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DarkWolf6052 xG:F:DM - Counter-Strike: Source

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@@Warriorsfury if it was his first offense there would be no problem with a small mistake like that, it's his like 3rd or 4th time now, and he has been warned each time, thats the problem here.


What were the other times?

My abuse thread, Chrono's abuse thread, and I think there was one other time that I can try and find, and lets say I cant find the one I dont remember the topic of, This would be his 3rd strike

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@@Warriorsfury if it was his first offense there would be no problem with a small mistake like that, it's his like 3rd or 4th time now, and he has been warned each time, thats the problem here.


What were the other times?

each abuse thread, including shadowspy's. the ones you were so clear in attempting to ridicule me for NOT purposely trying to get evidence of it. perhaps you should pay attention to what you respond to instead of blindly giving a -1 because you are friends.

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@@Warriorsfury if it was his first offense there would be no problem with a small mistake like that, it's his like 3rd or 4th time now, and he has been warned each time, thats the problem here.

Didn't you hear? You have to be warned every time you start to mess up... YOU CANT SKIP A STEP BRO!!!!!

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Oh and I just want to point something out real quick

I was only going to give my opinion on this thread, but the DownSyndrome responses i'm seeing as to how this was right is outrageous. It blows my mind with the logic you guys are using. Especially the fact you don't even look through the evidence.

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I don't understand why I cannot point out that I DO NOT CARE if darkwolf gets demoted.


Abuse threads nowadays are useless considering everyone points the finger and says "You can't vote because your his/her friend!"

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I'll go ahead and sum up the "abuse" reports of Shadowspy, Chrono, Jacob


@@xShadowSpyx Darkwolf abused because he slayed me for doing something wrong and then didnt tell me what i did wrong for the third time after I argued with him over it...


@@Chrono Darkwolf gagged me cause I called him a nigger instead of warning me first.


@@Jacob Darkwolf kicked me instead of warning me so that I could stop for a few minutes and then continue being a troll

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he got kicked for trying to undermine a DM , gg he got kicked omg don't burn down the fucking house because he wasn't slapped on the wrist before being kicked.


you have downs shadowspyfaggot

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I'll go ahead and sum up the "abuse" reports of Shadowspy, Chrono, Jacob


@@xShadowSpyx Darkwolf abused because he slayed me for doing something wrong and then didnt tell me what i did wrong for the third time after I argued with him over it...


@@Chrono Darkwolf gagged me cause I called him a nigger instead of warning me first.


@@Jacob Darkwolf kicked me instead of warning me so that I could stop for a few minutes and then continue being a troll

Your point....? Darkwolf was still given a warning after each of those abuse reports, and should have received the message not to mess up any more loud and clear. This has been said so many times I don't understand how you still fail to comprehend this.

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I'll go ahead and sum up the "abuse" reports of Shadowspy, Chrono, Jacob


@@xShadowSpyx Darkwolf abused because he slayed me for doing something wrong and then didnt tell me what i did wrong for the third time after I argued with him over it...


@@Chrono Darkwolf gagged me cause I called him a nigger instead of warning me first.


@@Jacob Darkwolf kicked me instead of warning me so that I could stop for a few minutes and then continue being a troll

Your point....? Darkwolf was still given a warning after each of those abuse reports, and should have received the message not to mess up any more loud and clear. This has been said so many times I don't understand how you still fail to comprehend this.

My point is that these so called "warnings" darkwolf has received are for him doing his job better than any of you and some butthurt troll getting mad that his loop holing failed...

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@@Matsi pretty much sums up everything.

Honestly he skipped a step. Are you really going to demote him over a fucking step. I've done that multiple times where !gag fucks up. I understand we have rules and guidelines for a reason and 4 offences as small as a skipped step. does that really add up to something demoteable? Maybe 4 wrongfull bans but skipped steps?


I'm not -1ing or +1ing here. Just think. Is this maybe blown out of porportion?

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Why is everyone so mad? He is your friend warrior, and you have clearly blindly supported him, as evident in your first post here, as well as in the other threads. it is clear as day, however for EVERYONE friend or not of darkwolf, there is no reason to call people autistic, downsyndrome, retarded, etc.

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I'll go ahead and sum up the "abuse" reports of Shadowspy, Chrono, Jacob


@@xShadowSpyx Darkwolf abused because he slayed me for doing something wrong and then didnt tell me what i did wrong for the third time after I argued with him over it...


@@Chrono Darkwolf gagged me cause I called him a nigger instead of warning me first.


@@Jacob Darkwolf kicked me instead of warning me so that I could stop for a few minutes and then continue being a troll

He never answered me after I asked him how it was wrong on mine,showing he didnt handle it right. STRIKE 1 for the not handling situations right, and not going by the admin handbook

He didn't warn chrono for racism before gagging. Strike 2 for not handling stuff right and not going by the admin handbook.

This- He went STRAIGHT to kicking, without warning OR gagging. Strike 3 for not going by the admin handbook and not handling situations right.

I like how you didnt even look at the evidence before replying, and just going off of his word cus he's ur friend.


@@iRpx The shit I slayed you for was SO minor and stupid I forgot what it was. You didnt listen to what i told you when I said it was wrong, that doesn't make it a lie/BS excuse. I slayed you once so dont try saying "Every time I slayed you."

@@Rhoukar Gags NEVER mess up, like never unless you misspell their name, sometimes they do mess up, but rarely, and it's noticable when it does mess up. I can GUARANTEE darkwolf didn't try gagging, and I can say this being 99% sure of it. He doesn't like Jacob, thats why he went straight to the kick.

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