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    I was playing pkmn trade with a few lads and I noticed a few people talking about furry related stuff on the server and I responded with this..


    I was dick around with most of pokemon trade players by telling elusion to shut up furfag then a few minutes passed where i would say suck my dick in chat for shit and giggles and precious just gags me then he would immediately ban me for changing my name to suck my dick.

    I personally don't think this was perm worthy or was even justified a ban for saying 


    and changing my name to suck my dick furfag but when other people literally say the exact same shit i say no punishment comes their way cause apparently of my history. He should had just had me gagged and left it at that. No one took me seriously on pkmn trade during that time and couple regulars and member taught it was an unnecessary ban.

    No one was offended by anything I said and literally everyone uses the word "furfag" literally everyone says it nor "suck my dick" I wasn't even calling anyone out when saying it..


Edited by Red (see edit history)

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To be fair, if an admin gags you and you start changing your name to get around it that's mute/gag evading in a way, I dunno if that's really perm worthy (maybe it is for TF2? /shrug) but considering you've been banned in the past for such things - disrespect, toxicity, etc - I can understand a perm.. I don't agree, but I understand.


Even if you don't think anyone is offended by something you say (even if everyone else is saying it), there may be someone that isn't speaking up about it because they may be afraid that it will get them bullied further. Think about what you say before you say it, especially like the first screenshot - calling someone a weirdo can really affect someone, especially if their self-conscious is already low. Even if you think they're just being 'sensitive,' remember it's another person on the other side of the screen that is going through potentially a completely different experience in life than you are. What you might think is funny to say could be incredibly hurtful to someone else, and I hope everyone can recognize that.

Edited by Bonk
less harsh wording (see edit history)

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1 minute ago, Bonk said:

To be fair, if an admin gags you and you start changing your name to get around it that's mute/gag evading in a way, I dunno if that's really perm worthy (maybe it is for TF2? /shrug) but considering you've been banned in the past for such things - disrespect, toxicity, etc - I can understand a perm.. I don't agree, but I understand.


Even if you don't think anyone is offended by something you say (even if everyone else is saying it), there may be someone that isn't speaking up about it because they may be afraid that it will get them bullied further. Think about what you say before you say it, especially like the first screenshot - calling someone a weirdo can really affect someone, especially if their self-conscious is already low. Even if you think they're just being 'sensitive,' remember it's another person on the other side of the screen that is going through potentially a completely different experience in life than you are. What's funny to you could be incredibly hurtful to them, and you'd do well to keep that in mind. 

I do understand that, but I tried to stop being generally toxic but when people are saying weird stuff they'll generally get a bad reaction from most of the players in the community but I find it weird when he mention this


but I was warned and gagged but I didn't get kicked then he would immediately ban me. If I was kicked I probably would had just left it on that or just chilled out. 



anyway I might do report abuse thread in the near future.



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That was quick.

First, I would like to say that I warned you to stop in chat and you kept going. Don't believe me?image0.jpg

It was clear that they didn't like that you said that to them, and when I told you to stop, you responded disrespectfully, so I gagged you. Simple.

Then, after being warned and gagged for being disrespectful towards others, you decide to disrespect people again by changing your name to 'suck my dick'. That doesn't sound like you were joking to me. Continuing to cause trouble after already receiving punishment will usually result in a ban.

To those of you who think this is strict, let me tell you the order of how staff are supposed to deal with these things: 1. Warn the person to stop, 2. Mute/Gag/Kick depending on the offense. Then, if they persist and continue to cause problems, then 3. You ban them accordingly. And it just so happened that you have been banned numerous times before and this time it was a perma. This is what most of the staff do. I'm not being strict, I'm doing my job. Might I also add that you were given chances to stop. I warned you and you still were disrespectful towards me and others on the server. I gagged you and you still tried to start trouble. I wasn't being strict, you just don't know when to quit.

I seriously doubt you were just kidding around with that person, because you would've been smarter than to continuously disrespect me after I warned you and gave you chances to stop. You've had several chances in the past to shape up and change your behavior, but you've kept going. Same disruptive behavior every time. And it just so happens this time your ban is permanent. So sorry s1x, but you've had more than enough chances to improve. You can point fingers at everyone else, but the fault lies entirely on you.


Edited by Precious
sorry left a typo in don't @ me (see edit history)

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34 minutes ago, Precious said:

And it just so happened that you have been banned numerous times before

Actually, before I look into this more tomorrow, I would like to point out, he has only been banned once before (https://bans.xenogamers.com/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=STEAM_0:1:52947739&Submit) not numerous times, and that focused mostly on racism and trolling (disrespect did come into play however)


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6 hours ago, Precious said:

That was quick.

First, I would like to say that I warned you to stop in chat and you kept going. Don't believe me?image0.jpg

It was clear that they didn't like that you said that to them, and when I told you to stop, you responded disrespectfully, so I gagged you. Simple.

Then, after being warned and gagged for being disrespectful towards others, you decide to disrespect people again by changing your name to 'suck my dick'. That doesn't sound like you were joking to me. Continuing to cause trouble after already receiving punishment will usually result in a ban.

To those of you who think this is strict, let me tell you the order of how staff are supposed to deal with these things: 1. Warn the person to stop, 2. Mute/Gag/Kick depending on the offense. Then, if they persist and continue to cause problems, then 3. You ban them accordingly. And it just so happened that you have been banned numerous times before and this time it was a perma. This is what most of the staff do. I'm not being strict, I'm doing my job. Might I also add that you were given chances to stop. I warned you and you still were disrespectful towards me and others on the server. I gagged you and you still tried to start trouble. I wasn't being strict, you just don't know when to quit.

I seriously doubt you were just kidding around with that person, because you would've been smarter than to continuously disrespect me after I warned you and gave you chances to stop. You've had several chances in the past to shape up and change your behavior, but you've kept going. Same disruptive behavior every time. And it just so happens this time your ban is permanent. So sorry s1x, but you've had more than enough chances to improve. You can point fingers at everyone else, but the fault lies entirely on you.



You only specified "in chat" so I'll assume you mean you warned in text only. You have to warn both verbally and textually, I learned that the hard way a while back when I banned someone who muted voice chat and was breaking rules. You apparently didn't even kick the guy, so that's an even bigger red flag (haha get it?). Jumping straight to a permanent ban only after one previous ban is kind of bullshit.

6 hours ago, Red said:

"suck my dick" I wasn't even calling anyone out when saying it..


6 hours ago, Precious said:

continuously disrespect me


Edited by Tatost
cut out the image what the FUCK (see edit history)

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6 hours ago, SegFault said:

Actually, before I look into this more tomorrow, I would like to point out, he has only been banned once before (https://bans.xenogamers.com/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=STEAM_0:1:52947739&Submit) not numerous times, and that focused mostly on racism and trolling (disrespect did come into play however)


The system is Warn -> Kick -> Hour Ban -> Day Ban -> Week Ban -> Month Ban -> Perm. No kicks are in between the bans after the very first kick and the reason for the ban has to correlate to the previous bans. Red is a special case since he went straight to month ban due to this thread:


I made it very clear what would happen in the event of disrespect again. You have definitely improved your attitude on servers but clearly it's not enough since you are banned again.


I don't want you to be banned because I think you're a cool guy but if this was any other person then you would be permed unfortunately, so it's a -1 from me. Hoping you do a ban challenge.

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Let me just start off by saying I'm pretty upset to see this. I consider Red a pretty good friend but I feel as though I must give my non-biased thoughts on this topic.

Here are the chatlogs as some things have been missed (Kypari is posting this too but it depends on who finishes their post first ?948c901d07b59d60ad61c9a920189d40.png


As seen in this evidence, there was definitely an attempt to stop Red and Red continued. I must elaborate on what Bonk has said and say that in situations like these, it doesn't matter if you think what was said wasn't offensive, but if the receiver is made uncomfortable on our servers then it becomes an issue. I can't express that enough. For example, as much as I disagree with the offensiveness of this, there is a situation where a player called Hype constantly got called smelly and he got upset by it. Even though I and many others think it's ridiculous, if we're attacking someone with something that is clearly upsetting someone, then you're in the wrong.

1 hour ago, Tatost said:

You only specified "in chat" so I'll assume you mean you warned in text only. You have to warn both verbally and textually, I learned that the hard way a while back when I banned someone who muted voice chat and was breaking rules. You apparently didn't even kick the guy, so that's an even bigger red flag (haha get it?). Jumping straight to a permanent ban only after one previous ban is kind of bullshit.



Also, regarding you saying that their ban being a straight up perm being unfair, I understand. However, if we were to ban someone for a month for disrespect and then later ban them for a day for doing the exact same thing, the whole banning system is meaningless. If the ban reason for Red had been, for example, exploiting, the ban would go back to 1h > 1 day >1 week > 1 month > perm. Different reasons for bans, in most cases, are not related.

I think the problem here is knowing when to stop. Of course, you expected a kick, but unfortunately things are a bit more complicated here and repeat offenders don't get a kick. The name changing to avoid gag, in my opinion, was the nail in the coffin.

In conclusion, ban was justified. Precious followed the system and I hate to say this but all staff members would've done the exact same thing. I hate to see you banned though man, so I'm just gonna link you the unban challenge thread.

All the best, mate.


(be the first to do the scooby doo challenge)

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They followed what they were supposed to do and (like many other people have said) any other person would have been permed. 

I would just take the L and do an unban challenge, The pizza one seems really fun =D and you can stay on the servers with us. 

Good luck though with the rest of your protest.

47 minutes ago, Goblins said:

I was going to type something out, but it's not worth it.

+1 for unban or shorten the ban length.

Putting more evidence will make your viewpoint a lot stronger and more reasonable, its always worth it to give at least something.

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3 hours ago, Tekage said:

Let me just start off by saying I'm pretty upset to see this. I consider Red a pretty good friend but I feel as though I must give my non-biased thoughts on this topic.

Here are the chatlogs as some things have been missed (Kypari is posting this too but it depends on who finishes their post first ?948c901d07b59d60ad61c9a920189d40.png


As seen in this evidence, there was definitely an attempt to stop Red and Red continued. I must elaborate on what Bonk has said and say that in situations like these, it doesn't matter if you think what was said wasn't offensive, but if the receiver is made uncomfortable on our servers then it becomes an issue. I can't express that enough. For example, as much as I disagree with the offensiveness of this, there is a situation where a player called Hype constantly got called smelly and he got upset by it. Even though I and many others think it's ridiculous, if we're attacking someone with something that is clearly upsetting someone, then you're in the wrong.



Also, regarding you saying that their ban being a straight up perm being unfair, I understand. However, if we were to ban someone for a month for disrespect and then later ban them for a day for doing the exact same thing, the whole banning system is meaningless. If the ban reason for Red had been, for example, exploiting, the ban would go back to 1h > 1 day >1 week > 1 month > perm. Different reasons for bans, in most cases, are not related.

I think the problem here is knowing when to stop. Of course, you expected a kick, but unfortunately things are a bit more complicated here and repeat offenders don't get a kick. The name changing to avoid gag, in my opinion, was the nail in the coffin.

In conclusion, ban was justified. Precious followed the system and I hate to say this but all staff members would've done the exact same thing. I hate to see you banned though man, so I'm just gonna link you the unban challenge thread.

All the best, mate.


(be the first to do the scooby doo challenge)

You kind of skipped the part when I pointed out that @Precious said they only warned in text chat. I know for a fact that it is required to give both verbal and textual warnings, and @Red was only warned in text chat.

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