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Reputation Activity

  1. Boring
    hongkongatron reacted to Tatost in YeEternalTuna   
    he pretty much only plays surf, so you should go there if you want to see your knight in shining armor : )
  2. Agree
    hongkongatron got a reaction from Donakonda in Geektopuss (the amazing team   
    +1 good kid, always nice to everyone, have seen them around since a few months ago on FF2.
  3. Friendly
    hongkongatron reacted to Geektopuss (the amazing team in Geektopuss (the amazing team   
    In-Game Name
    geektopuss Division
    Team Fortress 2 Previous Member
    No Identity
    steamcommunity.com/profil Previously Banned
    No Time Active on Servers
    2 weeks Reason for Joining
    im just joining to help make xenogames servers a better place.thats it
  4. Winner
    hongkongatron reacted to LAN_Megalodon in Favoritism and Nepotism   
    "I know damn well I’m not the only one who feels like it’s just a bunch of friends gathering together to protect anyone in that circle and not caring about anyone outside of their groups input." 
    Everything in that thread was organized by three people if we want to talk about friend groups. I don't think Krampus is in the right there, I think I've done my best to express that, and the fact that we're kind of friendly towards each other doesn't change that, but it's extremely hypocritical for certain individuals to suggest that "friend groups" are the cause of someone's opinions on the matter when it's that individual and their friend group that orchestrated the whole gig, even rightfully so. 
    then there's displays of absolute genius like these
    "people are dog-piling their friends this isn't fair" 

    I don't really care who you are or what your stance on the precious-spray-matter is, all I ask is that people look at themselves for five bloody seconds before they claim that people are deciding issues based on whether an individual is in a friend group or not. 
    Self examination and nuance is not a particularly difficult feat. 
    The best part about those reactions is that there weren't even any negative ones until the thread was locked, which I was you know, going to point out (but locked thread xddd). If you want to make the case that there's some kind of cronyism or favoritism going on it's probably best to just give your friends a heads up to not instantly react positively to your thread, it makes the idea that you're being oppressed a whole lot more believable. 
  5. Random
    hongkongatron reacted to dr.derpy in Favoritism and Nepotism   
    Im going to come out aswell and say this is partially one of the reason's as to why i stopped playing on the server.
    I just felt like the entirety of xg developed into groups in which every group despised each other and would lead to people unfriending each other just because of slight issues with each other and no-one seemed to want to try and talk to each other to fix the issues.
  6. Boring
    hongkongatron reacted to Reptile in Favoritism and Nepotism   
    Elcark, you need to relax, you go on about holding staff to a high standard but losing your cool isn't exactly going to prove a good point if you can't keep yourself calm about this all.
  7. Make xG Great Again
    hongkongatron reacted to Brian in Favoritism and Nepotism   
    Can we have a serious discussion about the nepotism going on in this clan? It's absolutely absurd.
    Take this thread for instance...
    It's about an admin using a suggestive furry porn spray. I personally believe that this shouldn't be happening, especially by someone who represents power in the organization. One person, @NitNat offers this suggestion:
    He made a simple statement, and within five minutes, he got four replies and the thread was closed by the very same people he's referring to.
    It's the community right now. A lot of them don't want to admit it, but the best way to get moderator isn't to show that you're hard-working, constantly on the servers and reminding others of the rules, but instead get real close to the current administration until you've got a spot in their private discord, at which you're pretty much a shoo-in all the way to administrator. Nobody wants to admit it though, because if they did, the facade would crumble, and they would have to take responsibility for their actions. If you looked at XenoGamers in the past, the best way to get staff positions was to be hardworking. Now all you have to do is talk up admins, and if you're a furry, it helps.
    I'm really sad to see the dying division head down this path, but there's not much you can do besides look at them and laugh. Take what happened to me for instance. I changed my name to "tired of the tf2 badmins" and had the same group of people defending that it was justified, and not the clear overreaction it was. Was anybody punished for not obeying the handbook? Nope. I got my sentenced reduced to a day, even after the leader told them it was ridiculous.
    There's a reason I take breaks for months, and come back for a few weeks at a time. I enjoy playing TF2, but the community here has gone to poop with all the favoritism and staff taking things way to personally. I really hope yall can get on track with this. I'm tired of having to walk on eggshells, but if you can't handle some banter or even some lite playful trolling, then what the fudge are you doing being a mod in the first place. I refuse to acknowledge anyone that gets seriously angry about what a person says about them on the internet, especially if they have some semblance of power. Grow a thicker skin, or step down.
     I tried to put this as civilly as possible, and if the thread gets closed, then so be it.
    This is pretty much the last post I'll ever make on these forums anyway. Maybe a goodbye thread.
  8. Like
    hongkongatron reacted to Precious in Bias and hypocrisy   
    Might I just say, that Kass spray wasn't cropped like you believe, at least not much. I only cut a tiny bit off the bottom so I could remove an iFunny watermark and make the spray work for the spray format. What you see there is basically the full spray, no exposed donut hole or genitalia. However, I myself was confused by Krampus's decision to condemn your previous sprays and not mine. I was told by other staff that as long as a spray does not show exposed genitalia or exposed breasts, or properly censors those things, then it was allowed. That's why when Krampus told me no explicit nudity was allowed, I changed my spray immediately.
    While there probably was some bias and confusion in this situation, I think there's a bigger problem at large here. What really counts as an 'explicit spray'? Like I said, when I first became staff, I was told that as long as a suggestive spray was properly cropped and censored, it was allowed, but I've also been told by others, not just Krampus, that explicit nudity of any kind is not allowed, which is why I changed my spray. Frosty says your sprays were okay, and I didn't really have a problem with them (though your first spray is definitely pushing it), but Krampus said they weren't okay. I don't think bias is the only problem here, I think there needs to be more clarification on what kind of nudity can be allowed. 
    If someone takes a pornographic image that normally would not be allowed and properly censors it, is it still against the rules or not? I don't think this is something we can just leave up to staff discretion anymore, because that's how confusion like this happens. 
  9. Like
    hongkongatron reacted to LAN_Megalodon in Bias and hypocrisy   
    The editing on the first one isn't done particularly well enough imo, I think I can still see the lips through the blur, the second one should be fine though imo fair is fair. 
    I was on surf when this was going down but sprays were not working for a while for me, (I couldn't even see my own for a bit) so I had no idea what the issue was I only heard about it secondhand. 
    I can't actually tell what the fudge is going on in the spider one because it seems to be merely lineart, but if it is indeed an areola that should be a no-no from what I remember from my brief stint as mod, but idk it also looks like it could just reasonably be part of a larger stomach pattern.
  10. Thinking
    hongkongatron reacted to YeEternalTuna in Bias and hypocrisy   
    Admins In-Game Name: [xG:A] Krampus
    Admins STEAM-ID: STEAM_0:1:88632487
    Your In-Game Name: YeEternalTuna
    Your STEAM-ID: STEAM_0:1:56604228
    What server did this happen in?: TF2 Surf
    What exactly did the abuser do?: Showed bias towards sprays
    Did it affect other players?: Yes
    Explain the entire situation here:
    So around 10 on June 8th, I was playing on surf like normal and there were some sprays that got my attention that were somehow allowed to be sprayed, even though it broke the  spray rule.
    With this in mind I thought ''why not test something out'' and decided to find a picture of my own in order to test the bias of this whole spray thing. (with editing help from @NitNat ).

    First picture is mine and the other is one that was allowed by plenty of staff. As you can see the areola is quite large and visable while my image has the barbie doll censoring. My image was allowed by Frostyboigrim but denied by Krampus and I had thought it was really odd that they allowed butts to be shown and stuff like the spider oc pic but not my image so this is where my second experiment comes in with the help of @LemonVolt which involved a image found and edited by him.

    Again, going by the way Krampus worded his previous warning, butts were allowed so no problem right? Matt sprayed the shown picture and was immediately told to remove it. Krampus had stated that it wasn't allowed because ''its obvious that its a pornographic picture and you can tell whats under the sticker''. Matt had argued with that quoting krampus on how butts were allowed and was kicked for ''trolling''. He had explained it showed the entire body as well and too much of the butt. So my two brain cells sparked and I had remembered something from a few days ago that Precious slutboi had sprayed which means it HAD to be allowed right?

    This image was obtained from my tf2 files (where you find all the sprayed images within your tf2 game) and I had Lemonvolt spray it down to get Krampus's thoughts on it (I'm pretty sure you already know the outcome of this) and something quite odd happened...
    Now how is it that our spray (the image with the lemon censoring which I will refer as experiment #2) isn't allowed but the one of Kass is? It makes absolute no sense what so ever because its virtually the same exact thing but one is depicting a anthropomorphic bird man and the other is of a human female. It just screams hypocrisy and bias and as you can see when confronted he runs out of the little common sense he had left in him. Apparently ours is ''clearly taken from a pornographic image'' and just ''censored with a sticker'' even tho just by looking at the Kass picture you can TELL its cropped. The blind biased pass for the (kass) spray gets a pass when it’s clearly cropped nsfw. The (lemon censored) spray is set up exactly the same besides the fact that it’s a real person instead of a furry.
    Also Aegean has given me permission to put it in TF2 Discussion due to there being an error in the report abuse thread application.
  11. Sad
    hongkongatron reacted to Aegean in RIP to one of our first members   
    Unfortunately, we are here to say goodbye to one of our own, TrollFace aka Asa. Trollface was one of the original members of the community and one of the first higher ups alongside Silence. We found out of his death a few days ago from his girlfriend, and we'd like to formally give our condolences on the forums. XenoGamers would not be where it is today, if it wasn't for him. 
    I wish his family and loved ones all the best, and remember to always show your appreciation to your friends and family cuz you never know when they might be gone.
  12. Like
    hongkongatron reacted to Kypari in Remove trade_3d_land_v3 from TGH   
    Map will be removed
    - Closed
  13. Make xG Great Again
    hongkongatron reacted to BonfireCentipede in BonfireCentiped   
    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name
    Bonfire Identity
    STEAM_1:0:45286502 Position
    Administrator Time Active on Servers
    Over 4 years Information
    Howdy Doody Gamers,

    I have been admin before for xG twice and I would like to join the staff team again.
    The first time I stepped down was because of drama and the second time was because I lost all interest in tf2, but for the last months I have found new interest in playing tf2.
    I think I should be promoted straight to admin instead of moderator because I have already worked my way up to admin twice already, and I've helped alot of staff with server issues as a member.
  14. Agree
    hongkongatron got a reaction from Donakonda in Remove trade_3d_land_v3 from TGH   
    +1 the only time idiots ever rally everyone to go on the map is to kill the server.
  15. Optimistic
    hongkongatron got a reaction from Krampus in FF2 server ideas   
    no tag for me? : (  @Caleb956
  16. Feels Bad Man
    hongkongatron got a reaction from Elcark in FF2 server ideas   
    no tag for me? : (  @Caleb956
  17. Optimistic
    hongkongatron got a reaction from Caleb956 in FF2 server ideas   
  18. Boring
    hongkongatron reacted to Hushpuppy in hey quick question   
    fix jb kthnx bai
  19. Optimistic
    hongkongatron reacted to Thorax_ in Xeno Gamers New Youtube Channel   
    The new Xeno Gamers Youtube channel has been created!
    You can find the new channel here -> https://goo.gl/UKmi39
    Check out our first upload to the channel.  The video was submitted by @grap_grop.
    Please support the channel by subscribing and checking out the content.
    If you would like to submit a clip or video, send me a conversation with the file.
    Infromation in greater detail for submitting your clips will be added as a reply.
  20. Like
    hongkongatron reacted to Elcark in Objective Server Requests   
    A forced team scramble of some kind to happen every couple rounds is something I'd like to see worked out myself. I shot the idea around awhile ago, though i'm not 100% how it would work yet, if it even could. 
  21. Like
    hongkongatron reacted to Elcark in Objective Server Requests   
    So this may come as a surprise to people, but the objective based stock rotation server that was claimed to be started on months ago does actually exist and is still being worked on. Work did come to a standstill due to issues with plugins (I won't claim to know the full story) and the whole project was just swept under the rug, but now hopefully it can be revitalized and polished to be more properly completed. As it stands there are details being worked out, and the map pool will be based on those from the Payload, King of the Hill, and 5cp gamemodes.
    For those who remember the votes that were being done for what to be done with the server, others were planned but I scrapped them so polls wouldn't get too convoluted. Instead, This thread will exist for people to voice on details that they would like to see on the servers so we can get a better idea just what everyone would like. So do shout out anything you would like to see and give feedback on what others have suggested. 
    Previous threads for those interseted- here and here
  22. Like
    hongkongatron got a reaction from Thunder in FF2 and PlayPoints   
    All of these sound ideal whilst still having apparent drawbacks, though playpoints should definitely be revamped or removed altogether. The number of viable abilities in playpoints are so scarce, as many of them hardly even work, making it look even more outdated and underdone. I’ve dealt with Custom Weapons before in the past, and implementing them into the server would add an interesting and unique twist, though TF2Items seems like it has a lot of issues with it. If we’re gonna vote on any of these, my +1 is for Custom Weapons.
  23. Winner
    hongkongatron reacted to Bone in FF2 and PlayPoints   
    After recent discussions and a few threads/complaints on the FF2 server, I feel it's time we possibly part ways with using PlayPoints.
    What's PlayPoints? You may or may not be asking. Well, PlayPoints is our current player perk system in FF2, the one that gives the (sometimes working) extra powers to the players fighting the boss.
    Why do I think PP (PlayPoints) should be replaced? PP is an old, buggy plugin. How old? The last update was in 2013.
    The biggest issue being that a lot of the perks have been nerfed or removed, while a few that are still available are useless due to the plugin not being made specifically for this kind of gamemode. Even then, the ones actually usable can sometimes be considered "OP", "Annoying", or "Awful". Another major issue is that the bosses can sometimes use the powers meant for only the RED team, to the point where a few bosses' .cfg files have been changed to replace their class due to them getting "520 Scout" or "Hyper Heavy".
    I'm suggesting that we replace the current buggy and limited plugin to something similar or more complex, and have made a small list of suitable replacements while listing their pros and cons.
    TF2Items/TF2Attributes: This combination of plugins allows items with custom attributes to be made and automatically given to connected players who are using that specific weapon. Replace 520 Scout with a BFB that gives Scout 520 speed or replace Infinite Charge with a Chargin' Targe that refills it's meter quickly but does self damage.
    These plugins are already on our FF2 server Completely customizable      Automatically gives perks to the player using that specific weapon Players can use their own items Cons:
    Limited to TF2's default attributes (list here) Players can't choose if they want the perk or not when using a weapon with a custom attribute Can't recreate all current perks Custom Weapons 3: This plugin allows for completely new weapons to be created, using existing TF2 models or even new models. Like the previous plugins, this plugin applies custom attributes to weapons, but isn't limited to TF2's default attributes. The difference with this plugin though, is that weapons will have to be equipped before they can be used, and don't use existing items like the previous option.
    Can easily remake all current perks and then some Players won't need to possess a specific item for a certain perk they want Customization isn't limited to just attributes Special weapons can be limited to only one team Cons:
    Players will have to open a menu to equip an item with the perk they want Players using their own weapons won't get any special perks Perks will be bound to weapons And finally War3 (second link): This plugin is completely different from the other 2. Players choose a race and they get special abilities and even Ults based off of the chosen race. Players level up as they play, which makes their abilities even stronger. There's even a mini shop which allows players to buy items with credits they earn to give them an extra boost for a round.
    Leveling system keeps players coming back Can change races and abilities at any time Passive abilities and Ults gives players more options and different ways to play  Cons:
    Not even close to our current system Players will need to bind keys to +ability and +ult unless they want to type them in chat everytime This plugin uses individual plugins for each race  
    And... that's all I got for now. Of course we can simply stick to what we have, but it really limits players to a few useful classes, especially if more perks in PP get nerfed/removed.
    If you have suggestions for replacements, questions for the listed plugins, or ideas on bettering what we currently have, post 'em here.
  24. Like
    hongkongatron reacted to Bone in Remove Machine Slapping from FF2   
    If Machine Slapping is removed, we might as well remove the entire PlayPoints plugin. The majority of the powerups have either been removed or nerfed to a point where they're useless. If anything, we just need a replacement for what is an old, buggy, unsupported plugin
  25. Thinking
    hongkongatron got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Sera and Blaster wedding video   
    this is the worst wedding ive ever seen, mine and @Healix's was better