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Everything posted by Forest

  1. Forest


    What got you banned from Discord to begin with friendo?
  2. Just rename the channel "#repressedsexualdesires" because it doesn't seem like a lot of shitposting is happening based on all of the complaints ? Alternatively, as previously suggested by multiple people, just enforce a rule that prohibits any pornographic or otherwise sexually suggestive material. Don't see why that kind of stuff even needs a place here to be perfectly honest. Or y'know, just cut your losses and get rid of it
  3. It's October, the time is now. Going to be accepting recordings and splicing it all together. HOWEVER, to avoid embarrassment, it will only be published here if we get at least 10 people onboard. Feel free to either post your recordings here if you're ballsy, or PM me it directly.
  4. 90% sure it's pronounced: "Danny Paspacito"
  5. While I don't personally know you, I can certainly sympathize with what you are going through. Gaming is supposed to be a fun time, and if you are getting nothing "fun" out of it and find that you are being harassed or whatever on our servers, then you definitely should not be voluntarily subjecting yourself to it. I don't suppose you have tried reaching out to our Staff? By no means is it your responsibility to do so, but please keep in mind that our Staff are unable to address any problem areas if they are unaware of them. With that said, do it up any way you want to my dude. Relax and take it easy
  6. Forest

    Ban the toxic

    Side [and pseudo unrelated] note: I noticed your Staff Submission and commend you for wanting to improve our server quality and experience! Just keep in mind that while being Staff gives you the ability to address these sort of situations, I recommend taking an open-minded route when dealing with Players like this. Respect goes both ways, so keep in mind that you don't want to exacerbate things by reacting in the same manner as they do. Food for thought, and good luck getting that rank!
  7. Forest

    Ban the toxic

    Do you notice any Staff on at the time during these sort of incidents? If not, @Topaz makes a good point: Record these instances of toxicity and submit a Ban Request in forums. It really is the only method of counteracting this sort of behaviour on our Servers (along with ensuring Staff are properly reminding Players not to exhibit toxic behaviour of this degree, which is another matter entirely). Whatever the case, the solution definitely isn't to team up against them or to start a petition- especially if it is directed toward "squeakers". It's an online space, and unfortunately there is no avoiding the inevitability of young players screaming or raging into their mic.
  8. Forest


    Still alive But thank you for the concern bbys
  9. With Gorillaz, it's always been really hit and miss for me. Lot of great songs, lot of not-so-great songs (loved "Plastic Beach", really disliked "The Fall"). I wouldn't go so far as to say that I love them, but their music is definitely up there.
  10. Nah, not the animation style. The use of limiting frames to produce the illusion of a 2D animation in CGI is what I'm referring to. I have nothing against any particular style, I just think it's atrocious when the lowered frame rate is right in your face (in the case of The Dragon Prince).
  11. What is your opinion on this seemingly trending animation style that takes 3D animation that is then manipulated to resemble 2D animation via a reduced frame rate? I don't know the exact name of this style of animation, so bonus points to anyone who knows what it's called. Examples: Minor Extreme Personally, I feel that if it's done right it can look amazing (eg. "Minor" example) whereas there are cases where it's just an eyesore (eg. "Extreme" example). What's your opinion on it?
  12. https://xenogamers.com/forums/forum/14-hellos-and-goodbyes/ Just going to put this here. Hello though
  13. ^ In the same vein as this, real talk, if you're stranded in the middle of an ocean, which would be worse: Pacific where you wouldn't be able to see anything because of that murky ass water, or Atlantic where you have decent visibility around you but that includes seeing that big ass thing swimming toward you in the distance. For comparison (Atlantic on the left, Pacific on the right)
  14. Tfw you go ham on one single post, and then don't have the energy to continue going through unread content.

  15. Same rules as prison: find the biggest dude and knock him out to assert dominance as the Alpha. Jokes aside, there is a lot of bad stigma associated with High School. However, more often than not, 90% of it is just drama. I find that the best [serious] tips to keep in mind are: 1. For the love of God, apply yourself and be all that you can be. Don't make the mistake of just "passing" through High School. There are those that claim that it won't have the same sort of impact down the line as College/University will, thereby making it "insignificant" in the long run, but it will definitely influence your willingness to be all that you can be in life once you're recognized as an adult. Not to mention those grades open several doors to an assortment of institutions. Which leads me to my next tip... 2. Take this opportunity to decide your career path- what really interests you? Some can argue that this point in time is too early for this wheel to come into motion, but I personally think it to be the best time. There are an assortment of classes/electives to choose from, and I definitely recommend dipping your toe into as many as you can to really solidify that particular subject that really interests you. Once you find an area of expertise, start looking into careers early; that will allow you to really set-up a path to success in terms of what you should be aiming to achieve [grade-wise] in order to meet those goals. 3. Don't pretend to be someone that you're not just to "fit in" As someone who has personally made poor choices in terms of who I hung around with during High School just for status, I can't stress this enough. Be yourself, and hang out with people who don't just take you for granted. The friends you want are the ones who respect you as much as you respect them. Don't hang around people who consistently bring you or others down, otherwise you may find that you'll pick up on their traits and behaviour without even knowing it. Hang out with people who have similar interests, and don't try to impress the "bad apples" by stooping to their level. There actually are selective groups (eg. the "cool" kids, geeks, stoners, etc) so dabble in each of them as best you can, but again, try to avoid the bad apples. 4. Have fun! Seriously, High School is a pretty sizable pit stop on the highway of life. Don't miss the opportunity to make some great everlasting memories by having a good time. Remember that while it's important to keep your grades up, it's just as important to make the best of your High School years. And just for shits and giggles, here are the essentials: Walk on the right-side of the hallway and don't freakin' stop for NOTHING Familiarize yourself with the school layout. Nothing worse than being late for the first day of class Familiarize yourself with your timetable for classes. You do not want to walk into the wrong class, especially if you're late Keep. Separate. Binders. I'm serious, don't cram all of your shit into one binder/folder because if you lose that shit you're donezo. Expect heartbreak if you're going to be dating. Yes, young love is a thing in High School and holy hell is it full of drama. With that said, it's best to expect that things won't last forever (if it does, good for you!) and to understand that it isn't the end of the world if you're the dumper or the dumpee Try not to conform to some image. Seriously, once you're out of High School you'll realize how stupid it was to buy a new wardrobe or act the way that you did just because you wanted to fit in. Save yourself some time and realize that none of it matters. High School is a whirlwind of insecurity, and everyone will be trying to keep up with appearance or behaviour when you really ought to just be yourself. The sooner you acknowledge "who cares?" the better. I won't lie, I tried not to make this a long ass post, but once the faucet was on I couldn't stop it from flowing. TL;DR - Refer to bolded headers. kthx
  16. What was the reason for the demotion? Inactivity? Just wondering because I can only find one instance where you were planning on stepping down [which did not go through] and I can't be bothered to search all of the Promo/Demos from then. That said, I've recently been online on the CS:GO Jailbreak server and the applicant seemed to know what he was doing. I haven't been on nearly enough to justify a negative or positive vouch, so this will only serve as a neutral opinion- though it is a little iffy given the feedback from the last Staff Submission. I would still like to know the reason for the demotion, if anyone could link it or something
  17. Forest

    Tell me jokes.

    Your wardening skills. .. Oh wait, this isn't joke day on Counter-Strike. My ability to deliver laughable jokes then(?)
  18. Forest

    Smash Ultimate!

    Thank you Sakurai for putting in yet another sword fighter from the FE series and taking up yet another potential character slot. #Triggered
  19. You're absolutely right and I apologize if it seemed like I was implying it was something that was easily detectable as that was not my intention. I'm just saying that it's better to give someone the benefit of the doubt, because like I said: at the end of the day, those guidelines only moderately reduce the chances of it occurring. As a Staff Member, the responsibility here is to ensure that players in general have an enjoyable experience on our servers. That is to say, the focus should be on their enjoyment, not oneself. Mind you, that doesn't mean that Staff should essentially relinquish their own enjoyment entirely for the sake of others; more-so that they should take the time to consider "is anyone else having a less-enjoyable experience because of this Player's actions? Is it possible that this is a byproduct of the Player hacking?" more than considering "this Player is consistently killing me, they must be hacking". But please don't misinterpret this as me insinuating that every Staff Member treats any given situation as the latter more than the former, but merely that this is what would be considered the 'golden standard', though I digress. All-in-all, you're right: people are going to make mistakes and there is no fix for human error. But that doesn't mean that the Staff member can't get a second opinion on whether or not someone is "hacking" prior to actually banning them, especially if they've captured a demo. I'm not chastising any Staff who make a simple mistake as it's better to be safe than sorry, but honestly speaking: if the server populace isn't being affected by someone's consistent "lucky shots", the chance that the Player is hacking is less likely than it is when based on the Staff Member's sole perception
  20. There shouldn't be any wrongful bans for hackers, at least, not with how "hackusation" bans work. Assuming things play out the way that they used to back in the day of the admin handbook, players can only be banned for hacking if one of the three following conditions are met: A Division Manager's approval was given to carry out the permanent ban for hacking At least two [or more] additional Staff Members were online to witness the action(s) of hacking by the player A 'demo' or recording was taken of the player's action(s) to support the claim that the player was hacking and can be produced when requested (eg. Ban Protest) This is to ensure that the scenario in which a player is wrongfully banned for a hackusation has a moderately reduced chance of occurring. But again, this is assuming that the same guidelines have been enforced since then- otherwise, I see no reason why it was ever abolished. Remember kids, if you assume the worst of someone [without evidence], you run the risk of making an ass of yourself and them.
  21. It's pretty early, but just wanted to gauge the community's willingness to start up the ol' unofficial tradition of singing spooky songs in time for Halloween. The last success was spooky (and silly all the same), but I was thinking we could step it up with another classic this time around: So how about it? Would you donate your voice to a good cause in the spirit of Halloween with Xeno Gamers?
  22. Forest

    Smash Ultimate!

    On the topic of FE characters, still pissed that Hector isn't a fighter. I'd be down with an echo fighter at the very least ?