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  1. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Rhododendron in Restore old forums   
    Work is continuing and it's gonna be a hard no for converting back.
  2. Are You Insane
    TBOHB reacted to FrostyBoiGrim in bagggel   
    I haven't seen any reason for you to be discord staff, but i haven't seen any reason for you to not be discord staff either
  3. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Egossi in bagggel   
    Why would you post this
  4. Sad
    TBOHB got a reaction from Reiki in Stepping Down from member   
    Perhaps I should provide some insight as to what is going on. I'm temporarily leaving xG to better my mental health. I've mentally become a very toxic person, as well as self depreciative (or something I don't like) and I need to find a way to better myself. My thought process is if I leave xG, it will act as sort of a catalyst to start to better myself as a person. I've talked with other people and have given my great ideas. But yes I do wish to step down from member @Aegean.
  5. Ding!
    TBOHB got a reaction from tree_ in My computer died :/   
    Did you try getting a new pc?
  6. Not Funny
    TBOHB got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in My computer died :/   
    Did you try getting a new pc?
  7. Blaze It
    TBOHB reacted to ProjectXenome in Denied Memership   
    Wish there was an actual web designer to create a real forums for this community. Having to go through 4 different pages and sift though a bunch of posts isn't really practical, but what can you really do.
    I'll make sure I have something prepared in terms of evidence in the future. I wasn't really using this post to call out any moment or person in particular rather as a general experience and my thoughts as of this moment. I enjoy this server still and I want it to get better, I think a lot of things could be changed for the better.
  8. Salty
    TBOHB reacted to ProjectXenome in Denied Memership   
    I was denied from being a member again after leaving, it's a shame. All I wanted to do was have fun on the server but as soon as something goes wrong you're thrown away. What happened was small compared to what I seen other members and even staff do and was never a problem with other users or even staff that were present. Not to deny their severity but the incompetence of some of the staff to attend to the matter during it is sorta ridiculous and leaves to a lot of miscommunication with what's acceptable. Even just me being present on the server and talking is taken with over exaggeration from a few users with claims of toxicity despite me never being outright toxic or even passive aggressive, how ever I seen plenty of staff and other members portray a worse tone. I know I could just reapply in 30 days but being denied a membership implies that you aren't wanted. That they're aren't wanted to be associated with this community, to have a stupid tag by your name or have a tag on the forums that almost nobody uses. I don't plan on leaving again and I'm not too bothered by it, but I just find it quite sad seeing as I spent so much time in the server and even donated, albeit small amounts.
    This just show's if you're someone new to the server and want to work your way up then you have to be perfect. Unless you're friends with anyone or not try to go against the grain only a little to have fun then you aren't really wanted here. You're better off not trying.
  9. Like
    TBOHB got a reaction from YoungLean in Popular jb maps   
  10. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Precious in Im just bored   
    hello hello hi yes hello hola hey hi greetings yes salutations hi hi hi yes good how are you?
  11. Make xG Great Again
    TBOHB got a reaction from Caleb956 in Popular jb maps   
  12. Furry
    TBOHB got a reaction from Tatost in Im just bored   
  13. Funny
    TBOHB got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Typing for Garrett980838   
    The young, depressed virgin Septik aka TBOHB thought to himself that the thirdperson is stupid and the voice inside your head should now sound like Morgan Freeman.
  14. Thinking
    TBOHB reacted to SegFault in DoDoman   
    I know its a meme but was that really necessary? one of our general rules bars religion and politics as people don't always agree ?
  15. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Rabid in Sponsor Megathread!   
    Posting this in all hello goodbye threads from now on, thank you for the inspiration 
  16. Eggplant
    TBOHB got a reaction from Kypari in What Is The Weirdest Spray You Have Seen?   
    1st one for me
  17. Like
    TBOHB got a reaction from Rabid in Sponsor Megathread!   
  18. Gross
    TBOHB got a reaction from Tatost in What Is The Weirdest Spray You Have Seen?   
    1st one for me
  19. Thinking
    TBOHB reacted to Owlknight_ in What Is The Weirdest Spray You Have Seen?   
    The weirdest spray I've seen was of some Sonic porn of Sonic and Tails raping that kid from Sonic X.
  20. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Red in What Is The Weirdest Spray You Have Seen?   
    please don't grave-dig old posts.
  21. Informative
    TBOHB reacted to kiriy in Server is being worked on.   
    I could try to help build the spawn if needed i would just need a building or little bit to show me the build style and id gladly help work on it ?
  22. Thinking
    TBOHB reacted to Geektopuss (the amazing team in Should the forms get a reply button   
    By this I mean for comments.
  23. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Elcark in Restore old forums   
    Just add dark theme. Problem solved.
    Actually what all is still missing besides hub at this point? If we even got a partially functional copy of the old version moved over it would be nice compared to lacking it entirely now but im not even sure if there is anything besides that still needing to be made.
    In terms of appearance though the new forums are deffinitly much easier on the eyes to navigate than the previous version. The old forums appearing like a hardly tangible cluttered mess kept me from trying to understand them at all for awhile but this more modern appearance so to speak is much more user friendly to new comers.
  24. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Tatost in Restore old forums   
    Hub is being worked on, so if that's what you want you just have to be more patient.
  25. Agree
    TBOHB got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Leaving the Clan   
    Nobody gives a poop about some stupid youtube comments man. That doesn't count as a reason to leave the clan in my book. You are always welcome back if you ever choose. And thank you for basically making the Minecraft Division what it is. Would never be possible without out you ❤️ (also United States best clan. we will never forget your house of torture and farm)