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Everything posted by TBOHB

  1. TBOHB


    +1 get back in here you fricken nerd A:9 M:8
  2. TBOHB


    I am doing well! Thanks for asking! +1 very friendly guy. While not the most active person I've seen, definitely knows staff and members well, as well as rules. Would make a fine addition to the roster.
  3. TBOHB


    +1 has mic. Seen't him on JB and was pretty chill. I think he would be fine as member. A: 8 M: 8
  4. TBOHB is an abbreviation of my YouTube Channel I made as a smaller child. As for Septik, it just kinda came to me while playing on Edventures (god bless your soul).
  5. RIP. Thank you for everything you've done as staff. Hope to see ya on the servers from time to time. Don't stress about it.
  6. Zelda WW and TP, Mario Kart DD, Luigi's Mansion, Naruto Clash of Ninja's (Hidden Gem), Super Monkey Ball
  7. TBOHB


    -1 Very immature and rude. Talks over others, trolls other players, incites drama within the community constantly. Currently is far from becoming a member to the community in my opinion. A:5 M:3
  8. TBOHB

    Smash Ultimate!

    Marth/Lucina/Roy (He's our boy) , Toon Link, Young Link, Ganondorf, Shulk. I know it's a lot so imma break it down --> Top 2 being Ganondorf and Roy
  9. I would also be down for a sandbox server. I played on a server that has sandbox running and its a lot of fun. Call GMod as much as you want, but its in TF2 and its pretty cool.
  10. Changing to +1. Has been pretty active lately
  11. Have a fun time! Where are you going if you don't mind me asking?
  12. I just had one of these guys yesterday lol. I'm like "this is a new one"
  13. TBOHB


    +1 has improved greatly over time and seems like they care about the clan again. Would be cool to see them in the clan again.
  14. TBOHB


    Given the screenshot that @Nozomi has gratefully provided, as well as your history AND how you have acted in this thread, I'm going to -1 and would also agree for a longer ban.
  15. @VinylScratch congrats and big congrats to @BonfireCentiped for getting cl! RIP to my boy @Vacindak ;(
  16. TBOHB


    I would totally be down for community events in CS:GO tbh. I think I a lot of other people would be fine with it as well
  17. imma revive this thread a little bit https://imgur.com/a/MGuqukY
  18. MGE would be pretty dope. But you guys remember that stock rotation server we said we would use but never did? Me too...
  19. TBOHB


    +1 for day ban. Whenever he is on he does very obnoxious things in his mic like make noises nobody wants to hear and completely ignoring staff members.
  20. +1 Didn't even need to be here for more than 5 mins. This map is horribly empty and it feels too much like trade_plaza. There is absolutely nothing to do here but walk out of spawn and get sniped by some sniper who is named after an aquatic bird who happens to be a man.
  21. TBOHB


    -1 It feels like every time I see you, you are always extremely toxic and annoying to others. You would sometimes harass others over an opinion. If you claim you are working on your anger issues, that's awesome. Keep it up. Seriously. I'm not being passive aggressive or anything I'm being genuine here. Keep it up ?