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Reputation Activity

  1. Funny
    Forest got a reaction from SnowyMinion in Teh Elderwood Bard   
    He requested Elderwood but not Snowday Bard? @PlaysWithSquirrels r u nuts
  2. Sad
    Forest reacted to SnowyMinion in Teh Elderwood Bard   
    Nah he requested Bard but Classic Bard is a bit ehhh to draw, so I did Eldwood instead bc I forgot Snowday Bard is there XD
  3. Informative
    Forest reacted to Rhododendron in Christmas Server(s)?   
    If we were to do this, the maps we would use are xmas_nipperhouse and apehouse_xmas. Those are the only good XMAS maps for CS:GO after I tested a few dozen of them.
  4. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Lithium in Christmas Server(s)?   
    That all being said, this is all short notice and as such can be bumped to next year if needbe. I just think that XenoGamers should get back into the habit of hosting these seasonal festivities yearly to promote more activity in the community.
    Would really like the opinion or support of the CS:GO Division to determine whether this can be achieved this season. Better sooner than later so that I can broadcast an announcement via Steam Group to stir the pot and gain more notice for this event.
  5. Informative
    Forest reacted to Rabid in Playswithsquirrels   
    Asock - teamspeak
    This thread was a bumped thread, I made this a little over a year ago homie. Idk how close apart your member apps where, but I think the rule states you must wait atleast a month before re-applying, Also in my first thread I did not get dicked on, I'm still getting the +1's from the people that would like to see me back in the clan. Sorry duder :/
  6. Like
    Forest reacted to Rabid in Christmas Server(s)?   
    Holy shit that map was fantastic on source, make it happen big papa lith, 24/7 nipper, I'll get the old fags to play it, billy,triff,ben,mad,king,ege,bees,etc.
  7. Creative
    Forest reacted to SnowyMinion in It's The True Snowyminion   
  8. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Lithium in Christmas Server(s)?   
    This kind of christmas server? Steam Workshop :: xmas_nipperhouse
  9. Creative
    Forest reacted to Thorax_ in Rate My Website? :3   
    Website : TheSupremePatriot_RBLX | Home.
    What do you think? ^_^
    Honest feedback is the best feedback. C:
  10. Agree
    Forest reacted to Chrono in Idek What To Title This   
    all yall need to chill out
  11. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Vector in Age Requirement   
    you guys have a rule in the MOTD on tf2 trade servers that says respect little kids, but you contradict yourselves saying no immature voices but are now contradicting yourselves again by saying you should give "dah little kids a chance" when they aren't given a chance to prove their maturity. I personally don't care either way but there are some cool squeakers that wanted to get into xg but are too young to get in.

    dude fuck off. you're a co-leader. fucking deal with it.

    yo make demos or screenshot shit whenever he gets on at the same time as you. if he targets you so often that should be ezpz
  12. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from kbraszzz in Age Requirement   
    .. It's only easy to obtain "membership" because Division Managers aren't putting their foot down on what is considered a valid vouch as opposed to a "this is the first thing I could come up with to support my +1 even though it has no specific relevance to this particular person and is a very general statement." If you want change, it begins with the Higher-Ups imposing a stricter policy on Member Submissions, as it already should be.
    Take a look at our Membership Submission Guidelines and you'll notice a handful of things that go unheeded. However, I don't want to put the blame solely on Higher-Ups simply because Members have to do their part in compiling a meaningful vouch that actually pertains to each individual in some way. At this point, it feels like those accepting new applicants are just skimming through and counting the +1s that a particular applicant has before slapping on the "Congratulations, you were able to get into our exclusive clan". Mind you this only applies to those select few and is merely an opinion with no evidence or the like. In the end, the Division Managers/Leaders are the ones who decide who gets in for their respective Divisions. If you have beef with people who are getting into the clan that are immature, then confront your respective Manager/Leader and give them the business. Hell, you have Member Submissions to pull valid evidence from for vouches that were invalid if you need "proof" that they shouldn't even be a Member.
    It can be just as difficult to get membership as it can be to face (legitimate) expulsion from the clan. Honestly, if you have to go out of your way to actively seek out proof or evidence against someone every day and can't find any, then chances are that this is actually some personal vendetta you have against that individual. If the offending person is as toxic or as obnoxious as someone claims them to be, then it should be an easy task to get evidence. Kicking someone from the clan for no reason other than "we don't like him/her" is by no means a legitimate reason or justified solution and shouldn't even be considered.

    This is a prime example of someone hung up on their personal vendetta against someone. If you (in general) were to look back at Matsi's protest thread and were to wade through all of the hate and anger, you'll find very valid points that were made to support him. That thread was the first major thread to address his behaviour, and as such the only logical solution would be to issue a publicly stated warning, a cease and desist notice for a lack of better words. Anything further would just be unfair and not justified in the least.
    Those of you who keep shouting "we aren't being listened to" don't seem to get it; you're blinded by your own values and desires. You're looking through an opaque glass that focuses solely on results as opposed to listening to rationality. Your opinions didn't go unheeded, but just because there is a large group of people against someone, that doesn't mean their condemnations outweigh the right thing to do. Obviously your sheer outrage has been noticed and has resulted in a strike against Matsi's standing, meaning that the next time he is out of turn he will receive a punishment. Isn't that progress? Does that not mean that you were heard? No, instead, in your eyes it just means that because he wasn't out right banned or faced expulsion from the clan, the Higher-Ups didn't listen to you and therefore you aren't entitled to an opinion. Not everything you say or do will result in immediate action, and this applies everywhere. This is why we [should] have level-headed Higher-Ups who try their best to appeal to both sides of an argument. They consider both sides of the argument and determine the best outcome that is fair and just.
    It isn't easy being someone with that kind of power and responsibility, seriously. As a retired Co-Leader I can attest to that.
    EDIT: For the sake of salvaging what's left of this thread, it isn't my intention to open up a can of worms. If you want to directly reply to this post, just shoot me a PM or something and I'll be glad to discuss it. Hell, even open up a new thread and discuss it there, that would be fine. I just implore you to not do it here so that this whole "Age Requirement" thing can be discussed properly :coffee:
  13. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Goblins in Age Requirement   
    .. It's only easy to obtain "membership" because Division Managers aren't putting their foot down on what is considered a valid vouch as opposed to a "this is the first thing I could come up with to support my +1 even though it has no specific relevance to this particular person and is a very general statement." If you want change, it begins with the Higher-Ups imposing a stricter policy on Member Submissions, as it already should be.
    Take a look at our Membership Submission Guidelines and you'll notice a handful of things that go unheeded. However, I don't want to put the blame solely on Higher-Ups simply because Members have to do their part in compiling a meaningful vouch that actually pertains to each individual in some way. At this point, it feels like those accepting new applicants are just skimming through and counting the +1s that a particular applicant has before slapping on the "Congratulations, you were able to get into our exclusive clan". Mind you this only applies to those select few and is merely an opinion with no evidence or the like. In the end, the Division Managers/Leaders are the ones who decide who gets in for their respective Divisions. If you have beef with people who are getting into the clan that are immature, then confront your respective Manager/Leader and give them the business. Hell, you have Member Submissions to pull valid evidence from for vouches that were invalid if you need "proof" that they shouldn't even be a Member.
    It can be just as difficult to get membership as it can be to face (legitimate) expulsion from the clan. Honestly, if you have to go out of your way to actively seek out proof or evidence against someone every day and can't find any, then chances are that this is actually some personal vendetta you have against that individual. If the offending person is as toxic or as obnoxious as someone claims them to be, then it should be an easy task to get evidence. Kicking someone from the clan for no reason other than "we don't like him/her" is by no means a legitimate reason or justified solution and shouldn't even be considered.

    This is a prime example of someone hung up on their personal vendetta against someone. If you (in general) were to look back at Matsi's protest thread and were to wade through all of the hate and anger, you'll find very valid points that were made to support him. That thread was the first major thread to address his behaviour, and as such the only logical solution would be to issue a publicly stated warning, a cease and desist notice for a lack of better words. Anything further would just be unfair and not justified in the least.
    Those of you who keep shouting "we aren't being listened to" don't seem to get it; you're blinded by your own values and desires. You're looking through an opaque glass that focuses solely on results as opposed to listening to rationality. Your opinions didn't go unheeded, but just because there is a large group of people against someone, that doesn't mean their condemnations outweigh the right thing to do. Obviously your sheer outrage has been noticed and has resulted in a strike against Matsi's standing, meaning that the next time he is out of turn he will receive a punishment. Isn't that progress? Does that not mean that you were heard? No, instead, in your eyes it just means that because he wasn't out right banned or faced expulsion from the clan, the Higher-Ups didn't listen to you and therefore you aren't entitled to an opinion. Not everything you say or do will result in immediate action, and this applies everywhere. This is why we [should] have level-headed Higher-Ups who try their best to appeal to both sides of an argument. They consider both sides of the argument and determine the best outcome that is fair and just.
    It isn't easy being someone with that kind of power and responsibility, seriously. As a retired Co-Leader I can attest to that.
    EDIT: For the sake of salvaging what's left of this thread, it isn't my intention to open up a can of worms. If you want to directly reply to this post, just shoot me a PM or something and I'll be glad to discuss it. Hell, even open up a new thread and discuss it there, that would be fine. I just implore you to not do it here so that this whole "Age Requirement" thing can be discussed properly :coffee:
  14. Informative
    Forest reacted to Lithium in Idek What To Title This   
    I'll admit, I did (and do) have concerns about his activity. But it's not like he's a new member who won't follow the rules, or is really at risk for abusing. If it doesn't turn out as well, then we can demote him just as easily. It doesn't cost anything to have someone as mod/admin and there is no limit to the number of people we can have, which is also the same reason I don't think cristo needs to be demoted. He's not on much but he does great when he is on, and we have no real reason to demote him.
  15. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Snackbar in Idek What To Title This   
    Ah the ol xG complain-theres-no-staff-then-complain-when-someone-tries-to-help-the-situation.
    No ones getting demoted, and this decision was discussed by the high ups. Unless insane fucks up bad im sure he wil fill in the blanks fine. Nothing wrong with an extra hand to help at any given time. Plus hes been in xG for quite sometime.
    If you guys want more staff then bring people who would do a good job into the clan. Fuck me for trying to lighten the load a little bit though, right?
  16. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Liekos in Age Requirement   
    .. It's only easy to obtain "membership" because Division Managers aren't putting their foot down on what is considered a valid vouch as opposed to a "this is the first thing I could come up with to support my +1 even though it has no specific relevance to this particular person and is a very general statement." If you want change, it begins with the Higher-Ups imposing a stricter policy on Member Submissions, as it already should be.
    Take a look at our Membership Submission Guidelines and you'll notice a handful of things that go unheeded. However, I don't want to put the blame solely on Higher-Ups simply because Members have to do their part in compiling a meaningful vouch that actually pertains to each individual in some way. At this point, it feels like those accepting new applicants are just skimming through and counting the +1s that a particular applicant has before slapping on the "Congratulations, you were able to get into our exclusive clan". Mind you this only applies to those select few and is merely an opinion with no evidence or the like. In the end, the Division Managers/Leaders are the ones who decide who gets in for their respective Divisions. If you have beef with people who are getting into the clan that are immature, then confront your respective Manager/Leader and give them the business. Hell, you have Member Submissions to pull valid evidence from for vouches that were invalid if you need "proof" that they shouldn't even be a Member.
    It can be just as difficult to get membership as it can be to face (legitimate) expulsion from the clan. Honestly, if you have to go out of your way to actively seek out proof or evidence against someone every day and can't find any, then chances are that this is actually some personal vendetta you have against that individual. If the offending person is as toxic or as obnoxious as someone claims them to be, then it should be an easy task to get evidence. Kicking someone from the clan for no reason other than "we don't like him/her" is by no means a legitimate reason or justified solution and shouldn't even be considered.

    This is a prime example of someone hung up on their personal vendetta against someone. If you (in general) were to look back at Matsi's protest thread and were to wade through all of the hate and anger, you'll find very valid points that were made to support him. That thread was the first major thread to address his behaviour, and as such the only logical solution would be to issue a publicly stated warning, a cease and desist notice for a lack of better words. Anything further would just be unfair and not justified in the least.
    Those of you who keep shouting "we aren't being listened to" don't seem to get it; you're blinded by your own values and desires. You're looking through an opaque glass that focuses solely on results as opposed to listening to rationality. Your opinions didn't go unheeded, but just because there is a large group of people against someone, that doesn't mean their condemnations outweigh the right thing to do. Obviously your sheer outrage has been noticed and has resulted in a strike against Matsi's standing, meaning that the next time he is out of turn he will receive a punishment. Isn't that progress? Does that not mean that you were heard? No, instead, in your eyes it just means that because he wasn't out right banned or faced expulsion from the clan, the Higher-Ups didn't listen to you and therefore you aren't entitled to an opinion. Not everything you say or do will result in immediate action, and this applies everywhere. This is why we [should] have level-headed Higher-Ups who try their best to appeal to both sides of an argument. They consider both sides of the argument and determine the best outcome that is fair and just.
    It isn't easy being someone with that kind of power and responsibility, seriously. As a retired Co-Leader I can attest to that.
    EDIT: For the sake of salvaging what's left of this thread, it isn't my intention to open up a can of worms. If you want to directly reply to this post, just shoot me a PM or something and I'll be glad to discuss it. Hell, even open up a new thread and discuss it there, that would be fine. I just implore you to not do it here so that this whole "Age Requirement" thing can be discussed properly :coffee:
  17. Agree
    Forest reacted to Chrono in Oden - Counter-strike   
    i mean technically under the rules that would be a perm CT ban, slay or not. there were 4 Ts killed by you and another T (Myself) killed by another CT. reason I only made it a week is because it was a mistake that anyone could make, and you genuinely do want to be a part of the community and acknowledge your mistakes. unfortunately the rules are there for a reason, and we cant just let people slide with less than minimal punishment for breaking them. IMO a week is a nice relaxed time to become a master rebel.
    @Lithium @Bleed @Snackbar
    I would personally close this but since I was the banning admin, I shouldn't be the one to do it. unless you guys deem it reasonable to unban.
  18. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Shadower in How Do You Remember Xg Members?   
    I remember xG Members through their unique quirks. Or more prominently, through their name.
  19. Funny
    Forest got a reaction from NitNat in Age Requirement   
    ^ This.
    Srs though, this thread has me so triggered right now, though that's only because of vouches (y'all who were around back then will know what I'm referring to).
    Keep in mind that, in the end, it's really up to Silence. If he wants to keep the forums/clan an "adult" based one then no one can really say otherwise. That being said, Hiding is pretty spot on in regards to the whole "more donators" thing. Way I see it, them youngins are always asking for their parent's credit cards, but you need to give em' something in return.
    Either way, no one should be making any exceptions (for Member Subs of 16-) as it is right now unless the person applying is an ex-Member of the clan.
    +/-0 to this as I'm indifferent about it all. Things can't get much less mature around here anyways :coffee:
  20. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Hidingmaster in Age Requirement   
    ^ This.
    Srs though, this thread has me so triggered right now, though that's only because of vouches (y'all who were around back then will know what I'm referring to).
    Keep in mind that, in the end, it's really up to Silence. If he wants to keep the forums/clan an "adult" based one then no one can really say otherwise. That being said, Hiding is pretty spot on in regards to the whole "more donators" thing. Way I see it, them youngins are always asking for their parent's credit cards, but you need to give em' something in return.
    Either way, no one should be making any exceptions (for Member Subs of 16-) as it is right now unless the person applying is an ex-Member of the clan.
    +/-0 to this as I'm indifferent about it all. Things can't get much less mature around here anyways :coffee:
  21. Ding!
    Forest reacted to NotKoala in Erentehtitan   
    why did we let bliz in then
  22. Informative
    Forest reacted to ChickenPanda in Please Give Mods Perm Permissions.   
    I wouldn't have an issue with mods not having perm if we could rethink how we do our promotions. Casey mentioned a few people in those messages to me that he would trust with perm powers. In my opinion, those are the people who should be getting admin.
    We also need to start demoting more, please. I'm not saying for no reason. Sure, if they're active and they're doing a great job, keep them. I'm talking about a select few who STILL don't know commands, and ask moderators for help.
    I'm not talking about judgment and asking for a "hey, what do you think?". I'm talking about stuff like "Hey, how long is a week ban?" And "How do I slay outside of admin menu?" Shit that admins should know, and they still don't. I mentioned a few to Ohstop already, and he should know my personal opinion. Maybe the issue isn't mods having perm powers. It may just be that I feel the higher ups aren't doing the best with promo/demos. (Sometimes it's like they don't even exist. Kappa.)
    @Ohstopyou @metalslug53 @Moosty @Rejects
    You guys do your jobs very well, (and I appreciate you guys a ton) but maybe there can be a small change in how you guys think about our ranking system.
    EDIT: obligatory "I'm on my phone. Excuse the formatting."
  23. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Please Give Mods Perm Permissions.   
    I don't see the problem here. If a Moderator is seen as "experienced", then why haven't they been promoted to Administrator already? That being said, the gap between Moderator and Administrator is already incredibly slim. From what I can remember, the only difference is the ability to permanently ban and the fact that Moderators cannot target Administrators (correct me if I'm wrong, I'm just speaking from CS:S experience).
    Point is, if you give Moderators the ability to perm ban then.. Well, they're pretty much Administrators. This is all assuming Administrators don't have other "perks" to their rank. Might as well just merge the two if it's that big of a deal, because besides the whole "seniority" factor, what else sets them apart?
    Way I see it, y'all are making more work for yourself by making another rank when you aren't even considering the simple solution that those "seasoned" Moderators should just be promoted to Administrator if they're so up there :coffee:
  24. Optimistic
    Forest reacted to Oden in Oden - Counter-strike   

    Counter-Strike In-Game Name:

    Oden Steam ID:

    ttp://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198140886768/ Position:

    Moderator Time Active:

    about 2 mouths Age:

    17 Experience:

    I have never moderated in any server in CS:GO before but i do inform people of the rules daily but i can never enforce it, if they choose not to listen to me Information:

    I feel like I have a positive appearance on JB. This server is really awesome and would like to keep it the way you guys made it to be. I love the community that is here. It would be awesome if you guys would make me apart of your staff.
  25. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Bryce in Informing xG   
    hahaha this was funny