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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/16 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Chemo Star - Counter-strike

    Perm CT banned. Thanks for the report.
  2. 2 points
    I never understood the American train of thought really, we have free college for anyone under the age of 19, so it's fairly normal over here, plus the only time we ever really care about votes is to avoid the Scottish National Party getting into Parliament. ;) @Rejects But from what I can see in terms of American Politics, I hope Bernie Sanders wins, just because his promises actually make sense. Trumps an idealistic half-wit who clearly can't see that he will not 'build a wall and make Mexico pay for it'. RANT OVER.
  3. 2 points

    Dasmowski - Forum

  4. 2 points

    Dasmowski - Forum

    As I recall, we had some issues with you and your "friend" in the past. He did a lot more than barely anything, and demanding him to be unbanned is not a good start if you want to fix that. Not sure what I think about this yet. @kbraszzz @icantrememberwhoisclnow
  5. 1 point

    Record Or Demos

    Youtube videos are fine, they're easier for us to watch. just be sure they have enough context + we can tell who the player is for sure in it. Also, thank you for posting so many ban requests, it's very helpful for us when we don't have much staff on and people are busy with other things.
  6. 1 point

    Record Or Demos

    They r fine
  7. 1 point

    Record Or Demos

    The YouTube videos seem to be fine, especially if they are easier for you
  8. 1 point

    Chemo Star - Counter-strike

    Probably should have put that in its own post.....
  9. 1 point

    Facebook Coverphoto

    By all means it isn't something that's horrendous, I just thought it'd be neat to have a monthly(?) swap-out for the cover photo of xG Member's own creations. After all, it's a social site and it would be pretty neat to have xG's own submissions made public. As for the whole contest aspect of it, that's only to provide a little incentive is all, nothing huge. The main driver is to just have a rotation of Coverphotos that are made by Members of XenoGamers
  10. 1 point
    Trump is the closest margin, but it still has Bernie winning by like 4 points. The thing is people will most likely come out to vote just so Trump doesn't get elected.
  11. 1 point
    If Bernie beats Clinton in the primaries, then he's basically guaranteed a win against any Republican according to polls, so that's what I'm hoping for.
  12. 1 point

    Tgh Map Requests

    I remember this person who went by Winry Rockbell/Karen Hyphen or whatever had some wicked game themed maps that they had made themself. I'd love to be able to play on some of those maps again.
  13. 1 point

    Facebook Coverphoto

    Missing a Thresh lantern
  14. 1 point

    Facebook Coverphoto

    it could use alot more topless overweight men
  15. 1 point

    Facebook Coverphoto

    I feel like the only substantial change would be the colour scheme, seeing as how it isn't exactly representative of xG's "colours" if you know what I mean. But, major points to anyone who can think outside the box and go a different route aside from the conventional collage of well-known video game icons. Might be asking much, which is why I wanted to see how the community felt about it :coffee:
  16. 1 point

    My New 3d Printer

    Can it print food to feed the children in africa? you materialistic consumer.
  17. 1 point
    Unfortunately you do not meet the following requirements: Furthermore, consider what I wrote on your profile. ~closed
  18. 1 point

    Shitpost Plz Ignore

    I am a donator now! Fuck shit!
  19. 1 point

    Shitpost Plz Ignore

    What are you? Some type of retards?
  20. 1 point

    Shitpost Plz Ignore

    I too like spamming the forums to increase my post count
  21. 0 points

    Chemo Star - Counter-strike

    i wish i was on :(
  22. 0 points


    I live in his city. I'll keep tabs on him. maybe put a "come back" note in his cereal
  23. 0 points

    Shitpost Plz Ignore

    Goblin [/uSER] Goblin [/uSER] Goblin [/uSER] Goblin [/uSER] Goblin [/uSER] Goblin [/uSER] Goblin [/uSER] Goblin [/uSER] Goblin [/uSER] Goblin [/uSER] Goblin [/uSER] Goblin [/uSER]
  24. 0 points

    Facebook Coverphoto

  25. 0 points


    don't worry he'll be DM by summer
  26. -1 points

    Facebook Coverphoto

    The only issue I have with the current one is it has games in it that we don't even have divisions for. If people come to the page for the first time and see the worgen and are like, "Sweet! I can get involved with a WoW guild!" they'll come to the site and be disappointed at the lack of the game featured in the cover photo. However, that's just my opinion. I also agree with the whole color scheme thing being off, but I'm not horribly OCD about it.
  27. -1 points

    Facebook Coverphoto

    add a character relating to league and tell them that it's reserved for CL's
  28. -1 points

    Petition For Better Staff +1 To Agree

    OH man this triggers me since I'm not included in the list #banoppression #classist #modist
  29. -1 points
  30. -1 points

    Dasmowski - Forum

    Hey hey watch the language please I'm in class for christ's sake!
  31. -1 points

    Dasmowski - Forum

    BUT if you think it's an alt account because of the same IP location, it's because we are right next to each other.
  32. -1 points

    Dasmowski - Forum

    Division: Forum In-Game Name: Johnson Steam ID: Not Necessary Ban Type: Communications Ban Information: My dear friend was banned for alt account trolling, but the thing is, it was his main. Besides he barely did anything. So unban him immediately.
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