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Darkwolf6052 - Counter-strike

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In-Game Name:


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Ban Type:

Server Ban


Well I've been convinced to finally appeal my ban from xG. I put Counter Strike as the division of ban even though I believe my ban is a server-wide ban after looking it up on the ban list.

My ban was set over two years ago on February 11, 2014. I don't plan to ever have that day repeat and highly regret every action of mine that led to me being banned permanently.

A lot of people might not remember me and some aspects of that are probably better that way. I did enjoy my time in xG before the entire February 2014 problem happened.


I'm asking to have my ban lifted and try to make a better impression in the community, considering how rough of a past I had here.



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+1 +1 +1. I miss my fuzzy friend. he was a great staff before one day he just couldnt handle it and slip. whats the worst that could happen by unbanning him long enough to see if he'll mess up again? i mean its been 2 YEARS now, I assume hes sincere and wont make the same mistake again. hope you get unbanned buddy <3

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-1 for reasons that I will submit later in another post to better inform those who are unfamiliar with DarkWolf's past history with Xeno Gamers (assuming no one else summarizes everything prior to my post).

I was hoping to sort of stray away from my past self. I want to start more new..

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No, Absolutely no way. What you did was completely unprofessional and damaged both the servers and your relationship with xG beyond repair. Some reasons as stupid as the CL position. On a personal note when i disagreed with him he and another user by the name of Foxxeh deleted my channel out of anger and @Chrono was kind enough to give me one in his. I mean his actions include destroying the servers in the position he was given (DL), disrespect/racism, and kicked out most members of staff in the admin steam group out of said group (thankfully poncher was able to get it back).




I mean here are the problems

Darkwolf - Counter-Strike: Source


I won't speak for Chrono on his opinion but look at all of this.


There was an admin discussion about his opinion on the CL position that i don't have on me because i wasn't an upper staff member at the time.


Also keep in mind he has yet to demonstrate any sort of attitude change, while i commend him for his attempt at trying to get unbanned, he hasn't contributed anything positive to the forums to support his arguments that he has changed.


Here's his original ban by @Gawd

Xeno Gamers


if i'm forgetting anything feel free to tell me because it was awhile ago however i was there for it and i was actually really good friends with him including @orangejuice


Good luck on the rest of the ban protest but i just can't see it happening -1.

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If this thread is about his ability as a staff member, without a doubt id keep him banned. If its based on his personality alone, i never had a problem with him until he became DL. I think the power just kinda got to his head a bit, as cliche as it sounds. I think we could give him a chance just as a player on the servers as all of his problems were staff-related issues, and i dont think anyone plans on giving him staff. If hes not unbanned then i dont blame those who make the choice, what he did was definitely overboard.

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If you actually cared enough about the community to want to be unbanned, you would've stayed around on the forums and gave some input. Since you made this post, I'm going to imply that you've had access to the forums for the entire length of your server bans. Coming back randomly after two years and immediately making a ban protest thread doesn't show that you've matured at all, or tried to be a part of the community, or learned from any of the mistakes you've made. -1

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If you actually cared enough about the community to want to be unbanned, you would've stayed around on the forums and gave some input. Since you made this post, I'm going to imply that you've had access to the forums for the entire length of your server bans. Coming back randomly after two years and immediately making a ban protest thread doesn't show that you've matured at all, or tried to be a part of the community, or learned from any of the mistakes you've made. -1

How would I have done anything as not being part of the community because of being banned? I couldn't have had much reputation on any server ideas, anything like that. I'm not asking to become a member. I'm not asking to become staff. I only want unbanned.

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I agree with shadowspy. NONE of what he did could be done as a registered NON member. hes not applying for a staff position, hes trying to repeal a two year standing ban that happened over one incident. yes, he did mess up big time, but one 30 second rash decision doesnt warrent 2 full years 24/7 living with the consequences. thats just my opinion, but he deserves the chance, atleast as a non staff he cant fuck up the server again..

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Without even mentioning everything he did in his abuse report, he deleted numerous server files for the CS:S Jailbreak server. Sadly the pastebin that had the conversation between you and hexx that described how you were going to delete shit has expired. Purposefully breaking shit on the servers as a final act of fuck you while being demoted is one of the few things that will actually keep you permanently banned. -1

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Seeing as how I am the one that reported you, I feel as if I should reply to this.

You were DL, you did jack shit as DL. You got demo'd for it. And out of immaturity, you decided "Hey! I'm just going to DELETE THE SERVER FILES." You also sat in JB and spied on people using Admin Stealth.


Then you have the nerve to come back here xD.


-1 xd

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