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Change The Application System

Make -1's matter by making them remove a +1?  

28 members have voted

  1. 1. Make -1's matter by making them remove a +1?

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It has come to my attention that in applications -1's do not have an affect on the individuals +1's at the time, this to me seems extremely dumb as it stops the individual from being denied in xG so long as they get 5 +1's, even if they get 5 -1's! So, I'm proposing a change to the application system.


I suggest we make it so -1's actually affect the individuals ability to get into xG by making it so it will remove a +1 if they receive a -1, this makes it much more fair on those who do not feel the individual should be allowed to join, meaning their opinion actually has an impact on the application!




@Aegean @Rhododendron @Bleed

@Rejects @Bello @Lithium @SuperMaddud @Vertex


(Anyone can vote on this, just an FYI.)

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Right now there's literally no point into -1ing someone apart from letting people know you don't like them, and potentially making people change their mind about +1ing.


But if someone is going to +1 someone anyway it won't change their opinion. Especially if the people are both friends.

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Wait, as far as I know that's how it already works, lol.

I thought -1s always mattered ever since I joined this clan 3 years ago - what makes you think otherwise?

In case I'm actually wrong here, then hell yeah. Make them matter again, anything else would be absurd.

Edited by Bello (see edit history)

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i believe it is and has been how it worked always, but at some point one of the higher ups (i believe @Ohstopyou, not sure tho) suggested to change that rule along with the age limit at some point and that has been like some sort of an unspoken rule in a buncha people's minds ever since

+1 to put it back there

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Wait, as far as I know that's how it already works, lol.

I thought -1s always mattered ever since I joined this clan 3 years ago - what makes you think otherwise?

In case I'm actually wrong here, then hell yeah. Make them matter again, anything else would be absurd.

Reference to Squid's Member Application shows that they don't mean much.

I remember being told this was a rule ages ago and I always thought it was silly. +1

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I mean -1s matter. I do see where this thread is coming from though. Steven got a few -1s when applying to cs:go about issues that are way more evident now since he is comfortable with everyone. At the time I felt that those -1s were underwhelming.


However I don't think an accumulation of -1s should deny entry of someone into the clan. xG shouldn't be an exclusive club, especially since we're just a gaming community. Making it so that -1s have the ability to flat out deny someone from the clan is in fact ridiculous, I am very aware of clicks in this clan. With that being said if one person is not exactly friends with one click in the clan they can come together and -1 said person.


Lastly, this is just my opinion. However if this were to be implemented into member applications then there needs to be a higher limit for -1s. Possibly 150% or more of the total required votes to get in.

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However I don't think an accumulation of -1s should deny entry of someone into the clan. xG shouldn't be an exclusive club, especially since we're just a gaming community. Making it so that -1s have the ability to flat out deny someone from the clan is in fact ridiculous

if we stuck to that logic we would also just remove applications for membership and make it so that whoever registers gets instant membership and we'd also allow everyone to wear the xG tag

that's not the case, imo cause we put a meaning behind membership and again in my very personal opinion, reducing the required amount of vouches, lowering the age limit, nullifying -1's etc. is doing nothing more than removing the meaning of membership


i mean i have been fine with any changes in the age limit, any changes in the vouch requirements and all that but removing the power of -1's is one thing i genuinely disagree with


Lastly, this is just my opinion. However if this were to be implemented into member applications then there needs to be a higher limit for -1s. Possibly 150% or more of the total required votes to get in.

i believe the suggestion is that we make it so that every single -1 cancels out one +1, idk what you mean here

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It has come to my attention that in applications -1's do not have an affect on the individuals +1's at the time, this to me seems extremely dumb as it stops the individual from being denied in xG so long as they get 5 +1's, even if they get 5 -1's! So, I'm proposing a change to the application system.


I suggest we make it so -1's actually affect the individuals ability to get into xG by making it so it will remove a +1 if they receive a -1, this makes it much more fair on those who do not feel the individual should be allowed to join, meaning their opinion actually has an impact on the application!




@Aegean @Rhododendron @Bleed

@Rejects @Bello @Lithium @SuperMaddud @Vertex


(Anyone can vote on this, just an FYI.)



Pretty sure this is how it has been.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Wait, as far as I know that's how it already works, lol.

I thought -1s always mattered ever since I joined this clan 3 years ago - what makes you think otherwise?

In case I'm actually wrong here, then hell yeah. Make them matter again, anything else would be absurd.

^see above

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It's kind of up to the person that closes the application to accept it honestly. I had always read over the -1s and if they were troll posts/no context provided ignored it in my tally, but if there was context to it or a reason then I counted it. and that's how my fellow CSGOers and old CSSers did it. I didn't know that it was ever any other way where -1 was ignored or -1 was taken as a reason to close an app.

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If they do not affect the +1s that are present it is basically an obsolete feature.

Unless it is taken into consideration by different people through different prespectives; either way that should be how they work.

I do not know if I can vote on this poll or not, but it said anyone can vote so yeah I agree +1

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if we stuck to that logic we would also just remove applications for membership and make it so that whoever registers gets instant membership and we'd also allow everyone to wear the xG tag

that's not the case, imo cause we put a meaning behind membership and again in my very personal opinion, reducing the required amount of vouches, lowering the age limit, nullifying -1's etc. is doing nothing more than removing the meaning of membership


i mean i have been fine with any changes in the age limit, any changes in the vouch requirements and all that but removing the power of -1's is one thing i genuinely disagree with



i believe the suggestion is that we make it so that every single -1 cancels out one +1, idk what you mean here


I'm actually so confused.

I kind of just glanced at the original post and after thoroughly reading it I'm still confused because that is how member applications currently work.


To get accepted you need X amount of upvotes, any downvotes negates an upvote. What I originally got from OP is that after a certain amount of downvotes you just get declined.


Anyone who accepted an applicant without following the criteria above is an idiot.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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