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Everything posted by Forest

  1. Forest

    Memory Lane

  2. Forest

    Rust Server

    Mmm, that new Division smell. Would recommend throwing this up in Steam, unless it's in a 'development' phase and will be officially announced when it's good and ready? EDIT: Disregard, just saw the Steam 'Events' kek
  3. RIP Post #309761, you will be missed. https://xenogamers.com/posts/309761/ https://i.gyazo.com/9ed5b6217206f88976902f4f171f9ba7.png
    1. Vacindak
    2. Forest


      Naw, post regarding TS3
  4. Forgot to tag for a verdict: @Bello @Vexx @mrnutty12 @Sesh
  5. Disclosure: before saying what I have to say, just going to make a note that I did not view the demo attached so I will be basing this off of what Elcark said. First things first, if it's true that the Player was banned for aimbotting and the demo doesn't provide clear or accurate support for the accusation, then the permanent ban should be rendered null. As for the validity of the aforementioned 'exploit', @sigterm regardless of the fact that the "record;stop" function is an expected outcome introduced by Valve, utilizing it in a way that is outside of its intended use to create an unfair advantage for yourself is definitely exploiting/cheating and is thereby against our General Server rules; however, I do not believe that this constitutes a permanent ban (nor should the fact that the Player was accused of 'aimbotting' be used as any sort of leverage). With that said, based on the fact that: 1) we do not necessarily issue bans based on exploits/cheating (written in writing) and 2) the Player was not warned [assumption] prior to this ban not to abuse the exploit/cheat, I would suggest that the Player be unbanned with this thread serving as their first [and final] warning (given the nature of the situation) to not abuse this exploit/cheat on our Servers again. Now, I don't want to call anybody out, but for future reference; it should not take a few days for a verdict to be reached in regards to a Ban that was [possibly] wrongly dealt. It should also not take a few days for a Higher-Up to follow up on this thread. Last but not least, the Player posting the Ban Protest should not have to be the one to bump the thread for a verdict.
  6. Forest

    Memory Lane

    I remember when Silence routinely visited populated Servers to dick around with shit ranging from global ear-rape explosions, screamers, and general mic spam.
  7. Forest


    Not before @TurdWig or @DeathGod but hi
  8. What are you gonna wear while you're clubbing?
  9. Forest

    Memory Lane

    I remember the great of 2013 in CS:GO
  10. @Bello @Vexx @mrnutty12 @Sesh @Aegean This dude has been waiting for 4 days, verdict?
  11. Forest

    Memory Lane

    I remember when Towelie practically vowed revenge on xG for banning him by creating a 'rival' clan (Wolven Dominion) that lasted an astounding 1-2 months.
  12. Forest

    Memory Lane

    I remember when we used to have a CSS sub-section on the forums :(
  13. Xeno Gamers Once again, Player(s) being banned with excessive ban times when a day-ban for the same rules broken never previously occurred on the Player's record. Not going to provide a vouch, but Higher-Ups need to clarify on whether this is how ban times should be stacking or not. With that said, would also like to recommend a new set of punishments to deal with Chat and Mic spam for Servers that have this feature; ideally revoking the user's Chat/Mic privileges via Comms ban for a pre-determined amount of time depending on the severity of the case before escalating to a Server ban.
  14. Forest

    Memory Lane

    I remember when people actually read the OP :coffee:
  15. Forest

    What is your Job?

    Work indirectly for EA as a contractor (working for VMC). Long-story short, I'm a Game Tester (QA); though it is actually a lot more demanding than it sounds. Honestly, for an Entry level position, it has a lot of perks and is really worth all of the time and effort; not to mention you work full-time right off the bat (5 days a week, 9 AM to 5:30 PM). And with the experience you gain, it also greatly increases your chances of being hired directly under EA while fleshing out your resume. My only grievance is the pay, but I imagine I would be saying the same thing if I were working anywhere else. Pros: - Stable position depending on the team you are on - Access to an on-site outdoor Soccer pitch, Volleyball court (sand), Basketball/Hockey court - Access to an indoor Gym (work-out area) - Permitted to bring your dog into work to keep at your desk all day, every day - Access to several areas with free arcade game setups - Numerous areas to gain experience in to build up your resume - If you're egotistic, your name in the Credits of whatever title you are working on (Triple-A titles like Battlefront, FIFA, etc.) Cons: - Low income, comes with the Entry level position - Access to aforementioned areas requires a monthly subscription Been working there around 3 years now, and I can definitely see myself making a career out of this field of work. Hoping to work full-time directly under EA though!
  16. Forest

    Memory Lane

    I remember when our CS:S Division Leader (good ol' one-two Ponch) went awol and turned out to be in jail. Good times, goooood times... I also remember when we could comment on posts.
  17. Forest

    Memory Lane

    I remember when the Tunnel Snakes ruled here at Xeno Gamers
  18. https://xenogamers.com/threads/43058/ Fancy a stroll?
  19. Forest

    Memory Lane

    Your basic nostalgia thread. I'll be taking a stroll down memory lane, anyone care to join me? Let's start off nice and easy: I remember when our Counter-Strike Division was our most prominent one that contested with the likes of HG :coffee: Disclaimer: any posts containing 'flammable material' are susceptible to being spam rated. Users are not to "quote" anyone else's post in any shape or form; the only way to interact with another post is by rating it or by 'mentioning' a user. By no means is anyone allowed to instigate a debate/argument/discussion in this thread. This thread is to be taking in a completely satirical way; however, do not make things personal. @Higher-Ups please ensure that this does not happen by deleting any posts that breach this disclaimer in any way.
  20. Don't take this the wrong way, but the same could be said regarding those who don't agree with the rules and regulations that we have set in place. I understand that this whole thing can (and most likely is) be frustrating, but to engage in a discussion as monumental as this while retaining a closed-minded perspective is only going to exacerbate your own attitude or behaviour on the topic at hand. In other words, if you want to have a civil discussion, then I would not recommend going down the "but it's a stupid rule anyways" route or to start letting it affect you on a personal level, which seems to be happening based on your responses. Mind you, I'm not saying that you aren't capable of having this sort of discussion so much as I am saying that in order for your own opinion to have any sort of credibility or sway, you need to be able to receive feedback/criticism in a constructive way. With that said, you need to realize that the enforcement of rules and regulations based on a Staff Member's preference is something that is incredibly difficult to manage. On paper, it is a completely viable way of cutting down on bias; but in practice it is an incredibly difficult thing to do. In all fairness, we only have one or two Division Managers who manage the Staff of their respective Division. There is absolutely no way they can monitor every single Staff Member during every hour of the day. This is why we rely so heavily on our Players for feedback. If you can provide names and ample evidence to support claims that the Staff in question is/are working outside of our own rules, then our Higher-Ups can address the problem areas directly. Our Players are our eyes and ears on the Servers when our Higher-Ups cannot be. As previously mentioned in your other thread, this is why we have 'Member Protest' and 'Report Abuse' sections of our forums: to address problem areas with Members or Staff. For the record, I agree 100% that there is definitely a large amount of bias in terms of what Staff say, do, or even enforce in terms of rules. I've seen my fair share of contradictory actions, but it is what it is and there is only so much our Higher-Ups can do.
  21. As much as I hate to say it, hypocrisy does run rampant around the Servers. However, it is also something that is nearly impossible to mediate since it's most commonly associated with some sort of bias in the Player/Staff. It will always be present, but that does not mean we expect our Players to sit idly by while it happens. If our Players can actively make a difference by voicing their concerns in the form of a thread (case-in-point this thread), then everyone can grow and learn from it. Regardless of what anyone says, I still implore you that you voice anything and everything, as this is what is needed for positive growth, however frivolous or trivial it may seem to others. With that said, please keep in mind that our rules and guidelines were not put in place with the intention to oppress race, ethnicity, gender or anything of the sort. Xeno Gamers, as a community, strives to foster a healthy gaming environment that everyone can enjoy. This means trying our best to eliminate any sort of hate speech, derogatory language, or other content that may be offensive. While that may seem like an impossible task [given the amount of bias and hypocrisy] we still make it a point to demonstrate to our Players that we are trying. If you ever feel that Staff are stepping over-the-line in terms of breaking our own rules, then please do not hesitate to report them to a Higher-Up or post a 'Report Abuse' or 'Member Protest' thread with adequate and supporting evidence. Improvement starts when we take action on what the community wants; without that we won't go anywhere.
  22. Won't lie, I skimmed most of the posts here, but I'm just going to throw this out there: y'all are [probably] over-thinking this entire situation. Back before this was such a huge deal, we had one golden rule that blanketed everything and it was this (ye old fags will remember this one): if you wouldn't be caught dead viewing whatever it is you're looking at on the servers at a professional level (IE. at work, school, etc), then it most likely isn't PG13 and thus should not be permitted. Or to put this in an even more concise way, if you wouldn't want your teacher/professor/superior seeing you looking at it, odds are it is not PG13. That is literally the easiest way to go about it without throwing a wrench into the whole thing by asking what "nudity" is defined as (seriously?) or whether a spray is acceptable/unacceptable. With that said, come on people; go to a beach and then go to a 'nudist' beach if you need a clear definition of what constitutes nudity. As for everything else, use your common sense because for the thousandth time, it does not matter if it's a minor/animal/cartoon in a sexualized position, it's still a freaking 'something' that is emphasizing the whole sexualized aspect. Therefore, it is not allowed on our Servers and should thus be punished accordingly by the rules set-in-place. I mean for the love of God, it shouldn't be this difficult to determine what is PG13 and what isn't :coffee:
  23. Cheesus crust, there is a reason that our 'Spray' rule is so inexplicably vague; to prevent controversial or otherwise biased bans from taking place such as this. I'll re-iterate once more: if the spray is not PG13 in any shape or form, then abide by the rules and deal out the appropriate warning/kick/ban. Honestly, it doesn't matter if it's a child's cartoon depicting a sexual act, a dude banging an animal, a minor performing a sexual act in the form of a cartoon, who cares; if it's anything that should not be seen by anyone under the age of 13, then warn them to change it, kick them, ban them for a day, ban them for a week, ban them for a month, and then ban them permanently [for repeated offense]. Don't start dragging morals and ethics into the mix when we honestly [shouldn't or] don't give a flying f*ck what the Player's interests are [in regards to a spray]. As long as they abide by our rules on the Server then they can do whatever the hell they want. This means not enforcing or sanctioning your own beliefs and opinions on a Player, and worse, acting on it by dishing out an extended ban time. You cannot, and should not, use your position of power to emphasize your stance on a certain topic of debate, however controversial it may be. This is the reason why we do not condone nor allow political debate, religious debate, or anything in between on the Servers. If someone starts talking about it, warn them not to, gag/mute them if needed, kick, ban, whatever. By no means should Staff be jumping the gun based on how "serious" the topic is and dealing an extended ban time. If this really was justified as per the Higher-Ups, then I honestly do not condone this whatsoever and am worried of the direction we are currently taking towards the enforcement of rules. I won't say it's wrong as it is entirely up to their discretion, but I also do not agree with it in any shape or form.