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Forge, Muzzle, Izanagi, Kendrick, Starmix, Moosty

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I'm going to state it out there, I stopped and that was that, I told Vector I stopped and he accepted that, A Teamspeak description? You serious? You brought that apon yourself when you tried to claim your top spot of mod. If the CLs see it necessary to kick me out, so be it.


I will add to this later.

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On another note, I have been aware of my rude behavior, Bach and Kbraszzle both told me about it and through this week I have improved, they can confirm on this.

@kbraszzz @TwoZeroFour

Hey I guess I better go back to normal muzzle or I'll get shot by the trade gaming history cartel. So I guess I have to act like a nice guy?

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Kendrick? he rated your post downswas prob because he disagrees with your ideas

not everyone has to agree with your ideas, not everything goes your way


That small post about your voice changer,like for real? that shouldn't be something to complain about

grow up


Forge is a little bit to harsh so srry D:


Izange is similar to forge a little to harsh



and how are you mod in the first place?

yeah your on the fourms

use your mic on the servers ?

do you go on TS?

do you even know our TS server address ?

go on other servers ?


now nothing against you kitty but your not fit for mod you only meet one of the requirements you afk most of the time i see you on trade servers.

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Alright, I'm going to give my opinion on this matter. I knew this issue couldn't last forever and action needed to be taken. The first point I'd like to say is that kitty becoming mod is not her decision. If you don't think she should have become mod than that's an issue you need to bring to the higher ups. Second of all, the disrespect is way too high and unacceptable. The TF2 xg community is pretty much crap right now due to this conflict. Kitty has presented a lot of evidence of disrespect and I will be surprised if nothing happens from this thread. I'm not going to +1 or -1 right now, but I think that the disrespect some people are showing Kitty NEEDS to stop. Its on a much higher level than other conflicts in the past. The users mentioned in OP definitely need a warning. Last thing I'm going to say is that I honestly don't care if literally everyone in TF2 hates me for not being against kitty. I'm going to stand by my opinion.

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Instead of writing a big massive essay on what the evidence shows about everyone, I'm just gonna keep this short and sweet.

Forge, Izangi, Muzzle, Starmix, Kendrick and Moosty: You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Cyber-Bullying like that? That is not welcome in any kind of gaming environment.

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I would like to give @DrLee, @Hidingmaster, @ThePenguin @diabeetus for conversations, as this issue it too big out for me to deal with this solely. During their investigation, I would like to be included in the conversations, as me running the TF2 divisons and deciding moderators and promos will cause bias towards my decisions.

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