic lately, just yesterday you had came on tgh and a kid was just talking on the mic doing nothing wrong, his mic was of decent quality and he was just talking casually, yet you instantly started yelling at us in admin chat to mute him for being "immature" which was not true in anyway. The thing about tf2 is that a majority of players here are kids so you can't just start bullying them for talking on the mic and wanting an immediate mute for sounding younger than you would like, when you could have just client side muted him like I said. Also right after we said no, you went on with calling us awful mods for not muting a kid just for talking on the mic which makes no sense, not to mention that at the end of your rant you threatened that you were going to make an admin abuse thread on us even though we were just doing our job and then disconnected from the server before any of us could even respond. So just seeing how you were acting the day before and now with this I'm just going to -1 the thread.

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When you take into consideration we keep certain people permed for things that happened years ago here or there depending (and I'm not talking about people who did really heinous things) then having someone's ban history carry over from years ago isn't exactly much further off, especially if they haven't changed much and the most you hear about them is that they're frequently a troublemaker for the hell of it from older players- also could see this myself during some of the times I was on while Brian was on.


Okay I'll just give you an example then, if I'm a member of this community and I freekilled enough to get a week ban, if in over 2 years I freekilled someone again, do I deserve a month ban?


I'd honestly say yes probably if it was intentional- if you really didn't learn your lesson or change within two years then why would you receive a more lax punishment?

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@Kypari does sourcebans being disabled also prevent being able to be kicked? I'm asking that as a legitimate question.


Also, I would like to hear the feedback from @Bello, @Vexx, @Sesh and @mrnutty12. You guys believe this warrants a month ban despite his last ban being over 2 years ago over something unrelated? I personally find a 1 month ban over his name insanely excessive, especially after his previous ban being so long ago.


Tagging @virr as well since I appreciate his input.

He should have at least been kicked first.

If I recall correctly, his last ban was for abusing calladmin - the argument that he "hasn't changed after two years" doesn't make any sense since an "instigating" name and calladmin abuse isn't the same. I feel like a month is way too much, lol.

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He should have at least been kicked first.

If I recall correctly, his last ban was for abusing calladmin - the argument that he "hasn't changed after two years" doesn't make any sense since an "instigating" name and calladmin abuse isn't the same. I feel like a month is way too much, lol.

He was kicked yesterday and has a major history of toxicity according to most TGH specific staff. Clearly shows no improvement so why should he be kicked so he can come back and do it again tomorrow?

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He was kicked yesterday and has a major history of toxicity according to most TGH specific staff. Clearly shows no improvement so why should he be kicked so he can come back and do it again tomorrow?


I was not kicked yesterday. I will state again that I was muted, and I left after questioning the decision.

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He was kicked yesterday and has a major history of toxicity according to most TGH specific staff. Clearly shows no improvement so why should he be kicked so he can come back and do it again tomorrow?

How does being toxic without having been banned for it justify a month ban? Yes, he was banned for something else and maybe he was toxic, but jumping straight to a month ban seems way too much.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Just gonna respond to you guys, and then let the community decide as even the higherups and I disagree. A permanent ban obviously has no falloff date because it hasn't been served because it's permanent, so this example makes no sense to me @Vexx, nor am I suggesting for permanent bans to automatically be unbanned after a certain amount of time.


Someone who fully serves a punishment years ago, should not blindly be followed to a greater punishment. The context of "he doesn't learn" has 0 basis if he's been on and off the server for years with no further punishment. We're a gaming community... do you honestly think the punishment fits the crime? @Sesh


@Bello Agree with your points, his previous bans have completely 0 correlation, how does that imply he "hasn't changed" or "doesn't learn"

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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I honestly think banning him for having a name like that is a bit excessive. Sometimes people would rather be playing the game than be reading the chat so maybe he didn't see the warnings and had to be given a warning on the voice chat. Even if his ban was from 2 years ago I believe he doesn't deserve a month ban over a name. And about the situation where he was asking you guys to mute the kid, I'm just going to guess that he thought the ''immature voice on mic is not allowed'' rule was still a thing and was asking for the kid to be muted for that. If that were the case then you guys should have informed him that it was no longer a rule and that it was removed.

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The Xeno Gamers TF2 Division has become too secretive, and excels in poor communication skills. I am genuinely upset that I was not contacted by any staff member, either by on the forums, or added on steam, or even kicked with a message that says relax. There was zero effort of communication, and the communication that was given was particularly half assed, as not seeing a message in a trade chat results in a one month ban.

I'm gonna have to genuinely agree with this, like i stated in the private discord that some people reading this are on, i find it extremely unreasonable to not peruse warning a person when you know they may have not heard/seen it, it's essentially being banhappy and is poor staff behavior.


Once there was a random guy who got on jailbreak and was mad about how worse he thought the jailbreak community had generally gotten. So he got on blue and mass freekilled, I warned him and everything then he asked me if i was an admin which i was at the time, and he was clearly waiting to be banned, but instead i started talking to him to ask why he was mad and he explained and i explained to him where he was right and where he was wrong.

After the conversation ended he made a geniune apology and said i could ban him since he wasnt planning to join again.


And that i think is how staff should try to handle situations rather than going "LOL he fucked up this time /ban @person 0 "toxicity, disrespect" cause otherwise you're being more counter-productive to the server generally than you are being productive.


just for the simple fact that the communication in general with brian was poorly established, i will +1 this thread for either the duration of the ban being reduced to a reasonable amount, or it being removed entirely



TL;DR - The situation was poorly handled, the length of the ban is unreasonably long

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Just gonna respond to you guys, and then let the community decide as even the higherups and I disagree. A permanent ban obviously has no falloff date because it hasn't been served because it's permanent, so this example makes no sense to me @Vexx, nor am I suggesting for permanent bans to automatically be unbanned after a certain amount of time.


Someone who fully serves a punishment years ago, should not blindly be followed to a greater punishment. The context of "he doesn't learn" has 0 basis if he's been on and off the server for years with no further punishment. We're a gaming community... do you honestly think the punishment fits the crime? @Sesh

If you think that bans from years/months ago shouldn't count against a user, I would really recommend adding it to our admin handbook: TF2 Staff Manual (Everything you need to know!) | Xeno Gamers. I really do not want to confuse our staff with ban lengths and what ban should falloff when, our staff has only known to take standard procedure, regardless of time. With this, we will probably have to take a look at some of our permanent bans that have been issued to users who have faced the same form of punishment, as I know it has happened before with a user facing a punishment that they had last faced a year ago. If you really feel like it's unfair, we could lower the ban time or remove it completely. Ultimately I would like only a fair and balanced punishment.

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