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Everything posted by TBOHB

  1. TBOHB


    +1 very nice guy. Warmed right up to the server even though they are new. Would make an excellent addition to the group A:9 M:10
  2. Hello! I saw you on surf the other day. Glad to see you coming to the forums!
  3. TBOHB


    The weeb has returned.
  4. K I get that people have their opinions and I usually respect that, but this is fudgeing stupid. Comparing servers and a party is about as effective as comparing an orange and a piano. When everybody is talking to each other at once on mic, you can't talk to one specific person like at a party because everybody is at the same volume It's annoying for everybody else to listen to. Even for me my ears want to die on a full server where half of em' have a mic Voice chat isn't the only way to talk about something as well. If there is an argument / debate, nobody else wants to hear that on the mic
  5. As much as I hate to say it, but I'm staying neutral. I know I told you I would plus one your staff app if you applied again. But I would need to see you on more. If I see you some more I would totally change this to a +1.
  6. DADDY! +1 on surf all the time and super friendly with all players A:10 M:10 Good luck daddy!
  7. TBOHB


    what exactly do you mean by this so i can change it?
  8. +1 good kid. see him on surf every now and then. Very mature for his age and would make an excellent addition to the member squad ? A:8 M:10
  9. TBOHB


    Division Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name Septik Identity 76561198128683103 Position Moderator Time Active on Servers About 2 years or so Information To those that knew me as staff before: I know I went super inactive, but I'm back on TF2 for good now. I've been really getting back into the game and can now keep my activity at a decent level. Don't have much else to say other than sorry I got staff and immediately became inactive and stepped-down.
  10. -1 I hardly see you on the servers. Even on the times i did see you on the servers, you were very immature with other players and some staff.
  11. TBOHB

    It's time

    You are one of the people on xG that I wish I knew better. Going off of what @Kypari said, you definitely go down in the Book of xG Legends. I wish I was on this server when I started playing TF2 and not the one I stuck myself with for 2 years. But there is definitely going to be a big hole to fill with you gone now. Thank you for everything you have done for the community.
  12. TBOHB


    I'm just putting this out there but he has a history of hacking. By hacking i mean on the 4th of this month. Not sure if this is helpful at all. http://disc-ff.site.nfoservers.com/sourcebanstf2/index.php?p=banlist&advSearch=STEAM_0:1:213971687&advType=steamid The steam community profile does go to his profile, which also has a VAC, but it was a while ago.
  13. TBOHB


    +1 see him on surf every now and then. pretty chill guy A:8 M:8
  14. Congratssss to cleb and hachi!!!!!
  15. TBOHB


    +1 Very friendly. Always enforces the rule. Always has something positive to say. I never knew her being staff beforehand, but I'd imagine should would do very well. Good luck!
  16. TBOHB


    +1 might as well already be a member. also very drunken idiot A:0^9 M:0^8
  17. +1 see her on the servers all the time. Knows the rules and enforces them. Definitely make a great addition to the staff board.
  18. Was gettin ready for work today. Today was one of my better looking days.
  19. TBOHB


    +1 Chill and active. Would fish again A:9 M:9
  20. +1 Very cool dude. Friendly and fun to play with! A:8 M:8
  21. Have a good one! Hope you brought some sunscreen! Cuz last time I went i got 2nd degree sunburns on my back
  22. TBOHB


    Yeah forgot to mention this. Chicago is a pretty big city, which means theres lots of things to do there. Go sightseeing, eat some quality food (there are some really nice restaurants there), and we could just walk around, just a general hang out. Navy Pier as well!
  23. TBOHB


    +1 Very cool boi. You've finally decided to join as an official member heckin nerd. A: 10 M:10