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Everything posted by Joyle

  1. +1 A friendly mod who seems to enjoy his role in the xG community, and I feel like he would make a great Admin. Keep up the good work Supreme (y)
  2. Just playing games with my friends, having laughs, and overall just having fun.
  3. +1 A: 9 M: 9 A newer person to the surf server, at least from what I have seen, and I could imagine that he will turn out to be a great member. He doesn't make rude comments as far as I know and he is calm and collected. He was at first confused with the Friend of xG and Member tags on the forums, but other than that mix up, he has done well on the server.
  4. For me, I was looking for a reliable surf server to learn on, and after 3 different kinds of surf servers, I found the xG surf server, where I found a fantastic community and people willing to help. I ended up befriending a lot of major characters on the server such as Vacindak and Quacks pretty fast, and after a chunk of time, I decided to join the community officially. You guys rock!
  5. Teleportation, I could visit a long distance friend easily.
  6. A friendly player who is not afraid to talk with his fellow players, and even though we already have tons of people who are able to be the same, it is always great to add more. A : 9 m : 7 +1
  7. I'm hoping my internet is fixed now, going through the weekend with terrible internet was painful enough.
  8. Internet won't be fixed until Monday, can't play without connection issues. :\
  9. In-Game Name: joylefehr Active Division: Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG: No Identity: Steam Community :: joylefehr Banned: No Teamspeak Account Synced: No Time Active on Servers: 13 days 6 hours Age: 15 Reasons for Joining: I have been playing for a while now and have not bothered joining until now. I enjoy the community here and I find people enjoy having me around. It just feels like I should join.