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It's time

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So I'm leaving xG. I bet a lot of you are thinking "Oh boy, here comes some juicy drama", well then prepare for disappointment.

For about a year now, I've felt weird. I felt like something was off whenever I joined and played (what little I could) and I just couldn't pin down what it was. Today, it suddenly came to me, it's not 2013/2014 anymore. The community just doesn't feel like it did when I first started playing, or even when I came back in 2015. A lot of people would argue that xG used to be better. Some would say xG is better now than it's ever been. I just say it's different. It's not any better, it's not any worse, just different. Players and Staff have essentially rotated and have been replaced with newer people, and along with the rotation so has the general attitude on the servers. While that's not a bad thing, it's just not what I grew accustomed to.

For a while now, I've attempted to keep what little of the xG I knew intact, by trying to keep rules the same, revert things to how they were, but realized that I'm the only one who wants it that way. Everyone says they remember when xG was at it's peak, but they'll all give you a different answer on when that was. For me it was when I first started playing, back when there was a specific group of us who would play on VSH. Problem is, the majority of those people are gone now, and due to that I've been becoming increasingly bitter towards the community because "it's not old xG, not how I remember it".

But it wasn't really so much xG changing as it was me refusing to go along with it and clinging to how it was nearly 5 years ago with a completely different group of people. The biggest issue for me though was when @Bello stepped down from DL. Someone who was Staff for as long as I could remember, and someone I considered one of the best Higher-ups we'd ever had in the TF2 Division. For some reason I felt like because of that the community would start going to hell with all these strange new Staff members wanting to come in and ruin the community. This almost made me feel contempt for the community, simply because they wanted to change a few things or acted differently. I couldn't even read half of the discussions on Discord without feeling like I was gonna have an aneurysm. Again, this was essentially me fabricating problems and overreacting to small amounts of drama I'd see unfold, becoming unnecessarily disappointed with our new Higher-up roster for really no reason.

It wasn't until earlier today when I reacted to a post in a way I don't feel I normally would. It doesn't really help the fact that I was also wrong. After re-reading a lot of what I wrote, I realized I was reacting in a way I didn't like, based on the fact I didn't like the Higher-up because we had small issues before and because he's new to his position. So I came to the conclusion that I should simply remove myself from the community before I cause any real issues or divisions. 

I really don't want to leave, since I consider xG to be a bit of a home for myself, as dysfunctional as it may be sometimes, but I can't really have a home I feel borderline disdain for.

I'd like to apologize to @Elcark for essentially telling him that he's not fit for his position while simultaneously being horribly incorrect myself.

I'd also like to thank @virr and @Aegean for just being helpful in general and pulling the TF2 Division out of some tight spots sometimes. For anyone else who may have viewed me as a friend during my time in the community, thank you.

I don't know if I'll ever return to xG, but if I do, I'd hope you guys would welcome me without pitchforks and torches.


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Totally understand, I've been fortunate that the people I met in xG that I became friends with in the early years have stayed around me so it hasn't been an issue of new people coming in and old people going out. 

Thank you for all the help you've given xG as a whole throughout your stay. Despite you wanting to leave, you'll always have a spot in xG even if you don't want to be an actual member.

Best of luck with wherever you go, and I hope you stay in touch.


Edited by Aegean (see edit history)

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40 minutes ago, Kypari said:

book of xG legends.

is there a section for toxic eight-year-old girls? I'd like to sign up.

also, rip @Bone one of the few people who I don't dislike. Sucks that you have to leave because you didn't want to cause problems.

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cya dude. you the newfag of sponsors. real talk though, people come and go, things change. such is the way of life. some oldies stay some go, some newbies rise, some dont.

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You are one of the people on xG that I wish I knew better. Going off of what @Kypari said, you definitely go down in the Book of xG Legends. I wish I was on this server when I started playing TF2 and not the one I stuck myself with for 2 years.

But there is definitely going to be a big hole to fill with you gone now. Thank you for everything you have done for the community.


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Rip I'm sorry to see you go man, we've had some good times in the past on deathrun and other servers and I will miss your skeletal voice

Hope to see you again in the future man

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I wish you good luck on your future endeavors, you orgasm-indusing voicebox you.


Seriously, Thank you for your monthly contributions to our community. We definitely couldn't have made it this far without your extreme generosity.

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