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  3. honestly true as fuck. My bad im 24 now and dont know why i gave a fuck
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  5. wingman

    Xenogamers in 2024

    hop on team fort
  6. we just be out here living
  7. xg community vote for me thunderlimes tf2 division leader team foretress 2

  8. In-Game Name thunder limes Primary Division Team Fortress 2 Previous Member Yes Profile idk Age 0 Previously Banned No Time Active on Servers 1 billion Reason for Joining im applying for division leader of team fortress 2 reasons you should consider me im not a pedophile im not a pedophile im not a pedophile thanks for the consideration
  9. Glafee

    Xenogamers in 2024

    thunderlimes tf2 dl ill fix everything
  10. Dethman

    Xenogamers in 2024

    I knew i should have sacrificed @Egossi to the blood gods when i had the chance
  11. Rabid

    Xenogamers in 2024

    xenoGamers will be so back when valves new game comes out !
  12. I think if we got in another aimbot on TF2 servers it'd be lit
  13. Tatost

    Xenogamers in 2024

    I think the problem is that we haven't gotten rid of @Dannypicacho yet.
  14. Went down a steam rabbit hole and ended up here. Who even keeps the lights on anymore?
  15. war on danny must restart
  16. ScottNi

    csgo 2!!

    Turns out, Counterstrike 2 outright killed community servers
  17. Charles

    Xenogamers in 2024

    Miss the old CS:S Jailbreak days
  18. What bad decisions could have killed TF2
  19. TBOHB

    Xenogamers in 2024

    hello i am also a former xenogamer people have grown up at this point. as much as i'd love to revive this community again and play for hours on tgh, i really dont have time to be active anymore if the servers were still populated. in the time since xg has died for me, i've graduated high school, went to and dropped out of college, started working full time, bought a house, took on my first house payment, and turned 22. some people have probably gone on and started their own families at this point. i dont have as much history with this community as a lot of other people do but being part of something like this has really shaped me and helped me grow as a person. i even still talk to a lot of people i have met here on the daily. but i think the days of forming big online communities like this are over. when was the last time you went to the tf2 server browser and looked for a trade server that wasnt FirePowered or a server that runs 24/7 trade_plaza. Or the last time you booted up CS and didnt go straight to comp ranking. people generally dont flock to these kinds of servers these days. i yearn for the old days i really do. it was a time i was much happier and a time i could say i enjoyed existing. but ive come to terms that its probably never coming back.
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