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New Slur To Consider

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Alright I finally got back to this. For context I'm an Autistic Person, and have previously been affiliated with a national Autistic Advocacy Organization. I've also done a bit of Lobbying in D.C. against a bill that would have given parents access to tracking their Autistic children via GPS in a way that violated the childs HIPAA privacy rights. You'll notice that I've exclusively used the word Autistic to describe myself and other Autistic people here, that was intentional. Most Autistic people prefer to be referred to that way. It's not an insult. We think logically, and it's just more correct. Autism isn't an appendage, or something I carry around with me, or something somehow separate from me being a person. It's a state of being that colors every experience and can't be turned off. So I just don't really trust a thread claiming to know what makes Autistic people more comfortable when they went beyond even the common "person with" or "has Autism" all the way to "suffers from", which is what people like me actually have much more of a problem with and want to stop. Autism isn't suffering. It's uncomfortable at times, and can put you in bad situations, but it isn't suffering. Calling it that just diminishes the positive qualities and experiences that Autistic people have and only leads to the general public pitying us rather than looking at us at equals, so let's stop with the "suffers from" talk.



As for the thread though, I don't see it as the biggest issue and seeing as I've already explained Autistic People preferring to be called such It's obvious I'm against outright banning the word. But seeing as the one driving principle of Disability Rights movement and Autism/Neurodiversity movement is "nothing about us without us" this decision should be made largely by the people it actually affects.

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Alright I finally got back to this. For context I'm an Autistic Person, and have previously been affiliated with a national Autistic Advocacy Organization. I've also done a bit of Lobbying in D.C. against a bill that would have given parents access to tracking their Autistic children via GPS in a way that violated the childs HIPAA privacy rights. You'll notice that I've exclusively used the word Autistic to describe myself and other Autistic people here, that was intentional. Most Autistic people prefer to be referred to that way. It's not an insult. We think logically, and it's just more correct. Autism isn't an appendage, or something I carry around with me, or something somehow separate from me being a person. It's a state of being that colors every experience and can't be turned off. So I just don't really trust a thread claiming to know what makes Autistic people more comfortable when they went beyond even the common "person with" or "has Autism" all the way to "suffers from", which is what people like me actually have much more of a problem with and want to stop. Autism isn't suffering. It's uncomfortable at times, and can put you in bad situations, but it isn't suffering. Calling it that just diminishes the positive qualities and experiences that Autistic people have and only leads to the general public pitying us rather than looking at us at equals, so let's stop with the "suffers from" talk.



As for the thread though, I don't see it as the biggest issue and seeing as I've already explained Autistic People preferring to be called such It's obvious I'm against outright banning the word. But seeing as the one driving principle of Disability Rights movement and Autism/Neurodiversity movement is "nothing about us without us" this decision should be made largely by the people it actually affects.

I dont disagree with you completely, but i think its different if youre just being addressed as autistic, rather than being called autistic while associating it with a stupid action or some other demeaning situation(i.e someone saying "Are you autistic or something?" when something dumb happens, directly associating autism with dumb stuff. It may not offend all, but it may offend some).


I feel like banning the word shouldnt really be a thing, but it still shouldnt be used in a way to make fun of others(which might even go along with the whole "No Disrespect" rule, making a new rule pointless, as it already relates to another).

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I'm confident a lot of people will disagree with me, but I feel as if nothing should be changed. If anything, treat it as saying "nigga" or "nigger". I haven't seen it used on JB in an offensive (by my definition, which is different than everyone else i'm sure) manor that would have gotten them a slap on the wrist from whoever (and by that I mean the word is barely ever said).


As for people not wanting to speak out, i'm honestly unsure what to do about that. Surely if it's used and said person got offended you'd see some sort of change in their behavior and be able to tell by that.


I don't know, I just feel as if things are getting too strict in terms of certain words being used. I don't want to see the day where people are getting offended, causing a HUGE issue about it, all because they were called a dork, then that word is blacklisted and enforced by a ten day ban, followed by fifty lashings in front of a minimum of ten community members and three staff for a minimum of three days.


Also I would like to also take this time to say IF YOU HAVE AN ISSUE WITH SOMEONE, GO. TO. STAFF. We will solve it as best we can, and update you as to what was done. Don't be scared, we won't turn you away no matter the issue.

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As I've stated, we will not be banning the word outright, and not treat it exactly like if people say nigge* or chin* but if people see others using autistic in a demeaning way towards others and or spamming the word we can just tell them that we don't want people to be uncomfortable. We won't be strict about it but acknowledge it's not encouraged in our servers.


I have friends with mild autism and as such I understand that if they are uncomfortable they don't talk about it, it's not because they are scared or worried and they wouldn't just randomly sound depressed that's part of the issue of the mental condition which is why if you read the previous posts @Warriorsfury you would know why this discussion is even taking place.

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As I've stated, we will not be banning the word outright, and not treat it exactly like if people say nigge* or chin* but if people see others using autistic in a demeaning way towards others and or spamming the word we can just tell them that we don't want people to be uncomfortable. We won't be strict about it but acknowledge it's not encouraged in our servers.


I have friends with mild autism and as such I understand that if they are uncomfortable they don't talk about it, it's not because they are scared or worried and they wouldn't just randomly sound depressed that's part of the issue of the mental condition which is why if you read the previous posts @Warriorsfury you would know why this discussion is even taking place.


I hate you sometimes.

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Honestly, I can see why this is an issue and can certainly commend those of you who are fighting to get proper enforcement on this sort of content; however, as with any other 'derogatory' word/slur, there are certain limitations on what should and shouldn't be censored.


My one and only grievance with this whole thing is the fact that people are treating the use of the phrase "autistic" or "autist" as an insult, when it really isn't. By choosing to censor or effectively ban the word, you're inadvertently supporting this stigma that being called "autistic" is a bad thing. So long as this isn't the case and Staff will just be keeping an eye out for the misuse of the term (IE. using the term in a mocking way or intending to use it as an insult) I can get behind regular enforcement of it.


That being said, since this is relevant to the topic at hand, Staff should also keep an eye out for any other derogatory or otherwise disrespectful banter including topics that may be sensitive to others on the Servers. This includes any other mental illnesses, recent (or even past) tragedies, etc; which should already be the case :coffee:

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The N word for instance more often than not offends no one


If anything, treat it as saying "nigga" or "n***er".


If you don't think people get offended by the hard R sit in a channel with @Phoenix a black community member, and see if he gets offended? Cause I sure as hell wouldn't just let that go. Just cause you frail white children are lashing out the word to each other doesnt mean people arent getting offended by it.

Hell I get offended by the word, It's a horrible word with a horrible meaning.

All though my opinion differ on the word "nigga" as I've used it probably since I was 12/13, in day to day life, doesnt matter if i'm talking to someone who's white,black,mexican, etc. I still use that word as I didn't grow up in the best school, just became a part of everyday lingo.


But if you think letting people get away with saying the hard R(in any context) is the same as calling some idiot an autist(not an actual autist mind you) your opinions differ very heavily than mine.

Edited by Rabid (see edit history)

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If you don't think people get offended by the hard R sit in a channel with @Phoenix a black community member, and see if he gets offended? Cause I sure as hell wouldn't just let that go. Just cause you frail white children are lashing out the word to each other doesnt mean people arent getting offended by it.

Hell I get offended by the word, It's a horrible word with a horrible meaning.

All though my opinion differ on the word "african" as I've used it probably since I was 12/13, in day to day life, doesnt matter if i'm talking to someone who's white,black,mexican, etc. I still use that word as I didn't grow up in the best school, just became a part of everyday lingo.


But if you think letting people get away with saying the hard R(in any context) is the same as calling some idiot an autist(not an actual autist mind you) your opinions differ very heavily than mine.

We may not see eye to eye but I appreciate your impute, so thank you.

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xG already has a no disrespect rule. If someone is being offended by a derogatory term that is said towards them, that person can always notify staff in admin chat.


"Autistic" or any varient of the word should not be restricted due to the simple fact it will lead to restricting every little thing that offends people or that people find disrespectful. This is why the disrespect rule was put in place among other reasons to cater to such situations.

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xG already has a no disrespect rule. If someone is being offended by a derogatory term that is said towards them, that person can always notify staff in admin chat.


"Autistic" or any varient of the word should not be restricted due to the simple fact it will lead to restricting every little thing that offends people or that people find disrespectful. This is why the disrespect rule was put in place among other reasons to cater to such situations.

I defiantly see your point, thank you for sharing your views.

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Alright well I think this topic is over and done with, as no one is adding anything more to the conversation then what has already been said. People keep mentioning that we shouldn't ban the word outright or not let people say autist or autism which isn't what we proposed at all, so you guys don't need to worry.


@Rabid I dunno why you're acting like you have a 0 tolerency for the N word all of a sudden when Mince says FUCK YOU NIGG*R sometimes as a joke in our channel and we all laugh and you've never once opened your mouth about it, or all the racist shit we used to say to Jerome as a joke? All of a sudden the other people are frail little white children who don't care about people they offend and they just sling the N word around? Give me a break. Also you're saying exactly what they were trying to discuss, calling an idiot an Autist (when there are legitimate people diagnosed with autism) because you are insulting that said idiot is demeaning to people with autism and that is what this whole conversation is about. You are using their mental condition as a form of insult. I'm not saying by any means I have not used autistic in the past as an insult towards others but that is why this conversation is good to have.


Our disrespect rule in my opinion protects our members quite well, and I will discuss with the higher-ups and also be pretty active in our TF2, CS:GO and Minecraft division servers and see if there is an issue, and if I do find something or hear something from the other staff then we can bring this topic to light again at another time. I appreciate everyone's feedback, and just a little message to everyone, when there are differing opinions, you can give feedback after putting yourself in the other person's shoes instead of thinking your way is the only way.



Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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