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Everything posted by TBOHB

  1. TBOHB


    OK SO I was doing some thinking with @Brutarii and we had the idea of a meetup. This post is to merely get opinions about it and what yall peeps think. Where: Chicago, Illinois When: TBD Who: Anybody who is a current member is welcome! NOTE: This is not an official thing yet, but just to see what people would think about it. Please leave constructive feedback down below!
  2. +1 made a vote to remove this map a while ago and not sure why it didn't go through. This map is not fun, small, and horribly broken.
  3. Damn. Sad to see ya go man. I know we haven't talked much but I do appreciate what you have done.
  4. Congrats to @Sesh! and i guess @FrostyBoiGrim...
  5. +1 Ive seen him on the servers before. Doesn't cause any trouble. Pretty nice guy from what ive seen. A:8 M:8
  6. Only reason I said that was because I normally get yelled at for stating my opinion. Not just on here, but generally any opinion I have I get yelled at by like 10 people.
  7. Ok I shall propose an idea to you. Instead of making this forum post calling out the higher ups to the whole community, maybe call in a meeting or something or just say something to them when you catch them online. I can see you took time and effort into making this post, but this post doesn't affect most of our lives. Im not saying I disagree with what you are saying, but maybe bring this matter to the higher ups and not the whole community. (inb4 massive hate spam for an opinion)
  8. +1 for week ban. Every time I'm on with him he always creates an argument of some sorts. Doesn't matter the topic, he will find a way to argue it. And there is always somebody on the server he ends up pissing off for doing what he does. We constantly told him to stop arguing and he would just end up starting again immediately after we told him to stop. I would't say he deserves a perma ban, but one of the big bois needs to talk to him on steam and tell him to stop.
  9. Damn right we will. Finna eat his ass
  10. That tbohb kid sounds like a dork
  11. I will withhold my vouch as I haven't seen you much, but maybe I'll see ya around! Good Luck!
  12. +1 This is like the 3rd time ive seen Dona apply for staff. He is active, has a mic, and actually uses !calladmin. He would probably do a better job than me. I would like to see him try out for staff.
  13. TBOHB

    Im out

    Damn. One of the old fags has left. I'll miss seeing you on the servers (like i saw you anyways). You have always been one of the people that stuck by xG. You will a special place in (most of) our hearts. May the scary internet take you somewhere nice and not filled with drama. ?
  14. TBOHB

    My Application!

    +1 only the sandiest of bois can take that position. He is the sandiest boi in the server.
  15. -1 while i don't enjoy playing on the map myself, it doesn't warrant it to be taken down. There is nothing wrong with the map. A lot of people enjoy playing on it though so there is that.
  16. TBOHB


    So since I have never encountered her performing these actions myself, I feel as if my opinion of her is off the table. I generally saw them to be a nice person. But to have blatant evidence of thievery and lying now on the table, I would say that she shouldn't be a member for these kinds of actions. A +1 or a -1 will not be provided by me as preciously stated, but those are my thoughts.
  17. grats to my boi seg! also surprised i havent been demoted for inactivity tbh
  18. TBOHB


    +1 I see him on all the servers every now and then. He's very chill and always enforces the rules. Would make a great addition to the staff list.
  19. Good luck man! I may be in with ya in one year. See ya on the winning side!