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Favoritism and Nepotism

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Can we have a serious discussion about the nepotism going on in this clan? It's absolutely absurd.

Take this thread for instance...

It's about an admin using a suggestive furry porn spray. I personally believe that this shouldn't be happening, especially by someone who represents power in the organization. One person, @NitNat offers this suggestion:

Okay so I’m putting this blunty because I know damn well I’m not the only one who feels like it’s just a bunch of friends gathering together to protect anyone in that circle and not caring about anyone outside of their groups input. Like there’s even random people crawling out of whatever rock they came from, not being relevant in the problem at all, to help save anyone who’s under fire.

He made a simple statement, and within five minutes, he got four replies and the thread was closed by the very same people he's referring to.

It's the community right now. A lot of them don't want to admit it, but the best way to get moderator isn't to show that you're hard-working, constantly on the servers and reminding others of the rules, but instead get real close to the current administration until you've got a spot in their private discord, at which you're pretty much a shoo-in all the way to administrator. Nobody wants to admit it though, because if they did, the facade would crumble, and they would have to take responsibility for their actions. If you looked at XenoGamers in the past, the best way to get staff positions was to be hardworking. Now all you have to do is talk up admins, and if you're a furry, it helps.

I'm really sad to see the dying division head down this path, but there's not much you can do besides look at them and laugh. Take what happened to me for instance. I changed my name to "tired of the tf2 badmins" and had the same group of people defending that it was justified, and not the clear overreaction it was. Was anybody punished for not obeying the handbook? Nope. I got my sentenced reduced to a day, even after the leader told them it was ridiculous.

There's a reason I take breaks for months, and come back for a few weeks at a time. I enjoy playing TF2, but the community here has gone to poop with all the favoritism and staff taking things way to personally. I really hope yall can get on track with this. I'm tired of having to walk on eggshells, but if you can't handle some banter or even some lite playful trolling, then what the fudge are you doing being a mod in the first place. I refuse to acknowledge anyone that gets seriously angry about what a person says about them on the internet, especially if they have some semblance of power. Grow a thicker skin, or step down.


 I tried to put this as civilly as possible, and if the thread gets closed, then so be it.

This is pretty much the last post I'll ever make on these forums anyway. Maybe a goodbye thread.

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2 minutes ago, Brian said:

He made a simple statement, and within five minutes, he got four replies and the thread was closed by the very same people he's referring to.

No, it was a bullpoop statement assuming everyone disagree with them had to be some friend group plotting against them when this whole ordeal was a bloody group of friends doing exactly that themselves. 

4 minutes ago, Brian said:


It's the community right now. A lot of them don't want to admit it, but the best way to get moderator isn't to show that you're hard-working, constantly on the servers and reminding others of the rules, but instead get real close to the current administration until you've got a spot in their private discord, at which you're pretty much a shoo-in all the way to administrator. Nobody wants to admit it though, because if they did, the facade would crumble, and they would have to take responsibility for their actions. If you looked at XenoGamers in the past, the best way to get staff positions was to be hardworking. Now all you have to do is talk up admins, and if you're a furry, it helps.

This is also complete bullpoop made up from a viewpoint outside of what actually happens in the community and especially the servers. Hell, all I've ever heard about staff in the past revolve around extreme bias and even people admitting to only giving positions to friends cause of bias. I hold expectations for staff higher then most other people and have seen only one admissions in the entire time I've been here that I can find no reasonable purpose for it existing outside of pure bias. 

Overall though, there's one major thing that I've become dead tired of. Old people who have left the clan, most the time claiming they want nothing to do with it anymore, still lurking around waiting to jump at any hint of drama or to cause it themselves. This has been an issue for far too long where people come back only to comment on how awful they think everything is, say this that and everything in between is a problem, then end up coming around solely to cause those damn problems themselves when they didn't exist until they did so. I seriously think a lot of the worst people around here have left, and the problems those people complain about are ones that they were the worst perpetrators of, especially with the argument of "groups". Until this old groups crawl up and start mucking about again, this isn't something that plagues the community anymore. You have people like bone who actually try to find a resolution to these problems when they get brought up like this, and then you have other people who go around and decide they'll break rules on the server to try and prove their point. 

I'm just going to cut myself short at this point, but when you're coming back just to stir things up and not actually help anything, then the nicest way I can put it is please, go away. That's clearly not going to stop though and there's always going to be people coming back for the sole purpose of being buttholes, which is why i'm going to just leave myself at this point. 

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Im going to come out aswell and say this is partially one of the reason's as to why i stopped playing on the server.

I just felt like the entirety of xg developed into groups in which every group despised each other and would lead to people unfriending each other just because of slight issues with each other and no-one seemed to want to try and talk to each other to fix the issues.

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1 minute ago, dr.derpy said:

Im going to come out aswell and say this is partially one of the reason's as to why i stopped playing on the server.

I just felt like the entirety of xg developed into groups in which every group despised each other and would lead to people unfriending each other just because of slight issues with each other and no-one seemed to want to try and talk to each other to fix the issues.

and that's something I think has improved tremendously due to those groups that cause this having left. Regrettably leaving hasn't stopped them from coming back to track mud everywhere cause they're bored I guess. 

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Just now, Elcark said:

Overall though, there's one major thing that I've become dead tired of. Old people who have left the clan, most the time claiming they want nothing to do with it anymore, still lurking around waiting to jump at any hint of drama or to cause it themselves. This has been an issue for far too long where people come back only to comment on how awful they think everything is, say this that and everything in between is a problem, then end up coming around solely to cause those damn problems themselves when they didn't exist until they did so. I seriously think a lot of the worst people around here have left, and the problems those people complain about are ones that they were the worst perpetrators of, especially with the argument of "groups". Until this old groups crawl up and start mucking about again, this isn't something that plagues the community anymore. You have people like bone who actually try to find a resolution to these problems when they get brought up like this, and then you have other people who go around and decide they'll break rules on the server to try and prove their point. 


Yeah, I know. People that were once part of the community they loved dearly, and helped establish a great server with wonderful people, cool organization and leaving it in the hands of some great people come back a year later, and find that it's been dumbed down and replaced by people who defend fetish porn sprays then asks themselves "Why does this person hate me" is the worst thing to ever happen to this community. Gain some perspective.

You think I do this for fun? Spend my time looking at my past work, at the community's past work, talking with older members of the clan like some jaded football players, reminiscing about the good old days back when it was a fun? I do it because I give a poop about stuff I've helped the community worked on, and don't like it being ruined by immature kids who think they know everything about the world when they haven't even hit their twenties.

5 minutes ago, Elcark said:

 I'm just going to cut myself short at this point, but when you're coming back just to stir things up and not actually help anything, then the nicest way I can put it is please, go away. That's clearly not going to stop though and there's always going to be people coming back for the sole purpose of being buttholes, which is why i'm going to just leave myself at this point. 

This is the exact behavior I'm talking about. Instead of asking "Where do you think this is going on?" or "Where you do think we need to improve?", you immediately start defending yourself and then complain that all of your problems somehow involve old members. And threatening to leave? If you can't handle criticism, you don't deserve to be here. Get gone and stay gone, or grow a spine and ask what you can do to make this a more enjoyable experience.

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32 minutes ago, Brian said:

I'm really sad to see the dying division head down this path, but there's not much you can do besides look at them and laugh. Take what happened to me for instance. I changed my name to "tired of the tf2 badmins" and had the same group of people defending that it was justified, and not the clear overreaction it was. Was anybody punished for not obeying the handbook? Nope. I got my sentenced reduced to a day, even after the leader told them it was ridiculous.

I'm just going to talk about this for a second, because I've not said anything about it until now and I really feel like I need to say it.

I go back on what I said before when I banned you. I was an idiot and I've learnt from it now, so I'm sorry for banning you for a month. Luckily, I've learned from that experience and I feel a lot more confident when it comes to bans and such

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Just saying, the way I got mod was constantly playing on surf, reminding people of rules, helping people in need, and being active on the discord. I do like alot of staff but I wouldn't consider any of them friends atm. Acquaintances?definitely. I havent been perfect staff but i try to make sure that i hold everyone to the standards i hold myself too.

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Looking in the bigger picture, don't you think the issue of bias is because of how xG is structured?

Small Clan --> Community-Based --> Relies on friendships* --> Those not in friendship circles take flack

*also it's relatively easy to become staff

It's a blessing and a curse. It means people work on the servers because they have passion, and not just for status or money, but it also means it's harder for the staff to hold themselves accountable.

Just offering a somewhat different perspective.


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"I know damn well I’m not the only one who feels like it’s just a bunch of friends gathering together to protect anyone in that circle and not caring about anyone outside of their groups input." 

Everything in that thread was organized by three people if we want to talk about friend groups. I don't think Krampus is in the right there, I think I've done my best to express that, and the fact that we're kind of friendly towards each other doesn't change that, but it's extremely hypocritical for certain individuals to suggest that "friend groups" are the cause of someone's opinions on the matter when it's that individual and their friend group that orchestrated the whole gig, even rightfully so. 


then there's displays of absolute genius like these

"people are dog-piling their friends this isn't fair" 


I don't really care who you are or what your stance on the precious-spray-matter is, all I ask is that people look at themselves for five bloody seconds before they claim that people are deciding issues based on whether an individual is in a friend group or not. 

Self examination and nuance is not a particularly difficult feat. 

The best part about those reactions is that there weren't even any negative ones until the thread was locked, which I was you know, going to point out (but locked thread xddd). If you want to make the case that there's some kind of cronyism or favoritism going on it's probably best to just give your friends a heads up to not instantly react positively to your thread, it makes the idea that you're being oppressed a whole lot more believable. 

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3 minutes ago, NitNat said:

That’s something more to pm him about tbh if it’s genuine, posting it on this thread shows you’re going in full defense mode to save your behind

Sorry, you're right. I just felt like it needed to be said and this felt like a good thread for it. It's been a bother of mine for a long time

Edited by Kypari (see edit history)

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Im just gunna leave this topic with this: xG is a very fun and consistent place imo. I try not to get into xG drama or start it. I just want to hang out on surf and make sure people are doing the right thing. If people are unsatisfied then I have no idea what to do about it. Seeing the community I really enjoy bitting its own leg makes me sad.

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3 minutes ago, LAN_Megalodon said:

"I know damn well I’m not the only one who feels like it’s just a bunch of friends gathering together to protect anyone in that circle and not caring about anyone outside of their groups input." 

Everything in that thread was organized by three people if we want to talk about friend groups. I don't think Krampus is in the right there, I think I've done my best to express that, and the fact that we're kind of friendly towards each other doesn't change that, but it's extremely hypocritical for certain individuals to suggest that "friend groups" are the cause of someone's opinions on the matter when it's that individual and their friend group that orchestrated the whole gig, even rightfully so. 


then there's displays of absolute genius like these

"people are dog-piling their friends this isn't fair" 


I don't really care who you are or what your stance on the precious-spray-matter is, all I ask is that people look at themselves for five bloody seconds before they claim that people are deciding issues based on whether an individual is in a friend group or not. 

Self examination and nuance is not a particularly difficult feat. 

The best part about those reactions is that there weren't even any negative ones until the thread was locked, which I was you know, going to point out (but locked thread xddd). If you want to make the case that there's some kind of cronyism or favoritism going on it's probably best to just give your friends a heads up to not instantly react positively to your thread, it makes the idea that you're being oppressed a whole lot more believable. 

I do admit, it was pretty stupid of me to say that, for obvious reasons. But the reason I brought this up was to further prove NitNat's point, even if it brought me out as well, and even if it did come out pretty childish.

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